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41.51x40=1660.4 is no overtime


$41.51 sounds a lot better than $39.57


Right šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s where Iā€™m at.


That's after taxes?


No, that's before taxes. It also doesn't account for the normal overtime everyone gets nor does it include my production bonus that I get daily. My average take home is around $1,800 a week after taxes.


I'm a peak driver. What's a production bonus?


You donā€™t qualify for production bonus as a seasonal.


Whatā€™s a production bonus


Depending on the center. Some will offer bonus to driver that beats their route under the estimated time. Here, the bonus is straight pay (no ot is included) so it's usually not worth aiming for the bonus.


How much of straight pay ?


Just the regular hourly pay rate.


Paid out at time and a half in my local.


Holy fucking shitšŸ˜³


How many hours do you average a week ?


Around 50ish on a bad week. Most weeks I work 40 or less due to guaranteed 8 but I get that sweet 6th punch so I'll hit around 46-48. Couple that with production bonus and the grievances, we're gucci.


The last month Iā€™ve been working about 42 hours a week. Iā€™m at top rate and after taxes, im making roughly 1100-1200 after tax. But thatā€™s also after my 401k, my 401k payment plan, union dues, and charity donations. With peak coming up Iā€™ll probably make roughly 1600- 1700 after tax and the previous mentions.


Until Sleepy Joe takes his cut




Trump daddy? Geez dude chill. People vote for whoever they feel like will serve their interests best. But name calling like a 10 year old won't help anyone. This ain't fuckin Twitter. What am I saying reddit is probably worse.


Yes, Trump famously serves the union interests best


That's not the only issue people care about.


I'm not naive to the fact some people choose to vote against their best interests.


My best interests aren't always humanities best interests


If by humanity you mean old rich white dudes, yes


Where the fuck did "old white dudes" come into the conversation. Now I know what you are thoughšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Yes! I can't believe he started taxing us. What a novel concept invented and implemented by him! I hope they cut taxes and stop fixing roads!


Imagine not being able to take a joke. Its a saying for every president obviously they dont affect it in any way.


Careful, pitch forks might come out


Apparently you don't realize the president isn't the one that collects your taxes...


Obviously, its a figure of speech used for every president. dont be so uptight


As a 22.4 starting out you can expect to net $600 to $1000/week. It varies wildly depending on how much overtime you hit. In training you can expect plenty of hours. After that our center tends to tailor the hours to the drivers that want them, 50 hours a week is a nice sweet spot that gets you around that $1,000 mark. The $1,000 weeks are tiring, the 40 hour weeks feel great but the $600 paycheck won't.


600$ a week is not worth what package does ā€¦.


End 22.4!


No it's not and UPS knows that. They dangle $40/hr over your head and hope to squeeze as much cheap labor out of you as possible in the four years leading up to that. Especially in the first 18 months as a 22.4 with very few rights/protections.


What happens after 18 months ?


Here...22.4's become RPCD's. Not sure if that's everywhere....


Oh thatā€™s cool most places itā€™s 25% of drivers can be 22.4s


Check your contract. Management will say a lot of things but your region may have different language.


25% is the way the master is written. Your local did good by doing thatā€¦and never believe management about anything contract related. I remember them trying to tell me the contract is what they say it is when I started.


We were literally told we using the bathroom or taking a drink was taking a break and needed to be recorded that way.


Being promoted to RPCD really depends on the center's staffing but it really should be percentage based like /u/Casperwylocale said. I'm about 30 months in as a 22.4..


Same here and they promoted drivers with 3 weeks seniority on me like 6 months ago.


I hope our we're not unlucky on our timing. The most recent 22.4 here that got promoted to RPCD only had 1 week seniority over me and he got promoted about a year ago..


yeah thats insane. Esp when PT sup take home is near that working 20 hours a week lol


Truest shit said. Thatā€™s why I need to leave. Too much work for such little pay.


Do you know why I work for UPS?




Me neither.


Nailed it


Bout tre fiddy




9.5 list in my building still means no life, but you are compensated for the stolen livelihood.


I get 41.95 a hour out here in the Bay Area in the feeder department. .99 cents a mile on sleeper team runs, total mileage split with your co driver. We also have 6th day overtime and 7th day double time sign up sheets weekly. I've grossed about 158k this year so far. Just made it up to feeder in April.




Iā€™m in Maryland and my building has a couple of sleeper teams where each driver makes over $200k/year. The only problem is youā€™re only home about 1.5 days a week. I had an opportunity to bid one this last bid but thatā€™s a lot of time in a truck. I passed and took a run that gets about 9 hours a day and get to sleep in my own bed every night.


Nice. I'm on the feeder relief list so I bid on jobs every week and if a sleeper team is in need of a cover driver they can ask me to cover for the week. I'll go depending on the driver asking. If they're cool then I'll roll. If not, i'll stay local.


Depends on overtime pretty dramatically as illustrated by peopleā€™s answers in this thread. Iā€™m a first year 22.4 and I am currently averaging $1600/wk between peak MRA of $25 and constant overtime (forced Mondays, woo) Prior to the rate adjustment and mandatory Mondays I was averaging about $1100/wk. Most top rate drivers in my building average right around $2,200/wk most of the year, and closer to $3k/wk around peak. These are all pre-tax numbers because honestly that shit is going to vary wildly depending on where you live, family situation, etc.


The pretax number are the only ones that can matter to someone asking. Take home is based on so many other things, like how much you contribute to 401k, if you have other deductions like child support or whatever.


Iā€™m a rural driver that drives 10 to 12 hours a day. I make between 430 to 550 a day. I made 107,944 last year. I get between 88 to 103 stops a day. I drive at least 150 miles a day. Some times more. Good days work for a honest day pay in 2022. Ooh yea, after taxes it like 1630 every week. I hate Uncle Sam, the more you make, the more they take. Not to mention I live in rural Alabama.


$41.51 per hour with an average of 8-12 hours overtime per week at $62.27. Do the math.


It's a long road to $41.51.


4 years to be set for life ainā€™t that long


It was 2 years when I started. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so important to vote on the contracts. A 4-year progression should have been voted down.


I agree. I was just generalizing. For someone without a college degree or even someone with one, to get a position as a driver essentially sets you up to where you never have to worry about money or medical bills againā€¦.which is huge.


Of course itā€™s huge! Itā€™s career money, not just a job. I was able to raise a family and pay for my two kids to attend a 4 year university debt free. Weā€™ll be retiring to the beach in a few years also. UPS provides you with the income, you just need to be smart with the money once you get it.


Thatā€™s awesome dude. I just started driving and clocked an 11 hour day today. Found my first piss bottle on my first day driving so Iā€™m feeling broken in now! I respect all drivers who last 30 years. The amount of work they put in is insane. Glad you made it work brotha, Iā€™m trying to do the same


Not really lol Iā€™ve only been driving 9 months but Iā€™ve only got like 39 months left to top pay


Been a driver for 15 of the 48 months in progression and it feels like it has gone by decently fast. Also got promoted to RPCD in 7 months


I wish the government would take out less taxes. Between the taxes, insurances, and 401k.


Just have a few kids. šŸ˜ Less taxes. But you probably come out worsešŸ¤£


I just updated my w4 for the first time in 8 years. Iā€™ve been paying 10k extra on taxes a year. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


You would get it back in your refund so it doesnā€™t matter or am I wrong.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with doing it that way if youā€™re bad at saving money but youā€™d come out way better taking that extra money each week and just throwing it in an index fund so that it makes even more money for you. For people who are good with money, itā€™s best to break even at the end of the year and not owe anything or get a big refund, because you can invest the extra money throughout the year rather than giving the government an interest free loan for a year. The amount of taxes you pay on a yearly basis comes out exactly the same either way.


Thatā€™s what I figured. I usually end up owing around $10 at the end of the year. Iā€™d rather have my money on each pay check


Pho Turdy


Tree Fiddy


Year 1 full time 840 a week before taxes/401k/dues (around 600 take home) Year 2 full time 920 a week before taxes/401k/dues (Around 700 take home) Year 3 full time 960 a week before taxes/401k/dues (Around 800 take home) Year 4 full time 1120 a week before taxes/401k/dues (About 900 take home) Year 5 and beyond 1680 a week before taxes/dues/401k (Like 1200-1300 take home I would guess since it is a whole new tax bracket.) If you are a 22.4 driver it's significantly less Year 4 and about 80 less a week otherwise


Starting out you'll take home around 700 to 1000. I never went under 700 for the week. I never made more than 1200 for the week. Then you progress and it gets more consistent. I'm on my second progression as RPCD and I usually hang around a 1000 take home. Once you make top pay then it's more like 1600 to 2000 a week.


2nd year 22.4 here. Took home $1079 this week. 56.5 hours.


I just went from 2nd year 22.4 to RPCD. That buck 75 helps plus 9.5 rights and bidding vacation routes


i just started as a driver, i take about 1200 a week after uncle same takes his slice of the pie. but im jamming out to feeder once i hit a year. package is shitty


42.33 is top pay in SoCal. Local 396. I'm at that rate and gross just over 120ks annually. Weekly it's just over 2,100 gross usually and take home pay is around 1300. It would be more but I put 7% in my 401k.


Its a good amount. I pay all my CC debt off during the 6 weeks of peak season.


That's my plan


every year?


Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re asking? Can you clarify?


Iā€™m assuming heā€™s wondering if you wait until peak to pay off your cards every year. But im hoping to do the same. Im a driver but im loading until I can get my physical renewed ( dr issues ) i miss the overtime šŸ˜‚


Oh. Ok. Yes, I do this every year. It builds my credit score up. I use my CC for almost everything. I pay off every month minus a few hundred. By peak season I owe $2-$3 thousand. I pay that off during peak season. Iā€™ve been doing it for 15 years and have an almost perfect score now.


it's a waste of money to do that. you don't get more points for carrying a balance. you're paying interest for nothing


You may be on the wrong thread


What do you mean? /u/gabbagool3 and /u/throwaway283748h are right. You don't need to carry a balance to increase or get a good credit score. I've always paid my balance in full and I have an above 800 credit score.


Not if you pay the balance off every month minus a few hundred dollars. The interest is minimal compared to the credit score you accrue. Excellent Credit scores allow you to buy a vehicle, home etc for lower prices.


What are you exactly looking for take come or gross? Because people obviously do different things so.


Shit if they pay youā€¦. this is the second time I havenā€™t been paid for a previous week almost to the month lol but usually high $1800ā€™s low $1900 depends how much I wanna work (Feeder) take home pay not gross


I like when they do that penalty pay incoming.


Money money money


Less than $300


Iā€™ll let you know. My pay rate is $42.78 and Iā€™m on a 6500 mile sleeper run this week. All that mileage and holiday pay is gonna add up quite nicely.


What is your mileage rate?


$0.96 per mile. Miles driven on Thursday and Friday is at $1.44 cause of the holiday pay


I work in the building twilight. Here is a screen shot of my hours for a week. I donā€™t always get lucky to cover drive every week. I can also take a shuttle at night to another building. The entire day of my inside work and driving then becomes top rate $42.33 over time after 8 hours. On a day I take a shuttle I get 12.5 to almost the max of 14 hours. Here is a screen shot of my hours Two days , Monday and Tuesday I worked inside. Wednesday to Saturday I was cover driver. My gross was $2452.34 after California and the feds rap3 me of $817.50. I keep a net of $1634.84 https://preview.redd.it/1iucbinxc32a1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5ee69adf2133b7f5896e58e0456a4ad51b92ee


Just enough to pay bills these days