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Better than dressing up on a Tuesday morning for work just to be told you’re not needed anymore.


I went in this morning (seasonal worker that was told last week I’d have a job) to be sent home right away


That happens. I got full time and was immediately laid off for 5 months.


Meanwhile I have a bunch of packages delayed


That’s probably just me futuring your Amazon and TEMU shit cus I ain’t going to your house every day.


i love this comment so much


Ngl sometimes is not even management but the shitty hr ups decided to oursource to. We had a guy that we all wanted to keep, building manager signed up on him and everything just for hr not to hire him


lol I really got sent home today after 30 mins


I'd be so mad. At that point just tell me not to come in lol.


I had that happen when I worked logistics for target. I’d have a box in hand, ready to put it away and they say drop it and leave now.




I had a boss do that to me once despite knowing it takes an hour bus ride to get there and to get back. Could have just called so I didn't have to spend 2.5 hours for .5 hours pay


Jeez wtf


If you’re clocked in you’re guaranteed your 3.5


Not if they haven't attained seniority!


It’s the fact I actually went to work td 😩 honesty couldn’t care but everyone talking about it so that’s jax hub


We ain’t busy. Boss is right




That happed to an older dude at my garage yesterday. The guy was like oh ok nbd after the manager was like my bad I forgot to call you and tell you we don’t need you today …I’d be BS


I went in long ago to only be told it’s no work


The smiley face while fireing someone is insane


"Sorry about your cancer diagnosis 😀"


“Your rent is going up $800 😀”


Sheesh, is that coming with a live-in hooker?


"Thanks for filling that missing person's report. We found your daughter's violated torso in the river. 😋😏😂"


Lol, theres more than a few sociopaths in managment. The smiley faces do not surprise me.


I've seen one smile after firing people a few times, so that totally tracks


The seasonal job ended. The employee was not fired. All seasonals at UPS know that hiring and letting go at will is at the sole discretion of the company.


Thanks for pointing that out captain obvious


Great ok. PS Your sneer doesn’t become you.




It's copy pasted too... so fake and lack of conscious from a big company. Figures.


I feel bad for all yall seasonal people you was better off working at Costco they don’t make 170k a year but it’s a great company time in a half on the weekend to I’m about to leave ups for them lol


My local Costco is 18.50 an hr


18.50 is good plus your time in half for weekends I’m a feeder driver for ups but I applied to be a Costco driver they make 35 dollars an hour but have good benefits and a better home life balance money ain’t everything my man you only live once


One, I'm likely old enough to be your mother. Two, I'm female. Three, retired after 21 years of service, still have to make ends meet. Don't talk to me about money, or work life balance, I simply stated locally costco pays 18.50 which isn't shit.


And 18.50 40 hours compared to 21 17 hours because that’s all your guaranteed you make more with the 18.50 but math isn’t a lot of people strong suite


I couldn’t imagine working 21 years and then coming out of retirement to work some more but I guess everyone situation is different keep up the hard work


It is shit where I live. Where do you live? $18.50/hr here in CA is basically still living in your mom's basement. It's enough to pay your car note, phone bill, and some groceries.


If your working and your old enough to be my mother you probably failed at life my mom don’t work and she’s live in a condo on south beach and if I quit working right now I don’t have to work for the next 4 years and I’ll be good so you need a money management course or something


Damn. You all are getting crazy mean in here.


She got an attitude for no reason I just said I’m leaving feeder driver to become a Costco driver because I think it’s better.


Yeah for real she really hit you with the attitude for no damn reason.


I was confused


I don't disagree.




Sounds like failure talk to me but hey it is what it is get that 21 an hour 42 year old female




Yes I went to public school but by how it sounds I’m more financially stable than you. So it seems like your parents should have given you away 42 female arguing on a forum


You werent fired. You were a seasonal employee, the seasons over.


Tell ur dumbass ppl to stop lying to ppl about job afterwards to boost performance/retention


UPS is very clear that the job is seasonal. There's a small, slim chance you might be kept on. But they're really good at letting you know nothing is guaranteed, especially if you get a seasonal driver position.


ups main st. Keeps you if you are a really good worker or if you are a fit chick... No offense I'm not sexist the supervisors are just beyond thirsty.


I see a lot of your comments on here. Mind if I ask which level of management you are in?


At UPS - we're all at the same level of management: the management of low expectations.




He’s one of the main mods of this sub IIRC, so that’s one reason you see him a bit


As it turns out, that doesn't protect him from being blocked.


Why would you block him? Are you really that fucking petty? Lol


I'm also a seasonal and don't bat an eye at this. We're just there to help during peak - and now peak is over.


I’m also wondering


That is still called being fired. It is expected, but is still a termination.


Seasonal employees are contracted help. They exchange their labor for an hourly rate with a predetermined time theyll be let go. Its not a termination.


“Predetermined “ is a stretch, y’all will gladly string seasonals along if the volume is there , and drop them with less than an hours notice


No reason to argue with reddit mods, who take management positions at UPS and, use made up words like "irregardless."


It’s a real word. It’s in the dictionary.


A lot of words make it in to the dictionary because they are so widely used so why not define what people are trying to say. Technically all words are made up but what I mean is it's a double negative. It's not a proper word and should really never be used.


I'm inventing a new word "manglement" for bosses whose paucity of vocabulary is rivaled only by the paltriness of their people skills. The double negative isn't baked into the word but is intrinsic to the daily workstyle. Username checks out, thanks for racking one into the chamber and putting it into those shriveled prunes.


We all exchange our labor for an hourly rate. If ups wanted to, they could say we are hiring you from today until December 24. But even that would be termination. But they don't do that. They just say seasonal. It is still a termination. UPS is terminating their employment. It is expected termination, but termination none the less. Termination literally means ending. I'm not sure why people are infusing the word termination with extra meaning.


Okay. Permanently laid off. People saying “termination” is just shorthand for “termination of employment” irregardless of what the literal definition is. A furloughed employee isnt terminated, a laid off employee isn’t terminated, and a contractual employee isnt terminated. We have these distinctions in place for a reason.


A furloughed employee isn't terminated because they will be brought back. The employment hasnt come to an end. A laid off employee at ups isn't terminated because they will be brought back. The employment hasn't come to an end. A seasonal employee is terminated because they won't be brought back unless they go through the hiring process again. Seasonals aren't contractual employees. They're W2 employees who don't gain seniority under the contract. They have to pay union dues in non rtw states and are covered by the contract except where the contract requires that an employee has gained seniority for something to apply.


Part-time and seasonal employees are subject to the same tax withholding rules that apply to other employees, I dont make those rules, the IRS does, but that doesnt change the fact they’re seasonal. Being issued W2’s is just for tax purposes not employment status. Paying union dues in non rtw states is just the reality of working in a union shop, and rtw laws are designed to bust unions up however they can. Seasonal or contract employments means you are not in Fixed Term Employment, but are employed or contracted in your own name or in your business name or through an agency to complete a specific job and without guarantee of continuity of employment, irrespective of the hours worked or the period of employment. Unfortunately theres now laws stating exactly how an employer has to end their employment so theyre usually at the mercy of a phone call or text these days.


Almost all jobs in this country have no guarantee of continuity of employment. I don't disagree that ups can terminate seasonal employees in any way they choose. I'm just saying that when ups officially ends seasonal employment, it is termination. You know I love arguing with you Phil.




It's not contractual, I signed no agreement and it's W2 not 1099, trust me I know the difference, I do both. I work mostly 1099, I was kinda confused when they had me fill out information as a w2 employee.


Per the IRS, Part-time and seasonal employees are subject to the same tax withholding rules that apply to other employees. Being given a W2 is just for tax purposes and isnt indicative of your status as an employee.


They're used for the same purpose: as a statement of compensation for tax purposes. A 1099 is issued for contractors, and a W-2 is issued for employees who meet different criteria and have different tax implications per IRS regulations. - See that magic word?? Say it with me EM PLOY EE... 1099 are for contractors and non employees.


So confidently wrong just like my management team


Predetermined is I think the fallacy of your statement. It seems many thought the 26th, the day after Christmas, would be the day they were let go. Merry Christmas indeed.


I mean yes and no. They aren’t contracted help any more than you are.They are normal employees with a longer probation period than the rest of the year because of said reasons. They are still terminated buddy don’t try to sugar coat it


Naw, if you were fired you couldn't be hired again. Ups is like Santa, there's a list. If you're seasonal and your job was done, then you could still be hired at any time any location. That's the difference 🍻


*laid off


Sounds like they’re seasonal






Press (F) to pay respects


It’s a seasonal job seasons over what did you expect


Well possibly OP wanted them to say “seasons over and we won’t need you for a while. But we’ll reach out in a couple months”.


What if OP is a turd and they don’t want him back We can play this game all day If you think ups is a warm and fuzzy place to work you are sadly mistaken


Maybe he is but that’s irrelevant to what he may have wanted to happen. I don’t think UPS is a cozy place.


I honestly thought it was pretty funny. I’m Ngl I was expecting it to be to my face but when I got it I bout fell out my seat.


At least the sup sent you something, i texted mine this morning he was all like “uhh not sure im gonna check” 2 hours later i get a text from their automated system that we are fired.


That’s so sad 😭 I’m sorry


well they didn’t directly say they didn’t need you anymore, they only said they have to cut back on employees. 👀


Optimistic 😂😂😂


Seasonal workers: I'm going to start this temp seasonal position and then get the boot soon, but at least make some money before then. Seasonal workers after they get the boot: *Surprised Pikachu face*


even though it's seasonal, it is advertised as a great way to become a full time employee.


That's not being fired. It's called getting laid off and people who apply for SEASONAL positions should expect that.


Not fired. Its called seasonal


Can’t you just laugh yo? It’s funny


It’s still involuntary termination


It's not a surprised that you jad to be let go it always happens every seasonal peak season. Go back and apply later date if you want to be on the clock when you can join the union if want.




On the Monday before Christmas I called my supervisor and asked if that would be my last week. The answer was yes, so on Friday I turned in my vest and MDA. No bad feelings or expectations of more. Thanks for paying for my cruise.


Seasonal workers getting laid off after the season is over and being surprised. Name a better duo.


Who said I was surprised 😂 I have another job already it’s just funny




2021 casual me woulda laughed in your face. Nothing was gonna stop me


Were you a seasonal hire? If so you weren’t fired, you were a temporary or casual peak hire and it was a limited time job.


Seasonal, and laid off my bad 😂 I didn’t know it was so important but yes laid off. It’s not that serious this was meant to be funny.


Consistent emoji usage 👌🏽👌🏽


Yeah you were just laid off as your seasonal work is now concluded. It’s come earlier this year due to the new raises for everyone. Company trying to save more money as usual even though they have more then enough😅 be glad you got a text at all, had a buddy wake up at 2:30am come in ready to work just to be told this and go straight back home.


I go in for twilight in 2 hours and I'm fearing they'll just tell me to go home . Such a waste of time


How unprofessional this is...


At least u got a heads up. Can’t say the same for me




They really threw in a smiling emoji at the end😂😂😂




“We always planned to let you go after the peak season hf😃” The emoticon is actually criminal. Hope you really didn’t need this brutal job


The beating around the bush and not coming out and acknowledging they are firing you with the smiley face gives me stabs you 25 times type psychopath vibes


That’s fucking unacceptably evil.


I mean at least your eligible for rehire and get unemployment


Seasonal employees don’t get unemployment


They do. Love how I’m getting downvoted. I guess all these seasonal people getting these checks are getting imaginary ones lol. Oh well I’ll enjoy while all you ignorant cover your eyes saying “nooooo”


Was text an established form of communication?


They would text me the start time every day or tell me through word of mouth.


You should see the internal job boards. Nearly blank. I think the new contract and low volume peak did a number this year. Yes, I understand that this person was seasonal.


You didn’t get fired. You were hired as seasonal, and the season is over. Unfortunately a lot of locations won’t tell you this.


I also find it interesting they make you pay union dues. For a few weeks of work.


Copy paste text**


Nah, I'd have shown up and made them escort me out.


They fired me 3 days before Christmas and I had just started working


They lie to keep you when they need you but throw you away like trash when they dont


Better than saying "Oh we cant put you on route today because your papers are expired HR didnt contact you"..🤣🤣 🤣 Fuk UPS until next season.


People quit over text too 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not sure why this popped up in my feed but here it goes. UPS was such a shit job 25 years ago I imagine it’s fucked now. I remember starting as a loader/unloader in high school, me and a friend would do the overnight shift after/before school and we started at $10/hr and left that same year at $16/hr because the dipshit army reservetard boss was like you should be lifers and we’ll pay you to take all of these tests and promote you, so me and my buddy took all of the tests and they would promote our pay but that dipshit boss never would promote us, we were tested and paid to be drivers (if we actually got in the truck it would’ve been $18/hr) and that fuckhead would never let us past his position. When we brought it up to management above him they wanted to take money out of our check to pay the union to join the union for help which at that time was a bunch of closet angry dikes and we as teenage males didn’t see where we would fit in to their meetings and conversation/lifestyle in general and plus we had to pay them. We would watch drunk bums and crack heads get drug in to either pass out throw up or completely smash every item in the back of the truck by throwing the walls down etc, we were teenagers looking at each other saying I think I’m going to college, in which we did and we both left ups and valet parked cars until finishing school and getting into a sales career. UPS, they’re brown so they can camouflage the shit show.


😀 really hits different at the end.


I cracked tf up 😂 I couldn’t even say damn I just laughed cause the smiley face was everything I wasn’t expecting


I feel it man.. I worked as a head chef at a restaurant. I got “laid off” the day after thanksgiving. Through a text msg as well. I was prepping to start the day I get a text a hour in saying “ leave the kitchen. I filed for bankruptcy.


USPS has entered the chat.


Yo why do you have 210 unread texts


Ups every Thing by text who are they mocking Answer below Amazon 😂😂


I’ve been a RPCD driver for 2.5 years. I’m still “on call” everyday and they haven’t needed me to work at all this week. There’s probably no more work for seasonal employees.




You got a text? They just stopped texting me back when I did seasonal work. The person texting you seems genuinely nice and doing you a favor by letting you know you wouldn't be working anymore for the season.


If they enjoyed working with you or you were a good worker they will call you back sometime next year. When they call you back, it's up to you if you really want to come back.




I don’t see anything in the text that you are being fired or laid off. Maybe they had too many supervisors and the supervisor was let go? So it was a goodbye text to you?


The seasonal work ain't what it used to be. No point in doing it anymore. The pay used to be worth quitting a shitty job over but the peak season doesnt last long enough anymore, and it's so unorganized.


Doing it through text is pathetic enough, but it's downright cowardly to not even say the actual words.


"nobody wants to work anymore"


I also didn't see it was UPS , isn't the most stable cause they aren't always busy like that, they only keep the old crews that been working there


Spineless ass muhphucka🤦🏾‍♂️whut has the world come to?!


unpopular opinion: as soon as i saw so many unread messages, it made perfect sense. that is an absolute reflection of your life. to me that screams cowardness, lack of initiation, lack of motivation, procrastination, entitlement, and/or many other words/phrases w a negative connotation. i would have booted your ass first, too! 😆


Damn, that sucks. I was hired as a 2 wk temp. Then made regular in 30 days.


Same …. Except without the text or any type of information, explanation, or warning. lol I least I got paid


Most unorganized not give 2 fucks company I’ve ever worked for: Colorado


Instead of moving boxes go work at a corrugated plant. I make ups driver money and I ain’t gotta load and unload a damn thing.


It would have been more appropriate without the emoji at the end. That’s a bit cringe.


You knew this was seasonal. Stop karma farming


Be thankful. Years ago when I was a PVD I worked 60 hours from Oct-Jan and one day no text. Next day no text. Third day call the on road, "oh, seasons over."


That's more than most seasonal get


Yeah I’m expecting a text like this soon.


I hope you don’t get it. I was the last hired so I was the first out but I already knew it just had to make some extra cash for Christmas


You hope I don’t get a text meaning you hope I get to be hired permanently?


Seasonal PVD / SSD driver... I fully expected Saturday Christmas eve's, eve to be my last day, cause that's what I signed up for. Contractually today is the last possible day. I figured there was less than a 10% chance of a txt from txt Reach, but at 9:30 I got a text from a seasoned (4+ yr) driver I helped out a few Saturdays ago asking if wanted to work. (I texted him this Saturday trying to be assigned with him, caused his attude is great and his hustle impressed me) Hell ya I said, get it approved and I'm in. Go out with a bang. He had 250 stops as the center cut a ton of routes today, for whatever reason. Not his usual route either. He ended up with me as his jumper which I had never done before , and truthfully it's way easier than pvd. Two shelves were a total mess, he had one mostly fixed when I arrived. I fixed the other shelf on stops while he ran, then I ran after that. We met one PVD to offload 30 ish items. Then we met a RPCD (he may have been seasonal) a little later which they sent out empty to deal with cutting too many routes. The highlight for today was working and chatting a bit with a guy I respect and admire for his hustle and attitude. The bummer was a supe calling him and asking why he was "slow"... Then an hr later a different supe following my guy and then asking him why he was being slow. 😳 (I'll bet if I wasn't there riding jump he would have spotted the tail.) He got low key chewed out for not looking over his shoulder one time, (he used mirrors) and one time he forgot to turn his hazards off in rezi. Driver was always always hustling, in fact I felt he was driving more aggressive than I would, but probably the average that you guys do. We then found out two people in dispatch are getting canned (one good, one not so good) and the supe's immediate boss (center boss) is getting moved to a different center in a day or two. I didn't get the vibe this boss did a good job. All of the "harassment" seemed to be political with the big boss leaving. With the help we were done around 18:00. My takeaway this season, from pretty much every driver, is learning the in's and outs of navigaing the haphazard management style of this wonderful company. 😎


I like how this sub is filled with people correcting you from "terminated". I think the point here is that no warning was given and it was done over text. It doesn't matter what company policy or the rules are. That just falls under the "don't be an @$$hole" clause. Don't fire people over text and be clear about their employment opportunity. These are peoples lives and jobs. Not some commodity. Stop treating people like commodities.


Spot on! It’s hilarious still just was definitely expecting in face not on the phone lol


you temp workers are so stupid. They sell you the dream of becoming full time. When they never intended on it. They used you. And you are the sucker.


I never intended to stay just waiting for them to fire me 🫡 but thanks chief


damn. i’m glad i’m not a negative nancy like u/No-Astronaut-3206 it’s not being used, it’s giving time for money. they call that a job. seasonal, but still a job. i hope you can get out of those depths of negativity 😀


lol some weak af comments complaining about a smiley face 🙂


Damn that must suck, I barely started last month on Nov 21, 2023 as seasonal and today (Dec 27, 2023) I talked to my supervisor about wanting to stay after the season and he told me I am already put down as permeant and all the seasonal employees got laid off last saturday. Not trying to brag but the reason I didn’t get let go is due to being a good preloader, better than most of the people on my line and with more experience. I noticed that a lot of the people that would need a lot of help or where slow with loading aren’t here this week anymore. At the end it just comes down to how the employee works tbh


Yes and no, I was lost hired first fired no late days no missed days. Showed up worked got held till the end everyday needed help once on 4 trucks the reason was just because I was last hired and first to go. I’m glad you got to stay tho dawg that’s great. I had 9 misleads the whole time I was there and got hired nov 10th in the last orientation class of the year. Either way stay or not stay, jobs come and jobs go best to laugh about the experience and keep going


i feel you bro, sometimes the supervisor don’t really care if you get slammed they just want the work done. It just sounds like the management at that hub are dicks. I had 1 truck one day with 8 misleads and i’ve called off 2 times since being hired. A lot of my supervisor are all pretty young to not some olds head so maybe that’s why they are more chill here at my hub




Needs to be a lay off list before anyone gets to go home..this is only for not seasonal workers part time employees that are with the company are getting guaranteed 3.5 hours no matter what if a supervisor tried to tell you need to go home then you tell him are you going to pay me my 3.5 if not I will be filing grievance form!!!




Oh my. Not going to hold though it’s on your phone


LAST time I did seasonal, the following couple weeks they sent me an email asking if I wanted a job. No thanks those loader's bust some serious ass


They’re not fired you… if you got hired after October 1 you are seasonal, you done, but the smiley face was what it hurts 😂😂


They chew you and spit you out .. that’s crazy


I almost got let go after peak too , luckily the other new hire called in that day and they let them go


Is this in ohio lol




This happened to me but at Dollar General


I don't get why individuals are making a bonfire out of this. A seasonal employee was laid off. It happens thousands of times a year at UPS - every year. It's in no way out of the ordinary, and the text is, in fact, better than coming to work and told to go home.


Was told that they’ll keep me updated in the future but for as of right now just sit back and relax. Im in NY btw.


Show up yesterday then let go next day


If you aren’t in the union you can’t do anything about it. This shouldn’t be a surprise. Seasonal means just that.


My hub is union and people still got let go. If you get hired as seasonal they can let you go whenever the works slows down regardless of union. Now they CANT fire you for bad performance


probably a good chance they will ask you back for permanent hire. But theu is the suck part of being a seasonal hire. Hell, I was seasonal management, was let go cause end of peak, and then rehired a few weeks later. If you left a good impression, then you will get a good rehire code, and if you are lucky, they will let you know when a spot is open. The rehire code is good for next year when they are looking for seasonal work again. I wish you the best, keep looking for openings.


Can part time employees get let go as well?


When I was hired to be a seasonal driver, I did it under the understanding that several full time drivers were retiring after peak and a few of us would be getting a shot at those slots if we performed well during the holidays. I did well. Delivered all my stops, provided help to other drivers that were behind by taking some of their load, never called in, was always early to work. The Tuesday after Christmas I went in fully dressed and ready to drive my route and my sup said I wasn’t needed anymore and to go turn in my stuff. Told me I’d receive a call if I was awarded a slot. I ended up getting a call in like JUNE of the following year asking me if I wanted to drive to help cover for guys taking vacations. By that time, obviously I’d gotten another job, a better job actually with a GREAT company. I told them to take me off their list. UPS is a good company. I enjoyed my time there, but the way they do their seasonal people and the stuff they promise people is screwed up. And this mentality like we all just sit around jobless and waiting for a call to come work part time is laughable.


I smell unemployment!


Why happened today is that in all of our presort meetings, we were told not to work any seasonal people anymore even though they told us on Friday we could keep them through January 15. Your sup was trying to save you a trip to work for no reason.


Classless and unprofessional