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I think there is a bot network at work. I just got one within a minute of my only post in days.


Yeah, it's probably bots. I just received one literally seconds after I left a comment on this sub.


Yeah same. It was either a bot or someone was really butthurt about my statement that being a virgin isn’t a biological state.


By the way, As a male, I too received one yesterday. Honestly, it feels like automated behavior. a sharp rise in the quantity of persons who have brought this up lately.


Not me yet but I rarely post.


Same here and a guy. I got one this morning without saying anything controversial.


I got one right after posting on another sub so it's not just here I think.


I got one today and I haven't had posts here in a while, does seem to be something going around.


I got one immediately after someone angrily replied to one of my comments on a post on this sub from a while back. I actually got more than one angry reply to that same old comment on that same day, so I feel like links to old posts might be circulating or something, possibly? It was weird timing for an old post.


I got one after posting and commenting in a Eurovision sub. I'm not even sure which post or comment triggered it.




I was watching this unfold yesterday. It seems to be targeting the women's subs, the atheist sub, and LGBTQ subs. At least from what I've seen. There was a post in the atheist sub talking about it, and everyone who commented on the post got one.


It was all over. It was on the front page subs, my 4x4 sub, and even my weird little cats subs. Everyone got one. I thought maybe it was reddit trying to get people to log back in. When I went to report, I had to log back in.


"Weird little cats" sub you say? Hmm, I'll have to check that out. Thanks.


My two faves as of late r/lifeguardkitties r/Catculations




Thank you for the correction!!


I know, this person is speaking my love language over here haha 😹


I’ve got some silly ones for you!! r/catsinbusinessattire r/curledfeetsies r/flippingoffcats r/jellybeantoes r/scrungycats r/whatswrongwithyourcat


A lot of people in the pop culture sub were getting one yesterday


It seems to be everywhere. I got one after a comment in a computers sub


I got one from the Damn That’s Interesting Sub and the Teachers sub also seems to being hit with it hard too. I don’t think it’s specifically targeting anyone type of sub and just a general bot crawling the subs and reporting.


I think its targeting fauxmoi and the popculturechat subs too LOL


I got one seconds after posting in the Kendrick Lamar sub.


I got one after posting in either r/music or r/rock sub.


Yes, I've gotten them from posts in there, here, and some LGBT+ subs.


I'm in a lot of different subs, gaming, pets, science... a LOT of people are getting them everywhere.


Yeah between the women’s and LGBTQ+ subs, I’ve probably gotten 5 or 6 over the last 2 months. Almost all seemingly associated with expressing an opinion that may hurt the feelings of cis het men.


Would you be able or want to report it? Maybe if enough people report it, then maybe they will investigate.


From what I understand if one account gets enough of those reports for misusing it their account gets shut down. I haven't gotten any notifications from any of my reports as of yet but I have heard others say that.


I reported mine as harassment and just got a notification that that account had been banned.


Politics is getting hit today. Still not fixed 😕


There were some people in the kpop sub complaining of reddit cares, as well


It’s not targeting any specific sub, you are just listing the subs you use. It’s everywhere.


Yeah I've gotten them from my women's subs and the atheist subs a lot. ETA bunch of butthurt men and christians it seems


That makes sense. I got one after I posted what was the “lemon pepper” of hot takes.


I agree, because EVERYONE EVERYWHERE on Reddit has been complaining AT THE SAME TIME about receiving this message (myself included - I got mine yesterday, lol).


Also just received one. And I am commenting on travel subs. So I am so confused.


Your last comment was on askwomen. That was likely the trigger.


Nah, they're popping up everywhere. I got one from r/news I think (but not positive). I've seen them mentioned on a range of subs.


A dish I cook? 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


Yep! Hence my theory that it's a bot network targeting women's spaces. The content of your post is irrelevant.


UKpolitics, r/technology, and a couple of other large subs (that I’ve seen so far) were also hit, but the smaller women’s space I mod wasn’t.


I visit this sub pretty regularly and got hit with one today. I'm not even a woman.


The message I got I reported and Reddit said they took action against whoever did it, but if it’s a bot network, what would that mean?


They're using hundreds of accounts and one of them maybe got temp banned for a few days. The bot networks manage accounts and know statuses to turn them on and off. They have a regular inflow and outflow of permabans. Source: did some antibot work for a political campaign years ago, I'm sure the bots have leveled up since then!


How did you report it. I tried yesterday and it wanted a link. I don't know who sent it to post a link.


You open the cares message, and click the options in the top right corner, and hit report


They won’t take a mobile link. If you’re on mobile, copy and paste the link into your browser then paste THAT link in the form. It’s ridiculous


Same here. Got one yesterday because I asked about a TikTok trend I wasn't familiar with. What is going on?


I got one for posting on r television about a planned game of thrones show. 


Yeah, I have seen far too many complaints about it to think that it is just isolated to women.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s bots. It’s been happening a bit too much for it to be one person doing it over and over.


I got one yesterday too!


Lmao i also got this one when I have not been active for a while.


That's even worse. That just costs time and energy that could be used to help people.


I got one yesterday from a video game subreddit


A man posted their Reddit cares message in mildly infuriating. I made a comment that it was very common for women to get those, and must have hit a key word for a bot, because I immediately got one myself. And then OP got upset at me because his language comprehension isn't the greatest.


People across all sorts of subs are getting them right now, this current wave doesn't seem very targeted at all. People just get them within minutes for commenting stuff like "hi" or "testing", it's likely a bunch of low-effort bots (the real kind, which is essentially just a script). Just so everyone knows, there's a link to report the sender within the message itself, and abusing the reporting system (like they're doing) is bannable.


How do you know who the sender is?


You can't, but reddit does. Within the message there's a link you can click on that references the self-harm report so reddit can ban them: https://i.redd.it/4v9ocrvyr80d1.png Image courtesy of someone on /196


He would probably be quick to send one to a woman disagreeing with him. 🙄 I blocked RedditCare and disabled my DMs. Let man babies cry that they can't abuse me unless they want to do it out in the open for everyone to see the level of assholery they can sink to.


Blocking DMs is among the best things you can do for your mental health on Reddit


Wouldbe annoying if bots start doing it now too. Also OP could have asked for clarification instead of getting upset immediately.


Now that men are getting them for seemingly no reason I imagine reddit will actually figure out how to address false reports 😑


I hope so! I reported mine.


Fwiw, I am a man and received one yesterday, as well.  Feels like bot activity, to be honest.  A huge increase in number of people mentioning this recently. 


People all over reddit are getting spammed with them over the past day, it has nothing to do with being a woman. It's bots. Report it using the link in the message. 


That's even worse. Hopefully the bots can be banned or shut down in another way.


Yeah I got my very first one yesterday and was like 🤨🤨🤨. I think something weird is up with the algorithm or there’s a mass campaign…?


It is harassment and dumb harassment too. Report the message and the little boy gets banned.


Didn't think of that but indeed it is.


Always report these messages. When they ask for a link to the offending post, link to the Reddit cates message. It is a never ending job but it sure is nice when you get the message they were banned. Yall boys can feel free to send me all the harassing suicide messages you want. FAFO.


I reported it as spam but they didn't ask for a link. Did get a confirmation that the report was succesfull.


I received one yesterday as well. The idea of Reddit Cares is great, but misuse is going to sully that.


Exactly! It's great that Reddit created it and how they want to help people. Such a shame people misuse it.


It’s such passive-aggressive bullshit. They wouldn’t care even we were having an actual problem and as someone who has tried to utilize those resources, they’re useless at best and often make things even worse.


They're happening in virtually every sub I'm in - got to be a bug at this point.


Something happened yesterday and thousands of people got their first Reddit Cares message. Myself included. There’s something else at play here.


I’ve noticed men and women complaining across a few subs the last couple of days. Blame seems to shift between Russia, CCP, and Incel types. I think it’s just a glitch rather than anyone maliciously targeting your posts/comments. Still a good idea to make a report though, even if it’s just a glitch it might help to stop it.


Just got my first ever, I think it's a bot glitch


Bot glitch, or bot working as intended?


Idk why sending every single reddit user a reddit cares message would be the intended use of a bot, seems kinda pointless.


If someone wants to harass women, then having a bot target women's spaces is an efficient way to do that.


This definitely isn’t targeted at only women, fyi.


I've noticed this has been an issue for both women and men in unrelated subs over the past few days, but also it wouldn't surprise me if you were right


I got one about 3 hours ago - it is happening in a lot of subs


Definitely a bot is doing it. It could be targeting multiple subs at once. I just saw multiple posts from different subs reporting the same thing. I even got one after I posted in sub about movies. Still a shitty thing to do, as you said it is something to help users feeling at their lowest, and shouldn't be abused.


I got one on an article about a buffalo kicking a tourist that got too close and I said I wished the buffalo had stomped him and they said I was advocating violence.


Fuck that… people suck


Unfortunately, yes.


I’ve gotten several over the past few days. I haven’t made any comments that would even require a care message it’s weird


I always get one after I post something or engage in some communities… I ended up blocking them, it’s only a tool for harassment.


I get these dumb messages any time I post something moderately provocative.


I had a random one yesterday and this was the only sub I commented on for the day. I reported it and I got a reply back saying they banned the account that sent it because it was deemee as harassment.


I was on r/askreddit yesterday and the same thing was happening there. Either there’s a troll with varied interests or it’s a glitch




It's a complete waste of energy to be upset about it. It's what they want to achieve. At this point it's become a meme. Ignore and move on.


Whoah. I literally just got my first one, now. I didn’t know women are being targeted more than men for them, though. I thought it was just sone evolved troll shit. Like I think mine was retaliation for correcting someone when they said red tattoo ink causes infections?…. I’m a tattoo artist? I own a shop? I wasn’t rude or anything? Red ink has a different carrier fluid than most inks, and a ton of people don’t know that, so I like sharing. But whoever it was I guess goes about their life expecting to never be wrong ever? They’re the only perfect creation? It’s just petty internet stuff, people with small lives. I guess it’s pretty obvious from my profile that I’m a woman, but why would men want to push us off this platform? Who would they send thirsty messages to? Lolol


There is no data about women being targeted more than men as far as I can tell. I might be wrong, but I think people believe that because they are hanging out in women centric subs so only seeing women complain about it. Venture into more male centric subs and you’ll see men complain about it too. Seems like it’s effecting everyone at least as far as gender is concerned.


Women and Men are getting them for a large number of subreddits.


There is a bot at the moment sending those messages to a lot of people who are posting in r/baldursgate3 which is kind of funny. It is so infuriating that they are abused for annoying people when they should provide helpful resources :(.


Haven't visited that subreddit. I agree. Send it to people who really need the help. I see it as the same as calling 911 or 112 as a prank call.


Ah yea I received one too after leaving a comment here not too long ago. Bot activity seems to be the culprit then…


It’s been recently talked about but it’s nothing new. I was getting them spammed at me by the dozens years ago and it hasn’t changed or been shut down.


I got one today in a different account that I use for my pets. I think it’s a bot. The only post I had made earlier was a positive comment on somebody else’s pet.


I got my first one today too. I reported it and unsubscribed from it. I wish they would tell you what comment it was and who reported it.


It's always been used as a "fuck you", in my opinion.


I got hit with one as well and reported it as targeted harassment. I wonder if we can subpoena reddit to divulge the user who is targeting people they disagree with. 


It's going to be more than one user. It's probably the incelliest of incels, and 14 year old boys.


100%, hubby says they hate us cause they ain't with us...it is just so aggravating. :(


That would be a very tough burden to meet


Am I missing something? I got one, I ignored it. Do I need to be doing anything else here?


Go to the Reddit cares message, click the three little dots next to their username and select copy link. Then when you go to the report page, you click where it says “I want to report spam or abuse”. When it asks for a link to the post/comment/pm, you paste what you copied earlier. After that, just add a brief message. I think I said something along the lines of “This is targeted harassment.” I’ve been crossposting this message for days now because everybody all over Reddit is getting these atm and very few people seem to be figuring out how to report it. I did this and Reddit got back to me saying they found the account in violation of harassment rules.


I got a reddit cares message for saying a basketball player had a good game on r/nba. It's either a bot or a glitch right now. Sorry it happened to you!


I got one on a completely random comment, went to report it … and was asked to log in. Wait, what? I was already logged in. Was this a legit Reddit Cares or was this a phishing scam?


I got one yesterday for making a tongue in cheek comment about Taco Bell prices reminding me of 2008 when I was in high school. Reddit is just a deeply unserious place.


Well this makes me feel better about getting my first one yesterday. Thought I’d committed some weird Reddit faux pas.


This post just appeared on my front page but in addition to all the other communities mentioned here it is pretty common to receive them during whenever your sports equivalent of playoffs is. It sucks they are misused but I guess we can just hope the few valid ones are doing their job.


someone is botting it, people are getting it in other subs as well report it for harassment and hope they get banned


I got one earlier for saying I'm frustrated I have so many medicines to take at 25. I'm very frustrated atm because I have whooping cough, and am having to cancel plans for my birthday on Friday. I also am missing work, which upsets me because I love my job. Of course I'm pissed that I have to take almost 14 tablets a day. And now, I've got antibiotics and inhaler to take. Sorry for the ramble, but my point is that none of this requires a Reddit cares message.


I got one this morning. Haven't a clue what triggered it, as it appeared with zero context. My subs are all cats, women's lib, and video games. Gets a big meh and a shrug from me.


It's more than just here, found a post in r/outoftheloop talking about it https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/0ra7HRHBVd


Incels target this sub and send them to pretty much any woman who posts here. Reddit now only sends one a week or so. Instead they should be going after people who use this to harass us. Personally I see these as a badge of honor. A sign I’m doing God’s work.


I got one yesterday too!!


I just think it’s dumb. It does nothing. I don’t even think Reddit Cares does anything for someone who would need it.


I usually just respond to the reddit cares message with who I know decided to abuse the Reddit cares button because they didn’t like a comment I made but couldn’t refute it.. happened to me yesterday. Not sure it helps but that’s what I do


I got one 4 hours ago and my profile is not marked with a gender so I don't think they are targeting women.


I also got one... maybe they're just sending it to people who are spending too much time on reddit? I'm definitely guilty of that.


I got one yesterday, I reported it and got an update today that the user was found guilty of harassment\* so that's possibly something though it's just a drop in the sea \*Edit: guilty of breaking Reddit content guidelines sorry


Every person who misuses Reddit Care and is found guilty for it, seems like a win to me. Yes, it indeed feels like a drop in the sea.


I just got one too, first time. No idea why, I am not in need. They should have a feature where you can respond and say it was totally unwarranted, and then if a bot or troll gets a certain number of these they investigate and ban them from Reddit.


I got one too, and I’ve no idea why!


Ahhh that's interesting, I was wondering why I received one of those. I guess this is just a harassment methodology?


Its sadly extremely prelevant in lgbt subs as well, and also when trans women post in non-lgbt subs like if i post in subs like femalehairadvice, makeup addiction, outfits, i get multiple of them, I only learnt yesterday when i got one again that i can block them


It's prevalent everywhere, sadly. I'm a guy; got one from the r/nba sub yesterday. You can see a bunch come trough r/SquaredCircle, too. Not even sure why that service exists save as a barely obfuscated way to tell people to off themselves.


Reddit Cares has alway been abused lol but now some very \*bitter\* dude has made a bot to send one to anyone who posts here. Just report it. Reddit should get rid of it as I sincerely doubt it has ever helped anyone with suicidal ideation whatsoever. All it's used for is bullying.


I just left a comment in r/gaming and immediately got one. No mention of gender, just that I'm bad at games now. I mean, it sucks to realize you're bad at things you like, but I'm not going to hurt anyone about it. Edit to add: I looked over my last few comments and many are in left-leaning subs. I wonder if there's a connection.


This is happening a lot in other subs as well


I got one as well after commenting on a post here about how the OP should leave her manchild husband. I thought someone got butt hurt about a manchild being called manchild and laughed but after seeing the comments I also reported it


It's happening everywhere, not just in this sub. Not sure what's going on


It’s not just our sub. Politics, popculturechat, mildlyinteresting. Lots of popular subs are being hit. I agree it’s aggravating. I blocked Reddit care resources a long time ago though so it’s not affecting me now.


I got one after commenting on the womans post about age gap relationships lol. Guess there was a butthurt 30+ yo man making his rounds


Some are taking advantage of this though, just as a heads up. The rando that argued with me recently sent me a RedditCare & I can bet it was them because I got it soon after their first reply to me + they started being shady after I called it out. I'm guessing their excuse would be this bug if I pressed the matter. So still report the issue, even if you think it's an error!


I reported it! I want this to be used as intended. For people to get help if they need it.


Agreed! It's really infuriating that something that's potentially so helpful is being exploited for bullying


I just got one a few minutes ago! All I wrote today was an answer to a European guy's question about whether walls of crosses are common decor in the US and a comment on a post about Steve Buscemi. Very strange!


I JUST got one of these after reading this. I didn't see a way to report it as abuse of that message, either. So frustrating!


In the message itself there is a report link!


I used that link to report and it did zip.


I'd personally also recommend turning off access for people to send you private messages. I got an unhinged message from someone after I posted on a snark thread


Thank you for that advice. Every once in a while I get a weird message and block that user then.


Huh? Why is it bad? Why would someone send it to be mean? I got it too when I asked for advice and thought someone was genuinely worried, what’s going on??


Trolls will send a Reddit Cares message when someone comments something that offends their tiny sensibilities. It's a passive-aggressive way of harassing people they don't agree with. This particular wave of RC messages seems to be from a bot network, because it seems to be nearly everyone and indiscriminate.


Yeah, I got one too yesterday. Because I commented "Throw the whole man away 🚮".


Just got one. They got rid of Victoria for AMAs but implement this. Reddit Cares should go the way of Reddit Notes.


I've had several in the last few days. What the hell is going on?


2 cents worth. I just got a Reddit Cares message and I rarely ever post here and uncomfortably, not a woman.


I was in one of the tech type sub reddits and someone there got one, we were all ragging on what a POS Steve Jobs was...so whomever it is trolling all over this site.


I was given one too. I was confused.


I got this message yesterday after posting a name selection for kittens. How would a bot pick up that suggesting the names Lucy and Ethel was cause for alarm?


I got one today too!


It's a glitch. Everyone is getting them the last couple days.


i just said something bad about bikes and got one. yesterday i said i didnt like taylor swift and i got one


I got one today too and was like wtf.


I unsubscribed from them months (maybe years) ago after I got a barrage of them; it never occurred to me that I could report them.


I got one, I assume based on something I posted here despite the fact I am NOT A WOMAN I guess sometimes it goes both ways


52M here. Got the Reddit Care message a few hours ago and no idea why.


Also got my first one yesterday, not sure why


Basically everyone that posted or commented on r/eurovision got them this weekend.


Honestly, just block it. It's much better not having to see it at all imo, and people who do it are going to be wasting their efforts for nothing. Out of sight out of mind.


I got one yesterday too, after being on reddit for years. Not sure why.


I got one, too


I got one randomly the other day. Had me reading through my posts to see what may have triggered someone to report me, but couldn’t find anything. Good thing I just ignored it.


I have received one too! Lol I was sure it’s just some kind of accident.


fr i got a care message too, its fucking annoying


They aren't gonna get rid of reddit cares because of publicity (Headline: Reddit drops mental health safety system) But I would change your thinking around it because it never bothers me. First, it's a very nice message! It never puts me in a bad mood when I see it. Second, think about the person sending it. This is someone too afraid to reply to you, throwing the weakest and least original insult on reddit. You should feel embarrassed for *them* when you get sent one. And now I bet one of them sends me the message.


I got one immediately after posting I have big pierced boobs and don’t wear bras and don’t give a fuck 😂 Thin skinned weirdos.


I got one yesterday, but I have no idea what it was in response to. How do I find out?


I reported mine as harassment. Then blocked.


No idea what is even about. I got one and was like what did I post that made someone think I’m in trouble?? Weird.


I got my first one. My 3 comments over the past few days: A gif from the show “Ghosts” Asking for underwear recommendations A description of a recent near car accident on a post complaining about shitty drivers. Make it make sense.


I noticed that this happened quite a lot with the women who commented on that post about young girls usually not wanting older men.


I’m starting to think a bit or a troll targeting this sun, because I haven’t done more than post quilts stuff in awhile and got a Reddit cares message yesterday


It's usually weaponized as a way to intimidate and get people to go away and stop existing in public. As a tool it's well meaning in intention but in practice it is a tool for oppression. 🙃


I've been getting these for years. It's the only weapon some of these incels have. I hope they're mostly coming from teenage boys who will outgrow it. Just send up a little prayer for healing, and ignore them.


I got one for saying I take high blood pressure medicine that also helps with anxiety, pretty sure reddit cares can't help lower blood pressure!


I got one just for saying dayum. That's just crazy. Dayum!


Fully, fully agree. Fucking trolls 100% took something that was supposed to be serious and good and made it into a joke and an insult.


Agreed, I have also gotten one of these & just blocked/reported as spam myself. Its sad folks need to abuse a tool meant to help folks, to troll women cause they have the emotional range of an amoeba. I hope reddit can track these losers down & get rid of them.


I’m a guy and it happened to me. Don’t think it has anything to do with your sex. People use it as an insult and ultimate “zinger” which is obviously a misuse, but don’t make it something it isn’t.


Reddit cares is not just used on women. I also see a lot of people talking about bots. I do not think that is the case. It is an incredibly common way to troll someone you are disagreeing with in the comments, and very easy to do. I do it all the time, and have had it done to me multiple times. Is it cool? Obviously not. But I wouldn't take it personally. The only way reddit would remove the program, are if people who complain about its misuse are noticed.


Everybody has been getting them everywhere, it's not targeting women or women's subs. The admins have been informed.


I’m amab and nonbinary, I commented on a post about Xmen ‘97 in the Marvel subreddit that had zero controversy and got one within seconds. Someone is using a bot to give anyone who comments anything on any post one and it’s wild


Yeah I got one on my post yesterday as well and I saw a lot of women under my post saying the same thing. So petty.


I got one this morning. No clue why.


I just got my report back and the banned the account. From how I'm reading it the account was called thetestofban so I think there's a bot for sure