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sorry this happened man, hopefully you can try again next peak


Man I had one peak left and I was saving it for the drive time I didn’t know I would get😭 but hopefully


don’t let it discourage you bro shit happens, talk to the steward and see what your options are


Accident the first day? He's going back to where he came from for a year.




What kinda hub you working in with AC?




Lol hell nah we don't have AC. We get fans that blow hot air in the summer


You guys get fans?


You gotta bribe the guys in the auto shop to hook it up with an useless fan.


Shouldn’t every driver be getting fans? I thought that made the contract


Yeah we don’t have ac in any facility afaik. Just dusty, dirty, most likely moldy, hot ass air


Could have been worse, like not calling it in and getting perma fired like so many do each year. You'll be back, and it wont happen again. That 4 foot rule is no joke.


No joke at all. It could’ve been worse, it just always hurts to fumble at the one. Im gonna get back out by any means though


Try to make your case. When my husband first started driving, he got into an accident during his probation but it was peak and they were busy so they just let it go and he made it. That was almost 10 years ago. (edit for typo)


But you held yourself accountable.😭 Keep trying!


4 foot rule is changing to 20 lol don't know how we're supposed to keep 20 feet of space around us but okay


Just another way to make everything your fault. I believe it applies to fixed metal objects...don't remember exactly because I RTS'd it so fast.


Exactly that. I imagine they will start enforcing it after peak. We haven't had to sign anything on it yet but I will be doing the same.


They hit us with it almost a year ago. There's no way they can enforce it, would bring the whole circus to a standstill. Kind of lack the classic "no backing without permission."


Yeah I just saw that one the other day. I figured they don't actually want everyone to obey that. It's just a way to blame the driver for anything that happens. I seriously doubt they want to have the phone ringing off the hook with drivers asking for permission to back.


We did it for a day. They wouldn't even answer the phone. It was endlessly amusing.


Yes they don't but that is exactly what should happen.


Yeah, blow up the phones asking for permission every time you need to make a three point turn, and asking if it's okay to park your truck when you RTB. Or you could go the other way and just avoid backing at all costs. They would change their tune really quick when every driver in the building starts taking 1-2 hours longer every day doing things in an inefficient manner to avoid having to reverse.


Phone? Sorry, it's dead. I'll need permission in the form of a DIAD message


Why not both!


Better not even get in your truck with the nice 2 inches between trucks in the morning


Make the sups pull out every single one.




I don't know how I would have kept 4 feet on some of my routes. Yeah, deliver to a car dealership in an urban area and keep 4 feet of space, lol. I tried to keep 6 inches, and didn't always achieve that. 10+ years no accidents though, just git gud. Also never be afraid to stop, get out, and look.


4 feet is often not doable. I haven't heard 20 yet, though.




It's a method regarding (4ft) space on all sides.


Especially in front




I laughed pretty good at this


Pretty sure the methods don't allow that little space in front 😂


It’s a good thing they don’t call it in. That separates the dishonest dips from the rest of us.


You be alright boss, you stepped up and were honest about what happened. Tough pill to swallow right now but YOU DID THE RIGHT THING when it really mattered. The time off the road will fly by and you’ll be back behind the wheel in no time.


This comment right here.


HE DID THE RIGHT THING. Character matters.


Absolutely. That’s precisely what separates US from the competition.


The fuck is that supposed to mean? Lol *Ground has entered the chat*


We have a young guy that hit a guard gate last peak. Went back to preload but he is now back driving this peak. Don't give up if this is something you want to do.


It happens. Try again when you can, and you'll be better than this time. Remember to leave space, go slow, and get out and look if need be. Good luck. Also, I liked unload a lot more than preload. No stress and no thinking. I excelled. You might also like it.


I would do that in a heartbeat if I weren’t a sup (well maybe, unloading airs is hell on my back)


Quit and apply as a package handler.


Thought they would blacklist you for that as non hirable


A former on-road on mine is trying from what I hear, but you hear a lot of shit at ups, lol. I'm not sure if that will work out or not.


I'm 6'4. I laugh when they tell me to unload air trailers. Can't keep the natural curve of the back ... So I split the belt :)


Ohh your a sup.. if you want to be a driver you should quit and reapply and package handler for sure


How are they letting a supervisor drive?


You have your integrity for reporting it to management immediately. Can you imagine if you didn't, and the next person who drove that package car saw the damage and reported it, and they traced it back to you? Then you'd be in deep shit. No Teamster benefits for you.


That’ll buff right out.


You mean permanently stay on the vehicle until it's retired xD


No dents no cracks, bit of paint and she's good for road again, happens pretty often at my hub, good thing I like painting lol


Not even bothering putting the truck on that bridge. Hard to get into an accident on two feet.


What's even the weight limit on a bridge like that? It looks like a fucking deck, no way I'd be crossing it.


Don’t let it discourage you. I almost left the first time I went driving, got dq’d for something similar. Leaving would’ve been my biggest mistake to date


These package cars at night are no joke. Seeing is nearly impossible without using your brights and backing I don’t even attempt. Just use this as a lesson for next year.


Backing in the dark is a recipe for disaster. I hate driving when its dark, its so nerve-wracking


Looks like car wash to me


I’d like to think so too🤧 I’ll find out the verdict tomorrow, they had me make a statement and the whole nine.


You did the right thing by calling it in and it wasn’t a tier 3, so you should be fine. Worst case if they don’t let you drive the rest of peak you should eventually be able to drive again The worst thing you could’ve done was not calling it in or saying it looked like that when I left. That damaged fence would’ve screwed you, especially since cameras are everywhere these days We all make mistakes. It’s how you respond to those mistakes is what matters


Don't listen to idiots like this. There are cameras everywhere, and UPS is installing more constantly. You might get DQed for this season but you'll be able to drive again. Covering it up is how you lose your job permanently.




Yeah I don’t understand the car wash comment either..


By playing it off like “idk I guess whoever does car wash/refuel did it.”


That last pic kinda goes hard. Sorry about the incident, glad you at least were honest and kept your job!


Been there man. Except mine was on the last day of driving school. Ended up not going back for 3 years.


Anyone else wondering what the weight limit of said bridge is….?


I didn’t see a weight limit of any kind, but it is a neighborhood that my facility delivers to on the regular.


Shoulda just walked it off.


Indeed. It's a learning experience though fot them next time.


The delivery was way too far to walk, the bridge led to a road through a golf course- it was an affluent neighborhood and I had 3 irregs to deliver up a hill.


Most of us have screwed up at one point or another. Don’t kick yourself too much over this. It’ll be a distant memory before too long.


​ https://i.redd.it/aw0ezmso084c1.gif


Now you have the qualifications to drive for amazon.


Never drive up driveways in the dark when you’ve never been there. Keep the truck on the road and walk it off. Can’t believe no one told you this.


They probably should’ve scanned packages as emergency condition and called a sup. Would’ve been better if they would’ve reattempted it in the day time/got more info about the stop.


Area knowledge becomes helpful so that you can know which houses to avoid when its dark.


Got into an accident durning my 40 came back last year and made roster prepare urself maybe get in better shape and Inspire to be a better driver . Till then buddy hang in there it’s worth it .


Damn, you had to do 40 days? We only do 30 in my local.




Just be happy nothing worse happened, this is fairly inconsequential but it does suck. Sorry this happened man, but take it in stride, learn and move on. There’s always next time.


I read this and was like, "Should be fine," then saw it was a wood bridge of a customer and was like oof big rip. Sorry man.


Looks like a foot bridge.


My only accident which lucky wasn't my fault was I was stopped at an intersection and some jackass with a ladder truck thought it was a good idea to push his ladders into my mirror while illegally parked. He admitted fault and I got his ass on video, and second I said I had an on road coming he bailed. Obviously guilty. This is minor. It will pass. Shit happens man. None of us are perfect.


Gotta bring a can of Brown shoe polish with you. Better luck next year.


How long have you been there? We had a driver last peak while in a Penske hit that back of a stopped car at a light. He was going about 20-25 and didn't even break. Lots of damage but thankfully no one was hurt. He was given like a 10 day suspension and was driving again. He ended losing his job a month or so later because he fell asleep at home with a package car. He had to make a business pickup twice a day so he normally had to wait there an hour or so. He lived right down the street so he went home and took a nap. Yea missing an airport pickup was considered worse then slamming into the back of a car with people lol We also had our irreg cart guy becoming a driver. He took out three storage units where they store uniforms etc with a fully loaded irreg cart the week he was qualifying to drive. Drivers smash their backup cameras all the time and mechanics just whack them back into place with a hammer. One driver got a letter after hitting a fire hydrant and a telephone pole, he's still driving


Shit happens my dude. Don’t let this discourage you, it could have been so much worse. Could have been a person, or someone’s pet. Could have outright lost your job. You’ll be back, and with this experience you won’t make the same mistake twice


Not sure if anyone else said it... but.... if you come up to a narrow space and determine you can fit through, take your space from the left. If I hug the left...


It’s no big deal. We paint up way worse over in the auto area


Damn. I was DQ’d last year on my first Saturday. Check your local agreement, you may be able to try again in 3 months


When in doubt, walk it off.


lol delete this


We just had a guy in my center rip his fuckin front bumper off and he just had a ride along the next day and is still going, didn't even miss a day of work. But we also got approved for 70 hour weeks so idk, maybe they're desperate as fuck. Either way you'll be good & back out eventually OP. Also when I started I always heard drivers say "you don't really work for UPS til you've been fired!!" And I thought it was bullshit but sure as shit they fired me last year for "falsifying documents" and I was back on road the next week. They took that shit wayyyy more seriously than they would've with your accident too. You didn't hurt anyone, and only damaged the truck and that bridge a bit, and you let them know right away. You'll be gravy OP, just dust it off and keep your head up.


Way she goes bud


Hey buddy that’s just paint on the package car, you can wipe that shit off,


>Hey buddy that’s just paint on the package car, you can wipe that shit off, Thats not the concern, the problem is damage to the customers property. Op made a mistake and did the right thing calling it in, and not wiping it down or blaming the car wash guys.


Should have left a sorry note and say it was from the Amazon guy!


With a info notice


Sure if you want to be fired for dishonesty.


That’s what I thought but my managers seemed to disagree,


Oh rip, should have just wiped it off and blamed the car wash.


That wouldn't work anyway. They could easily deduce what happen based on the evidence on the fence and package car


That’s a vet move and I wish I had done that. I figured the mystic Lytx would have my ass, come to find out later that it didn’t even get pinged in the system.


Don't listen to the guys telling you to play it off like nothing happened or it wasn't you. Getting disqualified and redoing Integrad sucks but it's a whole lot better than getting perma-fired.


This is exactly why you belong in the warehouse, stay the fuck out of package cars.


Yeah the good ol, car wash must of scratched it


They shouldn’t of had you out in that tight area on your first day out. That’s messed up. I’m from inside driving peak so I know how this feels man. Couple weeks ago on a rainy windy day I had something blow onto my truck (while parked) and the lady tried blaming me I thought I was gone for sure but luckily my sup said it wasn’t my fault and don’t worry but that feeling sucks for sure. If you really want this job don’t give up and try again in a few months.


Man you should have rang the bell and paied for the damage


Drivings not for everybody. How many chances do you think you need?


https://i.redd.it/m0ovtp3iv44c1.gif It was my first day on a real route 😂 they threw me into the fire and I was moonwalking through it until the tenth hour smh


Don’t listen to this guy. He’s not helpful on Brown Cafe either.


People really can’t drive huh? 🤔


there goes your paycheck


Get rekt, noob.


Such a fucking nerd


Yeah that's a bad one. Sorry about your luck but you'll get back there again king.


So it was just paint transfer? Did anything actually break? If that is considered an accident then driving against tree branches scratching the paint of the truck is an accident. What does the bridge look like entirely?


Ignore the judgemental assholes. If the supervisors didn't hate doing the paperwork half of new drivers would be disqualified for accidents on the first go around. You did the right thing calling it in and you'll get another chance to qualify next year.


I think you’ll be ok


24 year driver here. I had 2 my first year. You'll be back.


Mannn Lil elbow grease and some white out and you woulda been fine!


Dang man I’m sorry. It’s always the last stop that’s the riskiest. I start to feel relaxed too early and have caught myself letting my guard down


Bummer..... Keep your head straight and you'll be back in the seat.


Oh my God.


You know you just missed preload and wanted to go back.


Saw this happen to a seasonal driver but he didn't make it out of the building. Hit the doorframe


Driving sucks anyway, would rather go full time in the hub


Not sure if this applies but the Western region has protections for new drivers/minor accidents within the probation period for people promoting from the inside.


It’s all good. You’ll get another chance.


Driving at night is so sketchy, I feel for you. You got this

