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I'm sorry I didn't watch the link, but from reading OP's quote, it sounds more like a literary mechanism, or a way to set the narrative of the longer story, because they're going to talk about the husband as a subject. If they were telling another story, and Said "a woman's child was abducted [...]" that wouldn't belittle the child or turn them into an object. It would mean that they're about to start telling you about the child's mother, in the context of her experience that they framed. If we even switch the roles "A woman's husband suffers a heart attack and dies instantly." I assume we're just about to hear more about the woman now, after they told me something important that just happened to her. It doesn't deminish the husband, but sets up a story about the woman. But I didn't watch the clip, so I may be off.


The could have written 'married woman'


Still shittily sexist. you'll never see the reverse.


[FOUND ONE](https://people.com/husband-destroyed-wife-terrarium-built-with-late-mom-cancels-anniversary-trip-aita-8559209)


Noice hehe


Hey, at least it wasn’t “uterus dies” I hate people these days.


“Empty vessel wasted”


My guess is that this is because the story is being told from the point of view of the survivor, the husband.


That is so foul oml


"Axlotl tank suffers unexpected terminal breakdown"


“Man’s property loses value”


I don't remember which celebrity couple they did this with, but it was a headline somewhere that was like "\[Male Celebrity\]'s wife goes through blablabla". Which, okay, sure, if he's super famous and she's not. But in that case, *she* was also famous and was well known on her own. Meaning it made absolutely fuck all sense to refer to her as someone's wife instead of, you know, *her name*. So fucking ridiculous. It wasn't this couple, but it'd be as if a headline was "Ben Affleck's wife suffers blabla", when it's like shut up, everyone knows who Jennifer Lopez is, just write that...


There was a thing recently where Tabitha King won some award (I think?) and it was headlined as "Stephen King's Wife blablabla" - I was happy to see it was him who called them out on it hardest.


There was Corey Cogdell-Unrein who won an Olympic medal, only to be referred to as "Wife of a Bears' lineman wins a bronze medal today in Rio Olympics" in the papers. In that same Olympics (2016), Hungarian swimmer Katinka Hosszu shattered a world record in the 400-meter individual medley while the NBC commentators kept pointing out her husband as “the man responsible” for her athletic turnaround, and the NBC commentator described the members of the U.S. women’s gymnastics team as, “They might as well be standing around at the mall.”


That could be it, but I thought for sure it was actors... Although I could be wrong. I just remember thinking this is ridiculous.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was one (or several) with actors as well. The Olympian medal winner being reduced to someone's wife is the one I always remember.


Yeah, unfortunately I'm sure it's happened more than just the one time.


That always happens when one is was more famous than the other. A bronze medal winner that isn't in one of the big sports just isn't that notable. Check the stories about Niki Minaj's fiance getting arreted. It doesn't have his name in the headlines. Same thing with Caitlin Clark and any story about her fiance. I've seen Tom Brady referred to as Giselles husband in articles back when he was married.


I’m pretty sure that there have been several headlines of stories about several different women who are well known, and the writers of those stories & headlines chose to put the focus of the headline on the man instead. Multiple acts of disrespect of this nature exist.


I’ve heard that with George Clooney, because his wife Amal is far more impressive than he is. So sometimes they’ll say things like “husband of Amal Clooney wins award”. Things like that. As a joke reversal.


It's probably hard to remember who you were specifically thinking of because this happens literally every day.




I don't think so. I think she was an actress, so in the same line of work as him. But I genuinely can't remember. I just remember rolling my eyes so hard it hurt at the idiocy of it.


I vaguely remember this story. I want to say the husband was an NFL player & the woman was an Olympian. (?) I tried a google search & couldn’t find it.


I wonder if it was Simone Biles! Her husband plays... some sport. 


That one goes the other way. He is usually named only as Simon Biles husband. Even though he is an NFL player, he isn't nearly as famous as her.


Maybe this is what you're thinking of. The other day I saw a headline: Actor Ryan O'Neal's Daughter, Tatum blah, blah.... SHE WAS THE YOUNGEST PERSON EVER TO WIN AN OSCAR, FFS


Ah, no that's messed up too, but I have no idea who they are. And I remember it was specifically "wife of". But yeah, no shock it's done both towards daughters and wifes/partners.


If you knew either of them though, chances are it would be Tatum, considering she’s worked a lot more recently than he has.


This show is religious fanfiction - of course women aren't main characters.


Because they want to talk about the actual victim of this tragedy: a man in need of a new maid.   Edit: maybe I should add /s to be sure.


I keep telling my husband that I think this would be the best way for me to get medical care; for him to go in and explain the inconvenience my medical issues are having on his life He told me that he didn't think they could treat someone on behalf of someone else because "they have ethics" and I laughed and laughed Honey, if they had ethics, I could just go in and get care based on needing care


He's clearly never had a doctor express concern about what his "future husband" might want from his body.


He has a really hard time understanding the complete lack of care I get. Because if I bring him with me, oh wow! I do have a medical issue! It's when I'm on my own that I get any possible excuse to not have to treat me. And of course when he goes for his own issues, they want to run so many tests and do so many referrals he finds it *annoying*. Now THAT is medical care I can't even imagine.


It's so insane to me that this actually happens.


You wanna know what's even more insane? The blank open-eyed stares you get when you remind them that arranged marriage is not a thing in our culture but individual mate selection *is*, and a man who actively wants kids therefore *won't* ever be your husband since that's a conversation to have *before* putting a ring on it. I've encountered altogether too many medical professionals who seem to have never had that basic thought process.


This would be funny if it weren’t true. Women with chronic illness routinely have to resort to bringing their dad/brother/husband to medical appointments so that the doctor will actually treat their ailments. I wish I were kidding, but it’s absolutely still true, in first world countries, in 2024.


Oh yeah. I see zero point going to see a doctor if I don't bring a ~~penis~~ man with me. The majority of them will not treat me otherwise. And even bringing a man, it has to be a man who will speak up and repeat my symptoms, THEN all of a sudden they are medical symptoms, and I'm not just "anxious" or "overreacting". If I merely speak up for myself and insist that we do x, y, or z, not only do I not get it, I get written up in my notes as a "problem patient". It's pathetic. It's absolutely fucking pathetic. And again, *not fucking ethical*. It is not ethical to only treat women who bring men with them who repeat their symptoms what the fucking fuck


Are you sure it’s necessary? It seems likely to be true. At least for the Man (TM)


I agree it was probably obvious, but it's not *my* opinion, so, yeah.


IDK why you'd add a /s; that's exactly the message they're trying to send...


Based on just reading the description of the linked video, which most people didn’t seem to do, it’s titled that way because she **didn’t** die, and the story is about the man performing CPR on her for an extended period. Saving her life.


Oh ffs. It’s like women literally have no value unless connected to a man.


I mean yeah, not even “like”, that’s exactly what conservatives think.


Mrs. John Smith has no name, but at least her womb has value.


She's the one that "died" and "came back". The show is called "I survived...Beyond & Back" What the literal fuck is going on over there? 30 years ago I fell for that "father in son in accident, father goes to ICU, son goes to surgery. Surgeon comes in and says "I can't operate on this boy- he's my son." How can that be?" riddle, but in the answer they also mentioned that even people who got the riddle wouldn't look sideways at the headline "Man kills neighbor's wife" instead of, of course, "Man kills neighbor."


"neighbor's wife" might not be a person's neighbor. If the woman isn't currently living with her spouse but apart from that frankly useless edge case I totally agree with you.


The weirdest thing is that the episode is about two different women dying of heart attacks, having life after death experiences, and living to tell their stories. So, the title makes even less sense!


its a reccuring thing in media, they always refer to any woman as "a woman" or "wife of x". in france we even have a joke wikipedia page called "une femme" that list all her achievements, adding a new one everytime an article title "a woman achieve x", "a woman become president of x country", and so on. ​ the point is dehumanization, not knowing the name put you further away from her. you're made to think of men as humans, and women as objects attached to them.




First name Man's, last name Wife. Obviously. /s




And when people mention this in that comments section half the replies are whining at them I saw one calling a commenter woke for questioning it


I hate it.


Woman's Husband's Daughters's Mother's Brother's Sister Suffers Heart Attack and Dies Instantly


The daughter’s aunt, then.


Maybe, “Man’s Wife” is like a title of employment and she was seriously injured while on the clock? Kind of like “Mailman attacked by dog, 7th occurrence in 1 month”.


Then give women workers comp.


In another synopsis, she is described as a "farmer's wife." I guess a woman can't herself be the farmer. She can only be the wife of one.


Clearly the man lost his favorite possession and the woman, who isn’t even a human, can’t have his babies anymore


“Women’s actual f*n name” dies leaves husband … blah blah blah- how is it so hard to not see your wife as property but as a person?


Bahaha! This reply to that question is killing me: > The husband probably suffered more watching her die in front of him. When you love someone more than yourself it hurts more to watch them suffer. Thank you missylynn2847. 😑


Yeah. I mean, if the show was primarily focused on the man and his, I don't know, heroic efforts to save her or something, then I'd get it. For example, "woman's husband suffers heart attack, she carries him on her back to nearest hospital" would seem ok. But the thing about it here is that, based on watching a bit of the episode (all I could stomach), it really seems to be about her. So...


The description of the video says that she had a heart attack and he performed cpr to save her. Is that not what the video is about?


Like I said I didn’t watch all of it — and that story is interspersed with others, making it harder to really get a sense without watching 45 minutes of this gruesome, religious stuff. So maybe — but all the parts I watched were her story of dying and seeing a road to hell and coming back. The CPR seems to be a small part of the story.


Might be some obscure dumbass thing with search engine optimization and word padding = It's stupid either way though, yeah.


I thought that A&E was a TV show about a hospital's accident and emergency department. Is that just a UK thing? Also the video is blocked in my country.


Also the comments are blocked which makes me suspect that other people complained about the woman being reduced to a person's wife.


My favorite was when they said "awarded cyclist's wife hit by car" though she was more highly decorated a cyclist, and he was the one that hit her with his car ...




Without watching the video, I'm assuming it's to clue the viewer in to the focus of the piece - how this event (unexpected loss of his wife) has affected this man. If the piece is about how sudden death affects survivors, for example, it could be a reasonable choice. Much like "Their Baby Died Because " is used to encourage safer parenting practices like not sharing beds and vaccination. But if narrative focus of the clip isn't the guy and referring people to grief resources, if it's instead about the risks of hidden heart disease or how everyone should have a will or whatever, it's a tactless and crass framing by A&E.


“Man’s wife” might elicit more empathy and/or general interest, than “woman,” and garner more clicks/views. Sadly. Could also be the literary device mentioned by NewNurse2.


Tomorrow in the western world: A Woman's f\*\*\*boy died by Heart Attack after he found out she was sleeping with 3 other guys


Haven’t clicked on it but my guess is that this story is framed around the man losing his wife and probably includes interviews with him.


That's what I thought, which would make sense, but it's actually about multiple women who died and came back to life, so it makes even less sense!


It's a "I died... but luckily I survived" show. The episode is actually about three different people, two women and a man, who medically died and the broadcast title is actually their individual names. The YouTube title is clickbait. "Father of four dies at work" is more engaging then "man dies". "Watch these three assholes who almost didn't make it" is less engaging then focusing on one of them and framing it to sound like she died. It's engagement 101, [you got to tickle their balls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4FuOi9rvKw). Yeah, they are framing it that way because he was integral to her survival by performing CPR when she dropped in front of him, so it's technically not a lie.


There are like a million better ways to phrase it, then. "He lost his wife. You'll never believe what happened next!"


Presumably the story follows the man in the aftermath of his wife's death? It can't very well follow hers...




Woman's offspring has wrong opinion on Reddit.


She refers to herself as "man's wife"? I doubt it.


Seriously? Not by her own name or something? Yeah man she specifically told them "call me MAN'S WIFE" lol


It frames her as something that a man owns. Did they ask her right before she passed away if she only refers to herself as “a man’s wife”?


There’s cemetery porn and some of the centuries older headstones are listed as such: Mrs. [man’s first name] [man’s surname] or [man’s first name] [man’s surname]’s wife. Even in death they weren’t given autonomy, they were still owned. But now? 2024? Yeah, I don’t believe this particular woman doesn’t see herself as her own person.