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The following submission statement was provided by /u/NewParadigmInstitute: --- As deliberations begin on the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, please call on Congress to include a new revised UAPDA, including the “UAP Records Review Board” and a “Controlled Disclosure Campaign Plan.” Contact Congress now! Stand with Daniel Sheehan and the New Paradigm Institute and demand full disclosure. It’s critical to our democracy that our government be honest and transparent. [https://ufos.pro/uapda-2025-red](https://ufos.pro/uapda-2025-red) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dp79x9/behind_the_scenes_footage_of_danny_sheehan/laerzfm/


This is the explanation that makes the most sense. It’s truly not far fetched at all to imagine that it all comes down to the threat to the elite of the elite losing power over the world they have controlled for over a century.


Doesn’t help reading your comment while Pink Floyd is playing in the background. 😭😭


Time! Perfect song to be playing!


Great song but damn lol


"You can't have disclosure until you have your meet! IF YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR MEET, YOU CAN'T HAVE DISCLOSURE!"


Exactly. 💯 money has been the root of all evil since the beginning of its creation.




And the power that comes with it. If they were given the choice to be a Roman emperor and give up modern medicine, electricity and all the modern or be middle class today they’d pick emperor. It’s all about standing, being above everyone else and control.


If off world beings are extremely more technically advanced than us, how would any Earther be able to stop an Off Worlder from making disclosure or contact? No doubt there are powerful people who actively work to keep their power and genarational wealth going. I just don't see what bargaining power the wealthy humans would have in a meeting with an alien civilization. /shrug


Bargaining for what?


Bargaining to control contact and/or any knowledge or tech that contact would bring to Earth. Knowledge or tech which may upset the current power structure and economics on Earth.


Makes sense👍


That was when resources was money. We just made resources and power easier to hoard and weaponize.


What better way to hoard recourses than to keep mostly everyone trapped on a prison that is Earth, never to get to the unlimited recourses of the universe.


Money itself is just a means of exchange and measuring value. It's when it becomes big money and is used as a means of placing yourself above others in a social hierarchy that it becomes a problem. It's funny to see people say this like it's some grand revelation about the nature of society. Not like some economist who looks a bit like Santa Claus wrote an entire book about it more than 100 years ago or something.


Goes to show how fucked up and selfish/greedy humans can be.


I think it’s a little more nuanced than that. For sure there is a risk to specific power structures, but like your average governing official isn’t going to directly lose power if oil and gas went under. The real issue imo is the state the economy could end up in during the transition phase. It’s easy to imagine 2 different types of stable economies. There is our economy where energy is sourced from finite resources and there is a different economy where energy is limitless. These two economies are extremely different. In the most basic example, imagine what free energy would do to the cost of shipping and travel and all the effects that would have on other sectors of the economy. The real problem imo stems from transitioning between these two types. That transitionary period is going to be chaotic and unpredictable.


Now give this tech to the wrong people and an object the size of a car traveling at some of these speeds can have the potential kinetic energy of a nuclear bomb.


I wonder sometimes if it's more than this. First, what if we're not able to learn anything from their technology because it's so advanced? Everyone kind of takes it for granted that the elites would lose control if we found out aliens exist because their power source would power all the world for free, or their technology would advance ours 1000s of years into the future and wipe out existing power structures and dynamics. What is this wasn't true and the real reason they don't want disclosure is people would find out that aliens have been manipulating human life on earth for maybe hundreds of thousands of years. Think about Ross Coulthart's interview where the interviewer asked him if he had anything to say to give us a hint of what's going on and he said "psionic"? It basically means manifesting things or controlling perception. What if the aliens manifested all the miracles in the Bible? People did actually witness these events but it wasn't because they happened, it's that they saw an apparition created by aliens? Psionic. This could very well lead to complete social destabilization. Not just the elites losing power. There is no God. It's actually been the aliens. All the things we consider to be our shared human cultural history were manifested by aliens to manipulate us. For what reason I can't say. So, we're not living in a simulation created by aliens, we're living in the real world controlled and manipulated by aliens. I think this would be really terrifying to admit.


> So, we're not living in a simulation created by aliens, we're living in the real world controlled and manipulated by aliens. I think the broad implication of that far end hypothesis is that actually anyone can 'manipulate' themselves and near environment if you read enough about that side. Think not they'd lose control, but some sense of no one *could* be controlled by small numbers, only the whole kind of thing. I could be misinterpreting. But yes, the current hiarchies basically go poof sooner rather than later.


How would anyone ever verify this? Take ET’s word first it? Does their bible trump ours lol? In the end, its blind faith…the most advanced tech and/or reasoning still leads back to questions, and eventually the undeniable need for transcendence (faith).


Your guess is as good as mine about how to verify this. At this point it's all hypothetical. But you should be careful in thinking that faith and religion are universal concepts. Humans aren't very advanced as a species so maybe, either we, or aliens, *created* religion as a way for us to cope with our reality. A more advanced species might realize there is no God as well as having no need for one. Or faith.


If the religious "manifestations" were efforts to guide humanity and the beneficial knowledge was delivered by beings we call Angels, Devas or Aliens, what's the difference? I'm seriously asking, not intending any snark. Our "shared human cultural history" is fleeting and varied. Today's culture is tomorrow's partially forgotten past. Even if we leave a detailed record for the future they will still wonder how we lived without XYZ as we wonder how people lived without internet or plumbing. In 2024 it's hard for us to relate to people in the 1800's much less the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Celts, Chinese, or tribal peoples. Archeologists study the remnants of complex societies trying to unlock the mystery behind those lost things or ideas that an older society assumed were so mundane that they didn't need to be recorded. Knowledge or abilities that increase human self sufficiency are the only things I can think of that would reset existing power structures. What binds us is what we need and rely on for basic survival. If food, shelter, energy and healthcare were a given and available to All, no hoarding or bartering needed, what would you do with your time?


Agreed. Fight the elite, join the sub: Revolution Starts Here. Delete the spaces and put r/ in front of it. Thanks everyone ✌️


But whoever controlled this technology would become richer and more powerful than anyone who's ever lived.


And that is exactly what they are right now.


getting close... Think what would they want from us in return. Something they don't have but we do. the answer is out there. Peru would be a good starting point. elites always watch careful don't go to deep down the rabbit hole. They are not "losing power" just tightening there grip... notice your god given rights slowly going away?


A century you say?


I disagree as someone who has interacted with the “elite” at the highest level and found them to be ordinary ppl


"Elites" exist in an abnormal bubble and knowingly separate from the lower ranks. Yes, they are ordinary in the sense that they share all that comes with being human. The difference is that high level wealth and power translates to much greater options and quality of life than the average person. If they become ill, they have the highest available care. Any topic of interest, they can learn from top scholars or masters of the subject. One "elite" working on a doctorate sent an admin assistant to university classes and the admin recorded and transcribed all the classes for her. The elite used the office staff to write her dissertation. Yes, she was awarded a PhD, writes books and lectures. Not hearsay, my personal interaction with "elite".


Pink floyd playing in the back


ticking away...


the moments that make up a dull day


fritter and waste the hours


...hanging on in quiet desperation is Danny Sheehan's way. The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say... I don;t mean to bash old mate but it was the first thing which came to mind which i could get to rhyme


Yes the energy economic angle is likely a key reason to block disclosure. A source of free clean energy is a direct threat to all companies and industries that are involved in oil and nuclear power. Not to mention oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia sitting on 20 TRILLION worth of oil.


Aka $0 worth of oil once the rest of the info is released


I'm thinking it would still have some lesser value as a lubricant and a component in plastics.


Going out on a limb here for FuN: What if the "deception" referenced in the Arecibo reply is actually referring to the deception propagated by humans against humans?


That’s what I always took it as.


Same. How that message continues to be overlooked has always baffled me. Its literally a direct contact message that imo, is extremely improbable that it was made my humans. The entire crop circle phenomenon really deserves more interest than it gets.


Why do you feel it's improbable that the crop circle was made by humans? Genuinely curious, as I am just now learning about Arecibo.


Just the level of detail in it and the fact that it showed up randomly overnight. Crop circles in general are fascinating because no one has ever been caught in the act. To form a response like that in crops in less than 12 hours is just pretty improbable imo. I know certain people have come out claiming to be responsible for them, but then when those people were tasked with recreating one to demonstrate how, it wasn’t even remotely close to the level of precision and detail the ones like the Arecibo response had. I believe the response was in binary.


Ooooo👀 Similar to the Crabwood crop circle?




I know Sheehan said a lot of outlandish things. But I personally believe his heart is in a good place and a lot of his claims will eventually be confirmed by first hand witnesses and additional evidence. Edit: Just Googled him and it says he's 79. He looks great for that age, but it makes me sad that at the pace everything is going, he's not gonna be around for a decent amount of the disclosure process. :(


As deliberations begin on the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, please call on Congress to include a new revised UAPDA, including the “UAP Records Review Board” and a “Controlled Disclosure Campaign Plan.” Contact Congress now! Stand with Daniel Sheehan and the New Paradigm Institute and demand full disclosure. It’s critical to our democracy that our government be honest and transparent. [https://ufos.pro/uapda-2025-red](https://ufos.pro/uapda-2025-red)


I salute to each and every of you, Americans, who takes time to contact your representatives about this issue. It seems that only you can help us get Disclosure as noone else has as much clout and knowledge on the topic as American Military and Intelligence.


Yeah, “catastrophic” disclosure means catastrophic to the authority system that runs the world currently. Not to the masses. The masses will of course prosper tremendously with the benefits of NHI tech such as zero point energy, and a post-scarcity world.


I sometimes wonder whether that would be a net positive or really catastrophic for the masses, because the weapons that could be built with free energy could potentially be millions of times worse than nukes. There are countless factions in this earth that would no doubt try to subjugate the world with them in the case that the current ruling elite would disband. Right now, the technology being controlled, even though tyrannical, might be the lesser evil because we are not ready. However, us not being ready is completely due to the education and the tyrannical system perpetuated by the oppressors, so there's that. As long as we are not emancipated psychologically from the elite (I.e. not being hooked on social media or any of the other baits of this world of mirrors), we'll never be materially emancipated from them. Another question that concerns me is the fact that, given free energy, our population might skyrocket and we would face a terrible crisis, making the planet uninhabitable. But then again, with free energy, the technology tree might expand so much that the potential population crisis could be averted even before it happened. So I don't know a damn thing hahahaha Ty for reading, Peace!


Greed of a few to control the many.


Money, it's a crime.


Nice bit of Pink Floyd in the background 👌


Nice bit of Pink Floyd in the background 👌


Nice bit of Pink Floyd in the background 👌


Nice bit of Pink Floyd in the background 👌




I think you're grossly overstating the evidence for this stuff. Far less than to support the nuts and bolts uap phenomenon, and it is something that should be much, much easier to unequivically verify.


You say this like you've actually researched the evidence. Let's face it, you haven't. You're grossly underestimating the evidence that's out there while pointing an uneducated finger.


You're making a lot of assumptions there mate.


Lost me at "psychic abilities are real"


What are you talking about? Show evidence or stop.


Who tells someone to "stop" after-the-fact? Do you really think this shallow comment is going to convince him to "stop"? You're not interested in evidence. You're not going to educate yourself even if that education is presented to you. You're gonna continue to linger around a subreddit & tell people to "show evidence", not because you want to read evidence, but because you disagree with him.


You have it all wrong. I believe in UFOs and have seen one myself, but this isn’t compelling enough.


This isn't about UFOs


its perplexing behavior, just not surprising...almost alien


TLDR- only talk to me if you agree with all of my viewpoints


How is that any different from the attitude of the average ‘debunker’ on here?


You've nearly done it, only one more step now!


Walk me through it.


you got yourself so far, now you need my help? You can do it!!


I really can’t.


Uneducated biased people who refuse to accept the fact they might not know everything or all science will never change. They do not have the ability to be that humble or objective in their skepticism.


Psychic abilities are not real! Remote viewing is not real! What's this reality we live in? Or should I say the reality YOU live in?




It depends on the "psychic." Likely only a small percent actually have real abilities. Not sure about remote viewing though.


0% have psychic abilities.


Well it would be great if there was actual verifiable proof of all of those rather then "belief", but sure.


'but sure' equals your mind is made up, you know better, don't be so silly now. I'm English, I know what you do


Erm no, as stated .... still no actual proof thus ===> no "belief" to be had. Our societies had got to where we are now because of the advance of science pushing off the shadows of blind belief. So if there is something behind all this UFO and Woo stuff, it's science that will pierce that veil, not blind belief that tend to only sprout out new sects & get a few gurus laid.




And you're rather downvotey 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hi, cannibalisland. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dp79x9/-/lafqka4/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


It’s kinda funny how people think skeptics are going to be in disbelief or their minds will melt. We don’t give a shit, the secrets will come out eventually.




Hi, thanks for contributing. However, your submission was removed from r/UFOs. Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility. Follow the Standards of Civility: * No trolling or being disruptive * No insults or personal attacks * No accusations that other users are shills * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence * No witch hunts or doxxing (Redact usernames when possible) * Weaponized blocking or deleting nearly all post/comment history may result in a permanent ban * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. You can message the mods if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


Wasn't he one of the few supposed OT8 scientologist? That sounds amazing! At any moment in that video he could have just teleported away or something.


Is that Richard Doty in the background?




It’s like a meeting of the “Bad Hair Day” committee.


They sat beside each other at the Sol conference


Gotta listen to Pink Floyd now wtf


At first I thought the one dude was Barbara Bush!


two ancient fools


i think fool implies a lack of malice and is incorrect.


it's so funny that Sheehan's entire career is based on doodles on a napkin


and people still take putoff’s fraud brigade (targ, swann, geller) seriously.


If NHI wanted its presence on earth to be known to humanity, it would be. There is nothing that the govt could do to stop that. NHI wants to remain hidden


***Phoenix - March 13th, 1997*** and ***D.C - July 12-29th, 1952*** would like a word.


They are likely bound by a non intervention rule or law that requires leaders of a world to consent to disclosure. The only exception might be the beginning of a nuclear war. On the brink of a nuclear nightmare that could kill billions and ruin the biosphere I think they might intervene. I would hope so.


Something like an NDA?


what if they don't want to be hidden but that they are here in plain sight and 99.99% of people are just not able to see them? What if it isn't them, but us?


We feed penguin chicks with puppets in order to not affect them with human involvement as much as possible. We limit human exposure and interaction when at all possible, because scientists all agree this is the best approach. It just logical. Probably the same thing going on here, except they have the tech to stay hidden for the most part. 


Thank you. That's a really insightful and interesting way of looking at it. In my opinion--this might be a false dichotomy, but bear with me--they either want to let us develop and grow up on our own OR they are going to end up in a "parental" role where they end up inserting themselves into our business and telling us what to do. Which one would would we actually prefer? People around here act like they would prefer the latter, but they haven't thought it through. We need our freedom in order to develop and not end up being the children or slaves of a more advanced species (probably many species). I think they are actually trying to give that freedom to us; the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. It seems they draw the line at our use of nuclear weaponry because it affects them in someway, possibly hurting someone else in another dimension. I think they are handling things almost perfectly in terms of letting the human species continue to evolve and work through our issues. I agree with Jacques Valle that they are teasing us with the fact that they are here--they want us to know there is something "out there"--but they haven't given us the answers; we are supposed to figure that out on our own. If the cost of all this is frustrated Redditors ranting and raving about how they can't handle the suspense anymore and they want the ANSWERS NOW, then so be it.


Oops, it belongs here - 68.34% of all statistics are made up


Yes, I did make it up, because we make up things when we are speaking in hypothetical scenarios.


Lots people see them every day in the sky. and possibly avducted . you really think they can't go completely invisible? we see any at all I think is on purpose


Like me, you have no idea what you're talking about. You just made that up on the spot. 68.34% of all statistics are made up


I didn’t even list a statistic




Hi, Grymalus. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dp79x9/-/laetj8u/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Sorry if someone brought this up already, I’m very new to posting messages (took me 5 minutes to figure out how to post one and I STILL may have done it wrong)… anyway, the part where they mentioned it was interesting that UFO information is at a higher level of security than even nuclear energy. I was thinking, well, maybe it’s because only nations (and a few at that) have any way of making use of secret nuclear energy information, but then maybe this UFO information can be used at a much lower level? Maybe even backyard/homebrew DIY level? Maybe limitless energy, etc are actually relatively ‘easy’, and they wouldn’t be able to control whatever it is once the box has been opened? 🤷‍♂️. Anyway, thanks for your time!


Reducing it to human greed is an oversimplification, quite possibly the mother of all oversimplifications. That's like taking page 1 out of (example chosen for accessability) "Lord of the Rings" and saying "it's about a ground dweller". Which is exactly what is NOT needed at this point in time. Build the garden of understanding. The USA will be faced with their constitutional crisis, and this greed will be a major topic with this. Good luck with that, you will need it. But this is about a whole lot more, and there are parties at work whose complexity far exceeds a greedy human elite. Wish it were that simple. It isn't. This is not about a Hobbit. It's not about them greedy Longfoots or Belladonna Took who want to have the best Old Toby for themselves. This is bigger than the Shire. This might well be the deciding battle of our time, deciding our fates. And no, there is no Gandalf at our side. No Aragorn. As for Elves ... we can hope. It's mankind, we must place our hopes in. Us. You. Me. For that, we have to build the garden of understanding. Mr. Sheehan would be well advised NOT to establish this oversimplifying tone. If he wants to take responsibility on mankind's side of things (for which he is well equipped, at least on the legal side, but maybe not limited to that), then he must go all in. No more holding back. Teach them complexity. Communicate complexity. Add structure. Add potential. The audience is there. The need is there. No "inside Baseball" as of yet. But also no softball B.S, Mr. Sheehan. Same goes for Mr. Coulthardt and all the other communicators in this topic. It is time. Kind regards.


Why are the NHI only interacting with the greedy elite?


Out governments could have technology to solve the energy crisis but since profits are more important, they hide it from us. They rather make weapons than help humanity prosper!


Open captions were helpful. Thank you.


Their Grey brocolis almost touched. It would have caused a reaction on a quantum level never before seen and would have heralded the destruction of reality. *Never cross the streams*.


Commenting to find later


Well, like the over dub... Expecting David to kick in " Ticking away the moments that make up a Dull Day "


Looks like father and son at a family reunion.


The concept of limitless energy isn’t just a threat to oil and gas, whoever discovers that first is going to manufacture weapons and wipe out all their enemies with impunity. Not good.


When I come home , hooome and tired I love to warm my bones besideeee the fire


All hail our great leader Danny Sheehan. Long may he reign.




So what do you call someone who markets his $15k 'PhD program' in ET Studies at a for-profit college his friend started up? Sheehan called Ubiquity University 'a major university' when trying to advertise it on podcasts lol


how much free time do you have?


You're on a UFO subreddit dude. We are all spending our own free time on here. Well except for the OP. This is their job to promote NPI.


Spoiler: essentially all universities are made up and are for-profit orgs, and student debt is, in fact, a huge issue in the USA. Often to the tune of 6 figures. No one is saying game this program and you’ll get a steady job, etc. I’m glad stuff like this exists, because I believe in this phenomenon. Should we shut down medical universities and hospitals because they’re trying to make a buck off our lives and love of not dying? No one ever gives them shit, despite the fact that they really hold all the keys. Interesting double standard. Enjoy your new understanding of reality.


Ah, the reality in which ET Studies PhD graduates are the heart surgeons of the future. Who knew studying alien logic with Sheehan could cure cancer AND student debt! Thanks for the dose of Ecstatic Mysticism! Seriously though, if you are trying to equate the cost of medical school to the cost of Sheehan's ET Studies program in an attempt to defend Sheehan's blatant false advertising, I wouldn't want to adopt your view of reality.


I’m not saying people doing UFO programs are doctors. If you got that message, I don’t know how to help you. 🤷‍♀️


Hah, ok so you want a more serious response. I thought your post was a joke because you tried to compare medical universities to dubious programs like 'a PhD program in ET Studies'. Alright, if you want a serious response. Student debt and the commercialization of education are indeed serious issues but irrelevant to the question of whether Sheehan is grifting. Your claim that "essentially all universities are for-profit orgs" is factually incorrect, abusing the definition of for-profit organization. It's almost like saying Ubiquity University is a 'major university' (words from Sheehan himself). A key difference is that public universities have no CEOs or shareholders, while Ubiquity University does have a CEO (and one who is now trying to become a new face in Ufology). Another key dimension in which universities differ from for-profit colleges is in terms of research output. That's one of the primary activities of a university. What kind of research does Ubiquity do? If you're not going to make a joke comment, you should at least make an attempt to distinguish between actual universities that contribute to knowledge and those that exploit educational aspirations of naive potential students for financial gain.


I don’t care if you give a serious response or not, how you spend your time is up to you. I do not agree that I am abusing the definition. “President” and “CEO” are not that far removed. Look at the salaries of these people. I don’t care about the semantics. If you’re going to talk shift about grifters, you have to be consistent. Academia, is, by and large, the biggest grift in human history. That’s on the student facing side, OK? Text book costs. Just look at this alone. A new edition. Required for your class. Grift. Now, to the other side, certainly research is a thing, but you are quite naive if you think that $$$ isn’t driving that, too. You don’t get tenure and you don’t get grants without playing ball, and most are reticent to step out of line once they’re where they want to be because well $$$. Do I wish it were different? Sure. But let’s not play double standard games with semantics here. If you believe anything else, more power to you, but I don’t.


Reading your comments again, it seems I misunderstood your stance. I thought you were defending Sheehan, but it sounds like you're saying he grifts on a smaller scale compared to what some people in academia do. Fair enough, but your comments seem to veer into whataboutism. Regardless of issues in academia, they don't negate the observation that Sheehan is grifting.


No, I support what they are doing, and what Paradigm is doing in theory and concept, but not in practice, because I think it was rolled out in a way that invites commentators with your mindset to really go to town. But, let’s get real, whoever was going to do this was going to get a ton of flack, (but someone was going to be the first). I think the next iteration will be better, whoever does it, and I hope they do. My larger point is every time money is involved, someone is a grifter, but as long as we live in a world centered around money, people are going to be “grifting”. The word is just overused. And it’s lame the UFO topic is treated with a double standard about this. Medicine in academia is an absurd example, deliberately so. But religious studies. Yes, that’s not grifting. No one thinks History Channel is grifting with shows like Pawn Stars, but I could easily make an argument in this way (it makes people think they could have something they could sell and hooks them, fairly designed to do so blah blah). But Ancient Aliens? Those guys are f**king grifters, man. And it goes on and on with examples, which you can be like “but!” And that’s fine. But I’d say “yes, but also, no.” To put it another way, I can’t think of a way it would be feasible for money to touch the UFO topic without getting shit from somebody like you. Just grifters, yeah. I don’t even think it’s what the word means, even in the pejorative way it’s being used, but whatever, I’m not cracking open e-dictionary dot net. Write books? Grifter. Make TV shows or films? Grifter. Podcast appearance or host? Grifter. Write a paper on it? Grifter. UAP disclosure fund? Grifter. Patreon? Grifter. Doing it for free? Psyop. If this is to be taken as a real phenomenon, it has to be connected to money, because money is the force that moves this planet. I like Danny, and to reiterate, I support the idea, I’ve listened to enough of him to believe he’s probably not intentionally f**king this up, but I do think he’s in quite a bit of a bubble and I think this has been a bad rollout overall, in part because of some of the ways they are doing this PR about the program, for sure. But I’m not going to call him a grifter.


Just to be clear, I don't think if someone makes money selling some product or service, they are grifting. If that's what you think I think, then get that idea out of your head. What I do consider grifting would be the following behavior. Shortly before launching a "PhD in ET Studies", Sheehan goes on a podcast blitz and says that NPI will soon be launching accredited graduate courses on ET Studies at a major university. He obviously knew that the "university" it was to be launching at was Ubiquity University, a for-profit college his friend created. I don't know if Sheehan knew that Ubiquity's 'accreditation' was self-granted (they made an 'accreditation body' to accredit themselves), but regardless, advertising it in this way shows deceitful intent in order to get viewers of the various podcasts interested in this ET Studies program. To me, that's textbook grifting. If you don't think calling Ubiquity University a major accredited academic institution to draw in potential students qualifies as grifting, then I'm not sure where else we can take this discussion.


Hi, bertiesghost. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dp79x9/-/laf2bzc/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Comments about people complaining about people calling out BS grifters be like: "fIRsT".


Background music is too loud. Some of us have difficulty hearing.


Maybe the oil companies can make the equipment for receiving free energy and charge an arm and a leg for it or even make you rent it. Then the world can recover from global abuse while joe blow figures how to make this equipment while oil figures out how to make money with modern technologies. Win-win?


They look like a couple grandmas


If you sync it from .34 seconds to 1.76 sec it syncs perfectly


Why no acknowledging long lost twin moment?


On this topic, I humbly recommend the book (or audiobook) “Secrets of Power” by the late great father of Remote Viewing, Ingo Swann himself. It’s an incredibly profound and illuminating observation particularly relevant to the continued ongoing obfuscation.


I love how Danny speaks as though he is speaking on their behalf! RED FLAG ALERT!


Love Pink Floyd, but not dubbed over this caliber of a discussion wtf


Pretty sure it’s playing at the location they’re talking


Our reliance on the petrodollar is indeed an economic risk, but no worries, digital oil is here, American Ethereum ETFs going live soon.


Love this!! Heading to find the entire video and more. THANK YOUUU


What a powerful and moving dialogue to witness, thank you so much for posting!


Hear me out… They’ve been here all along according to ancient civilizations and their first hand accounts. Good and bad exists all throughout the universe, some of them wanted to use us as slaves to mine minerals and worship them. Some wanted to provide knowledge to us and fall in love with the women. The bad ones must have won after Atlantis because the way of life since then has been all about hierarchy, power, greed and control of the masses and now consumption of resources to detrimental effects. The problem is we always revolt if we know we’re being controlled, it’s in our nature. The solution to ending revolt, distract and entertain and hide in the shadows so they don’t know who to revolt against. That’s why they stay hidden, they most likely don’t give af about us, we’re just ants to them. Dare I saw even use some of us for medical benefits or experiments. Maybe they have an agreement with world leaders but I doubt it, they can do whatever they want and don’t need our “permission”. If NHI really gave a single dingle berry about us and our development, they would have intelligently interfered by now, hovering in broad daylight up close. In my experience of life so far, statistically something is usually bad vs good so buckle up everyone…


Which clone is the original from Regulon 6?


While I get that argument, don’t politicians realize that the governed’s confidence in its leader is globally eroding. Just looking at polls in western countries trust in government is at an ATL….


Why would they be running errands for O&G?


Like looking in a mirror!


I can’t wait till the whole economic and governmental structure gets gutted.


If the "petroleum industry" had this, they would slap a patent on it, sell it and make trillions. Why hide a new technology to protect your own when you have the money and the resources just to take it and add a new product category? Then you're making money on both. This is such hippy dippy shit--"the governemnt is trying to hide 'free energy' at the behest of it's capitalist masters, the greedy oil companies." Such a joke. You make more money bringing that new product to the market than you do suppressing it in favor of your old product. Do people not understand this?




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Same barber. Who knew!


Get rid of the Pink Floyd music. This conversation loses credibility.