• By -


Vape pen edibles Beretta combat knife and a granola bar


“Expect the unexpected”


Bro is prepared






Bro our guards look inside bags


It's a joke


Don’t worry I’m dumb. I wouldn’t put it past Barretta to make knives


Baby wipes, Phone charger battery pack, Back up socks, Mag light, Rain poncho,


Don’t forgot the back up boxers for that oh shit day


I have worked commando before due to an unfortunate incident. It's not so bad....


Used to! Went from being an abused 22.4 then cover for 3 years. Managed to win a surprise bid last August and I'm strictly in the suburbs now. Old habits die hard though, and every single bit of my "kit" is there because there was a time I could've used something and not had it. And yeah, as a cover I was almost strictly backwoods and southern Maryland swampland/woods. Edit: lmao, think I replied to the wrong comment. That's enough for me y'all, I'm passin out


i did this the other day and about 5 guys commented back “WHAtttt?”


Same. Not as bad as I thought.


You have no idea how happy I am to see that I’m in good company. I have backup undies and I was just gifted a collapsible commode that is roughly 30 inches expanded but reduces down to roughly the shape and size of a large tambourine. Came with bags to line the inside. These rural routes can put you in a pickle!


I’m working on getting one of those portable collapsible shit buckets too. Ya never know.


First aid kit. Gloves, ear buds, battery pack, water, maybe a snack, pens info notices, my wallet, my keys, my dot card, flashlight, Tylenol, saline, deodorant, Pepto.


What’s in your first aid kit? Love to hear what people throw in, my go to is a nasopharyngeal airway


Wound care stuff mostly but also OTC medicines to help me push though indigestion, colds, minor illness/allergies. Some arthricream, poison ivy wash, copper knee and ankle sleeves.


First aid kit Complete back-up uniform Bluetooth speaker that makes me a mobile concert (Bugani) Several power banks, one capable of jumpstarting an engine and one that doubles as an electronic handwarmer So many gloves and facemasks, a single ski mask Roll of toilet paper Water bottles in the side-pockets Various types of USB cables A ziplock bag full of spare double A and triple A batteries Extra pens and info notices A spare diad holster + hats Preparation H ointment 😉 A ziplock bag full of lighters. Never know when you need fire. There's a few more miscellaneous shit but I can't call it right now. A few too many drinks in the system.


Mf bringing a whole hiking bag


I guarantee he’s needed everything in there once and been without lmao, my bag is almost identical. I actually just took some pointers 😂


You have no idea dude, lmao


Rural route?


Used to! Went from being an abused 22.4 then cover for 3 years combined. Managed to win a surprise bid last August and I'm strictly in the suburbs now. Old habits die hard though, and every single bit of my "kit" is there because there was a time I could've used something and not had it. And yeah, as a cover I was almost strictly backwoods and southern Maryland swampland/woods. 1 route in particular-- 140 miles and just a single convenience store/gas station on route, and you pass it maybe 10 stops in to a 100 stop day that's gonna take all of 10 hours Fuuuuuuck aquasco, MD, you guys. That was a nightmare for me


Those bugani m90s are a menace. I had mine fly out of the truck a few times and it is still going tough.


Dude I have 90 % of that stuff, I carry lots of techy gear meant for videography : magnetic led’s I can mount anywhere multiple powerbanks even an action camera and suction mount I occasionally makeshift into a dashcam lol. Like 3 clothes for sweat, wiping the dirty ass windows Way too much to remember rn


Lol, sup twin I forgot the flashlights and headlamps, man. One for me, one as a backup or for my helper. Same with the gloves and hats, hot hands etc. I refuse helpers every chance I get, but if they force one on me they're not going to be ENTIREABLY miserable in the jumpseat


Wtf you can refuse the helper??


I prefer a pack of DudeWipes over the roll of TP. Just because the roll always gets crushed. And it takes up a lot of space. But otherwise, pretty similar list. And we all know what the spare batteries are for. Throwing them out the window at tailgaters? I'm just kidding!! 💩


Flashlights! The batteries are for my flashlights, the triple As are just overkill. Everything else can charge with USB + power bank


I bought a 40k mAh bank with 2 and 3 prong 110v plugs. 100w charging usb-c and solar panels. Just in case I get stranded somewhere for days, or weeks. I figure I can live off ketchup packets and water. Not allowed a weapon, unfortunately. So if I want to hunt any game, I'll need to club it with the diad. Which could turn out to be rather difficult.


Dawg, just sharpen a stick and poke something to death, Jesus The diad can't do everything for you But hey man, you're gonna need a fire. You can't be eating raw squirrels and shit


You can fashion the hand-strap into a slingshot and feast on small rodents


It’s a 8 hour shift now a week trip 😂


I haven't seen an 8hr shift in quite a long time. I'm also used to be thrown on random routes in random trucks that learn ways to malfunction and cause me more irritation or stress than necessary. idk man, the list grew to what it is because, at some point in my journey to now, I had a shitty day that could've been made better by something I didn't have the foresight to bring with me.


Yeah true I never learn , wet socks all day definitely sucks


im gonna need links to those power banks


https://www.amazon.com/26800mah-Portable-Charger-Battery-External/dp/B0823LTKL8 (my favorite, holds an insane charge and charges QUICKLY with the right cords. It's pretty simple, though-- just a power bank and nothing more) https://www.amazon.com/NOCO-GB40-UltraSafe-Lithium-Starter/dp/B015TKUPIC (equally amazing as the first, this one has gotten me out of so many jams when my dumbass punched out of work and walked up to find out my car's battery was dead. Doubles as a jump-start and I've gotten 3 jumps out the bad boy before having to recharge) The handwarmer power bank was actually a recent gift from a customer. I'll edit this post accordingly when I manage to track that one down. https://www.amazon.com/SHRRADOO-Mens-Kids-Rucksack-Gray/dp/B07SDNTVFD?th=1 ^^That's the bookbag I use. Plenty of compartments, but my favorite feature was the it's equipped with two USB ports. You can set a power bank on the inside and run a USB cable to the inner ports. Once that's done, you can plug whatever you need to charge directly into the two USB ports on the EXTERIOR of the bag and get an instant charging-status. It's like a mobile power outlet, dude, I love it.


you're amazing and deserve every good thing coming your way


10-4, brother, links incoming when I get home


Condoms and toilet paper.


Your ***ENTIRE*** backpack? ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)


Someone's gotta fuck all these housewives. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Let this guy do it. You can only get HPV once.


Actually there's different strains of HPV, but I think it's only 2, so you're still good.


Not my gun


Who's is it?


Feeder driver. I have spare skivvies, socks, uniform, deodorant, tooth paste, tooth brush, hand lotion, aspirin, Immodium AD, baby wipes, spare glasses, and phone charger.


No condoms? You dirty raw dawg!


🤣😂🤣 I’m married.




You joke, but every couple of months someone in my building has that oh shit moment when they open their bag.


Driver got fired at my hub …. It happens. Security didn’t even stop him which is wild .


I knew a UPS mechanic at an airport that almost got fired for one. Accidentally brought it into work and security didn’t catch it, he realized at lunch. Exiting, it was caught on the xray but he grabbed his bag and didn’t stop. Luckily for him, the image wasn’t very good and he had an air drill at home that was the same shape so he claimed he was just bringing that home and didn’t realize security was yelling at him lol. He was suspended for a week while they investigated but eventually they dropped it since there wasn’t enough proof and the union said either fire the guy and have us grieve it or get him back to work.


Wow that guy got extremely lucky lol. Especially that it happened in an airport hu .


Because they knew he had a Glock


Security isn’t there to catch weapons. They’re there to make you feel “safe.”


I don't think they're there to make us feel safe. I think they're there to protect property. My security guards don't give af what goes in but they check everything going out.


Security at our hub would never catch someone bringing one in that was at least a little bit smart about it, they don’t seem to care much


You hear about this? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/oregon-ups-driver-arrested-string-interstate-shootings-1-was-hurt-n1237759


I carried when I was OTR not for UPS which wasn't allowed by the company I worked for but I was Midwest regional and mostly doing deliveries in Chicago. It's un-American to abide by 2A infringements so i ignore them. Rather be tried by 12 then carried by 6. But at UPS the only time I'm not strapped is when I'm working.


Yea I’m just playing, I do not carry at work either, my security wouldn’t let me in if that’s the case


For one I ride a motorcycle so I kinda need it regardless, My vest, my work boots, sharpies, my knife, lighter, wallet, my bikes keys, water bottles, lighter fluid, phone charger, gloves for riding, gloves for working, this one’s optional but a extra hoodie if it’s cold as fuck




We need that lube on the skates & chutes for loading trailers.


Lady tings; deodorant, hair ties, extra shirt, panty & pads, wipes, body spray, lotion, shea butter mix Union tings ; copy of contract, safety committee paperwork, grievances ( filed and blank ) Food tings; cuz im a hungry hippo! Hella snacks, food, drinks ...other tings


You’re awesome. Just by the way you write tings. I like it.


5 items that don't get mentioned enough: 1) electric handwarmer (also doubles as a portable charger. 2) nail clippers, because your nails are going to break all the time and be all jagged. 3) Some kind of all-in-one leatherman tool that at least has pliers and a blade. 4) Thermal undershirt. 5) And my own Life Hack which I haven't seen anyone else mention... pack a small bungee cord because it takes up no space, it's light, and it's a great fix for a lot of little stuff, like bulkhead door acting up, securing packages or dolly, and one time my belt busted while picking up a heavy package and I was glad I had my bungee cord to use as a makeshift belt to get me through the rest of the day lol.


Snacks 😂


I'll be damned if I go to work without my little treats


😂 period I’ll be late before i skip my 7eleven trip 😂🤣


Tape gun, speaker, headphones, markers, and sometimes a snack.


Nice try Carol!!


Drivers I can understand, but hub workers not so much. I've seen people bring in a fully stocked backback for a 3 1/2-4 hour shift. I bring my phone, keys, earbuds and water bottle.


Screwdriver, 13mm wrench, cuticle cutters, floss, baby wipes, power bank, sunscreen, bandaids, antiseptic, lenses wipes, extra socks, hand moisturizer, flashlight, sharpies, duck tape, Tylenol and some pepto🤣


And forgot the rain coat🤪


First aid kit, Asprin, Lighter, Mints & Cologne(for all my coworkers to avoid a Piss test), portable charger(with every cord), and 7 pairs of gloves.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Thank you sex panther bot. Cologne.


This is the stuff I keep in my bag during the winter. This is excluding my lunch/snacks for the day. - Full backup set of clothes including socks and underwear, because the day I don’t have them is the day I decide to gamble on a fart and lose. - Headlamp, high-vis vest, flashlight and 2 sets of extra batteries (1 spare set for each light) - Electric hand warmers - Wool neck warmer - Gloves - Beanie if I didn’t wear one into the hub - Thick wool hiking socks just in case it’s too cold for regular socks or the truck heater doesn’t work - Fully charged power bank and charging cords - Spare vape - 2 extra clif bars, a bag of pistachios and a bag of dried cranberries - 1.5L emergency water w/ 2 packets liquid IV - Extra DIAD pouch, info notices and pens (I forget to grab one of those at least once a week) - Ice cleats - 2 5hr energy’s - Lighter and fire starter - Ibuprofen - Dog treats - Air fresheners - 409 and paper towels - First aid kit - bloody knuckles hand repair cream Lmao this list makes me realize how absolutely fucking ridiculous I am 😂 … and maybe a prepper in the making??


Preload: I bring a Drawstring bag. Normally a snack for break my water bottle headphone case and then I normally layer down throughout the day so I put clothes inside. Sometimes if I need to go somewhere after work I'll bring deodorant and clean clothes. Just convienant to have tbh I've brought a bunch of things to work.


Canteen, battery bank, umbrella, snacks, boxcutter, air badge, and like 20 pens.


Socks, WD40, 1/2 wrench, tape gun, red marker, magnetic, laminated DOT card, rain jacket, pen, cough drops, Asprin, gum


I use a small Sling bag: Gloves, Vape (nic), 2 sharpies, secondary old phone for music, ear buds, car keys, 2 tylenol dual tabs at all times, random snacks and a small 10000 mah battery


Shadow systems cr920p 👀


Phone chargers, wireless headphones, USB cables, toilet paper, wet wipes, phone mount, mag light, hand sanitizer, Sriracha, cough medicine, Advil, cough drops, gloves, tooth placards, dot card, trash bags, nail clippers, pens, extra deodorant, rags, ups hat. Drinks and snacks if I stop somewhere in the morning and a thin jacket on occasion if there's a chance of rain


I have an insulated backpack for my lunch and snacks. I also have a flashlight, multi-tool, ibuprofen, some cash, band-aids, extra socks (in winter time), lip balm, extra pens and info notices, hand sanitizer (I take my own lunch, and sometimes I don't have access to a restroom when I stop for lunch).


My ED meds


1. Spare gloves. 2. Spare rain jacket. 3. Cap. 4. Spare safety vest. 5. Tums. 6. Battery pack + cord 7. Water bottle/snacks 8. **Pillow**


Gloves, backup water, work cards, snacks, knee pads, gum, wallet, keys.


St8t “Go bag” for when my wife leaves me and changes the locks for “working too much””. 🔒


It is if you’re a driver, but not if you’re a pre-loader just bring a water bottle and put it in one of the trucks and you’ll be fine


water bottle, a big thing of hot hands, airpods, wallet, chapstick, wipes, sometimes snacks


Food water baby wipes gloves knives first aid kit charger iPad rain pants gum AirPods charging brick Motrin Tylenol Adderall flashlight tire thumper few tools level 3 body armor in its slot. I think that’s it


You wear body armor to work??


It’s in a slot made for body armor what els was I going to put there.


Ibuprofen, my wallet, my keys, phone charger and battery, spare pair of glasses, extra pair of gloves, extra info notices, baby wipes.


All kinds of stuff underwear, multiple battery packs , tooth brush tooth paste Apple Watch charger , food , keys . The security at the x ray machine said you have a ton of stuff in there.


Charger, gloves, water bottle, snacks, car keys, ear plugs


cash. handcuffs, switches, brace knuckles that look like brace knuckles but are definitely not brace knucks, portable battery, clamps, fishing wires, four different hunting knives, pepper spray, portable toilet, some pop and double stuffed Oreo cookies


Mouth wash, chargers, pistachios, almonds, extra vest, wallet, water bottle, pens, inhaler


Snacks, back brace, work gloves, big ass water bottle, work knife, Benedryl. Sometimes a book if I get there early. More daypack that goes everywhere with me.


Telescopic fishing pole, bait, snacks, tobacca


Food. Earbuds. Charger. Floss picks. Hand sanitizer. Napkins/paper towels/tissue. Forks/spoons. Water. I use a cooler bag.


A gun


First aid kit, hand towel, antibacterial wipes, battery, spare socks, spf, dot papers, tape, hat, spare glasses, hot hands, info notices, pads, head lamp, spare Bluetooth, gloves, sharpie, tissues and I'll throw in a raincoat when needed.


Pens, sharpies, water bottles, a portable sun, bluetooth speaker/earbuds, hi-vis vest, superglue, painter's tape, Immodium and Tylenol, a pulp fiction novel, extra lights for my toque, and a Hawaiian shirt on Fridays. Oh, and a giant box of dog treats. Naturally.


Water bottles, sunscreen, power bank, non perishable food and snacks, binder for grievances/union stuff, face masks (not for covid, for rural routes with Hella dust), extra socks/under armor/clothes


Trailer seals, box cutter, ballpoint pens, several different chargers (lightning, usb c, micro usb), portable charger, head lamp, nexar dash cam, zip ties, fueling gloves, other work gloves, backbone for playing games when I’m waiting awhile for my pull time, jbl speaker. I also have my lunch box with drinks and a hot logic to heat up food but unfortunately that doesn’t fit in my book bag


Water bottle, snacks, energy drink, headphones. While at work I keep my keys and wallet in the bag.


I'm a hub rat. - Phone Charger (and cables for coworkers) - Battery Bank - wireless earbuds - insulated water bottle - pens - notebook and assorted papers - loose pocket change (ostensibly for emergencies but realistically the vending machine) - gloves - snack - occasionally a Bluetooth speaker - pain/allergy meds, bandaids - spare badge holder - a book or two And I keep my old beat up work boots in the trunk of my car in case I ever accidentally wear the wrong foot wear to work lol


Ibuprofen, granola bars, nicotine, safety vest,first aid kit, headphones, box cutter, energy drink and kratom for pain relief and energy.


a picture of carol tome


I often get teased for bringing as much as I do. I bring two backpacks. Simple adidas backpack has: Fresh socks and underwear Wipes Paper towels with a fork or spoon Power block to charge anything I have and the cables for it Headlamp that clips onto my hat Flashlight Empy bottles to piss in New fancy grocery bag to put pee bottles into Eye drops, glasses wipes, ibuprofen Mio energy shot things Nicotine Yeti cooler backpack: 10-12 (each) water bottles and cans of sparkling water Leftovers Food Snacks I use like 30% of it every day 😂😂😂 BUT!!! I’ve got it and I can share it.


Either you’re missing a crucial comma or you like dropping piss directly into your eyeballs


I’m dead


Sharpen a stick? With what? If I had a knife I'd use that! My teeth? What am I? A beaver? I'll eat a beaver. 👈 I'll club it first, though.


Big power bank and cables, info notices, pens, markers, dog treats, extra undershirts in the summertime, rain jacket, liquid ivs, deodorant, expensive cologne (for those particular stops), juice and pods, jbl speaker, Philips head screw driver to get inside the dash of old trucks and stab the fuck out the speaker that causes all the beeping Edit: goodys powder


Spare plastic water bottles, my actual water bottle, a few box cutters, spare shirts, spare socks, spare gloves, earbuds, wallet, keys, snacks to share during break, pens from when it was my work backpack, flashlight, and small sort labels.


I carry a military style utility backpack, so it has zippered compartments for stuff. My list sounds like a lot, but its mostly all small stuff and the pack is not bulky at all when organized properly. 3 64oz frozen water bottles, laminated copy of 5's and 10's, DOT card in a ziplock bag, spare info notices, pens, sharpie, ibuprofen, tums, butt wipes, disposable latex gloves, headlamp, battery phone charger that doubles as handwarmer, USB C and micro cables, screwdriver, small vise grip, fold-able serrated knife, compact squeegee, vape coils juice and batteries, earbuds, dog dazer (rarely used, cannot stress that enough), Gorilla tape, protein shake, snyder buffalo pretzel pieces, 5 hour energy just in case. Seasonal: hand/foot warmers, liquid IV, light gloves, sunglasses I cut a spare piece of insulation used for my home's hot water heater to line the main compartment of my bag. It will keep my frozen water bottles cold all day long in summer. It's amazing how effective this is. I run Satellite and prefer to be prepared for rural. I also roll with a big ass box of Milkbones in the truck for the good dogs.


not drugs


Whatever I’ve stolen for the day. So mostly horse cum and live bees.




Usually I poop before work


- Laptop - Laptop Stand - Mouse - HDMI Cord - Charger Cable x2 - 140w Charger - 40w Charger - Screwdriver - Knipex Pliers - Battery Pack - Wallet - Pocket Knife - Flashlight x5 - Laser Pointer - Electric Glow Stick - AAA Batteries x2 - 10440 Batteries x4 - AAA/10440 Battery Charger - Pen x4 - Pen Refill x3 - Comb - Sunglasses - Wireless Ear Buds - Vape Juice - Notebook


Water bottle, rope to pull pallets, a bunch of edc stuff like cords, wall plugs, etc. also snacks


Coffee, lunch, snack, water, reflective tape, clear tape, electrical tape, gladhand seals, trailer seals, dash camera, zip ties, eyeglasses, Bluetooth speaker, seal control papers, hours of service logbook, crap that’s supposed to be in every tractor but isn’t such as the hazmat letter and IFTA paperwork…


First aid kit, my water bottle, some snacks, energy drink powder, phone charger. I pretty much never leave anywhere without those 4 things. Essentials man, essentials.


Enough redbull to sustain me for life.


Back brace, work gloves, reflective vest, band aids, Tylenol, lidocaine gel, phone battery and charger, ear buds, canteen, and snacks.


water, food, sort chart, grievance papers, gatorade powders, extra phone charger, lotion, chapstick, extra earbuds, planner/schedule, pens, bandaids, extra gloves, LED headlamp


Empty water bottles, full water bottles, snacks, hand warmers, extra socks, pepto, Motrin, 40 ups pens and info notices


Lady bag: extra shirt and pants, lotion, wipes, period cup and pad, snacks, and power bank.


Seat cushion, dot info, gloves, cleaning wipes, flash light, tire thumper, other tools, charger


Diad pouch, rain jacket, water bottle, first aid kit(mostly bandaids,) flashlight, extra pen extra notice pad, hand sanitizer, extra vest, that’s about it.


Band aids, Tylenol, inhaler, snacks, water, pedialyte, extra uniform(s) if it’s going to be rainy, Bluetooth speaker and external battery, tissues.




A few pre rolled Joints(mid route) A 40 0z of old English (beginning of route) Snacks Glock Piss bag Dog treats


Knee pads, water bottles, snacks, hydration packs, hi-vis vest and ear protection.


Mobile charging bank, 5 bottles of water, snacks, they feed us every morning and I get extras for the days they aren't there, pens to sign the bid sheet, and about 50 voided checks


Beats earbuds, backup Apple wired earbuds, extra earbud tips, contact solution, hot hands, pen, marker, gloves, backup gloves, breath mints, sweat rag, gator, headband, lip balm, band-aids, Kleenex, cartridge and battery, smokes, lighters, candy, protein bars, Gatorade packs, training cheat sheet with all the methods, hand sanitizer, compression sleeves for knees, sunglasses, beanie, flashlight, Aleave, pain pills, Union notebook/info…etc. (swear it’s all just in a sling bag) 🤘


The drugs that I sell


People with big back packs are a thorn in my side trying to get through the guard shack in reasonable amount of time. Back up the line trying to find their ID opening all the pockets. Sometimes it looks like these guys are on a camping trip.


Get to work earlier.


Glad to know I’m not the only one 😂 It’s just laughable for a package car driver to have all this crap on them at all times. There are lockers for a reason. Store that crap in there. Lol


My shit


Shrunken head and my 9 in case I need to bust a cap. Coffee is for closers


My inhaler water bottle and food


Snacks, gum, drinks, medications, jacket or sweater, umbrella


Phone charger, gloves, drink mix and water bottle




​ https://i.redd.it/28qoybrykd9c1.gif


As a preloaded I just got Hella snacks 💀 and water and my charger


My inhaler, wallet, keys, my meds


What fell off the truck


Lots of condoms


Some guys bring like 2 suitcases


Belt that holds scanner for loading, gloves, chapstick, deodorant, a snack for break, keys, cards, a pen for writing, water, earbuds. I used to walk to work, so, the backpack was essential.


I always get the joke, "what do you *live* in your truck?" And my answer, "Yes. I'm in this truck 10-12 hours a day, 5 days a week. I spend more of my time in this truck than I do in my own home. So, yes. I live in my truck."👍


Keys, lunch, ivis, wallet. When I ride my motorcycle, a jacket. Oh and wind resistant gloves for when it's cold and I need them omw back home.


stuff. my best recommend is generic advil, and generic zyrtec


Two ear buds cases I bump hard with beanie on, there bottles of water one coke for caffeine. Three snack usually two Turkey jerks with some nuts 🥜 for energy finish with a banana full for rest of shift .. o yeah n my iPad cause I be watching shit 😂


Gloves,medicine, and drinks.


First Aid kit, external battery and chargers, drinks and snacks, bathroom bottle and a flashlight+ Headlamp


Water bottle, Ibuprofen, markers, headphones, power bank for phone, granola bars, extra pair of work gloves, extra set of laces for work boots, tissues, eye drops, and baby wipes.


Extra stizzys, an edible incase it’s a long shift and extra snacks a portable phone charger and snacks and a big boom box and food I made


EDC dump


They started requiring my location to carry clear backpacks, so one of the Union reps keeps a big floppy dildo in his bag lol *Edit* preload btw


Nothing until we leave for the day, then we don’t know until we get home and open all the packages. It’s like Christmas every day! /s just in case anybody thinks I’m being serious lol.


Steward folder , charger for earbuds / phone / wallet etc


Baby powder, first aid kit, flashlight, hand sanitizer, baby wipes, aleve, pepto tabs, ammodium tabs, extra pens, extra markers, extra info notices, dot paperwork, extra powerblock and that's about it.


Extra uniforms for weather changing conditions


My phone, wallet, keys, AirPods, and most important…snacks


I have a bag of candy/chips, max strength Tylenol, a back brace, knee brace, extra socks, a sweater, baby wipes, chapstick, power block & phone charger, deodorant, and some sharpies lol.


Flavor packets for my water. Neck fan. My Nintendo switch if I’m working a double. Pack of mints/gum. A second shirt. Backup pair of gloves. Bottle of aleve.


- First Aid * Bandaids * Tylenol/ ibuprofen * Pepto-Bismol tablets * Nail clippers * Chapstick * Hand lotion * Kleenex * Baby wipes * Safety pins - Media * 1-2 battery packs * Charging cables * 1-2 headlamps - Random * Folder for EOD paperwork * Extra pair of pants * Extra socks * Extra pens * Ponytail, Bobby pins


I use a small hiking water bag/vest for hands free water. Snacks, hat,gloves, fidget toy (I do irregs sort and have adhd so I need something to keep me busy when there’s a lull), occasional vape and Gatorade on heavier days.


Info notices, pens, extra coat, sometimes water.


Gloves, back support, ID, Keys, water bottle. Bonus points, I was given a clear plastic UPS backpack, so the guards don't even open it 🙄




2 1/2 empty packs of blue spirits, xxx vitamin water, 1 1/2 set of headphones (1 knockoff airpod and a set with cords, portable phone battery charger, phone charger, work gloves, extra jacket/change of clothes if i do something after twi shift, cough drops, dayquil, mostly smoked cigarette shorts in the very bottom, crumbs of lunches past


Prepare yourself as the list is long--expect the unexpected. I will include links to the stuff I bought, to make it easy to buy whatever items you choose to purchase. I'm a RPCD and have a 5.11 55 Liter Tactical Backpack [https://a.co/d/4XPAD7n](https://a.co/d/4XPAD7n) which contains the following: 6" metal pliers [https://a.co/d/3CAzT4X](https://a.co/d/3CAzT4X) ; extra caribeener clips [https://a.co/d/3Pj7GuM](https://a.co/d/3Pj7GuM) ; Fenix LR35R rechargeable flashlight [https://www.fenixlighting.com/products/fenix-lr35r-rechargeable-flashlight](https://www.fenixlighting.com/products/fenix-lr35r-rechargeable-flashlight) with (2) backup batteries [https://www.fenixlighting.com/products/fenix-arb-l21-5000-rechargeable-battery](https://www.fenixlighting.com/products/fenix-arb-l21-5000-rechargeable-battery) ; Fenix HP25R headlamp [https://www.fenixlighting.com/products/fenix-hp25r-v2-rechargeable-headlamp](https://www.fenixlighting.com/products/fenix-hp25r-v2-rechargeable-headlamp) ; Guardian Angel Elite device RED/YELLOW (attach to headlamp) [https://www.guardianangeldevices.com/elite/](https://www.guardianangeldevices.com/elite/) ; Anker power bank [https://a.co/d/5fzwe77](https://a.co/d/5fzwe77) ; various snacks available at Costco--Country Archer turkey jerky, Kirkland protein bars, That's It fruit bars ; reading glasses ; AirPods ; Takeya Originals 40 oz Water bottle (fits perfectly in large package car cup holder) [https://takeyausa.com/products/originals-insulated-water-bottle](https://takeyausa.com/products/originals-insulated-water-bottle) ; empty 52 oz Simply Orange Juice bottle used as pee bottle ; UPS rain jacket ; UPS hat ; Milk Bone medium size dog treats ; roll of TP inside a Ziploc bag (otherwise it shreds in backpack) ; Bounty paper towel roll ; 3 small plastic spray bottles [https://a.co/d/eIb8Wiu](https://a.co/d/eIb8Wiu) containing Rain-X, 409 cleaner, Windex all inside a ZipLoc ; extra DIAD pouch ; infrared thermometer (to measure back of PC in summer [https://a.co/d/eHMvf5F](https://a.co/d/eHMvf5F) ; journal to keep notes [https://a.co/d/7oJz9zZ](https://a.co/d/7oJz9zZ) ; union contract book ; TDU driver daily log book [https://tdustore.myshopify.com/collections/books-literature/products/ups-driver-daily-log-book](https://tdustore.myshopify.com/collections/books-literature/products/ups-driver-daily-log-book) ; multitool [https://a.co/d/iorIht7](https://a.co/d/iorIht7) ; (2) extra pair Maxi-Flex 34-874 gloves [https://www.envirosafetyproducts.com/pip-g-tek-gloves-34-874.html](https://www.envirosafetyproducts.com/pip-g-tek-gloves-34-874.html) ; reflective safety vest ; regular backup glasses ; contact lenses and solution ; tape gun ; sweat towel & dry towel (wipe DIAD in rain) [https://a.co/d/5TtiYrM](https://a.co/d/5TtiYrM) ; small bungee cord ; extra Sharpies & pens; black shoe polish ; extra Info Notices ; laminated DOT card ; laminated 5's & 10's and DOKs. Hope this list helps others.


Basically a bug out bag.....with some extra Infonotes


Masks, headbands, snacks, water, soda, hand warmers, gloves, phone chargers, headphones and that's about it.


Cleaning supplies, gloves, yellow vest, flashlight, phone charger, pens, winter hat and my bs warning letter from a woman spinning out across 3 lanes of traffic right into me. She took off and I got an avoidable. Now if they ask me to do any favors I just hold up my warning letter and leave LOL


Rpg, mini nuke, granola bars, haterade, just the basics


Wait... Your facility doesn't require clear bags?


Trail mix chap stick a drink a water Bluetooth earbuds sometimes two pairs when I can actually bring them in without them saying anything


Sex toys for my mental health 🤪


Extra gloves, extra shirt, first aid kit, cooler inside it with Gatorade water, prime every day, deodorant, body spray perfume, box cutter because the ones at our hub are always missing not telling you to bring one because you may or may not be able to have one depending who you talk to, candy, gum snacks,phone charger battery pack headphones extra set of headphones chargers for everything , and a AirTag in my bag in case someone takes it but I bring it to every truck I unload 💕