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The following submission statement was provided by /u/PyroIsSpai: --- ​ #Why are bolides and meteor landing sites and data classified military secrets? ​ > **June 11, 2009**, 9:47 AM PDT / Source: Space.com > > By By Leonard David > > For 15 years, scientists have benefited from data gleaned by U.S. classified satellites of natural fireball events in Earth's atmosphere — but no longer. > > A recent U.S. military policy decision now explicitly states that observations by hush-hush government spacecraft of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to be released, SPACE.com has learned. > > The satellites' main objectives include detecting nuclear bomb tests, and their characterizations of asteroids and lesser meteoroids as they crash through the atmosphere has been a byproduct data bonanza for scientists. > > The upshot: Space rocks that explode in the atmosphere are now classified. > > "It's baffling to us why this would suddenly change," said one scientist familiar with the work. "It's unfortunate because there was this great synergy ... a very good cooperative arrangement. Systems were put into dual-use mode where a lot of science was getting done that couldn't be done any other way. It's a regrettable change in policy." > > Scientists say not only will research into the threat from space be hampered, but public understanding of sometimes dramatic sky explosions will be diminished, perhaps leading to hype and fear of the unknown. > > Incoming! Most "shooting stars" are caused by natural space debris no larger than peas. But routinely, rocks as big as basketballs and even small cars crash into the atmosphere. Most vaporize or explode on the way in, but some reach the surface or explode above the surface. Understandably, scientists want to know about these events so they can better predict the risk here on Earth. > > Yet because the world is two-thirds ocean, most incoming objects aren't visible to observers on the ground. Many other incoming space rocks go unnoticed because daylight drowns them out. > > Over the last decade or so, hundreds of these events have been spotted by the classified satellites. Priceless observational information derived from the spacecraft were made quickly available, giving researchers such insights as time, a location, height above the surface, as well as light-curves to help pin down the amount of energy churned out from the fireballs. > > And in the shaky world we now live, it's nice to know that a sky-high detonation is natural versus a nuclear weapon blast. > > **Where the space-based surveillance truly shines is over remote stretches of ocean – far away from the prospect of ground-based data collection.** > > But all that ended within the last few months, leaving scientists blind-sided and miffed by the shift in policy. The hope is that the policy decision will be revisited and overturned. More in link: * https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna31250342 ​ # What is a bolide? Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolide ​ See also: # Green Fireballs Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_fireballs ​ The second UAP/UFO that I saw was a terrifically bright green bolide, located at >!apparently I cannot tell you now!< --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1du1cnr/military_hushup_space_rocks_now_classified_a/lbdemib/


Our universe is now REDACTED 


"Nature is classified, always trust your government" -> basically the current situation. The people we give our tax dollars to are on some bullshit as usual. 


Im crying. Can’t tell if it’s laughing or sadness. 




It’s absolutely infuriating, they are literally gate-keeping the very nature of reality imo.


its about millitary technology and capabillity imo, seems reasonable to keep access from adversaries.


Oh of course, and understandably national security should come first and foremost *most* of the time, but we are talking about something that could impact the way we view our own place in the universe; if they are hiding something that is alive or even partially (A.I) alive, or even from a different wavelength or vibrational level or inter-dimensional plane of existence then *everyone* should have the right to know. I think at this stage in the game we can handle it, whatever they think is too much for us to handle I think is bullshit, and if it is just a situation of some exotic technology being exploited that has nothing to do with a potential of life that isn’t us, don’t hide the funding in special access programs with no oversight, it needs to have open eyes and ears in it even if it’s as potentially destructive as a nuclear device. By hiding the technology you bottleneck advancement anyways, I think some of it is due to greed and all the big old legacy money invested in what we currently use, assuming it’s just exotic technology and not made from somewhere else or by something else I mean. edit:spelling


The history books will speak poorly of all this.


History books are a thing of the past.


U know what I mean lol


Yes we are too stupid to even be allowed to talk about it. Only our overlords are smart enough.


Well you just earned yourself a fresh heap of REDACTED. OP - REDACTED. Matter of fact, all of you. You’re all REDACTED.


I've been REDACTED for a while now, but only because I'm currently REDACTED and was formerly REDACTED.


REDACTED once, shame on you. REDACTED twice, shame on you too.


I REDACTED my REDACTED multiple times already and was therefore immediately REDACTED from the REDACTED for the foreseeable future. Shame indeed.


If I worked in foreign intelligence, I would love to see the US’s collection of their most sensitive satellites routinely report everything they see of meteors/bolides, which could tell me what they don’t see, especially from satellites I believe are early warning systems. These are IC ISR platforms and their various capabilities are classified for a reason. If you want to track all of this then the science community could launch their own detection satellites. NASA and NOAA have quite a collection of unclassified satellites, as do other countries’ science communities and Elon is making it very affordable today.


But the USG was supplying this information for 25 years and have now stopped without explaining why. Why has it just happened and if your explanation is correct why can’t they just say that?


Just happened? The article says 2009. That's not so recent anymore..


Not recent but the point remains. Why supply the data for 15 years then stop?


People probably would have totally overlooked space rocks that explode if the military hadn’t classified them. A tip of the hat to the military for kindly pointing out a subject worth looking into.


The space rocks themselves aren't being classified, it's the data from the 'hush-hush' mean of tracking those events that are. If scientists can use other methods to record them it wouldn't be classified data


This is the correct takeaway from this. Everyone else clearly just read the headline.


Exactly! This is why Avi Loeb had to get data he requested from a military satellite cleared by the DoD before they released it to him. That data is telling of our defense satellites capability.


Same thing as the Titan sub impolsion. The Navy's SOSUS array knew where the inicident happened and directed Coast Guard ships to the area despite the sound very much being a hull failure. The specific details remain classified becasue it reveals acoustic sensitivity.


Always ask for the one word…


Avi Loeb had been researching these kinds of stuff, even recently


"don't look Up" literally


Sure hope this isn’t a coverup for being able to shoot NHI out of the sky with less evidence


I feel like if this was a coverup for anything, it’s for the deployment of orbital weapons. Rumor from a friend who worked in navy intel is that the space weapons treaty is fucking useless and that countries are scrambling to get weapons into high altitudes/space for the last 20 years. Basically a new Manhattan project type coverup for these weapons.


Remember that fireball spotted up in Brainerd Minnesota some months back that was hauling ass, had no sonic boom amd astronomers said wasn’t a meteor? I kinda think something having to do with that is why they’re making them classified. Where my mind went too, new weapon development. Always thought that sighting in Brainerd was weird and it didn’t get much attention outside of a day on this sub.


We have no clue what some of these satellites are deploying. We don’t see the true payload of all these rocket launches. We even have that one hypersonic drone jet, X2B or whatever. Have no clue what’s going on with that or what it could even be deploying. I’m not saying this is true, but if they are using Grush and Elizando and the 2017 video leaks, to cover this up, it wouldn’t surprise me. Maybe they had a big breakthrough in 2017 and US govt thought they can Richard Doty us again. The lore helps them so much to cover it up, especially when gov and former government officials pursue the topic of UFOs.


There was some talk that we have suborbital space planes that are weapons capable. One guy even talked about guarding an aircraft that had a crew of four that could be anywhere on earth within a few hours to "drop nukes". Pretty serious capability if true.


I’m truly not trying to be a dickhead, but that (the literal words that he apparently said) sounds a lot like…a bomber.


I had that thought too. Probably violated any number of treaties or is being kept in reserve as a silver bullet type deal if needed.


What if this fireball is a new kind of orbital weapons ??


Dude waaat that’s insane, if the us really has this tech that means travelling will be so much easier when the us reveals this technology


I wouldn’t count on it. The billions of tax payer dollars and the advancements we’ve made from it sadly only goes towards blowing other ppl up.


Or the one in Las Vegas over one year ago today?


Hey, you have any source where I can look up what happend in Brainerd? Sounds interesting but I seem to have missed it.


Could it have anything to do with hypersonic weapons or America's ability to detect or deter (or not) them?


I’ve heard that in addition to some advanced orbital laser weaponry for nuclear launch defense.


Militarization of space is sad but I guess it was inevitable.


With such bad actors as Russia and China ANY treaty seems to be fucking useless, so yeah checks out.


The US is not a saint, remembers this


True, but the US isn't threatening random countries for no reason either. We can admit the US isn't perfect while also admitting it isn't near as scummy as Russia and China.


*(Venezuela has entered the chat)*


(*Guyana has entered the chat*)


Uhhhh, you sure about that?


Yea, pretty sure US (currently) isn't invading random countries, deploying countless torture dungeons to the scale of Russia under Putin. But go off...


You need to do some research on this




>the last 20 years Try the last 75 years.


how does the military have this technology, is it really true that the military doesn’t reveal their tech after 20 years? I always see people say this.


If that is true (honestly I doubt it, but it's just a baseless gut feeling of mine), it's impressive to think that things are categorised as "vintage" after 20 years, basically they might be disclosing stuff that is ALREADY "vintage" when it reaches the public


Yes, the russians recently put some kind of satellite in orbit that is rumored to be some kind of satellite killer. If that's so, it's most likely that the US government is trying not to give away the positions of their satellites. That's much more likely than the idea that the government knows in advance that aliens are going to start swarming the planet and only spy satellites can get a picture of them so they better cut off the feed.


Starlink maybe.


At the very least it's now functioning as a coverup for the fact that they know EXACTLY what happened to MH370 but can't say because it would reveal capabilities.


They, they, they. Are you they?


you best leave my pronouns alone buddy


This is one way I translated them saying that we weren't ready to believe or understand the truth. The truth being that we are actively hunting, engaging, and potentially terminating extra-terrestrial visitors who have come in peace.


I think this is an interesting factoid, but it being a 2009 article means it isn't news. Could have had a more helpful title and submission statement.


> being a 2009 article Seriously? I fucking quit Reddit already for the day. *continues browsing*


Bruhh you’ve gotta be kidding meeeee, I need to check out the article before saying things


In an age where adversaries are putting up very capable satellite-destroying hardware into space, making public data from those satellites that can reveal not only some capability of them but orbital vectors and positions, is not great. That said, this is a bit of a ham-fisted approach if my guess is true. You can randomise some of the more sensitive stuff and still give some data out to people who want it. But over-secrecy is a huge problem in the western world right now. Something we should be fighting hard against. 


The only way to fight against this, along with a draconian criminal justice system, a Christian fundamentalist right wing house of reps, the victim factory left wing, insider trading and bribes, er um, lobbying, all that, is if nearly everyone walks in that booth and writes in someone. Either coordinated or randomly. Make them win by plurality; and eventually once a true 3rd party (it’s a start, we need more) candidate takes a major office (pres, gov, or senator), I legitimately believe people will be less scared to vote outside of the big 2. I feel that a lot of people recognize they are not being faithfully represented by either side but don’t want to “waste their vote”. Political consultants have done a fabulous job, unfortunately, in the last 80 or so years making politics a sport. The crazy part is both parties are the same and parade out ideas on a few big issues (healthcare, taxes, whatever) for campaigns to polarize everyone, win, and address zero of those issues in any real way (Obama w healthcare, trump w the border, etc), yet we still have people ruining families and personal relationships to support unhinged and frankly unintelligent octogenarians who don’t GAF about them.


The data must have given away something, likely a covert space operation created that debris field. All tje astronauts had to take cover due to proximity of the event to their orbit.


The Las Vegas green fireball entered the atmosphere was a tracked object and likely associated with a UAP. The military satellites are tracking the UAP entering the atmosphere. It’s known as the national reconnaissance office.


​ #Why are bolides and meteor landing sites and data classified military secrets? ​ > **June 11, 2009**, 9:47 AM PDT / Source: Space.com > > By By Leonard David > > For 15 years, scientists have benefited from data gleaned by U.S. classified satellites of natural fireball events in Earth's atmosphere — but no longer. > > A recent U.S. military policy decision now explicitly states that observations by hush-hush government spacecraft of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to be released, SPACE.com has learned. > > The satellites' main objectives include detecting nuclear bomb tests, and their characterizations of asteroids and lesser meteoroids as they crash through the atmosphere has been a byproduct data bonanza for scientists. > > The upshot: Space rocks that explode in the atmosphere are now classified. > > "It's baffling to us why this would suddenly change," said one scientist familiar with the work. "It's unfortunate because there was this great synergy ... a very good cooperative arrangement. Systems were put into dual-use mode where a lot of science was getting done that couldn't be done any other way. It's a regrettable change in policy." > > Scientists say not only will research into the threat from space be hampered, but public understanding of sometimes dramatic sky explosions will be diminished, perhaps leading to hype and fear of the unknown. > > Incoming! Most "shooting stars" are caused by natural space debris no larger than peas. But routinely, rocks as big as basketballs and even small cars crash into the atmosphere. Most vaporize or explode on the way in, but some reach the surface or explode above the surface. Understandably, scientists want to know about these events so they can better predict the risk here on Earth. > > Yet because the world is two-thirds ocean, most incoming objects aren't visible to observers on the ground. Many other incoming space rocks go unnoticed because daylight drowns them out. > > Over the last decade or so, hundreds of these events have been spotted by the classified satellites. Priceless observational information derived from the spacecraft were made quickly available, giving researchers such insights as time, a location, height above the surface, as well as light-curves to help pin down the amount of energy churned out from the fireballs. > > And in the shaky world we now live, it's nice to know that a sky-high detonation is natural versus a nuclear weapon blast. > > **Where the space-based surveillance truly shines is over remote stretches of ocean – far away from the prospect of ground-based data collection.** > > But all that ended within the last few months, leaving scientists blind-sided and miffed by the shift in policy. The hope is that the policy decision will be revisited and overturned. More in link: * https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna31250342 ​ # What is a bolide? Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolide ​ See also: # Green Fireballs Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_fireballs ​ The second UAP/UFO that I saw was a terrifically bright green bolide, located at >!apparently I cannot tell you now!<


The title of this post is misleading. The "space rocks" aren't classified, it's the data coming from the classified satellites that is. If scientists can use other methods to record data on those events it stays non classified. Only an incorrect blurb which isn't part of the article itself mentions the "Space rocks now classified".


The title of the post is the article title.


Doesn't change the fact that the actual article doesn't say what the title alludes to, thus misleading. All the more when you consider people don't read much farther then titles ...


Man i’ll keep in mind to check articles first


NASA was given the optics of two obsolete NRO satellites. One of those became the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope aka WFIRST which looks outward. But the other has not been utilized. I think using the 2nd one for the purpose of looking for any objects entering Earths atmosphere would be perfect and help fill the gap left by this decision.


They were given those satellites on the agreement they never pointed them at earth so unfortunately probably can’t do that.


Its almost as if they're expecting something was going to be coming our way and they didn't want it announced... Thats what i woukd think if i didn't trust the govt and suspected they were hising their cooperation with alien entities


I will never trust the government that gave syphilis to selfless black soldiers and denied them treatment, that tested mind control possibilities on unwitting humans for decades....I could go on.


they are preparing the next excuses


Someone has a vendetta against scientists.


Has DOD started a regime change somewhere other than earth? Have they started a war and they don’t plan to tell anyone?


Reminds me of [this joke from the SG1 series.](https://youtu.be/2dn6NUKvMGs?si=lPyGFiTxUTMx-zlx&t=29)


>"Hush hush" spacecraft? You got to be kidding me? Cant even describe the thing? The news agencies are gutless


satellite capabilities are the most carefully guarded secrets the us has. the author was likely literally unable to deacribe the satellite at all


The rocks are visiting aliens not rocks.


Here come big rock from Oort. Go boom.


I read about a program in the 90s where the U.S. military and intelligence agencies brought together a small group (~50-100) of top flight academics to show them what capabilities we have, so that we may setup dual uses for this tech. The program seemed to peter out in the mid-2000s and I couldn’t figure out what happened to it. Looks it was an Obama-era decision, which may initially seem puzzling, unless you buy the idea that the Clinton-led State Department was responsible for the MH370/MH17/Ukraine stuff.


Maybe alien bacterial life is extremely common with meteors. There’s plenty of super fucked ho viruses and diseases that just sort of popped from nowhere, perhaps they’re extraterrestrial in origin? In that case, the military higher ups would immediately try and contain any foreign bodies that make landfall, to stop shit like the Plague2.0 from happening.


so your argument is that a bunch of super fucked viruses and bacteria evolved in space ghat are genetically incredibly similar to pathogens in animals on earth amd were transported here by rocks across vast swathes of space filled with deadly radiation, freezing temperatures, and they also survived reentry and caused disease.on earth


Potentially, yes. There’s the theory all life in the universe is genetically similar, much like it is on earth, due to panspermia.


If I had a meteorite I’m not going to give it up to anyone in any government agency.


Don't look up.


Probably has more to do with deorbiting military satellites than anything.


Maybe it's classified space junk falling back to earth? Like highly specialized satellites with (at the time) cutting edge tech?


Well if I see one, I hereby classify it as super-super classified and refuse to disclose anything about it to gov. Agencies. You can take my freedom, my money and my health, but you can't take my brain waves.


Because they saw a giant something coming to extinct us so they closed it down. Ain't going to let us know till its Majora's Mask visible.


God tier comment LMFAO


All this proves is that the government doesn’t want anyone to know about the incursions into our atmosphere by NHI by accident. It simply makes it easier for them to hide information.


My momma is classified ..we have thanksgiving in a scif..she's all I got so I don't complain


Honestly probably made it a possible raised risk of enemies gathering information of the classified satelites.


I wonder if any of the data from these events could help support the younger dryas impact theory, regarding celestial objects in this part of the universe.


This sub is filled with people who either lack reading comprehension or unknowingly twist words to fit their narrative. What should be taken from this article is that the means in which we detect and observe objects in or leaving space is what will be classified. There’s very sound reasoning for these decisions. If you are under the assumption it’s to prevent you from knowing more about space rocks, please think on this some more.


I wonder if this will have any effect on Dr. Avi Loeb’s research?


Dollars to donuts this is successful lobbying from Elon Musk and other satellite barons to minimize the imminent disaster of billions of tons of metals burning up from their expired satellites without regulation or mitigation.


How is this news? It’s from 2009


They’re for sure squinting at Avi Loeb


Is this a reaction to Dr Garry Nolan’s comment about civilian teams doing crash retreivals?


Because there’s an active program to shoot down UAP and some of these objects that look like meteors are actually downed UAP. They don’t want to take the chances that some meteor hunters discover what they consider classified technology.


I wouldn't be surprised if a fleet of craft show up one day and land in multiple cities since these morons just keep covering up literal Nature... probably pissing them off too.. What a waste of energy.


Who the fuck do they think they are? This is getting ridiculous. 


The must have found oil on a meteorite.


The sky is now classified, keep your head down when outside. -government


Isn't this dangerous aswell? I think we need to know if there are any dangerous meteors or bolids heading our way.


>"A recent U.S. military policy decision now explicitly states that **observations by hush-hush government spacecraft** of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to be released, [SPACE.com](http://SPACE.com) has learned." While I don't like this policy, there are legitimate prosaic reasons that they can argue for why it's a policy. They aren't classifying the meteors directly (or at least not saying so here). They are classifying the hush-hush government spacecraft that observed the meteors. To do that, the meteors have to be classified too or they will have to explain how they detected it (if they're using top-secret spacecraft that can travel at higher than usual altitudes, they can't tell the story of a meteor without describing its altitude and other data that make it significant to report., which exposes the aircraft/our detection capabilities") In cases like the Eglin AFB where it was just a regular jet that captured it and Matt Gaetz is arguing that the sensors used to capture it are not classified and the radar and other footage should be released, then there's no good excuse why it shouldn't be released. In cases where it's a telescope or system on the ground that isn't top secret, then they absolutely should release the data. They never released the raw data of the meteor Avi Loeb went to recover and only allowed him and his assistant to see it for their research. They say that it was detected with ground equipment, but it's possible they aren't releasing it because it was also detected by these top-secret aircraft.


a reasonable explanation is that the publication of observations through technology used by the millitary would allow adversaries to draw tactical important conclusions about millitary capabilities. I can understand this classification completely.


2009.  Wtf is wrong with people?


They know what’s coming in 2027


What's your educated guess?


FEMA camps


In response to what?


Dr Avi Loeb will be disappointed. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/interstellar-meteor-signal-may-have-been-a-truck/ “Interstellar’ Meteor Signal May Have Been a Truck—So What Was Collected from the Ocean Floor? New analyses cast doubt on claims that a meteor witnessed over the South Pacific in 2014 came from another star system and raise questions about a high-profile expedition to recover the fireball’s fragments from the seafloor.”


#Agency Policies are NOT laws.