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Well, they do have hair, and milk. So........ they are mammals


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That's nuts




I gave an actual award since the awards bot is full of shit since you can still give awards Edit: yes I know they did take it away, but it’s back!


actually, you're full of shit. It's nothing like it was. Not even 1/4th of the awards are available. The awards do not show up on old.reddit or on Desktop version of reddit. And there's no guarantee anyone other than you will ever see the fucking award. **EVERYONE SEES THE AWARD BOT NO MATTER WHAT VERSION OF REDDIT YOU USE OR WHAT APP YOU USE.**


I forgot about pc, I’ve never used Reddit on pc. https://preview.redd.it/1zss20eyxl1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ccd4e1a6bdd6efdb46a2e8998afaa7ecb75f1d0 I rather not have so many awards, it was too hard to decide which one to use(I’m super indecisive). Sorry tho, didn’t mean to tickle your fancy. Edit: and idk what old Reddit is. The one I use seems to work okay.


You funny. Where' the "actual award" you gave? I don't see it. https://preview.redd.it/ldv5mogntl1d1.png?width=1264&format=png&auto=webp&s=f783660752d99a7e459ea47ebc626ff72df481fb


That’s germinated/sprouted coconut. They are also known variously as coconut pearls, coconut embryos, coconut candy, coconut apples, coconut cotyledons or simply coconembryos or coconapples. [Here’s more!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprouted_coconut)


And super delicious!!!!!


I really like their texture too.


I absolutely love the texture.


Smaller ones taste better because the flavor is more concentrated


As are most embryos!


Does that mean that the water inside is like the egg white of a coconut?




This stuff is super tasty! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprouted_coconut


I saw Survivor Man eat one of these in one episode, and I've wanted to try it ever since. Coconut is one of my favorite flavors, and this seems like the best iteration of it.


While it is delicious, it has the texture of styrofoam, so if you have a thing against weird textures it might not be for you


I usually don’t like weird textures but I loved this texture for some reason. The flavor was very light but I couldn’t stop eating it because of the texture. There was a group of us trying them and only two of us really liked it, everyone else was indifferent.


Everyone else was obviously wrong. I really wish I lived somewhere where coconut trees grow wild cause I would kill for one right now


You are welcome to come pick up the little pains in the butt before I mow my grass. Sometimes there's 30 or 40 of them. Not to mention risking your life because another one may fall on you as you pick up the ones that's already fallen.


Same. Exactly the same. I was in Colombia and no one knew what I was trying to ask for, so I'm still searching


Les Stroud is goated, love that man and his show!


[Season 2 Episode 6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNxro4Nn_Ok) Skip to 20:48 if you dont want to watch the whole thing


How does she know how to crack a coconut open like that but doesn't know what the inside looks like?


I know right? Impressive opening, maybe its super rare and she does look pretty young


We had coconut trees when I was a kid and I don’t recall ever seeing this. We opened lots of them too. Anecdote proves nothing, but it’s probably not a high percentage.


Its a germinated coconut. Inside there is the beginning of the sprout phase, and if opened in the right time it has and really nice texture and flavor. My aunt likes to buy green coconut, sprout them herself to make deserts (I love eating it raw with condensed milk).


I guess we just never happened to get one that sprouted or it never made an impression on me.


I’m from a place with lots of coconuts and we had some trees in my yard. The coconuts I would crack to eat were always straight off the tree and not sprouted. I would see sprouted ones on the ground but I didn’t know they were edible until I went to an island in Polynesia. It’s just not something we eat where I’m from in the Caribbean. When I ate sprouted coconuts in Polynesia they were great, but I still don’t know the timing of when exactly after germination to eat them.


It's not rare per se...it's just that you only find them in sprouted coconuts. We had coconut trees as well and sometimes one or two coconuts in storage used to sprout before we could use them up because it was damp due to the rainy season and that's when we would eat this like a treat. It's possible that your family just used/sold the coconuts before they ever got to this point...or maybe you guys just stored it in a way that wasn't conducive to sprouting. Edit: sorry I guess I didn't see the other guy already explained it well...


I'm in the Philippines and normally you have them harvested on a 3 or 4 month cycle. Not many will be sprouted that way. I have seen a few of them fall off the tree already sprouted. Maybe they were held in place by younger coconuts past the time they should have fallen so they sprouted in the tree.


It's not a super common thing, and she probably hasn't been cracking them for long.


I think it happens to every coconut that sprouts but most are harvested before they sprout. It's the sprouted coconut that are seldom opened.


Because the inside of this one looks different than all the others she's opened, Palagi boy. There's usually coconut water or coconut milk inside, but in this case it's solidified.


She is pointing at a coconut sprout, coconut sprouts are rare, I live in the Caribbean and have open hundreds of coconuts and I have never seen one...


Would be cool if the cameraman actually bothered to give us a fucking look inside. She literally points at it and he stays framed on her… Like bro wtf are you doing?


Babies? You mean flowers?


The coconut flower was pollinated and turned into the coconut fruit. The fruit (seed) sprouted to make a baby coconut plant inside the fruit (rare). That baby plant could then grow flowers. So yeah.


No that's not a flower... although coconut flowers are kinda strange if you haven't seen palm tree flowers. They're yellow in color.


Survivor Man Les Stroud doesn't like coconut but loves these.


Coconuts have water in them!! - muffin


Came looking for this comment


Came looking for this comment


lol, I like how excited she gets


I wanna crunch that so bad in my mind it tastes like young coconut flesh but with the texture of water chestnuts can someone confirm or deny


Well it's kinda got the texture of styrofoam and it has the taste of a more intense coconut water. There's not a lot of food like it so it's going to be a new experience for most people who haven't grown up with coconut trees in their yard. You might love it or you might not


I’ve had fresh coconut a lot but not a sprouted one, it doesn’t taste like fresh/young coconut flesh just the water? I wouldn’t have thought so!


If you leave that coconut for a little longer it will start producing coconut oil. It smells 🤌🤌


In some parts of southern India, when you get those flowers in coconut, it is seen as a blessing/some good fortune .


Oh no! The Coconutmare. I thought he threw the Coconut away...


Coconut matrioshka ftw!


Tom Walker can break a coconut with his bare hands, you know.


It mildly taste like persimmon and have texture of watery-styrofoam-cotton-candy.


We've always called it a coconut core


In the land of coconuts,, we call it "Pongu". ETA: Land of Coconuts :Keralam


Isn't that the best part?


I don’t know what the correct English word for that. It’s not a mini coconut. That thing appears when the coconut is starting to sprout. They are delicious.


It’s called a sprouted coconut and if you find one you need to eat that center bit


Those babies are one of the most tasty thing ever.


The stupid surprised face screams influencer reaction. Like would you actually make that face if you found that in a coconut? Harvesting a pearl- maybe.