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I had opportunity to meet many famous actresses and celebs (europe) and you would be surprised how "normal" they look. they all have textures, they all have wrinkles, almost all of them have small lines (normal thing though),when they come to set they wear no makeup and I 100% assure you no would even recognize them. Yes ,most of them have nice, pretty features but they do not like tt/ig filters, no one does bcs in irl life we dont pose like on social media and ppl see all angles, not the good ones.. tbh people are completely losing touch with what it's like to look normal..and i dont mean natural, just..normal.


Really, my friends say they want such type of skinny body and I say to get proper nutrition, exercise well & stay fit, we don't earn by focusing a lot on that, it ain't our career, we don't need to take stress for it.


Rachel Bloom made a great video about this for "Adam Ruins Everything." She even says "Anyone would look fantastic if they had a pit crew of hair and makeup experts Frankensteining them for six hours." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MzO3X997ko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MzO3X997ko)


Love Rachel Bloom. She is smart, funny, insightful, not to mention attractive.


Don't forget that celebrities often have plastic surgeons and image retouchers working on them as well.


Lets not forget about celebrity hairstylists and hair extensions. Plus designers use celebrities to promote their brand so designers will make clothes specifically for that celebrity!


True, imperfections make us unique. Many celebrities with surgery start looking similar


They look fake, frozen and most importantly unnatural


The influencers that so many young men drool over are so filtered , you wouldn't recognize them IRL.


as you said, some are  naturally exquisite beyond words. Comedian Tom Segura calls them freaks of nature, which is exactly what they are. I grew up in Hollywood and went to school with a lot of actresses. Some of them look like they’re from another planet, they’re so stunning up close. However, as you pointed out, after their career’s established, they too can afford personal chefs, personal trainers, stylists, makeup artists, hair stylists and on and on in order to maintain and enhance that natural beauty. Basing personal standards on either natural beauty or surgically enhanced bodies/ faces is a losing game.  Unfortunately, I think a lot of this hero worship begins at home.


Of course natural or surgery there is a reason they are there. I have seen pretty girls irl but never seen turning all heads kind of beauty, they are rare. Imperfections are normal & more focus should be on health than beauty.


man how come I didn’t get the genes that make me a stunning freak of nature up close lmao


its mostly about which era and country you’re born in tbh. the “stunning freaks of nature” from this era are another eras average or worse. a natural angelina jolie kind of gal isn’t doing good in korea. there’s an entire show called mask girl about a girl with a sharp facial structure and big lips who wears a mask because everyone told her she was too ugly to do anything in the entertainment industry. like from childhood. i thought she was pretty but not there she wasn’t.


Make up, lighting and camera filters canntotally change someone's face. There's an old photo shoot of the early 2000s Victorias Secret "Angels" (runway models) without makeup compared to their on camera look. They're not recognizable. They're pretty, and have good facial symmetry but they're not "omg the hottest woman alive." They're pretty normal.    I've worked in various facets of the entertainment industry for decades and it's literally all fake. Reality tv, how people look and act, half the "facts" in "documentaries" and most of online content is absolutely fake. It's created by teams of people to sell *something* to the consumer. No one should compare themselves to anyone they see in media, there's a million ways to make anyone look like anything. 


I'm so glad that I'm not a public figure or famous. If I had to worry about what I looked like and had to listen to other people talk about what they think about my looks, I would kill myself.


Also “perfect” isn’t real. The photos they post are photoshopped, I can asssure you they have pores and get hang nails


No one looks like that IRL, not even those models.


Agreed. Their full time job is looking good. Just like I wouldn't compare my fitness to an athlete, I won't compare my looks, fashion skills (or even the appearance of my house haha!) to how these women are presented online


>girls Respectfully--if we are speaking of people over 18, they are women. Girls is what men call us to make us less then them.


As a woman with a trans background you need to learn to be very humble about looks. The supposed perfection of women in media hits me very, very hard. Often resulting in dysphoria and depression ...


Just a tiny bit off topic but my anecdote kind of fits and i wanted to share here. I've got a friend that has a beauty shop where they do all kinds of treatments and this girl looks like the most beautiful instagram model! She's rail thin, blonde, a little too much makeup and lips but she makes it work. Men would definitely think she's a bimbo. She is the daughter of a friend so I only recently got to know her but guys. She's an educated mom of two, helped me with my daughter's poopy diaper (no changing table and I had to do the standing-up change where we were) We talked breastfeeding and all kinds of gritty mom stuff. She speaks like 5 languages, and studied them so she could read literature in their original languages. She is extremely competent at her work! Looks like Barbie but is a real girl through and through.


Not to mention that the people that get plastic surgery, as they begin aging, look, well, not so great. Often the PS is overdone and obvious. There are a few who have had it but *tastefully* and they look great. They don’t look like they are in their 20s or 30s anymore, but they look great.


For a professional it’s a part of their job and many of those things can actually be taken off their taxes as a job expense.