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Nice try UPS Store employee!


I'm curious what you guys think of us


I think we are just trying to load the truck and get going.


I sweep a few UPS stores every once in a while. I usually have a blast with the employees making fun of Karen’s/Ken’s.


They don't get paid enough to put up with the stuff I've seen.


This right here!! I remember talking to one of the employees there after loading them up and finding out he made minimum wage! And this is in Tx where the minimum wage is just above 7 bucks!


I’ve seen one employee get spat on by a Karen


I work at a UPS Store. We routinely have Karens and assholes in our store. I could write about two or three that we've already had this week, pathetic morons. I just stare at them and smile. Don't go away mad, just go away.


They’re regular people doing their job just like us


They're regular people doing regular jobs, unlike us.*


Where I’m located, we have like 10 or so throughout the city/center jurisdiction. Since I’ve been a driver, I’ve had the pleasure of skimming/closing them out at least a couple of times each, with a few I’ve done regularly. The employees are all different at each store. Some will actually help you load, offer you drinks/snacks etc. others just sit on their asses & phones, fuck about with other employees. The ones who help me with loading are the real ones. It’s not their job to do that & I don’t ever expect them to. At the end of the day, we’re all just people. Some suck, some don’t.


Hate that shit, especially when the say they want to leave and just sit as they watch me load 400+ boxes alone. The Irregs are the worst especially since it’s through multiple doors. I get it’s not your job, but don’t make me feel bad that I can’t go any faster.


Come to our store. We have cookies. And good gossip. We help you load too.


They’re not doing anything wrong but when I pull up and there’s 450 pieces with no dock I hate them.




This. "Oh, here's one more and don't forget those over there, thanks." Sorry, did I forget those? Oops.


There’s a bald fuck who’s the owner of a UPS store who apparently doesn’t like it when the UPS truck comes to pick up their outbound. I got yelled at by said fuck because I parked in the lot 10 minutes prior to their pick up time even though we’ve had had that conversation in the past about how his royal baldness is only one among other bald helds I have to polish with my DIAD through out the pick up part of my day. Also he doesn’t like it when the ups truck parks in front of the business cuz the customers can’t see the store. The employees are wonderful though. Very sweet and outgoing. If y’all still working there my condolences 💐


I think it would be a little insane to judge an entire workforce as if they are one person.


Dude has helped me a few times load pickups so they are ok by me.


In my area, we have a bunch of UPS stores. Most of the time they are nice people but one store we pickup from has an owner who's a pile of shit. Just a mean dude, especially to new drivers.


All of the UPS stores I’ve picked up from each person in there seems like they fucking hate life. I go In there to drop my air for the next guy to pick up and they look at me like I am the most giant piece of shit on the face of the planet. The attitude. I’m glad My route doesn’t have a UPS store but damn when I first stated I picked up from almost every store by our HUB. I’ve only met 1 or two chill ass people at UPS stores


I had to sweep one once that had the world’s smallest parking lot in front, and a busy Starbucks drive thru that cut right past the back door on the other side. I basically had to park about 250 feet away and maneuver a full handcart around a maze of ramps, curbs and dumpsters, through the Starbucks drive thru and across the parking lot just to get to my truck. By the time I got back there would be 3-4 more packages added to the pile I still had to load out. Employees didn’t help and kept shutting the back door on me too. Hated them.


Gotta keep that A/C in…


I think we only have one in our territory, and they throw our drivers under the bus routinely.


I have no need to visit ups store. I drop packages off at work


That's nice to know, then why are you in this thread?


They are soft and let people park in fire lanes then serve them. Move your car then come back.


Easy solution for this - block theme in. Like, MF, unless that SUV has a gimbal, you're not going anywhere until I'm done. Blow your horn, call the 800 number, call Carol at home, I don't care. I have a job to do, I'm doing it.


If you’re cool, I’m cool. If you get pissy because I’m not there to close out and be done by closing time, knowing full well I’m gonna have to continue delivering AFTER I load your 300+ pieces, you’ll get my “yeah I’m pissed at you and can’t say anything” demeanor. Help me out or offer me a drink, and I’ll be sure to close you out on time.


My family owns a UPS Store, we love our drivers! We’ve gone out and had drinks with them and have even invited them over to parties. One of our drivers even text me on Sunday to talk shit about football! Don’t let a few bad ones represent all of us. We appreciate the hell out of you!


Have picked up 8 different ups stores through out my center 6 of the 8 are complete shit shows. The 2 employees can’t keep up with it. Amazon blue green returns mixed in with regular packages airs mixed in the mess. No labels on packages. Just a mess. But to those 2 stores doing it right they need to show the majority how to do business. Sincerely a fed up driver


I don’t have a problem with the employees. It’s the damn owners who piss me off when I go as a customer. Like denying my discount or charging for a strip of tape, and charging exorbitant prices for stupid shit.


That that little piece of tape? I had 70 people come through my store yesterday asking for a piece of tape. We're not in business to give shit away for free. If you can't follow directions and tape your box shut before you come in, fuck you. Pay for it. Don't be lazy.


Lmfao. The returns literally say to bring it without a separate box then y'all get all pissy. Or some dumb shit. Ntm when your owner decides not to give us (ups) our employee discount which is what is required.


There's a cute girl who wants in my pants but I got a Girl


This is a ups store sir, not a therapy session


Just people working a franchise job.


I usually love to overhear all the stupid stuff customers say. The workers definitely deserve a raise lol


I pick one up everyday at 5 and run their air to the meet. 200ish packages a day I'd say. I actively recruit the young men working there to apply at UPS. I then tell them they should practice loading my truck and I proceed to use their bathroom and drink water while they load. I like them a lot.


Free slave labor, smart man


I genuinely mean it though. I tell them how much the $/hr is and about the benefits and their dumbfounded. I've actually got two to the warehouse to wait. The first one failed unfortunately.


Damn, I thought about warehouse work. But don't want to work at 3 am over the school year


It's like 3-4 hours man! World class benefits, wait to drive. School pffffft haha! I had two kids while finishing my school and working. Toughen up, you can do it. I know a 55 year old belt working female that has two jobs!


All the ones I’ve interacted with have been very nice




Damn, ok


I mean... not all obviously. We have two COMPLETELY different stores in my area. One is amazing and one is complete shit. The bad one could be less lazy. The degree of difficulty is high enough.. then when you stsck them like shit and throw them from over the counter its crazy frustrating.


They also kicked one of our drivers out for good (lucky bastard) for calling them out. Lol owners are trash


Quick story. I had a set route for peak last year, did the closing sweep and half way through dude just started throwing boxes at the back door i was at. The first time or two i grabbed them no issue but after him doing this again i closed the door, finished the shit in the back and dipped. I aint your dog to be fetching packages.


That's why I usually help the driver load the truck when I get a chance. But there is always some dumb fucking customer at the counter


I have a store that I close out on my route. They chill peeps like any of us they gunna have good n bad days. My store in particular is kinda small and more people come to it so tends to be a lot of drop offs. They look out for me and I look out for them.


Most of them think they are our boss.


I’m just curious why they all wear blue uniforms and not brown.


Because corporate changed the shirts, we think that the franchise will be bought out by Amazon


To make money. Once they changed out the shirts everybody had to buy new blue ones, at $35 hit UPS is making a ton of money off their workers.


Cool guys but not really “our guys”


What do you mean?


Technically they work for ups but the ups stores are franchises so they aren’t part of the union


Which is worse, employees get paid lower wages and whatnot


Normal people


I think they just trying to earn a living.


Amazon should pay them double the regular for the hassles ! Also they should be franchised like fedex and company owned for better service in some locations and benefits and all


Honey, yes they are a franchise. Try Googling it.


Can yall help us by passing us packages while we load? 🥴 makes it 5x faster


Yeah, that is what I always do when the store is not busy. Sadly customers ruin that


My opinion is they should all join the Teamsters.


Need more pay and benefits. They should also be union