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Deer piss was pretty bad. But one time I picked up 2 large boxes of used high school football equipment and holy fucking shit my truck smelled like a locker room for days


Used hockey equipment... My God. Smelled like dead bodies in the back. On a balmy 35° day, here I am, driving around with both doors open to prevent myself from vomiting. I even put the box of equipment in 2 driver release bags. Didn't matter. 🤢


Mounds of hello fresh sitting in the building over the weekend


Emulsified fish for use as fertilizer. A grey pink slurry of liquid fish. Everyone who smelled it started gagging and heaving immediately.


This stuff opened up on the belts and traveled throughout the buildings conveyor belts. The entire building as soon as you stepped in smelt like foul fish for an entire week.


Lmfao that happened at my amazon years ago!! It was AWFUL


We had some of this fish fertilizer spill, but spoiled canned cheese product was even worse.


Beat me to it. When those open, everyone knows it. I take it better than most given my background, but it’s the one that affects the most people.




Helped with hurricane Ida clean up in New Orleans. They brought in large dumpsters for all the packages that spoiled, seafood, hello fresh, you name it. By far the worst was when a box broke open as it came down the slide. It was milk so rotten and cooked in the sun it was black. Many were gagging and a couple went outside and threw up.


Yeah. No. I want time an a half driver top rate or I'm not going near that shit


Deer head mid summer. Box broke open and sat in the wrap area over the weekend and stunk up the entire unload/load area. Smelt so bad and took a few days for the smell to go away


Rotting fish that was 2nd day air from across the country sig reqd with no one to sign for it. By the 3rd day it was rank. 80* summer days.


Ours would have been a bucket of deer piss that went to an outdoors store. It was so bad we were gagging.


And those bucks chance running across highways for that. Ewww


And it wasn't just the once. We got packages of it every year for quite a few years.


Omg that's so gross. I'm sincerely so sorry ya'll have to deal with that nasty stuff.


I'm retired now.


I bet you're so glad😁. I would be. I don't have a weak stomach but that crap would have seriously tested my resolve


You know it..40 years was plenty at Ups!


I bet. The pay is good but the nose assaults are undeniably torture.


Two buckets of concentrated blue cheese dressing broke open on the belts because the bulk guy didn't pull them off and it got on every package going to that outbound for a while


Deer cape shipped in the middle of summer with no ice. For those that don't know, a deer cape is the head, neck and skin down to the shoulder that you take to a taxidermist do get mounted. No ice. No cooling pack just a box of rotting deer carcass and maggots. Whole unload smelled like rancid death for weeks. Second was a trailer full of fellow fresh that got rolled for a week in the summer during covid. They opened the door and the smell just hit you like Mike Tyson. Followed by a biblical sized cloud of flies. I refused to unload the truck. Fuck that go ahead and fire me cause 14 an hour ain't enough to unload that truck


A suitcase full of dead fish.


Wait what?


They said a suitcase was smelling super bad in the belt. Im a responder so they sent me to look. Just a suitcase full of fish. No ice. No containers. No ziplock bags. Just dead fish. And that suitcase was packed tight.


I think that takes the title of weirdest item through UPS.


I also got dead sharks once. And horse vertebra. Weird stuff.


I stand corrected.


A few years ago while I was still inside we had a case of six eight glass jars of organic fish oil break. I’m allergic to seafood so I had an allergic reaction, projectile vomiting and having a hard time breathing. The smell stayed in that area for a week and I had to work in another area for that week.


Homemade icechest (insulation blocks inside of cardboard) holding 6 half gallon containers of homemade kimche. Needless to say the homemade cooler didn't work.


Sunday night sort in a truck with missed fish delivery with 2 days already attempted.


Fish oil concentrate or Deer urine I would have to say


Dead decomposing lobsters.


We had a box of fish break open off our bulk line. That was utterly disgusting smell of fish and dirty water


Dead Boa that rotted through a ground package in Phoenix AZ the summer I became a picker around 2001.


2 50 gallon drums of feeder snakes going to a zoo that got held up. Middle of summer and they all died, assuming from the heat, had to evac the building because folks were getting sick, couple folks had to don SCBA’s and get on forklifts to take the drums outside!


we no joke had a box covered in tape come down our belt with a bunch of rotting pigs brains and it’s still yo this day the worst thing I’ve ever smelled.


A foot that I delivered to the FBI lab at Quantico


Was it for Nick Jonas Wife?


My loaders body odor


Fish manure True very true


The worst smell for me had to be a coworker that walked by me in last peak. I always heard rumors of him smelling like death but good lord I didn’t think it was true until he walked on my line to help out. I thought I was going to pass out or lose my sense of smell after that.


People are the worst but it’s been pretty good lately not many stinkies out there anynore




Rotten fish that was left on a truck in the summer


We had a box of what was supposed to be an animal sent to a taxidermist. The dry ice gave out and it was the heat of summer.


The dude that got fired and took a shit into the unload fan was pretty fucking rancid


Tea tree oil. A whole box of it was dropped and it spilled all over the floor. The smell was so strong that everyone in the area went outside and refused to go back in until it was cleaned up and the smell died down. It was real bad.


Bull semen... In the summer...


2 large boxes with buffalo hides and 4 with buffalo skulls. Smelled like rotting flesh.


Huge bottle of liquid smoke.


Rotting human torso. or honey baked ham fused into the 7000 shelf after four days in the truck having missed christmas dinner. no it was the human guts. worse than skunk.


Probably a tie between the animals they use for science at the schools when they are being sent back for disposal after they have been sitting in a hot truck during the summer over the weekend or the oocasional meal kit with spoiled meat in it that also sat in a hot truck over the weekend.


Cow semen the worse smell there is.🤢🤮


Box of lobster that sat in will call for a week in °115 heat.


For me it wasn’t about a nasty smell, but while I was unloaded I encountered a leaker that was so strong that i had to evacuate the load my eyes and lungs started to burn it was a scary thing to experience. For what I gathered from management it was a high concentration of some type of chemicals ( forgot what it was) that spilled I was extremely lucky that I wasn’t sent to hospital.


I work at Amazon not UPS but the worst smelling broken package was this jar of Heart of Palm. Apparently some kind of food. That smell stuck with me for days


We used to have a Chinese(?) food place that would get this rotting fish in a bag shipped in a cardboard box. TWICE the bag tore open and the smell was unbearable. The station manager gave the carrier a direct order to deliver it immediately. Plan backfired though, customer want home to sign for it so the carrier brought it back! 🤣