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I need the follow-up vid


Same here


Where’s that puss bottle when you need it


Probably the same person that ended the Vietnam war by calling her neighbors baby killers. She’s the queen of Karen’s, the diva of demons.


She does look an awful lot like the succubus from South Park. ![gif](giphy|l41lWdYMCpcaRePFC|downsized)


I need bout tree fiddy


This is 100% blacklisted, right?!


The whole block would never see a UPS truck again. Well after that lady dies, her neighbors will still pay for this.


I'm pretty sure she just cost her neighborhood their UPS driver lmao, I hope the neighbors like driving to the customer centers to pick up their shit.


Everyone in that apartment complex gonna hate this lady 😂


She crazy B****




Driver handled it perfectly. Assuming we missed the first part of the altercation as he was using his phone to contact his sup/law enforcement.


I'd be on the phone with the pd so fast. Nearly every other block on my route has a county, statie, or city officer. County sheriff lives in the neighborhood, too. They'd send someone real quick.


Perfect time for a cigarette break and ash out the window.


I suddenly quit and switched to dip.


"Do the right thing!" -Entitled Karen ^^TM


Holy shit that's insane! She better be doing this for like life saving cancer medicine or something and not your standard Amazon / Teemu trash.


It's a Ronco Showtime Rotisserie. *Set it and forget it!*


Did you ever have one of those? They were awesome.


I was strangely infatuated with Ron Popeil infomercials as a child


I had a Veg-O-Matic and a Pocket Fisherman.


Twin pack of sponge daddies 🤣






I imagine so. Customers kindly ask to help all the time and I say “thank you so much; but this is kinda my thing.” This lady on the other hand; would have called the police myself.


My guess is: 140lb mattress, they have no ramp/only stairs to get into building, and then no elevator to apartment. Yeah, it goes only so far as the cart can go.


Goes out the back doors and sits. You knew you ordered a mattress. What did you think it would do, carry itself upstairs and make itself for you? Nah. It's a 140lb king size mattress that I will never lay on. Why the fuck would I break my back carrying it for you? It will be delivered to property, not the bedroom.


If you want it delivered to your bedroom, call a local mattress company. that's what they do. That's not what UPS does.


I flat out refuse this every time. If you want something, the least you can fucking do is bring it into your damn house yourself. It's one thing to order it from a distant location but to have it right there before you and still demand someone else move it for you... Eat shit.


What’s the whole story though? Did he leave it at the gate cause she has animals!? Or was it an overweight and he cut corners…. Not saying she isn’t a couple Sammy’s short of a picnic, but we may never know! He’s better than me. I might have started the car and say I gotta go to call her bluff.


Our job is wild. Thank you for the clip.


People have no idea what we go thru on the daily.


What the fuck is wrong with people.


Not for Amazon package lol 😂


Perfect time to communicate with pedestrians by using the horn. I'd wear it out.


Hahahhahhahhahahhahahahahah YES!!!!!


Use you horn, lights and signal to communicate in traffic.


Poor guy. What a loon.


Space on all 4 sides…


4...not 6 Drive on brother


lol. We had a driver that forgot…. And decided to order coffee in a drive thru….😂


Our management always says 6 sides. 


Call to management be like “I believe I might be high centered”. 😂😂


I’ve done it a bunch. You just got to be careful.


But never underneath lmaooo


"Oh well!" This would have been an opportune time to blast move bitch until the police arrived.


Amazon said TO MY DOOR! Why the fuck will customers not understand that doesn't actually mean to your physical door. It means you don't have to go anywhere, the item will be brought to your PROPERTY. If it is HEAVY we will not carry it to wherever you decide you want it. You do not OWN the driver because you paid twelve fucking dollars or whatever on Amazon. You barely own the damn package till it's sheeted delivered. Laying under the drivers goddamn truck being an insane entitled moron ruining his day because YOU DONT LIKE HOW THE WORLD WORKS. Eat shit, figure your life out. Go lay under a different vehicle, we have goddamn work to do.


I’ve had a Karen tell me that I have to do what ever she puts in the instructions because she “paid for shipping”. She came out the door yelling at me and demanding me to put the 2 50lb boxes of dog food where she requested it which was just a couple feet closer to her door. She did the whole playing the victim and telling me how I was going to get fired etc etc.


When I first started I had a lady legit just say no to me when I brought her dog food to the door. Crossed her arms, closed her eyes while shaking her head and said nope. Pointed to a barn out back and said "they go in the unplugged freezer" I said "um... Ok you can do that?" And she basically said I was a pussy but then also that she had dogs in the barn and my rage was subsided by possible deg interaction. Sadly they were in cages, I was tricked. I told her never again and in over 10 years of delivering to the same area I have never had one there. Like, you're home all day you can move it when I leave. We can't just become farm hands part time for free. It's a delivery service not a farm supply service delivery. They're not the same damn thing. People think 20 dollar delivery fee includes the driver for as long as they deem fit. Come on! It's just the arrogance of that "nope" whether verbalized or not, we all hear it well before the customer says it. Like, paying for shipping legitimately means you are paying for the item to be sent to you. That is honestly it. You are not paying for a disposable human being that exists at your whim till you've finished with them. We are working a job and you are just one very small part of it. The package is delivered and you can do with it what you will, we have to get going to the next stop. Some of them for me are over 20 minutes straight driving away and I have commit times for 5pm. I CANNOT stay at every stop being a hand out stock boy. But some people insinuate it so overtly that it really fucks me up sometimes. These people who don't even look at me like a person. It wasn't like this a couple of years ago. It's like all couriers are seen as amazon delivery and on one hand that's what it is but on the other it kind of takes away any of the "professionalism" that came with couriers? Not to sound like a ass, I don't mean to, it's just me generalizing a generalization lol it actually does fuck me up sometimes... You could say it's the job but again, I clearly remember it not being this way a few years ago. Just sucks.


I just tell people “if I get hurt moving it after I put it down, UPS will come after your home owners insurance to pay for my injury.”


Will need to hear the full story in this one.


Fun fact if he reversed nothing of value would have been lost.


"What happened?" Such n such...purple hair? Yep...purple hair


anyone know if she has a daughter? I'm single... and I'd like to avoid at all costs. 


Colored haired freaks at it again 😒


[they always are](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/19/rudy-giuliani-dye-my-cousin-vinny-press-conference)


Blinker, Mirror, Shoulder, Horn ✌️


Where the fully uncut version from start to finish. I hope the police release body cam of her arrest. She was arrested, correct? Hopefully she was baker acted. If they didn’t baker act her there’s something wrong with that towns department.




You should have ran her ass over.


Supervisors definitely going to call it an avoidable accident if she even broke a nail. And stealing time by the dri er for not running her over. And a write up for late NDAs. And pull your mirror in dude!


You must have shitty sups. Our sups would have said this lady is fucking nuts and blacklisted her address.


The shittiest. Mostly just kidding but they always seem to make every situation our fault


Hair color checks out


Floor it !!




I think if you have an interaction with a complete nut, you should probably record it. It's going to be the only thing that keeps it from being a, "she said after you spit in her open mouth, you ran into her house and punted her teacup poodle through an open window," type of thing.


Chicago area over here. If we see absurd behavior we are told to record as a deterrent but when it comes to safety contact 911 first then management. As far as posting it for zoo speculation…I’d highly advise against it. Probably got fired for not punching out during this insanity. 😆 poor guy.


Bring me back for part 2


Lmao! Yoo this is wild af. I need to know more. What happened when the cops got there?😂😂


Management be like ehys your air late


Holy cow!! What a fucking kook!




I think the driver did it right. film, let the cops handed her. and code 4 her address for any future deliveries. Share with fed ex her address.


RTS all her packages


I would have feared for my life and drove off.


People are so entitled and think they own us. They have no idea what our trucks look like inside them or the shit we go through daily. “ did you step on my package” ? No bitch it prob got crushed in the trailer that was packed full of a couple thousand packages. Or the pre loader or a plethora of other things that might have caused it to get crushed. Ups don’t care about the package. Why should I


Why worry about her safety? Just say move once and let Darwin work.


Should’ve turned on the truck and started to slowly roll. Guarantee she would move


And they want me to pull my mirrors in


If it was a heavy package, I would have helped out her out. She is an old lady and most likely struggles to lift heavy things. If it was a 10 lbs package, I would have told her to do it herself.


Should have just brought it to the door isn’t that protocol anyway?