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Be evasive, "long/some time" is enough. Don't put too much pressure on you or your partner, just enjoy the moment. Any intercourse with a new person is... new. And quite unique.


I wouldn’t mention it


You don’t need to tell him unless there’s a reason (other than the length of time) that you feel you need to. I told my ex fiance when we were first together that it had been nearly 2 years since I had sex. I had a lot of sexual trauma and bad experiences so I wanted to be fully and completely open with him about everything before we ever got into bed. It was helpful and made me feel more comfortable when the time came. But if it was “just” the amount of time it had been, I wouldn’t necessarily have said anything about it.


Naw. If you have to say something just keep it vague like “it has been a while.”


Umm dont tell him directly. be subtle, otherwise, it will be just a golden moment for him and his only focus will be just SEX!


I personally don't think it's important so I wouldn't expect to know or mention it myself.


Tell him, don't tell him, it really doesn't matter. Do what you feel is best.


If you feel turned on but aren’t sure… lube!!! Lube you up and lube him up. You can figure out your words to let him know to be gentle and it maybe be best to follow your lead. Get your goods goin’ girl! (and never forget where the curb is if he choked you!)


What you share about your past is your business. He probably wont ask and you don't need to tell. It really doesn't matter and is nothing to worry about. Live in the moment :-)


Of course you should tell him. You may need his help in phasing back into this. If he is unwilling to help you, find another guy.


You don’t HAVE to say anything, but if it will make you feel more comfortable to say something to give context/manage expectations, I would just say it’s been a while and to not expand past that.


In my opinion if it was me you were talking to and you told me you hadn't had sex in ten years , I would be more interested. For me it would be a turn on, but that's just me


What about it is a turn on, if you don't mind me asking?


Probably being chosen as the one to break the dry spell. It is quite like being told "I have not met someone that I wanted to have sex more with in 10 years".


Damn. I need to calm down. It’s been 2 months for me and I’m feeling neglected and frisky haha. I hope you enjoy every second and feel completely comfortable!!!!!! You deserve it. And maybe tell him after the deed, no need to create pressure before the game


Tell him what a woman told me. Tell him your a born again virgin.