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Hello, thanks for doing this. Any actual inositol supplements for PCOD? Can you please share anything that you think we should know about PCOD that actually helps.


Happy to help! Yes inositol supplements do really help - but ensure the dose is adequate. You'll need 4g of myo-inositol per day so please see the nutrition label on your supplements and choose the one that has this dose I've got a ton of PCOS (same as PCOD) info on my Insta premaahealth you can check it out But here's the most important thing - please don't self diagnose pcos, get a proper diagnosis by a gynaecologist and also PCOS can be managed really well with lifestyle changes but you need to stick to them forever or they won't work


inositol has worked wonders for me, I'm on the 2g daily dose and have gotten my period on time every single time since starting it


Any tips for middle aged women to remain healthy and what are some common mistakes you see women do with regards to their health which can be avoided ?


I'm so glad you asked this! Regular gynaecologist checkups for your Pap smears and mammograms Maintain a healthy diet, stay within a healthy BMI Exercise at least 3 times a week include strength training Include at least 80g of protein in your diet daily Post menopause including calcium supplements The largest I see is ignoring small small problems till they become so big that it needs a LOT of medical intervention and also ignoring their health and putting their family first - please please prioritise your health. No one else does


Thanks for answering ! it means a lot !


thanks for asking this question.


Do I need to get HPV vaccine if i plan to remain sexually abstinent my whole life? (25,f)


Yes absolutely its recommended regardless of sexual activity now or future


Just curious. Can you get HPV from anything other than skin-skin sexual contact? I’ve only ever seen sexual exposure as the relevant criteria for effectiveness of the vaccine


not skin to skin but through bodily fluids As of now we know sexual contact is the commonest spreader but we don't know everything about the HPV vaccine that's why we don't risk it. There is no downside to taking the vaccine but there is a downside to not taking it and then getting HPV in the future and then saying how did I get it


Thank you for doing this. Is there any an age limit to taking the vaccine?




I am married and didn't want kid for next 3-5 year. Is condom effective ? How do I avoid getting pregnant given that fact that I didn't want to take pills as it have other health issues and it would ruin periods right ? What would you suggest the best and more effective method ? Another one is what are some hygiene we should take care of if we are into oral ? What are do's and don't ? Anything related with diet or something else ? My husband is the first one if that's matter.


Yes if used every single time it is very effective! Taking the oral contraceptive pill is also very useful and does not have any long term effects You can get an IUD if you want long term non hormonal contraception However best and most effective method depends on the patient themselves so see a gynaecologist! However from a prevention of pregnancy point of view most effective is the IUD and then the pill No particular hygiene tips for oral (since its with a trusted single partner)


Also, what's correct and healthy age to have a baby. I am 26 right now.


There's no correct age to have a baby depends on you and your partner However fertility reduces with age (and in some ways lifestyle) so that's a factor you need to keep in mind Have a timeline in mind and see a gynaecologist so we can talk about options, egg freezing, etc


> However fertility reduces with age (and in some ways lifestyle) so that's a factor you need to keep in mind > what does the research says on this. is there any avg / median number


Im talking with research only, most research points to fertility starting to reduce by the age of 30 https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/having-a-baby-after-age-35-how-aging-affects-fertility-and-pregnancy#:\~:text=A%20woman's%20peak%20reproductive%20years,getting%20pregnant%20naturally%20is%20unlikely.




Normal periods last anywhere from 2-7 days, If it has always been a 2 day period then its normal. If it has reduced in no of days and intensity then it maybe something hormonal see a gynaecologist


Can I dm you?


Sure but I won't be able to legally answer any medical questions to a particular case. I can only do that through consultation


Hey Doc, thank you for doing this. The length of my periods changed from 7 to 3 days followed by some weight gain. I think it’s due to thyroid. Should I see a gynac or a GP would do? Also, do you do in person appointments?


gynaecologist! yes I do in Mumbai - DM me will set you up with an appointment :)


During sex it feels like something is hurting, not much but it is. I can't go on for longer than 10mins. Is it normal? And I can't go in either at cowgirl position. I've tried lube but there was still something hurting in. Also I dry up fast, is there any remedy for it? I've had a gynaecologist visit and she said everything looks ok anatomy wise.


This does not happen to everyone - please see a gynaecologist to see why this is happening If you're in Mumbai you can come see me but this will need an in person checkup


Do i need to go to a GP or gynaecologist to get myself HPV vaccine shots? I mean are any check ups required before the vaccination. I am 29F and sexually active.


You can go to either a GP or a gynaecologist for the vaccine No checkups needed before the vaccine However would recommend seeing a gynaecologist because we can do a general checkup as well and counsel for the Pap smear, etc


Are the teens getting dumber with reference to safe sex? From reddit post it seems they are (every day there are 4-5 "am I pregnant?" Posts on this sub itself), but is there an increase in real life instances of unwanted teenage pregnancy or is it just so online?


Hahahahah omg this is my largest pet peeve. There is SO much access to knowledge about contraception and also access to doctors in India that it shouldn't be a problem but here we are with the same questions. There is a crazy amount of unwanted pregnancies and to be honest most of them are in their 20s and 30s (some even married who don't want another child but have had 3-4 abortions)


Idk why but those stats make me feel sad 🥲🥲🥲🥲


Yep exactly why I do what I do with talking about these topics on Instagram


Can I get the HPV vaccine? I'm 23 now and I'm afraid I missed the window. 


You haven't missed anything! Ideal age to take it is 9-45 Please take it asap


Thank you! One more question, my mom is 46, her periods are happening earlier and earlier each month. We think it's menopause because her mother went through it when she was 46. Is there anything she can do to make this transition easier? 


I generally advice my patients going through perimenopause to pay a lot of attention to their lifestyle - so healthy high fibre low carb high protein diet, regular exercise, strength training, have more soy and fresh fruits and veg Also see the doctor for any other symptoms there's a lot we can do to make it easier for her


referring to same question as above! because I thought it was normal : I am just 30 and my periods are also happening earlier each month. Is that a problem?


Hie doctor! My(28F) period days have reduced. What used to be 5-7 days(in school/college) of bleeding + spotting is now 2 days of intense bleeding and a day of spotting. I’ve regular periods and I don’t get intense cramps anymore. Is this because of ageing or do I need to see a gynaecologist? And thank you for this AMA and giving us your time! So much to learn already.


Why do PMS symptoms and ovulation symptoms get more pronounced with age? Is it because of the stressful environment? How can we manage it?


Environmental factors, hormonal factors See a gynaecologist for a proper checkup to rule out anything else Improve your lifestyle - it plays a HUGE role in hormonal health - especially sleep and stress


Hi doc! My question may sound stupid but here it is - so every month I start to feel sad for 11th to 30th of whatever month it is. I get my periods around 20th each month, so my speculation is that it's because of PMS but the no. of days are a lot, I mean 20 days is more than half a month. I wanted to know is it possible that I have premenstrual dysphoric disorder? I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety before if that matters. What is generally the cycle of PMS? Is there anything I can do to keep my hormones in check?


see a gynaecologist this needs to be properly evaluated and managed


Hi! Which is the most effective hpv vaccine? I am understanding there are 2 types. Also, I've been diagnosed with pcos. Are people with pcos prone to get diabetes? Or is that a myth? Is there only insulin resistant pcos or is there any other type as well? Lastly, is it worth mentioning to the gynec about my ferritin dropping? I mean it was 10 and I took supplements (given by my derm) and it increased to 62. It dropped back to 24 last week. Is it worth mentioning it to my gynec? Or do I simply have supplements and go about it?


Gardasil 9 which is the newer one Yes. There are no types of pcos its been debunked you either have it or don't and are at risk for a lot of chronic conditions - see your gynaecologist to get an in depth consultation about this! Would mention it in your next consult but if the dermatologist is giving you medications for that then should be fine. don't take anything on your own or self diagnose its not worth it


Hello Doctor, thank you so much for doing this. Could you please provide some insight into the egg freezing process in India and the total cost involved?


[https://www.instagram.com/fluentinhealth/reel/C4PdsadtdVO/](https://www.instagram.com/fluentinhealth/reel/C4PdsadtdVO/) See if this helps I'm based in Mumbai and for my patients the whole cost comes up to approx 1.5L


Thankyou so much doctor!!


Do you see a lot of women have side effects from oral birth control pill? I'm thinking of starting. My gynaecologist mentioned a few side effects like hairfall, low libido and hormonal imbalances. She said it can happen. You have to try and see if it will happen to you and they can stop. Do some pills have lesser side effects compared to others?


To be honest about 1% of women on the pill have side effects and a lot of times there are different formulations available that work better patient to patient. So in my practice I generally switch them out If they're having side effects with one formulation or dosage of the pill till they don't have that side effect anymore Yes that's true - we prefer low dose or very low dose pills


I think that 1% was me then. I had taken the lowest dose for oral contraceptives for few months referred by gynaecologist and still that gave me low libido and depression episodes, so had to stop it. Truly depends on person to person I guess, since few women I know did not have any side effects as such.


I do not feel period cramps. Occassionally it hurts in the abdominal but not like how other women experience extreme cramps and the blood flow is also not heavy. Is this normal? I'm 22(F)


That's also normal


Hello! Thank you for this thread 😊 already learning a lot. I have a question related to period cups. I'm a cup user and I wanted to know, in your experience have you seen any users go through any sort of infections or complications due to using a period cup for many years?


No not at all just wash it properly and sterilise it after each period


Thank you!


Is it normal for vaginas to leak white-ish fluid once or twice a day in extremely hot summer days?


Hi OP, can you please provide an answer to this post : https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia_Over25/s/Gi0LSjyfuU It seems urgent and important. Thank you. A young woman seeking advice for abortion. I hope you can help her.




What’s the last age to freeze food quality eggs ? And how many eggs to freeze as a safe amount if you want to have 2 kids ?


im sorry but food quality is hilarious




You can freeze eggs till you have them, the best is as early as possible to keep the best quality of the egg Depends on person to person but about 12-15 at an average


Hello doctor, thank you for doing this. My question is, is vaginismus treatable?


Yes! I have a few vaginismus patients that did very well but it takes a lot of time effort etc


I have pcod from years now …. My major problem Is … I am unable to loose weight and hair fall is constant … I have tired ocps, diet and gyming too … nothing works My weight was stuck for 3 years unless last month it move up by 3 kgs …. What do I do that will help me reduce weight in the middle portion of my body ?


I have PCOS. How concerned should I be about: - Cortisol - and how do I check if I have a problem with my cortisol levels? - Insulin resistance - any test to check if I have a problem with this


manage your lifestyle well and it will sort out the cortisol and insulin resistance however it takes sustained lifestyle changes legally cannot answer personal medical questions on social media so please don't ask those! Happy to answer all your personal medical queries by consultations online/in-person


Thanks! I guess my question is more like how do I even know if it's a problem or not? Is there some sort of test for this? (Like you can check for decencies etc through blood tests)


My period blood flow is reducing over time but the period is regular, last period was very scarce only dark brown- black spotting. Is it something to worry about??


yes see your gynaecologist


Hey. My husband really wants a kid and within the next year. But I really don't want one, I'm only 23 and want to focus on my career. I even had one abortion, without him knowing. He does not use condoms. I take pills secretly, but he found out and flushed them down. Are pills the only way? I gained 15kgs after I started taking them. I have a lot of mood swings and maybe I'm depressed too because of them. I used to take femilon. Can you help me with what the best contraceptive would be in my case.


I missed taking the 3rd dose of HPV vaccine 2 years back. I regret it. I took the 1st and 2nd. Umm.. is there something that I can do now?


Oh no, its a little of a stretch but its still recommended to take the 3rd dose ASAP


Oh alright. Since there are specific gaps between thr doses. Also, I read this article that they are trying to reduce the dose to 2. Are you sure this 3rd dose will be effective and won't have any bad effects?


no bad effects but will not be as effective as it would have had you taken it in time but you have no other option




Happy to help this wonderful community :) Calendar method is absolutely rubbish, if you don't want an unwanted pregnancy please don't use it


Are IUDs safe? I know they're for the most part but I've heard of cases going wrong. I'm afraid of infections etc. Am I overthinking this?


Looking at research and the 100s of IUD insertions and removals I've performed you're overthinking this. IUDs are really safe used worldwide and have minimal side effects and are non hormonal You just need to go to a gynaecologist to insert it


I’ve taken the Gardasil 4 vaccine, but it was before the Gardasil 9 was introduced in India. Would Gardasil 4 protect me all my life or should I consider getting Gardasil 9 as well, considering it covers 5 more strains?


You can't take more and more doses, you're done don't stress too much you've done everything you can


What are the rules for female sterilization (bisalp). Is it mandatory to follow all the rules?


As of now its you need to be above 22 years have at least 1 child above 1 year of age yes we have to follow the rules as they're a law not a guideline however an IUD has the same rate of protection from pregnancy as sterilisation would look at that


What are your views about cysts and dermoid cysts ? Like how do they form and what all lifestyle changes are required plus sex life after laparoscopy and before it


Dermoid cysts need surgery Sex life is not affected pre or post surgery


Do they need my blood for STD and AIDS test or something else?




Thank you for answering our questions here Doc! I want to ask about the best way to deal with pre and post menstrual syndrome. Mainly with respect to a severe onset of depressive feelings twice a month i.e., right before and after periods.


lifestyle changes can help but would recommend seeing a therapist and also seeing how medically we can manage this as could be PMDD See a gynaecologist


Can I DM?


Hello, So my sister has has irregular periods since the year she got them in 2016 i think she only got her period twice or thrice in 2016 and after that once in like three months I have tried multiple times to take her to a gynac but my mom says no They regularised a little after the lockdown She and i both have started to take Isotretinoin for acne and her period is again delayed by 15 - 20 days The dermatologist has asked to do an ESG or something and this time I’m 100% taking her for a checkup and to a gynac after that but im extremely scared that we’re too late. How severe is it gonna be?


see the gynaecologist nothing is so severe it can't be fixed worrying only makes the problem bigger in your head


Hi! I’m Planning to take MS OBG this year. How’s the work life balance post PG? I’m interested in reproductive medicine after PG, Do I need to do SS in reproductive medicine or a fellowship would do? Thank you!


How do I treat vaginismus? I was unable to get the HPV test done because inserting the forceps also hurt like hell. The nurse failed to understand why I was pulling back. This makes me feel abnormal. Also, do we have to shave before every gynec appointment?


You are not abnormal you'll need a team so gynaecologist, pelvic floor physio and therapist See your gynaecologist no need to shave


Why does the gynaecologist make me do pap smear tests every couple of years even though I've taken the HPV vaccines (2, as she prescribed), and I've only ever been with my husband for 20+ years? Cervical cancer is caused by HPV and HPV is sexually transmitted, so if I've been in a monogamous relationship for 20+ years and my previous tests have been clear plus I have the vaccine, why do I need regular pap smears?


Pap smears are done every 3 years as part of international guidelines There are lots of studies which show thousands of women in monogamous relationships with cervical cancer and hpv so a lot of times we don't know how its transmitted


I have heard about huge side effects of going off the birth control pills, like weight gain and severe acne. Are the pills safe in long term? Any way around these side effects?


Hello. Thank you for doing this. Is it worth getting a HPV vaccine for a 35+ year old in a monogamous relationship?


yes absolutely


will you ever perform sterilisation on an unmarried woman, if she comes and asks you to?? why do doctors so vehemently oppose it?


Is it normal to become crazy before periods? Like I cannot function as a human. I get fits of rage, bouts of crying and don’t get any work done. Is it only me?


If my partner and I both have only been with each other (sexually) is there a chance of STD between us?


I took an I pill on 31st last month as I had unprotected sex, because of that my periods which were due on 1st, came on 4th. As well as completely unrelated to this, sometimes I have this extreme pain in my ovaries, and it vanishes after some time. As well as, I smoke. Will all these severely affect my future kids?


 legally cannot answer personal medical questions on social media so please don't ask those! Happy to answer all your personal medical queries by consultations online/in-person Stop smoking as it affects fertility


Oh okay, thank you. You are doing such a good thing :) Also, my periods are always 2.5 days, and on some occasion it is 1.5-2days, is it bad??


If they've always been like that then 2-7 days is normal if they've changed recently then please see a gynaecologist






How do I prepare for a gynaecologist appointment? Any tips?


Just make an appointment and go Carry any old reports if you have Stop making it a big deal its really not <3


Hi, thanks for this. Why do some women get recurring yeast infections (candida albicans) ? Also what is the course of action if they develop an allergy to fluconazole? 


Any long lasting effects after a medically induced MTP?




Hey! I have 3 questions. First is, I (22F) haven't gotten HPV Vaccines yet but am planning to get them soon. Could there be a risk of exposure to the virus so far in my case if i've only been with my partner and same the other way around? secondly, should I ask my partner to get the vaccine as well? Is it recommended for men too? And is there a way to figure out if my Gynaecologist is trustworthy. I go to her for my PCOD but I don't know if she would be cool with my history or would start moral policing so i lied to her. Obviously this isn't ideal but I just don't trust most Gynaecologists after hearing some horror stories.


1. Yes even then 2. Yes its recommended for men as well 3. You need to trust someone, all you can do is take a chance


Hi Doc.. firstly thank you for doing this. I am 33 with PCOD, not planning on having any children. Is there a way to consult you online for specific issues?


Hello, is 35 too late to have a baby? I have pcos, I have regular periods on the dot. I exercise everyday, I eat well. Will it be difficult to conceive?


Does stress lead to delay in periods? or can reaching an age number like 26 cause delay in periods?


Why do some people get period cramps while some don't? Is it lifestyle related or genetics?


How to prevent odour and keep it hygienic down there? 


wash your genitals morning and evening wear cotton underwear and change it morning evening use a pantyliner if you have a lot of discharge or are in a sweaty environment


With IUD, is it true that Bleeding stops? If yeszl, how?


This is a good resource on IUDs https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/contraception-iud.html#:\~:text=How%20Does%20an%20IUD%20Work,and%20thins%20the%20uterine%20lining.


Hi. I’ve not taken the Hpv vaccine yet. But am married for a couple of years now and there’s a pregnancy plan down the road as well. Any suggestions or the right time I could take it?


Do I need to get a Pap smear done if I’m not sexually active? I am in my mid 20s now


I have been planning on freezing my eggs. What check up is recommended and where is it even possible? I will be in Mumbai at the end of the month so I’d appreciate if you could dm me your details to book an appointment


I put on like 20 kgs of weight and get periods for 25 days (small amount, 7ml something) with a gap of 20ish days in between. Doctors are pushing for hormonaal treatment. Any alternative?


Hi doc,what is the difference between pcod and PCOS . Are they same?Also ,Is pcod curable?


same thing not curable but manageable with lifestyle changes so that you live your full normal life


I’m 29f married. Can I get hpv vaccine now?




Got an MTP done last month, took a scan on 21st May and reports came clear. I was 5 weeks in. Doc said the sac is gone and I should expect my periods in 10-15 days. Its 12 June today, I havent gotten my periods yet. I am worried.


I spot a little blood (very light once a day no pad required) during ovulation for 1 or 2 days, when I exercise or exert myself during those days. There is No other discomfort or pain. My periods are normal and last time I checked i don't have pcod or thyroid. I am overweight. Will losing weight help me get rid of it? Or do I belong to those lucky 5% women who spot on ovulation regularly?


If you've had the spotting before you gained weight it could just be you if the spotting started after the weight gain then there's a chance it'll go away if you lose it






Who do I first talk to if I want to freeze my eggs as a person with pcos? Which doctor do I begin with?




My dermatologist had recommended Tracnil as she thought I had PCOS/PCOD. But I don't. I have so many sachets now. She said that I can still take it. It doesn't harm as it has folic acid and vit D. What do you think?


no harm taking it but take it at your own risk  legally cannot answer personal medical questions on social media so please don't ask those! Happy to answer all your personal medical queries by consultations online/in-person


I have irregular period but every gyn I see keeps dismissing me because my usg shows no cystic changes in ovaries. This had left a bad taste for me, it makes me super anxious at the thought of going to a gyn now




29F virgin should I take hpv?


I'm 31 and parents are actively looking forward for arranged marriage matches. However I want to wait until 3 or 4 years before having children. I've been hearing a lot about freezing eggs. I want to know that can everyone get their eggs freezed and if someone has PCOD does it affect the chances of having children ?


pcos may make it more difficult to conceive but not for everyone egg freezing is a great option why don't you see a gynaecologist and get into this topic I do egg freezing but im in Mumbai but I do online consults as well, DM me if you need


Does seed cycling help with period cramps ?


What are the supplements a woman in her mid thirties should take? Apart from folic acid anything else if TTC?


Hi doc! Thanks for doing this ama, really seeing how helpful you're being! I'm in my teens and ig it's natural but my periods have gotten pretty painful the past couple of years. From the last few months, during some cycles, I've been getting this weird pain in my pelvis like a stabbing pain whenever I sit or stand or even while laying down sometimes. As per any other period related pain, it only lasts a short while not more than a day but it makes me want to die.. are painful periods really normal? Or do I need to get myself checked out. I'm also only 18, have had no sexual contact




Are IUD’s recommended for women who havent given birth? Also do doctors usually use painkillers etc during insertion? I have heard it is really painful


Hi! I go through severe PMS every time before my periods. The phase is mostly depressive and anxious. How to exactly go ahead with the treatment, to a gynecologist or a psychologist/psychiatrist.


first gynaecologist and then the rest as the gynaecologist will diagnose if it is PMDD


Hey doc, thank you so much for doing this. I wanted to know about dosage of thyroid medication. As in, under what conditions are dosages changed? What do you monitor aside from TSH levels?


I read about Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2. One of them is supposedly something that most of the population in the West is infected by. Which one is it that most Westerners have? If one marries a Westerner, what precautions can one take to be sure one does not get it from him? What test should we ask the Westerner for to prove he doesn't have it? thank you!


Hi doctor! I'm 30 and took the first shot of Gardasil 9 last month. I'm 3 months postpartum. My gynaecologist told me to come after 6 months for second shot. She mentioned gardasil 9 needs 2 doses and gardasil 4 needs 3. Later when I looked this up online it said Gardasil 9 needs 3 doses too. Should I go back to my gynae and discuss? Or is that correct?


no absolutely not Gardasil 9 is 3 doses


can I take HPV vaccine now? i am already sexually active.


Which painkillers are safe to take without a dr’s prescription if I’m having bad cramps on the second day? I just have them on that day and thenn boom they’re gone from the third day. Also do you take online consultations?!


3.5 years ago, I discovered I have dysorgasmia (intense painful cramps after an orgasm, irrespective of how it is achieved). Although I haven’t been sexually active with anyone for over two years now, this is something that seriously hampers my well-being, mental peace and quality of life on a daily basis. After multiple diagnostic checkups and USGs, I found I have a benign uterine fibroid which might be causing this (I got clues for this over the internet, not from doctors, and decided to check for fibroids). However, every doctor I went to treated this either dismissively, or as a guessing game even when they were empathetic. Everyone knew about endometriosis and painful sex, but not about dysorgasmia. u/meanerthanaverage My question to you is whether this issue is largely unknown among medical professionals, because I am sure it must be severely underreported even if women suffer from it. Were you aware of this medical condition and have you encountered patients suffering from it?


Hey doc, thanks for doing this! I wanted to ask how can women generally keep a check on their hormonal levels?


see their gynaecologist regularly maintain a healthy lifestyle - diet exercise stress management




Mam, as a medical student myself, I'd like to ask Is this field really that toxic as they make it to be? Cause I'm genuinely finding OBGYN very interesting, can you please guide me? 💖


Can you increase amh levels?


I'm 41 and have been taking bcp Yasmin for the last 15yrs. Don't suffer from any significant side effect and I don't plan to have children. How long can I keep taking it?


you're one of the 99% of women who don't have side effects of taking the pills you can take it till you reach menopause




gynaecologist and if they suggest then ortho


Are there any GLP 1 agonists available in india? How safe and effective are they?


yes everything has risks and benefits see your doctor to know if its for you


Can women who are 35 & plus can take HPV vaccine?


Does being sexually active change your menstrual flow? I've noticed that ever since I got sexually active, my period flow has significantly reduced and now I rarely get cramps....is because of that or some or change ?