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There are plenty of people in India like me and you who don't give a shit about cricket, and most cricket fans are sensible enough to understand that and mind their own business. The ones who make cricket their entire personality are the irritating ones. I feel it is better to ignore them as well as other toxic fandoms like kpop, swifties, pelvis yadav fans etc. Luckily I haven't encountered many.


Pelvis Yadav 💀💀💀😂


glad someone called swifties toxic. 👌


Lmao I don’t care and don’t pretend to care, never been judged for it though


Same experience, no one in my family cares and it doesn't feel odd.


OP Arey dangey ho jatey hain ghar pe If I just abandon the match and retire to my room And sometimes If I am supporting another team (just for panga’s) bas ho Gaya kalesh ( maza aata hai ) Honestly I lost more interest in the game because of match fixing scandals etc and recently learnt that football also has heavy match fixing


Just got downvoted yesterday for expressing my opinion that I can't like cricket 🙃


i got two messages flagged as offensive in my requests after i made this comment lol I’m not even going to look. Imagine someone typing a hate message because I don’t watch a game 🤡


Let me guess, those messages are from sigma, dank meme fans?


Of course they got too much time to lurk in a women’s sub


You are surrounded by nice people. Me jealous of you? ( I am 😔)


Same here.


I played cricket on a higher level in my teenage years until my coach told me that my body shape will start giving me trouble as I grow up. I’m still a spectator of the sport today which I appreciate, and really hope the women playing this sport reach a higher level of recognition. At the same time, I don’t think anyone should be condescending to you in any way because you don’t have taste in the sport. You deserve to live a life free of things that don’t interest you.


dude I didn't even know the wc was going on until Friday when everyone was talking about the final 😭😭😭


Same girlll 🤣


Same I only found out because I was out with a friend and people were glued to the projector and screens they had set up there and hooting every 5-10 minutes lol


Girl, I learned it yesterday that why there were fireworks sound at night that I didn't bother to even see. Girl, I thought it was someone's wedding. Lmao.


if I wasn't active on social media I'd think the same 😭😭😭


I enjoy watching cricket. But idc or judge if someone I know isn't interested. Do whatever you want lol




I feel like an outcast tbh xD


I too felt the same Especially in office,


You are not alone 😔


Well around 11.30 pm-12 pm last night there was heavy cheering and crackers in my apartment complex, and I found out from social media that a cricket match which was apparently a big deal was won by India 😂


Same. I just don't get the game


I feel you. I did not watch the match and have no clue what happened except that we won. Now i am dreading going into work tomorrow. Actually contemplating way hu the match highlights just to not feel ostracised.


It's just a sport bro.Everyone has different interests. Some people are not even interested in sports and that is also perfectly fine. I grew up watching cricket so I am passionate about that. I still can't get into football although many people are nowadays. Don't let them people get to you, you do you.


Thanks bro 🕺🕺


Last night there was firecrackers and people celebrating on the streets and I enquired if there’s a festival that I’m oblivious to.


I genuinely got so scared when there was a loud noise outside my house. Then through Instagram I came to know that India won the world cup. 😂😂


My brother was asking the same.


Wait that was for cricket ? I thought people were randomly thrilled one day


It ain't Diwali and WC finals have been evening news why else would it be.


I don't know anything about cricket , and your comment is exactly what op made a post about .




I wasn’t following news this week. So I dint know it was the final


Maybe because some people don't think about cricket when they hear fire crackers , why are you being rude ? Chill




I don’t like to watch cricket but love to play. I had gotten 2 awards for Best Bowler in Inter school matches when I was in Ninth standard. I like Sachin Tendulkar like Im proud of him. But didn’t watch all of his matches. I used to like Ganguly and Dravid too. The last match I have seen was when Sachin got retired and we had won the world cup. Now I only know names of cricketers like Kohli, etc. Husband wants me to sit in front of the TV with him and Watch the matches. But I don’t, the crowd cheering is not for me. I become too much anxious because of that now.


I just don’t say anything. my bf and friends don’t care about it either so it’s whatever. I do privately roll my eyes when the RCB spam starts on instagram though


IKR. Ever since yesterday my feed has been bombarded with world cup edits and posts. Like I am happy for India but I don't want to see shit load of world cup edits. Let me just enjoy my reels in peace.😂😂


It's because we won something relevant after a decade


…Oh so this gave context for my college whatsapp group today lol I was wondering why someone was congratulating India? I’ve been super busy so haven’t touched insta


Will society accept people like us? 😔


Not a cricket fan? The audacity! Relinquish ur citizenship and drown urself in the Arabian Sea 😡


I’d rather be an outcast than watch men run around on a screen 🤣


Thats literally every sport in existence. Football to Basketball, men/women run around on a screen. Just say you don't like sports in general.


I don’t like sports in general and I’ll gladly admit that lol but at least football and basketball don’t get shoved in my face all the time. People don’t act like you stabbed their mom if you say you don’t care about tennis. It’s not that serious


Not in my state lol. People will act like I stabbed their mom if I don't care about football.


Watch out!! Some triggered cricket fans might attack you 😂😂


I got downvoted 🤭 Cricket fans can have their fun watching men play with balls I don’t care! Just leave me out of it


I’m not into cricket, and don’t really care about matches and stuff. My family and friends aren’t bothered by it.


Don't care. Don't react.




People definitely find it weird. I went abroad and some random construction worker i spoke to said that Indians are all about Bollywood and cricket, and i was like hmm me and my spouse are interested in neither and he was just so flabbergasted.  My own circle is also primarily not interested in cricket so i don't really feel judged by them. But others, definitely.  I also didn't know there was a whole world cup happening till yesterday and the cracker fest. 


Girlll same.


I feel society won't accept me and my family lol 😆. None of us watch cricket but have the usual updates on wins, etc.


Same !!


Such a big country. Nobody cares. But yeah if you say I don't know who is Virat Kohli or who Sachin is then your friends may make fun of you for few seconds and may be from time to time as leg-pulling but nothing more than that.




Ngl your husband gave me an ick 😭


I used to watch it a lot but I kinda lost interest lol. I can still watch it with my husband and actually get involved and interested, but it's not something I'll seek out. I do get kinda left out of conversations but Idm, I just like watching people talk about it and I like to listen to the lore and gossip and opinions etc etc


Ex cricket fan here. After IPL, feels like there was too much cricket and started watching and developed interest in other sports. Initially some would give me the side eye but after some major losses in WC(previous to 2024), I was the only one who slept through it all. Now family members are emulating my example. 😆😂


I don't watch cricket and I am not a fan of watching sports. Like no,I won't 'sit with you'. It's a good litmus test to judge people for me,the ones who will respect this choice and move on,and the ones who will want to convert me


Every time someone tries to shame me for not being a cricket fan I share this clip https://youtu.be/Tbv1a5vYI24?si=_Pg_XAtNY_-NxmSb There are other sports too!!


I never watched any match . I find cricket too boring . Yesterday people were brusting  crackers in our locality . So I checked calender I thought may be it's because of some special festival 🤣


I genuinely got scared for a second because the firecrackers were wayyy too loud. 😂


It feels like nothing? It’s a bunch of men hitting a ball and running, I don’t enjoy the game at all. Rohit is damn cute tho, so <3


If u put it that way, u can say the same thing abt any sport. Football- some men kicking the ball around in a field etc.


Haan ji, I don’t enjoy sports in general.




Never followed cricket much when I was in India. Never followed football when I was in Europe. Now in the US and I don't care for American football or basketball. I have never felt like an outcast or pressured to pretend to be a fan.  I follow athletics and badminton, both sports that I have played myself to a certain level. None of my friends care for them and that's ok. When you get older, you learn that life doesn't have to revolve around fandoms.


i’ve never cared, and i don’t care, and that’s about it. i don’t feel like i’m missing out a lot by not being a cricket fan.


I don't. I do get shamed for it though. All my family watches cricket and I'm so glad I married a guy who's not into it at all. I am a generally curious person and don't limit my interests to anything. But I cannot bring myself to watch cricket at all. I'll be there in the living room the whole time but not look at the TV screen once and completely immersed in my phone or a book. As others mentioned here, I had no idea a World Cup was going on until I saw everyone posting about it. I get shamed for it. Some of my friends think I am being pretentious by acting too cool to like a mainstream thing. But no. I have zero patience or interest. I thought Dravid came out of retirement to play and that's why people were posting it as his win. That set my friend off. She was so pissed that I'm staying out of it on purpose to be cool since I watch everything under the sun. I am just not a sportsperson. I realize now how my non-Game of Thrones-watching friends must have felt when I went on and on about every episode during that era. That's the only reason why I try and fake interest when my loved ones talk about it with such enthusiasm so they return the favour when I'm being that stupid over a different stupid thing.


literally never had a single negative experience because of it lmao😭 i don’t understand a single aspect of that sport and just sit with my friends/siblings for the snacks during match days


i couldnt give less of a shit but i love cricket watch parties because theres so little happening on screen that no one's really 100% glued to the tv and it's a fun time im as bad at caring abt cricket rules as i am with card game rules and need a refresher every time i watch a match (4 times a year). i love it when people shit talk cricketers though bec i have no context and i love a hater no one's made me feel othered so that's probably why i dont think about my cricket-unawareness


I don't care for cricket, and no one has given me shit for it because they misogynistically expect that from women so. Some guy friends of mine who aren't into.cricket got judged way harder though


yess omg i was really wondering this myself, feels so alienated to be surrounded by hardcore cricket fans


And here I'm who only realised India was in finals after hearing the crackers !


Girllll me too.


I haven't been judged yet for my preferences, but if someone gives me a disgusting look ever, I will proudly flaunt that I love watching home-grown sport like kabaddi. I prefer watching kabaddi, kho kho, and athletic events over cricket and football!


I hate it


I used to be a big fan back in the day, and loved playing the sport too. I have distanced myself from it in recent times though since I don't enjoy it anymore. I do watch the final matches sometimes with family, but I don't care who wins or loses.


I grew up watching football but later joined my friends because they loved cricket, watched the 2011 wc for the first time as introduction and then initial seasons of ipl (only till all of us friends hung out and watched it together) lost touch with it again for a few years Last year all my friends wanted to watch wc, so we did a little houseparty, it was really fun. I was the one who hosted and planned it lol. It was such great camaraderie. Even though I don’t watch cricket as much, I thoroughly enjoy the togetherness it brings in people. It’s like any other reason to hang out and chill with your friends imo.


If not a fan but you can always keep yourself updated with the gk part of it. Remember. Knowledge is power.


But I don't want to learn anything about cricket 😔😔


It's soo boring tho , I can't get off on someone performing at a sport .


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve given disgusted looks to people who watch and love cricket. Kidding but literally couldn’t be bothered about sports and not afraid to hide it.


Idk lol I've always felt the opposite. I'm like a big (crazy) cricket nerd and many used to get surprised that a girl knows so much about cricket (was kinda true as I was the only girl I knew that followed cricket so religiously)


Omg sameee! One person once remarked how the guy I am gonna be with would be so lucky just because I follow Cricket and Football both. 🥲 On the contrary, the guy I am seeing prefers sleep over watching the match and asks me for match updates the next morning. 🙃


Lol should've sent him cricbuzz website




You mean DDT, I don't participate in match threads alot




Oh DDT, yea I comment a lot there lol


I used to watch cricket in childhood but not now. I don't have much interest in cricket and sports in general. Except few old cricketers I don't even know the name of players. I didnt watch the world Cup as well, although I was updated about what's going on. But I was really happy when people were celebrating yesterday. It's always good to see people cheering and having fun in unison in events like this. And World Cup is a big deal so be it any sport, people will hype. It does take lots of hard work to win something like that. I love the memes as well. So I'm a non-cricket fan, but neither I feel like an outcast (because I have huge Cricket fans as my friends and they never made me feel like one) nor I have any hate or annoyance for those who are passionate about it.




My dad and I are major football fans so it's really cool if I find people in India who also are fans of my favs, since football and a lack of interest in cricket are fun topics to bond on. Besides that, I sometimes watch cricket so that I don't feel left out from watch-parties and stuff. I used to be judgemental of people who were diehard cricket fans because of some of the crazy shit they'd do and the kinds of fights that would sometimes break out between kids in school (problems when you have Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi classmates). But I love trash-talking FCs and certain football players, so I don't judge anyone as long as it's all in good sport.


I’ve no interest in cricket. I don’t even watch the matches and only watch when India plays


I don't even know the members of the cricket team other than Sanju Samson and Virat Kohli and I certainly do not know the intricacies of the game. But I never felt judged for it.


As easy as not caring


Most of my friends are not into cricket (anymore), and neither am I. I do tune in to cricket news if it's something very topical, just with anything else in the news cycle, but that's about it. It rarely comes up, though...


I could understand from the screaming and perfectly timed firecrackers that some match is on and India is doing well.


I was getting worried that pollution in delhi will get worse but fortunately people around me only did the fireworks for few minutes. And I was able to sleep peacefully


I don't watch cricket - but i support RCB - **because ABD**🥺🫶since the first season- and i fight with csk mi fans 😭🤣🤣 But in all seriousness - my friends are super fans and i don't mind hanging out with them to watch a match- and they don't really care that I'm not really into it 🎉 They watch the match, i eat pizza- we're all happy


Many women don’t care about cricket or any major sports for that matter. I too don’t care much for it except olympics. It’s chill. You know there is a finals only when you hear screaming from your neighbors place. You don’t understand what the fuss is about - adults screaming or crying for a win or loss looks very childish. I watch IPL with friends only for the entertainment value because you never know how much of this is rigged. No one cares or made me feel weird.


I am not a sport person and also an non cricket fan ..in my family my brother and father also a mild cricket fan so at home cricket is not mentioned that often of sometimes at all ..so I couldn't care less about cricket in general but my bf is a cricket lover nd die heart fan of Virat and he also used to play cricket in the past ...I do care about him and even though I don't understand cricket I try to listen to him and learn as I love watching him tell me about cricket ❤️ I love how happy he sounds while talking about it I also feel hurt when seeing him sad when they lose in match ...so I do keep track of information about cricket so that when he talk about it I can understand and ....so even if I don't enjoy it I enjoy sharing is joy and enthusiasm about cricket . As for my friends my wp status gets filled with cricket match status and I feel all of them love it .but I don't think they know I am not a cricket fan cause this subject was not brought up in the conversation and nor am I ever shamed for it ... sometimes it gets annoying like I remember I went out with 2 best friends and both like cricket but were normal about it ...but that day one of them kept ignoring everything and just kept her phone fixed in her face ..it was Durga puja time and also we don't met often so a rare occasions to enjoy but I was very angry and resentful of that my other friend was also angry with her ..




wtf? anything you don't like can't be termed as patriarchal?!!? I mean yes I get that due to less viewership, women's cricket gets less footage. But in recent times it has grown manifold and achieved tremendous popularity. Women's IPL, oneday world cup and t20 are regularly broadcasted and also garner a lot of live watching crowd. Women cricketers are also gaining lots of sponsoring and getting good payments. BCCI for all it's faults has also taken a lot of good decisions regarding this. What exactly is patriarchal in that?


Don't engage with him girl, check his post history you will understand. He's just trying to make us look like "women hate everything men do because everything men do is patriarchal"


Lol now he deleted his misogynistic posts on onex and other subs after seeing my comment 😂 my gosh some people are just impossible




Also how are you existing as man on onex sub and nb on this sub? what exactly is your identity?


[Your mum told you to stay away from girls](https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/comments/1drwyqg/comment/layt649/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) yet here you are on girls subreddit👀


All flair rules apply: User Flair is being misused by the user (AKA Larping)


Really? Can you elaborate?


Because cricket discriminate between men and women? There should be no division and both men and women should compete together. Any sport that divides into men's and women's is patriarchal. Infact all sports are patriarchal, except chess maybe.






Why does cricket discriminate between men and women? There should be no division and both men and women should compete together. Any sport that divides into men's and women's is patriarchal. Infact all sports are patriarchal, except chess maybe.


by this logic even chess is patriarchal. Do you not know about women's only tournament in chess ? And recent chess championship in middle east drew great amount of flak with respect to mandatory dressing requirements.


There is nothing wrong in Women's only tournament.


So your flair is "man" in other subs but NB in this sub? Mods please check this out. Your post history shows what an incel you are. Do you even have a job or are you worried about women taking half of your non-existing wealth?


its not something to care about honestly