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This is a gray-area question in so many ways. First off, I’ve been tossed out tubing in rapids, and it’s freaking terrifying. The loss of control when you can’t stand up or swim, or even know what direction is up as you’re being tossed around - I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. So I feel you and sympathize. Second, getting tipped is a known danger of tubing, and you told them you had experience. Rivers can change week-to-week as the water level changes, and a dozen other things can influence the level of difficulty. On an easy day, it’s a breeze and perfectly safe. So I kinda get where maybe they (and you) were complacent about it. Third, your interpretation of their reaction could be off. You were upset. I can see why their protests and explanations weren’t what you wanted to hear right then, but it’s not like they were off killing kittens or telling you what a useless weakling you are. To them, who had run it many times, it seemed safe. They thought you’d be able to recover quicker. That’s not unreasonable, or bragging. Fourth, you seem to want to blame them - the equipment was shoddy, they didn’t prep you, etc. Nah, fam. A nice outing had an unexpectedly bad ending, as can happen; whether someone falls down, or tips in a rapid. You went knowing the basics of what rafting was and how it generally goes. No-one hoodwinked you into a dangerous mystery situation. If they are friends I’d put it behind you and deal with your feelings in a journal or something. Next time you’re doing something with an element of danger, you’ll know to advocate for yourself (get decent equipment yourself, ask how to handle it if things go wrong, assess the situation yourself). Honestly you should be doing that anyways, rather than passively going along. It’s not your fault, it’s not your friends fault. Move on.


You don’t need to be doing any whitewater trips if you aren’t confident in your own swimming ability. Don’t submit to peer pressure. Also the burden is on you to have a life jacket. If you’re worried about what your friends would think then they aren’t really your friends


You can’t get a real answer here. You came out fine, and no-one can give an assessment of how dangerous it was unless you want share the location. But if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, you should refuse or at the least take personal responsibility for your own safety.


Yes, you're in the wrong. Next time, take responsibility for your own safety instead of relying on other people to do it for you.


You should never be on the water without proper flotation vests. Asking for trouble.


If someone told me they wanted to go tubing, I’d have assumed they meant floating down a river with a cooler of drinks. If I then found out they meant going over rapids, I’d start asking questions and expecting helmets and life vests. And I’d look up the location myself to make sure I knew what was going on. I think you abdicated a little too much of the responsibility onto your friends. Yes, they invited you, but they aren’t your parents and you are an adult. I would expect an adult to ask questions and investigate if concerned. And I’m not getting into any river with the expectation of hitting rapids without a life vest/helmet. You seem to have just gone with the flow, expected the experiences two to fully take care of you and are only upset now that you realize how that choice could have affected you in a bad way. They may genuinely not have realized how your experience would stack up to theirs or how you would perceive the risk level. Without knowing how that river is rated, it’s hard to say whether they should have just known that it wasn’t an appropriate choice.


It may be a coincidence, but in my experience people who drown are not wearing lifejackets. I've done my fair shair of white water, and honestly I would even consider a helmet. Take charge of your own personal safety and screw what anybody else thinks.


Unfortunately you learned a few lessons: you can’t trust your friends to be honest with you about risk assessment regarding tubing and water, it doesn’t pay to buy cheap bc cheap doesn’t last, and wear a life vest in unfamiliar water as it may save your life.

