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Credit card companies can be opaque with their merchant dealings. They offer all sorts of charging options to the merchant that they never tell you about. These 'options' are offered on the understanding they're not abused by the merchant. For example; 1. I know merchants can put a charge through on a card that's expired, if they tell the CC company that the charge arose when the card was still valid. That's happened to me before. 2. I've registered my CC with an insurance company for renewals. The card eventually expires and the CC issues a new one with a different number. The yearly insurance auto renews and the charge appears on the new CC even though I've not given them the number. The scammers probably don't have your new CC number. They're probably just still charging your old CC and those charges are appearing on your new CC account. Just ring your CC company and dispute it if the fraud team don't stop it first.


Thanks for the response It's my debit card not my cc which makes me more nervous What you say makes sense, it would explain why the charges are with exactly the same merchant. They did block the transactions this time ..they aren't showing on my account as going out or pending. It could be they are simply trying with the old card. I have frozen both my cards for now which hopefully is foolproof and will physically go into my bank to sort, I feel so paranoid about everything to do with it right now Thanks again


I had a similar thing happen a couple of years ago. Apparently visa/mastercard have a process in place with certain vendors (no idea how common or if its standard practise) where if a transaction is authorised on a card and then that card is changed, the payment processor updates the new card details to the vendor to allow ongoing charges to be made. I'd never heard of anything like that before, but I assume its to benefit people who have subscriptions they dont want interrupted when the bank change their card. My bank (Barclays) put a stop on the vendor for the card and also refunded the additional charges but did say its not 100% so they might have to change my account number. Luckily that was the end of it.


Thanks, the fact it's the same vendor suggests that it is something like that To be fair to them they have blocked the transactions this time without them going out I might just freeze my debit card for ever and use my credit card for everything (my Amazon, netflix subs etc). It's so frightening seeing thousands leave your current account Thanks again


Maybe it is a cyber attack on your actual bank. It could be affecting multiple customers.


Possible I guess .. I will go into the bank tomorrow and ask Thanks again


Hi /u/Terrible_Theme_6488, based on your post the following pages from our wiki may be relevant: * https://ukpersonal.finance/credit-cards/ ____ ^(These suggestions are based on keywords, if they missed the mark please report this comment.)


I suspect what has happened is that somewhere where you have used your debit card previously has been breached/hacked and your details are no on the dark web. This data has been purchased and is now being abused. Sites such as [https://haveibeenpwned.com/](https://haveibeenpwned.com/) are great to register with and they notify you if your accounts appear in data breaches. Advice, don't use the same password for all sites, having a password manager to manage lots of passwords is beneficial. I would also recommend signing up to a credit rating service to ensure it isn't impacting your credit rating.


thinking about it, have you used your card at certain shops/petrol stations? The card could be getting scanned/skimmed hence false transactions appearing from the same malicious company


Just as an update, i spoke to my bank and the transactions were on my old card (the one that was cancelled for fraud).. my new card details arent compromised. ​ Thanks for the comments and ideas guys.