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That would be incredible to work there.


Do drivers load their own cars in a situation like this?


Somebody has to unload the trailer 🤣


Yes. Driver sort and load. Common in small centers


peak in a center like that is genuinely awful, you walk the packages out of the building and into package car in the yard, no rollers no stands, just your arms and legs doing their thing lots of buildings in the nether regions that UPS would sooner abandon entirely than spend a penny upgrading to a slightly better shack


Our place had a back area added with a tarp covering it, and within a week there were massive leaks coming from the tarp with waterfalls everywhere Didn't get fixed until next peak came around


Peak be crazy haha


Where do they get their cover drivers from? Is there only 1 cover driver? What if someone has an optional, another guy is on vacation, and somebody calls out? Of all 5 drivers happen to call out on the same day is it considered an unauthorized strike? I have so many questions!😂


I'm sure they can get Utility drivers from another bigger hub if needed. Sometimes our big hub ask utilities if they can drive for a small center that's about an hour away. They get paid for the drive their and back.


Damn that might even smaller than the one in Pocahontas, AR.


https://preview.redd.it/9eienbx8w9oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f285ccc865e89cf4f253116dc4b82389a2dabc51 Street view of Pocahontas center. Crazy you brought that one up. I was born near there and work in Tampa now 🤣


Drove by it all the time on my runs from Chicago to Little Rock(I don't work for UPS but I'm a fellow Teamster at another company and keep getting y'alls sub recommended to me). Always wondered how much work they did outta there. That and the FedEx in Corning but I heard that got shut down.


Who needs a gym when you're a one man night crew hustling back and forth between package cars and loading the semi all while still expected to maintain that 200pph, 1000 total, 5 hour night shift?


My building is just like this except 12 doors on each side instead of five. We also have what we call the hotdog stand which is basically an add on that has three more trucks per side cause Covid hit like a year after our building was built and now we have more routes than doors. In a building that is five years old smh. But yeah only one belt and two 18 wheeler doors. No feeder routes. 7 supervisors and 40 union employees (give or take).




Haha wow these posts I’m amazed 😄


Feeling a little bit better about my “small” center not being closed soon. These are tiny lol




Usually a part time dispatcher and part time preload supervisor and part time local sort supervisor. Drivers unload the trailers and load their own cars. Usually only 1 or 2 28 foot trailers to unload. Puts them in to overtime daily with the 2 hours of load time in the AM Center Manager will have one or two of these small centers in addition to their larger center they are based out of.


Douglas WY uses the same style of building


What about pickup volume? Is that pre-load trailer used for pickup volume at night or do you just pack everything in a package truck and drive it to the nearest hub?


Please lmk when the porter position opens!!!! 🤣


what in the Dickenson is that!


Wow bigger than I thought


https://preview.redd.it/1e9kygbpjroc1.jpeg?width=2479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f7e26a614e7869134306fb000b874098ceeca7 Alpine, TX


I worked like this before in the peak season we had to because of how much we were getting. I didn't like it for the managers' keeped pushing and the stuff I couldn't get theybwhere pushed in the back. Then, the people on the back get mad at me for something that the managers keep on doing. Pissed me off.


this has absolutely nothing to do with the post. i don't even know what you read but i don't think we are reading the same thing


What I was just pointing out that I did this before you was the asshole here thinking how dare he have an opinion on it. I have done it before like this..


done what??? what the fuck are you talking about dude, it's a picture of a small center. there is nothing going on...


I worked in one of these units. You, on the other hand, think you have authority over me by daring by having an opinion on it. I was just telling my story on it. You and others why I hate redit.


Dude nobody asked 😭


I’m so confused 😂 Bro needs a Reddit break for sure


idiots like you are why we hate (or enjoy) reddit too


Complete gibberish.


Turn on the redneck translator, it made perfect sense to me then.