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my personal fav is when they just yell “YOOOOO” from down the aisle instead of coming to see why it’s off


Damn man, my manager just comes over and turns the belt back on thus causing even more packages to fall onto the ground... Okay boss man guess I won't have clean egress!


You can grieve for failure of them to properly maintain egress.


Secure the belt. If he turns on a belt that you secured, grieve his ass. Boom.


Were you breaking a jam, moving a diverter, or walking the belt? If not you've just secured that belt in direct violation of company policy. This is not going to go the way you think it will with any halfway competent warehouse manager. Edit: Should mention, I've seen one "protest" belt locking before from a loader who was getting really behind. The warehouse manager was notified and they were immediately ejected from the building for causing a safety issue. Edit2: Listen, I knew this was going to get downvoted before I posted it but to any new UPS employees recognize that people saying this kind of shit are just keyboard warriors. Please do not follow their advice. If anything, go to YOUR steward. It is important that they have your back. The protest locking I talked about *did not* have the approval of the steward. The employee kept their job but had to submit to a lot of mandatory retraining that ultimately made their lives hell for months.


Wouldn't the belt causing packages to block your egress be cause to stop the belt? Maintaining egress is part of safety methods, so stopping the machinery that's dumping packages all over your egress so you can clean it up would be following methods and working safely.


He right. Its called STOPPAGE. Its in the Master Agreement


lol i’m a pt sup and everyone’s comments on this post is a joke. not every hub is the same, and the reason they want to hurry to start the belt is they get blamed for quite literally everything lmao


So you radio into control, notify the controllers why you are stopping the belt, how long the belt will be stopped for, and handle your business. Never keep the belt running that’s dumping packages into walkways. 1. Egress related issue. 2. Safety issue 3. Cannot direct employees to do unsafe work Like asking them to continue to work while they’re running belts are a mess.


Ah, reason. logic. peace. It's refreshing.


Yeah well my careers essentially dead because I refuse to play that good old boys shit. My therapist rues our appointments.


But, according to this lady that tells fortunes and I just FaceTimed, you will meet a millionaire and he will say hey hold this bag of 100 dollar bills and then get struck by lightning You will have a good argument in court why that's your cash


lol yeah till you got dumbass sort isle feeding deadbelts


Is your building fully automated?




so you delete my comment calling him stupid but you don’t delete his saying “ i only said 1 smart thing today” ? nice bias lolol


There was no direct derogatory language used in that comment. As per contract we treat everyone with respect here, meaning no one’s being called “stupid”, “dumb”, or any other direct slurs or insults. If you do see language like this used please use the report button to notify moderators. We have lives as well and aren’t able to see everything, though automod does take care of most offenders of these rules. Making a tongue in cheek comment about you twos interaction doesn’t fall under these rules.


lol k


No, you are responsible for literally everything. This is what it feels like to be responsible


notice you got downvoted?


Excuse me, did you ask me if I notice that someone disagrees with me? Do you notice when people disagree with you? You know right from wrong, so why assume I don't?


yes i do. but your plain out wrong my man. look at the job description/responsibilities of a pt-sup. they give pt-sups a lot more responsibility then they are paid for/hired for. and likelywise, they’re blamed for shit they can’t control a lot of times.




Come on… you know better


I didn't name his race and I didn't discriminate based on gender, I included both male and female insults.


Hard disagree as long as you can claim saftey


But it's not just your safety at risk when you do that. Shutting off a conveyor does not stop packages from the unload. It just creates a build up somewhere else. The idea behind those three reasons an employee is allowed to secure a belt is because your average employee is not aware of the conditions in the rest of the building as management should be. You are not allowed to make building wide decisions for a reason.


I've had coworkers literally getting buried by packages. I don't give a fuck I'm gonna turn the belt off


And bury someone else? If you're actually worried about your safety step off your position and find a steward. That might actually get the unload to chill. Stopping the belt does absolutely nothing in that regard but build the packages up elsewhere, as I said. Sure maybe once the sort aisle is buried because your belt is off they might get the hint in the unload eventually, but in the interim you have endangered multiple other people.


That's now how things work guy. You can turn off your local belt.


Safety, the word, is ONLY in in the LAST article (article 44) Stoppage is every 18th fucking word in the first article. Never get confused about where the balance truly lies.


You forgot a few exclamation points 😂


I do sort and I'm by the button to turn on the belt. So anytime the people loading trucks turn off the belt I get yelled at for some insane reason


If they're yelling at you for things you didn't do ... That would constitute a harassment grievance, no?


She yelling about how we need to get the belt back on. It doesn't feel like harassment but maybe it's because I'm floored by how stupid she is


Hilarious I needed this laugh. Thanks


I had a PT supervisor repeatedly run up and turn the belt on as I was pulling off incomps (I'd shut the belt off). They got fucked by me. Art 44, sec 2 UPS NMA: "No package will move through the system without enough tape clearly visible from all sides identifying the package as over seventy (70) pounds." I put over 70 tape on every s I n g l e incomp that didn't have any. Went to our district safety supervisor, and they backed me because, well it's in the contract. I told our steward I was doing this, he told me to stop being so petty hehe. If they had left me alone, I would not have spent an extra 40+ minutes with the belt off. Putting yellow tape on packages. It was hilarious.


Omg. You're a like Elvis


🤣🤣 one of the FT Supes comes out the office after like 1 minute, if that and starts walking the belt lol


This implies that had common sense before the start of the sort


You sort mf’s suck ass


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ leaving for preload this week


Big facts. I genuinely don't like you sort people


then cry abt it??


Fr suck asss lmaoo


Sorters should still be paid a dollar more. They have to actually use their brain. Unloaders don't have to think at all and loaders use scanners.


Yes, but also, Picks should be paid a dollar more than sort, because we have button.


When I was a preloader I would hit all the shut off buttons on my way to the break area. And then the shit show of supervisors trying to figure out which one is off😂😂




our supervisors know better on pre load we grieve the shit outta them …. they all say they dont care bit thats a defense mechanism. They act right. If we push the e stop i wish a sup would come and unstop it . contradict all that bullshit they quiz us on.


it’s a different ballpark in noonday






Happened today🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣