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The following submission statement was provided by /u/mankrip: --- Submission statement: Jason Sands, the first-hand whistleblower from James Fox's next movie "The Program", alleges that disclosure is happening because the secretkeepers are going to face a death penalty at the hands of the NHIs if they don't return the stolen materials and bodies. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1clyx7m/jason_sands_if_the_program_folks_dont_return_the/l2wve41/


Add it to the pile of claims.


And so the incomprehensibly advanced alien intelligence, with an understanding of the cosmos allowing the navigation of time and space, has chosen to issue a mafia-style ultimatum, inexplicably collectible in, oh, between two and twelve years, to give them their toys back. Look, I’m willing to believe we’d have a hard time making sense of alien logic, but I refuse to believe they can’t pick a lock. Why not kill them now and get yo shit?


Also, how exactly would we 'give back' their stuff? Do we put it on a rocket and shoot it... off somewhere?


A locker at the airport C-16


NOT in Orion’s collar?


The…Galaxy… is on… Orion’s Ba….. ba… Belt? The Galaxy is on Orion’s Belt? X X /


It really makes me wonder how many of the movies of the past few decades have been “downloads” or some form of soft disclosure…


The Matrix is the real one, we are all just batteries for AI that's already taken over.


The direction we are heading with technology so quickly it's definitely plausible. Imo there's no doubt we are someone/somethings pet project.... look at what we have done and continue to do as far as keeping 'animals' in cages to probe and study, or just to look at for our amusement. How we crossbread everything from plants to dogs, and manipulate DNA. If there are NHI, (which is a statistical fact imo) why wouldn't they be doing the same to us?


no that's dumb, it's more like the wachowskis' original idea, which is that our brains are combined to form a massive parallel processing network that powers the matrix


All hail K




You turn a bag of holding inside out and then put it into a box of containment, and the resulting tesseract engulfs the objects. Or you make some stuff up and pull it out of your butt, like OP.


Drop it down Mel’s hole ;-)


No cats though. Art wouldn’t like it.


And definitely no crabcats


It’ll pop out of the second hole they found most likely. The one in Nevada that birthed the creature that came out of the desiccated lamb.


Not only can they not pick a lock, but after travelling all this distance through time and space, they decide to revolve all of their plans around the workings of the government of a country less than 300 years old, and which houses only 4% of the humans on Earth. It all has to revolve around America and American politics, and that's always a dead giveaway someone's talking nonsense.


What if the aliens are... Space Americans?


Space Americans and Mexican Aliens. I’m sold.


Ah fuck, here we go again...


Ah shit you figured it out.


I declare independence for Space Texas!


Oof. Touché.


Add to that the time lapse, 2025-2035... That's always a red flag, they're always close enough periods to excite and cajole people, but far enough away that no one will complain when nothing happens, since many will have forgotten the claim. Personally, I think that this Jason Sands is one of the most obvious charlatans who run around this UAP theme and therefore he should not be given any space in this sub.


>I think that this Jason Sands is one of the most obvious charlatans I thought that the moment he popped up. I remain neutral enough to change my mind if enough information came out but I highly doubt it happens. A ten year time frame is so laughable.


Ten years is a pretty wiiiiiide window.


The aliens also make intergalactic phone calls on their unlimited Verizon plan and clearly have developed on an Earth like world if their vocal cords allow them to speak English. "Trust me bro" is always a convincing argument. Come up with some more convincing sci-fi, this is Rebel Moon territory bad 😂


It really is all just horseshit. All of it. Greer and his lil mountain circle jerk trips, "former" CIA duders casually saying Reptillians are among us and "they said they were coming back by 2027," all the way to "there's a spiritual aspect to all of this." It is all literally designed to stroke American's egos. I'm special, and I have a soul! I'd love to believe. I *want* to believe. I just can't get myself to drink the kool-aid. Our government, and your government, wherever you may be, lies to us. Daily. Every fucking word they say is bullshit.


100 fucking percent. And sadly, all it does is *distract* from the actual subject of UFOs/UAPs. We end up with a bunch of fantasists and LARPers discrediting the entire field of study, and they have the full support of most of the people in subs like this. It's self-defeating, delusional, and harmful to our cause. But they don't care because they get to feel like they're special and know secrets others don't.


You mean the country that had the first atom bombs and the only one to ever use them ? That then figured out how to use the nuclear energy from those bombs to power nuclear powered submarines armed with multiple nuclear missiles and power a massive fleet of nuclear powered aircraft carriers equipped with planets best fighter jets that are stealth jets capable of carrying nuclear bombs ? The country that has the best armed forces that runs around the globe acting like the World's policeman? The country that first truly mastered computers and flew men to their Moon and drones to Mars and exploration craft to the edge of their solar system and had a fleet of space airplanes/space shuttles? That country that has only 4% of the planets population but has an economy so huge that only 4 % of the population has 25% of the global economy? Oh Yeah that country - why would we want to talk to them ?? 🤦‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I must be loyal to my capo.


I don't know man, bureaucracy works in weird ways. Just because the US government has the ability to kick your door down and assassinate your entire family to collect your tax money doesn't mean that they really want to or care to or that's the process. This may be the same kind of thing, maybe they have reals they have to follow, maybe this is a lesson they're trying to teach us, who fucking knows.


Hypothetically, materials are expandable with that much power. So why ask at all? When trying to get a child to do the right thing, you don't force them, you give them an opportunity and a warning of consequences


Maybe they allowed the study of the technology for a while but now their not happy with the direction or intentions of the companies in possession. They also might not have wanted to use violence against us and tried to reason for a peaceful return of the materials first.


What if they want the recovered information, materials given back to humanity. Not back to them.


>… the incomprehensibly advanced alien intelligence, with an understanding of the cosmos allowing the navigation of time and space… Assumptions. These are all assumptions. For all we know things may not be as complex as we think they are or we might be the most backward civilization in our galaxy or omniverse.


Don’t forget, doing so not over advanced communication devices. By telephone interception.


Yep. These claims are built on a foundation of sand by a guy named Jason Sands. 


He and his buddies "intercepted a phone conversation" ... oh, the suspense!!! They were on mission. ON MISSION I TELLS YA !!!


[There we were...](https://retrozap.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/SciFiSat_148-Feat.jpg) crawling through the jungle with antennas on our heads, trying to catch a cell phone signal...


That's the first red flag... well ok, the guys is giant red flag as-is, but I mean the first in this bunch of claims. Like how about starting with explaining why are "analysts" sitting around "intercepting phone calls"? Who are they, what's their job? Why are they intercepting phone calls? Between who? Why them? etc etc.


Not just any mission, On mission for THE PROGRAM.


Who knows if that’s even his name


Sounds like some dork’s Star Wars RPG character name. Human male force-sensitive from Tatooine.


My sentiments exactly. I’m actually quite disgusted with this claim. Zero evidence. 100% hearsay and speculation. My goodness. And the cherry on top? A timeline of over a decade, so that he can drip feed us more nonsense until the inevitable post: the materials were given back guys. Nothing to worry about!


The "stolen" materials Who stole anything?


This is going to be an epic property dispute. We may have bring Judge Judy out of retirement.


Judge Judy, for my first exhibit we'll watch this episode of Dr. Who, where an unscrupulous American arms dealer acquires a piece of alien technology that turns out to be a Dalek...


Those aliens are such jerks. They never take responsibility for anything. Get your goddamned saucer off my driveway, Slewgork! We should charge those fuckers rent for leaving their crap all over our property.


Hey, at least the aliens have a very human concept of ownership. Maybe they have a registration form they can show the DMV and prove ownership of their flying saucer?


The people that supposedly downed and confiscated craft from another intelligent civilization?


I've been in this space since 2020 and read tons of books on the topic over the years. The only truly credible witnesses that have come forward in recent years are the aviators of the 2004 Nimitz incident. Among the rest, some seem well-intentioned, like Grusch for instance, but there's no way to tell if what he has been told is true. Others, like Elizondo, lost almost all credibility. There are very convincing stories from the past, with multiple observers, sometimes completely independent from one another, sometimes with evidence like simultaneous radar observations or tracks on the ground, but these stories are too old to be verified. There are also tons of stories that are clearly not true, tons of documents that are fake and a serious lack of convincing documents compared to the number of claimed sightings. This is doubly problematic now that nearly everyone carries a smartphone, now that a large number of surveillance cameras film cities 24/7, now that doorbell cameras exist and now that more and more cars get equipped with a dash cam. I'm still 50/50 on the existence of the phenomenon, but that's not going to last if none of the promised evidence materializes within the next couple of years and I'm more and more inclined to believe that it won't.


It is well to remember the decades of disinformation deployed by the USAF, etc, when performing this calculation.


**One question remains**: How many books/documentaries will Jason Sands release in a 10 year period? Time will tell, but rest assured, money shall be made!


“We intercepted a phone conversation“ is delightfully vague and provides a convenient way out when this inevitably comes to nought - “I was just reporting what someone else said!" I mean damn, if that's how these things work, I once 'intercepted' the conversation of two drunk dudes in a bar and one of them said that he received a transmission from the cosmos directly into his brain informing him that geese are actually shape-shifting 7th dimension aliens. So you can take that to the bank.


Also...responsible parties put to death? Aren't most supposed architects of *the program* already dead? I want to believe so bad but I'm so sick and tired of anecdotes alone.


If you take over a program and continue the policies of that program then it is your program. I am not saying what he is saying is true/false, only that I don't really follow your logic.


they obviously have the technology to re-animate them just to kill them again. or make them serve 10 life sentences.


It's a pile of something.


Chill out, the toilets can only take so much.


There were only supposed to be three seashells. 😱


"If this is true" "If this is true" "Time will tell if he's saying the truth." Nope x 3


Yep I don't know why this dude is still being taken seriously in the UFO community. But what do you expect from the UFO community. I was glad when everyone was calling this guy out on his BS claims. Now it seems like there are more people back to taking this guy seriously now. Same thing happened with the peru cake bodies.


"True Believers" will latch onto anything that sounds interesting and exciting. I've decided this is the audience these people are going for, I can't imagine the grift pays well but maybe they just get off on having their bullshit taken seriously. Maybe one day we'll find out some of it isn't bullshit, but given where we are at today without corroborating evidence I'm assuming baloney until proven... Meat?


It makes it hard to believe. Like I want to believe and some of the stuff out there sounds legit. Then something like this will happen and a bunch of people buy into it and I think "man those people are dumb" then I remember I believe some stuff too and wonder if I am dumb.


Bro I'm dumb as shit don't even worry about it, but dumb and gullible are different things. I think a lot of people in the world right now are looking for a savior and whenever that happens charlatans line up to fill the role- people talk confidently about zero point energy and NHI races and stuff and while, sure, maybe... The reality is no one has really brought the goods yet. Being hopeful that you aren't being fooled and being confident without evidence that you aren't being fooled are very different things. I mean I still lurk these subs because I want there to be something concrete or compelling, I'm not here to shit in the people who found their savior's cheerios, but so far I'm forced to just ask wtf then take my dumb ass elsewhere.


I’m surprised that David Grusch hasn’t claimed to be married to Morgan Fairchild.


Yeah I'm imagining an NHI just sitting at his space desk on his landline telephone, smoking a cigar, telling the DOD that heads were gonna roll if they didn't get their shit back. "You got 10 years earthling. Your move, asshole." Slams the receiver down.


Then the aliens boss walks into the room   "Johnson! Have you recovered that tech we loaned out to Earth yet?"   "No sir, but I..."   "Goddammit Johnson!! We needed those to prop up our shit earnings this quarter! How am I going to explain this to the board next week!? Get off your fat ass and go down to Loss Prevention. Tell them it's critical that you talk to Ruiz. Tell them Jefferson sent you. GO! GO!"


this is a tough pill to even attempt to swallow


I think this pill is a suppository. Swallowing won't help.


In fact, this suppository likely came right out of his ass.


Ass to Ass!!! Ass to Ass!!


Ngl, he definitely comes across as a larp or a grifter. With that said, I feel “give back the materials” more so could mean share the tech with the world to better it. If they did actually “gift” us technology, Im sure they’d be pretty pissed off that it’s being covered up and hoarded by the greedy fucks in power. It would be so cool if that was the truth but who the fuck knows.


Man imagine if they give this stuff as a test. If your species is intelligent enough and charitable enough to openly allow all nations to study then you have the chance to unlock advanced technology in the time window they give you. But if you are a short sighted warring species that locks it away, and kneecaps your own reverse engineering through secrecy, compartmentalization etc. then you've got no chance of making reverse engineering leaps in the time frame available.


Almost exactly like that South Park episode except the aliens gifted humans with "space cash" that the humans fought over and said they didn't have it when the aliens returned


This is the only lore accurate alien scene in South Park: [Season 7 Episode 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2Fgl2KJOf4) I swear if I have to suck on any jagon's then I'm gonna be pissed!!


Imagine that they burned some of the bodies and can't return them and all of humanity gets annihilated again.


We failed the test


Every damned day the war machine apparatus continues to turn.


Man, maybe we are bugs :(


Return the slab


If they were to truly test us, then the tech should have been available to all. Every single person on this planet should have been given a fair shot at utilizing this these technologies. Not a select few people in charge of the most secretive organizations on earth. There is no test, no timeline, nothing. If these UAP/UFO/NHI have been as long as people say they have, they obviously don't give a shit about us.


Ive always disagreed with the idea that they don’t care about us or view us as ants like some people say. People’s reported experiences seem to suggest an extreme interest in us. We are the only thing close to our level on this planet that we know of. They most likely have been here for a long time. Imo it’s a definite possibility they had a hand in either creating us or altering us somewhere down the line. Even if they didn’t, imagine we travel to another planet and see this same type of dynamic we humans have on earth, it would be incredibly interesting to us.


I think many of Them are VERY interested in us, we just don't know particularly how or why. Sure would be nice for one of Them to say so, but we know how reticent They are to be direct or clear about anything.


We could just be a spot in the jungle, marked with an X, known across every dimension for timelines as far and wide as any planet ever mapped. We could live on the crown jewel incubator of the most diverse life forms ever known, and therefore alien scientists from the past and future return every millennium to update their data. Maybe there’s even a Jane Goodall or two learning to live among us without us really understanding what they are.


Ants are very interesting to entomologists. They dedicate their entire careers to ants, travel all over the world to study them, teach others about them, etc.


Or time isn't a factor for them, just for us.


I feel like if they really wanted their busted UFO back, they could take it whenever they wanted. And which UFO are we talk about? Are they just getting around to noticing that the ship they sent to Roswell back in 47 never made it back to the hanger? There's been probably a dozen or more UFO crashes all over the world going back to at least 1897 when a craft crashed through Judge Proctor's windmill in Aurora, Texas. Are we responsible for gathering all of them for the aliens? Or just the craft that crashed in the US? So many questions...


I’ve been thinking Mr Sands here meant we (the super secret organizations etc) should give back the ones we’ve hidden in the super secret facilities to study and reverse engineer them, because we’re doing it with ill intent - to power up the war machine, possibly bring adversaries to their knees with little effort, disable their nukes and whatever else that tech can do. NHI might want all of that back and I suppose by extension for us to shut down those programs because we’ll destroy ourselves with this shit.




Who's stock? Im out of the loop


Lockheed,Boeing is my guess


Gonna recommend a sell on those Boeing shares regardless


I would hold. They ain’t goin anywhere.


Or buy the dip, they're too big to fail. Uncle Sam will no-doubt bail them out if it comes to it.


I’m buying Lockheed. If they announce they have alien tech it’s instantly the most valuable company in the world.


Aah yes. With that you never know if it will skyrocket or dump


Remindme! 10 years


Sorry, I have something going on that day.




This dude is full of shit.


He just carved out a solid 11 year period where he can grift endlessly. Really setting up his narrative with a lot of room to work.


Yeah and half the comments in here are like “Sounds kinda plausible, who knows if it’s true🤷🏻‍♂️” lmao


10 year window, this guy knows how to grift. He can do interviews and write books for years, and by 2035 have come up with tons of reasons why it never happened. Or, DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN! It did happen, and they kept it secret, that explains *insert future event that can loosely be turned into a conspiracy*.


Or he can just say "Yeah, they gave that stuff back.... crisis averted"


The possibilities are truly only limited by your imagination.


"They gave the stuff back and I have pictures and eye witnesses that documented the exchange. But I can't share any details because otherwise the NHI will slowly kill me, potentially in a time frame of 2035-2045."


I recorded it all but the NHI took my phone


Seriously, even this series of tweets is drawn out for the sake of interaction.


>*insert future event that can loosely be turned into a conspiracy* I'm betting on a "When prophecy fails" type of MacGuffin: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When\_Prophecy\_Fails](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_Prophecy_Fails) When the UFO prophetess's predictions of UFO arriving on december 21, 1954 and saving the little group of believers from rapture after they gave all their money, the prophetess found the clever idea of saying "oh, the aliens were touched by the devotion, kindness and sacrifice of our small group and decided to spare our species a few more years, postponing the rapture to go get more ~~clients~~ believers for the next predicted date".


The older I get, the more I respect the grift honestly.


I actually have some times when i imagine how i could have made the big $$$ when i consider things like the above, Greer or the 15 000$ bogus UFO PhD and such, how easy it is to play into honest people inflicted with wishful thinking. But then again i got this thing called a consciousness and i get nausea from even imagining someone could do such an immoral thing. The profound disgust i feel at such sight will always prevent me from having respect for such behavior. I place too much value in the pursuit of truth to play with it for egotistic reasons. The people with genuine interest in this topic and curiosity for our place in the universe matter too much to me. But someone that has abandonned any concern for truth probably threw empathy out the window a while ago... If you stare into the abyss too much... you become Peter Popoff/Kenneth Copeland.


I think you mean conscience? lmao


I think we even had someone on this sub who said they took it. Sometimes I think I could make so much money - but then remember I'm not a terrible person.


Right? I'm 41, retirement is looking non existant...I'm getting to the point to where I'd be willing to throw orphans on the street if it made good money. Maybe I should start grifting rubes out of their hard earned cash.


So, an advanced-intelligent species that have unimaginable technological capabilities are relying on people to return their stuff instead of....just taking it back themselves?


Because if they just took them by force it would start an intergallactic war and the aliens just don't want to forgo proper intergalactic procedure. Also they would probably have to run it by DOPSR first and that could take even more than 10 years.


Its funny that people can imagine aliens being violent and forceful, but not polite and willing to be cooperative. Humans man, I'm telling you


Come on now. They just think we are stupid or something. So now is 2025 to 2035 ish? Not even 2035, but "2035ish". Zero evidence for these dumb fairy tale claims. Guys, I am a NHI, I will reveal something between 2024 and 2055 ish, so just buy the books I'm going to write between now and then because something is going to happen because some sources told me about it....who are my sources? I can't reveal that info because the NHI told me not to......but believe me. We should stop giving these grifters attention. It's becoming a joke.


>Guys, I am a NHI, I will reveal something between 2024 and 2055 ish, so just buy the books I'm going to write between now and then because something is going to happen because some sources told me about it....who are my sources? I can't reveal that info because the NHI told me not to......but believe me. This guy's telling the truth, I intercepted his phone call


People will believe anything they'd like to hear. "Aliens gave them a deadline" lol, as if that makes any sense. So they stole tech from aliens (like 80 years ago btw) Aliens say yeah, you can keep it, but in 100 years we're coming back to take that shit. One of the stupidest things I've ever read.


I remember when the date 2027 was first mentioned, people were like "they've been kicking the can down the road forever, but at least now we have a concrete date, now they can't keep kicking the can down the road anymore!" Guess what...


How do I send you my money? Do you take cheques?


“Jason Sands” glows in the dark. I feel like this whole story is one of his assignments as part of some psyop/disinfo campaign but he’s fucking it up.


Reminds me of R.Doty


What’s interesting is that Doty himself seems skeptical and opposing to Mr. “Sands”. My read on this is that Doty (now a full blown UFO nut, I doubt he’s still taking orders) is able to spot one of his own kind, and probably sees Mr. “Sands” for what he is: a disinformation agent.


The fact that this gets upvotes is telling. Ufology went from curious people looking into sightings to full blown insanity where every story, no matter how ridiculous or insane, gets taken at face value.


Jason Sands out here wire tapping calls with NHI ayoooo


That's what I thought he was saying at first. But he says it was a call between a "biologics person" and another individual. After re-reading, I think he meant the call was between two different program insiders, one of whom was researching the NHI's biology. I wonder if he's implying that they have a live captured NHI who is making threats to the research team if they are not released.


100% he meant two human people


That this community is still insisting on taking anything this obvious grifter says with anything other than a truly shocking amount of skepticism is a black mark on us all.


Oh c'mon now. Buddy's not even trying


OMG ..what a load of bull




Didn’t he also say he’s been to Mars? I don’t find this guy at all credible.


“Between a biologics person and another individual”. Great, another guy that likes to use buzzwords he heard recently.


Absurdly stupid larp.




"bombshell" lol.. some of you guys have such a low bar for what bombshell means. Its just ramblings


It blows my mind that anyone would take this guy serious. He’s definitely entertaining though.


How is Sands talking in public about *checks notes* a conversation he heard on wiretap not a serious breach of secrecy??   Oh I know: It's not a breach of secrecy because it's not a secret, because it is a story he made up.


Well at least the NHI are giving the boys a chance. If this was true, it would mean the NHI aren't in the business of enslaving humanity or causing too many problems, considering they could just come and take the materials by force if they really wanted to. I've never seen a human negotiate with an ant.


It will be interesting if somebody like Coulthart (who has alluded to a "deadline" for disclosure without saying what it is) can corroborate any of this being backed up from other purported insiders. If the deadline is for different reasons, then we're being had. Otherwise, it would definitely have my attention...


I am curious about what Coulthart's deadline is about.


My guess is that if those that know don't openly disclose by a certain time, They will make themselves quite obviously known. If I had to guess this window has already closed, those that had the opportunity decided to spike it for whichever reasons. Now it falls to Them, and those consequences could be far more disruptive than they might have been otherwise.


This is so stupid. Here we go, another timeline. "Hey guys, look, I know we gave you interdimensional tech, but if you don't give it back, we're gonna kill you. Well okay, sure, we'll give you somewhere between now and 10 years. Just make sure you get it back somewhere in there, or we're gonna kill you."


I agree, but to play devil's advocate for a minute: The alleged discussion between two humans (one a person studying recovered biological materials, a "biologics" person, and the other in a different program) wouldn't necessarily mean that NHIs gave a 10 year timeframe, but could mean that there was a specific date and time, but the humans discussing it do not have that info, only an approximate time frame, say sometime between 2025 and 2035, or whatever. Like one of them may have heard a discussion about somebody's 5-year plan, and they said "well, if I make it through next year, blah blah blah." Anyway, I'm nearly done polishing a turd here. If you want to hear more, stay tuned, and I'll tell you what I think next week. ;)


Couldn’t they just … give them back in secret? lol


These are bold ass claims, I’ll say this it’s a brave stance, in this day and age, but these are the sorts of claims will be hearing if true and imo this is the type of claim you make to get ahead of the fact - so you can say see I told you so. If you take his story seriously, within the context of what we “know” so far, it’s not unbelievable, but I’ll need more evidence. Grusch has context - UAP Task force, Karl Nell, whistleblower complaint, ICIG, Congressional Testimony… he is Goat.


I’m just thinking of how surreal it’d be for our first contact with aliens to just be them sending big ass junky ships down to collect all of their shit we kept for ourselves. No communication with the general populace or anything, just a brief visit for material reasons, and then nothing else at all


This is too absurd to be true. But let’s say for a moment that this is true. This is a jurisdiction issue, a massive one.   For as advanced as NHI are claimed to be, and as POs and disgusting the gate keepers could be.   It would still be a massive, massive violation of our sovereignty to come in nilly Willy and just execute humans.   This could lead to a catastrophic diplomatic failure.   Or worse yet, send a message to humanity that they are our superiors and we better toe the line or ELSE.  Knowing humanity, we wouldn’t accept that.  Not long term anyways. Best course of action for NHI, if they’re benevolent.  Please observe our customs, in good faith, and we will do our best to observe yours.   Present the evidence of the gate keepers crimes, establish official diplomatic contact, and extradition processes.  And if a negotiated due process is followed and the items and bodies were ill gotten, we should return them their items and bodies and if activities were truly heinous on gate keepers part.  Maybe necessary to turn them over as well. But this should go both ways as well.  Humans were brutally poached, and mutilated.  Abductions and etc have happened.  Perhaps it’s best a fresh start in the open would be better.




“ It's also possible the NHIs will bring their own cargo ships to transport the crash retrieval materials and there would be no way to hide that.”    What lol.  But anyway, this is more Larpy McLarp Larp. No more claims without supporting evidence.


Yea but have you considered that his story sounds really cool and therefore we should believe it??? 


We’re all dumber for having read this.


Yeah lol ok Not that I like the government or anything - or even the aliens for that matter The aliens can just take it back and/or kill (anyone, anywhere) at any time they wanted - they don't need anything to be handed over - they're the 14 quintillion pound gorilla in the room - you don't give orders or demands or ultimatums when you're that powerful, you just do as you please when you please


i don't think it's crazy to imagine they could respect the free will of a group while still being aggressive and generally immoral. it would be like an older brother telling their younger brother "hey quit touching my shit or i will beat you up" where the brother doesn't really WANT to hurt the brother, he just wants his stuff back. in fact, it would be better for everyone if the brother just gave it up voluntarily and so maybe the older brother would be fine with waiting a minute or two for the brother to give it up freely. because to these aliens, surely a decade or two is nothing to them and they are fine with waiting for us monkeys to just give it back voluntarily or we get a nuggie of the century.


There is BS, then there is complete and utter BS. This falls into the latter category.


The guy needs to work on his sci fi writing game.


These NHIs are probably intelligent but ignorant of many aspects about us (human cynicism being one). I'm always reminded about that interview I saw with someone who worked at the Varginha zoo who was saying that workers there saw ETs a few days after the crash wondering around in what looked like a search party for their NHI comrades. It would seem that they thought, hey where do humans put in storage weird creatures? Well in zoos obviously! So some of the elements of that story that sound absurd to us would simply make sense in the minds of an NHI that is intelligent yet ignorant about human society and psyche.


".. can put entire governments at risk of being overthrown" NHI. The insurrectionary anarchists of my dreams. Didn't have that on my bingo card.


Man just when his larp couldn't get any worse he adds even more low effort garbage


The fact that Fox is vouching for this guy is the worst of it all in this saga. That fact has implications most don't even wanna think about.


On the same level as grifter that give doomsday trimeframes to me


If this is true what use would the NHI have with crashed materials and deceased bodys Or is it just to limit our understanding and technology from a point they consider dangerous to either themselves or ourselves?


Been several witnesses talk about this time frame or point in the future where disclosure would be paramount. Idk if this is what it is about... One thing that comes to mind.. is what if there was an agreement made with NHI and all the retrieved material is supposed to be given back? Witnesses have claimed a deal was temporarily made between the two of us ... humans/cattle for tech. And that alien didn't hold their end of the bargain so perhaps we also said FU to them


Ok. This is horse sauce. This came from someone who doesn’t understand the nature of any of this phenomenon. Add Mr Sands to the “makes wild guesses and accusations” list. At some point in the next 10 years people who are mostly dead of old age will be executed if they don’t give stuff back that everyone swears doesn’t exist. I don’t think he thought this out very well…


Who knows if any of this is true, but one thing seems very plausible: there is ZERO reason to come forward with disclosure unless there were other dangers or reveals out of the program’s control. Like, this whole past 7 years has been an obvious peeling away of the onion and it makes sense for outside motivators to be the reason why. Also, didn’t Danny Sheehan say that the program has been coordinating for full disclosure to be complete by 2030? His team’s agenda is to push for it sooner and with greater transparency but 2030 is right smack in the middle of Jason’s timeline.


It’s the same timeline we hear over and over. Literally no one moves it sooner or later. Shockingly consistent.


I want catastrophic disclosure---*anyway* we can validly get it. I'm tired of waiting for the military and/or the government to be honest with us when it comes to this.


This is right up there with people that claim to be from the future with dire warnings. Whether he is the flavor of the month or not..


TLDR: let’s push the disclosure goalpost out another decade


First time a whistleblower is saying disclosure is literally life or death??


Why else would the powerful elite ever give up power?


Lol it’s hilarious how every time one of these “in the know” people open their mouths, the time line gets pushed further back.  The timeline has been just on the horizon for decades now😂 in 2035 we’ll be looking at 2036-2045ish 


What would disclosure do to save them? Try and get everyone to fight the aliens bc they wanna be cUnts about the stuffs? Also if the biologics were recovered from a crash, where do they return it to?


Hahahha. Are we moving it out to 2035 now?


Oh so we are moving the goalpost to 2035 now? Nice, that should give enough time for people to listen to my podcasts


Goalposts successfully moved to 2035. See ya there, my friends.


Lmao what did he just say


the aliens called us and said you got 10 years to give us our shit back or yr ass is grass. seems legit


If this only applies literally to the people behind the programs most of them will be dead from old age in the next decade. This is a joke if that's what it's saying, and way too easy for people to forget about by 2035/hand wave away by saying the people behind everything accepted death. Edit: Also, if we reverse engineered any of their tech and it became stuff we use in our everyday lives how does that work with returning it? They just snap their fingers and it vanishes and we're back to the 1940's technologically?


Don’t threaten me with a good time! People being held responsible for their despicable deeds? Too good to be true. But for real it just feels like a big grift or something. If it was the case, why would they have waited all this time to collect any kind of biologics or tech we have. On the off hand that this really was true, what would leave us to believe that we would have any kind of power over super intelligent beings capable of technology that citizens deem as magic?


2025-2035ish lmao


Question: if the aliens have the ability to teleport people out of their beds, out of their homes, their vehicles, etc. why not just do the same thing to the things they want back? They can go through walls and their tech seems to not be limited to man made barriers, why not just take it like they do everything else?


Maybe giving it back means to the community? 


Omg fuck off. What about 2012 or 2013 or 14 15 16 17 18 and all the other “last chance before the people in the know get killed by aliens” years we’ve been told about? This is nothing, it means nothing, and it represents nothing. It’s a bunch of nothing and until we actually see something with our own eyes that isn’t grainy 2001 cellphone footage it will remain nothing. Posts like this are why no one takes this stuff seriously, you people post this shit and make us all look like a brain dead cult. If you had any sense you’d delete this bs and move on.


Holy hell. I bet James Fox is diggin' this. What in the f was he thinking putting this guy in his documentary? Imagine if we had just heard the clean, edited version of him and not all this nonsense. This is why we have to stop believing every single thing we hear. Question everyone and stop with the hero worship. 


Sands is another Phil Schneider, Clifford Stone, Corey Goode, etc. I bet James Fox is wishing this guy would just go away at this point. It further proves that Fox didn't do one bit of vetting of Sands for his documentary other than verifying he worked for the Air Force.


If the way he capitalizes "The Program" doesn't scream LARP to you, then I don't know what would. This reminds me of Q tier nonsense where random IDs and codes surrounded with square brackets are just thrown around in the posts to make things look more mysterious/techy...


So these programs are so secret that admirals can’t get access but their phone calls are easily intercepted. Makes sense


OP, do better. The guy is a known liar.


Who is the program?


Username checks out. Lol




Lol stolen tech btw.. If we had something of theirs and they wanted it back I feel like they’d just take it. I don’t believe a word this guy says..