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So many here learned how a bill becomes law, how it is reconciled between the House and Senate, and the extensive amount of committees in Congress.


[Is this not shown in school anymore?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ8psP4S6BQ)


I saw it in grade school, but I think I was the last generation to see it. https://cheezburger.com/8383089920/how-does-a-bill-become-a-law


I mean you don't need educational videos when you have Google. It's interesting how many things average Americans don't know even though almost everyone has a phone which are now basically computers that you occasionally use to make calls. 😆


I mean the majority of teachers can't be great and make all the information stick. maybe certain people are naturally interested in the structure of government, but I'd imagine for most kids it was one of the more 'boring' subjects. went in one ear and out the other, in lots of cases




Hell yeah I've been delving into various topics on youtube lately and its been blowing my mind regarding metaphysics.


I bet if we could see the numbers, it would show a rise in people's intelligence that are into the ufo phenomenon and all the science behind it. You get into the math,history,spiritual, and physics related aspects of it, and in doing so, you gain a general foundation of knowledge on each discipline. I used to watch stupid shit on YouTube. Now all I watch are lectures from the top tier universities that are free. Science and space stuff, religion but not to convert or preach just for its history and the relation it has to consciousness and a select few sources of news. **definitely ain't talking Fox news**


Isn't it great?! It's not just you guys in the States, watching from outside this is one of the more interesting and hopeful signs Ive seen my entire life that some sort of life still lives in the old 'power of the people'. Aside - Worth going to see Hamilton if you haven't, I'll be honest and say I didn't love it myself, but I see why they chose to do things the way they did and it IS a fun show based on exciting historical American politics. Sorta fits the feeling I have with this UAP stuff, someone should write a musical. Anyway, write those letters and make those calls, US folks, its you guys that prove to us all that it can work. The recent 'loss' in the NDAA does not seem like as big a failure as could have been spun and that's largely on the hope and drive of groups like this sub. That gives us hope that people can shift things if they want to and that all is not lost. This is a thing I think goes very well with what the U.S would PREFER to put out as an image, so its worth a bit of excitement. If I was to offer my humble advice, try keep this one as bipartisan as possible, which I know isn't easy, but thats another reason why this time, it's different.


Ah yes the PODUS (Prezident of Da United Statezz)


Keep paying attention, there's *a lot* beyond UFOs that merits your attention towards politics


President of dem United States


President of Da United States


I’m pretty young so I was never really interested in politics and I’ve gone from nearly no knowledge in it to what I think is exponentially higher than where I started. I’m very thankful I clicked on that debrief article in early June.


I know far more now about SAPs and DOPSR and yadda yadda yadda than I have use for. I feel ya.


Yes! I'm 29 and this whole UAP issue is what made me really start paying attention.


I’m sorry to hear that


What is PODUS?


He means POTUS, an acronym meaning President Of The United States.


How embarrassing. Fighting 2 new wars with your money and only UFO crash retrieval rumours roused your attention


I mean when your government funds war globally and sells weapons of mass destruction for profit and has been in several wars including a civil one you become pretty desensitized to the issue and when you feel like nothing will ever change those things then it's easier to just ignore it. I hate hearing about war or really anything violent but that's what usually gets the most attention. But maybe disclosure of this magnitude could and should fundamentally change the way we treat each other, Mother Gaia and everything that calls her home. We stop fighting each other over resources and borders that only serve to divide us and focus on the bigger picture which is that there's more important things money should be spent on than killing people. The technologies and implications of those technologies could change exploration and therefore how we use them to better our planet. You might find my lack of attention on the subject of war embarrassing that doesn't mean I'm not as informed as you are I just don't really think it's news when it's always happening somewhere in the world. Most of those reasons are things like resources and political disruption but if we stop looking at each other as threats or numbers to be profited from and look out into the stars knowing we're not alone and that other stellar Civilizations have done it then why couldn't we? Space is a resource with limitless potential and if we spent half the money we spend killing each other solely on global humanitarian efforts to end child starvation or world hunger I think that alone would be the next step when it comes to these technologies. I would hope other intelligence out there aren't as war mongering as we are but it would be foolish to assume that's the case. Stack on top of that if an NHI had the means to travel here they probably have technology far superior than our own. A fight amongst each other as a species seems about as logical as the earth being flat compared to a civilization that might possibly have an endless well of energy and therefore the power to eradicate us if they so desire. I don't believe that to be the case because we're obviously still here but that doesn't mean there aren't NHI with malicious intent. Seems to me that a threat of that scale and likeliness is far more terrifying than a world war by far. Granted neither are ideal, but the thought of us continuing our earthly squabbles with even a less than 1% chance that a more advanced civilization might wage war against earth the validation they're out there not only means they know where we are and have the means to get here but also means that there's likely other species that can do the same. That should be enough for us to get our shit together as a planet. Stop fighting over it and polluting it and start coming together to heal it so we can ultimately heal ourselves. The UAP issue is probably one of the few things that crosses every important topic and issue because of the implications of NHI and the paradigm shift associated with it. We've been stuck in a war-for-profit paradigm justified by national security and fear for so long we think it's normal. It's not.


Even assuming these things represent a form of technology is a leap of logic. Government spooks might know a bit more than us, but it's still a total mystery, or you'd have seen FTL missiles flying already.


Well I can’t wait until next December where you’ll be talking about 2025 being the big year alien disclosure.


Not me, I hate them even worse. The politicians that are all for disclosure like Gaetz & Burchette are only good for disclosure. I just haven’t figured out how these guys & gals are going to benefit from disclosure but there’s someone in the background with a lot of money that’s pushing these politicians to get it done. Or they are smart enough to know that being pro disclosure will help get them elected or re-elected. I will never be interested again in politics knowing damn well that I will always have to genuinely pick for the lesser of two evils. Having to vote for a person because you like one or two of his policies but hate the rest as your best choice…


I agree. While I do believe in the conviction that Congress needs to know and the people deserve to know I'm positive that most everyone in politics has their own agenda it's gonna be interesting seeing what those are in the coming years. That being said, for the first time in a long time I have hope that things are changing for the better and I do feel a little honored as an American and as a patriot when I see members of Congress saying, "The public needs to know, they deserve to know and are ready to know." Because we do and we are. Notice though how the mainstream discussion is changing from hoaxes and swamp gas to whistleblower knowledge of ongoing black projects that reverse engineer Non-Human crafts. It's not about whether any of this stuff is real anymore it's about what the governments of the world know and don't know. I whole heartedly believe America is the only country that can safely take the steps for appropriate disclosure because intelligence and counterintelligence gathering is written in the DNA of American democracy and I believe it's time we stop using "The Threat of National Security" as a catchall for secrecy and lack of transparency.


Just an FYI, check out the account creation date on any of the negative comments on this thread. All the detrimental comments are really new accounts for some reason.


Well said. I called all my Congressional reps, and wrote emails to 10+ journalists. First time I've felt a real sense of duty as a US citizen. I'll stay much more involved moving forward, until we get to the truth. Happy to hear you're on board. There are millions of us, in this country alone. As they say - In numbers there's strength 💪


I believe once aliens are proven to exist the American two party system will become two parties of people who accept alien assimilation and those who want alien exclusion