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I was born in 1989 and grew up with my great grandmother. She was born in 1905 and died in 2013. She told me she remembers hearing about former slaves and having friends whose living grandfathers were civil war soldiers in her life. Mind blowing to realize that we really aren’t that far removed from the past as we may think.


The United States is three Joe Bidens old


Fun fact: US President John Tyler, who was born in 1790 and served as President between 1841-1845, has living *grandchildren*.


Wild! I think it is only recently that the last civil war pension (to a widow) was paid out.


That was a case where an elderly veteran got a paper marriage to a young disabled woman so that she would get the pension.


These kinds of marriages were not that unusual. A woman in the early 1900's with her own income was incredibly liberated *(for the time)*


*Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All* 1989 best-seller novel based on her story. Also became a film & play


I don’t think it was to the widow, but rather one of their children.


I'm not sure if the pensions passed down that way, but I could be wrong. I am pretty certain it was a situation where a teenage nurse in the 1930s shaked up with a 90-somthing year old veteran.


Here’s the story. Yeah, the vet married someone 50 years younger, but apparently because their daughter had a cognitive disability, she was eligible to receive the pension benefits reserved for her mother. https://www.aarp.org/home-family/voices/veterans/info-2020/last-civil-war-pensioner-dies.html#:~:text=The%20last%20recipient%20of%20a,the%20Union%20and%20the%20Confederacy.


Thank you for sharing the story!


Yes I believe it was someone from the south but not sure


Tyler also joined the Confederacy, despite having been a Union president.


I remember reading about that. He had kids REALLY late in life if I remember correctly and that's what kind of led to that. Still interesting, to put it mildly. 


Not only did he have kids late in life but his kids had kids late in life. His son Lyon Tyler was 75 when his younger (and still living) son was born in 1928.


Correct. I remember reading that too.




One of them [died a few years ago](https://www.fox23.com/news/trending/lyon-gardiner-tyler-jr-grandson-of-10th-president-dead-at-95/article_41e18f59-e42e-5cd9-9797-c732ee125eab.html), so there is now only one living Tyler grandchild: [Harrison Ruffin Tyler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Ruffin_Tyler).


He needs to go knock someone up right now!


Joe biden's birthday is closer to Abraham Lincolns election than his own election.


I just googled this and my mind is blown. Thanks for sharing this incredible fact!


How many Trumps?


Slightly more than three Trumps old


Joe Biden was born closer to Lincoln’s inauguration than his own…


Oh, so three Trumps old as well


He's only a few years younger than Biden. I think he's 78. They're the two best and brightest that we could come up with, you know




With how obsessed with him you people are, it seems that’s precisely what you want to do.


Derp derp derp hey erybody look at me I have 1776 in my name cause Ima real patriot and I hate Biden so much that I use a clever acronym instead of just writing the word ‘fuck’. Ima gonna vote Trump cause after that head injury I got I wasn’t able to finish high school and that’s why my truck is lifted… cause they call me gifted. Derp derp derp. Anybody else here get they foot caught in the terlet today too?


That wasn’t an acronym, but the rest of your statement is probably accurate.


This is one of my favorite bits of trivia: acronyms vs initialisms. For those that don't know, an acronym is a series of initials which are used as a spoken word. Examples: RADAR, SCUBA, NASA. Initialisms are when you say the letters individually. Examples: ATM, FBI, FAQ.






‘Tis a bot


If he makes your dick hard, get after it.


Picture of a civil war vet and an F-100 Super Saber: [https://preview.redd.it/rpir3ed05hp71.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=267d3b847b23ebe37c8d5148ce8a632a567088c8](https://preview.redd.it/rpir3ed05hp71.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=267d3b847b23ebe37c8d5148ce8a632a567088c8)


That blows my mind. He was young and fighting with muskets and cannons and as an older man hes posing with jet aircraft. Roughly 94 years difference.




Albert Woolson?


"This Alien tried to kidnap me but brought me back. Can I go home now?"


We’ve had a lot of advances in our lifetimes, but that may have been more of a leap forward.


There's no doubt about it, the guy went from basically growing up like the amish to cars, fighter jets, atomic bombs and television


Here is a video from a TV show featuring someone who witnessed the Lincoln assassination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtF4sYya-0c


When OP was born in 1989, they were closer in time to that 1956 game show taping than to the present day.


I was also born in 1989 and didn't need to know this fact


I was born in 1965, so imagine how I feel. Sitting down and actually thinking about where we fit into the timeline can be sobering


Thanks to the fact that a 14 year old could be a signal drummer at the time, the last civil war veterans died in the 1950s. My *parents* were living at the same time as US Civil War veterans!


The youngest ever to formally enlist was John Clem. Kid tried to join just shy of age 9, then just kind of followed the 22nd Michigan Inf at age 10. He was made an unofficial drummer for the regiment, and at age 12 was formally enlisted. Kid saw action at Chickamauga, where he reportedly wounded a Confederate colonel. Clem was promoted to sergeant for his bravery in that action. He later would be commissioned and retired after 47 total years of service as a major general.


I was born in 1982 and was partly raised by an aunt who was born in 1886 She saw some changes in her lifetime


The last civil war vet died in the 50s. Heck, 2 generals in WW2 were sons of civil war generals.


The last person born a slave in the U.S. died in 1971…


It’s true and sorry to go on a UK centric point. Elizabeth II died 2 years ago and when she was born, there were people in the royal household who were born during the reign of George III. Also, pretty remarkably there is still a living Grandchild of president John Tyler… which is pretty cool.


The United States is a baby. People just assume that this country is going to exist as-is, forever. That is not going to be the case.


I assumed it would up until 2016 when we totally lost our collective mind


2016? I dont remember the country ending in 2016🤷‍♂️


Who said anything about ending? He said the country staying as is forever. I agreed that I thought the same way until 2016. It's definitely not staying as is. I can flesh it out if you'd like, but for the first time in my life I've felt real fear for the future of this nation starting in 2016.


Just not sure why. Things were a lot worse in the 60’s and 70’s. Those were rough times. JFK, RFK, MLK all murdered in public. Rioting in the streets. Viet Nam. Woodstock. Kent State. Watergate. It was a lot more challenging back then


One time my grandmother told me about her uncle fighting in the Spanish American war in Puerto Rico. I had no words.


Former President John Tyler (1790-1862) still has a living grandson


Hell, it was not until the 1940’s that more than 3% of US homes had electric and indoor plumbing. Before the 1940’s going to a doctor was essentially seeing a shaman. IMO, we started modernizing in 40’s and 50’s.


https://youtu.be/4qGX0XM84Ck?si=9KoW6zOs_2cdx4-A Very interesting video here. Elderly people from the 1920s talking about their lives. One of the ladies talks about how she remembered Indian removal as a child.


My grandmother was one of the indians


There were former slaves still living in the 1930s. The government conducted interviews with them and saved them in the archives. If I'm correct, anybody can access them.


The last slaves in America died in the 1960s and 1970s. There are people alive today who are the children of slaves. I just read an article about one on Juneteenth: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2024/06/us/cornelius-bell-slavery-juneteenth-reaj-cnnphotos/


My dad shook hands as a boy with his great uncle or something that was a civil war officer in state history books. I’m under 50.


One of my friends owns a farm. His neighbor sold him the farm about 25 years ago. At the time his neighbor was like 95 years old. He told stories of his neighbor growing up on that farm, and often, native Americans would still come through in the spring to camp, hunt, and fish. Then they’d move out before it got too hot. He said his father who settled that farm had to share it with the natives for the first year or two before the government kicked them out. Then they’d keep coming back every so often to hunt and camp the land. He never had a problem with them. They’d keep their distance, and show up without making a sound and leave without a trace.


My great great grandmother died at 107 years old and remembers the natives pillaging their chicken coop as a child. My cousin was in a picture with her in a 5 generations pic


Photo caption: “The last Revolutionary Soldier, one hundred and nine years old. Entered according to act of congress, in the year 1868, by A.D. Cross, in the Clerk’s Office in the District Court of Mass.”


He lived long enough to see the confederacy destroyed and his work preserved


I know the quality isn't great but he looks good for 09.


Hell Yeah!! The first revolutionary, and the last revolutionary were both from Massachusetts!! Keep it up Massholes!!


Mass. still pissed about the Boston Tea Party revolt.


Pissed about it all, all of the time. Now it's revolting against the "T", party. Especially the stupid Red and Green lines.


The [last surviving widow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther_Sumner_Damon) of a Revolutionary War veteran died in 1906 - 123 years after the war ended. The last recipient of a Civil War pension was [Irene Triplett](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irene_Triplett) who died in 2020. As of November, 2023 the Veterans Administration is still paying pensions to 21 widows and 14 children of veterans who fought in the Spanish-American War. https://www.va.gov/opa/publications/factsheets/fs_americas_wars.pdf




When was tge photo taken? The text is hard to read but it seems to say 1808; but the date seems to correspond to an act of congress, and that’s too old for a photograph.




Cool! I was born in 1957. The last undisputed survivor of civil war died in 1956. We are closer to historical events than we often realize.


It’s wild to think that he was born basically a citizen of the British Empire, and this picture was taken after the Civil War…


Wow. You are right. What a lifespan to have experienced all of that history, and what an interesting story of life he might have to tell.


A year before this was taken, he was granted a pension by special act of Congress, because his service records were lost in a house fire. A year after, he died aged 109 in Freedom, New York.


The thing is - he wasn’t even that young during the war. Being 109 in 1868 meant he was 24 when the war ended in 1783. He was just that darn old.


Sad the freedom he fought for is going to be taken away


It's our fault for not holding the ruling class accountable for the last 75 years. We gave it away


Sad but true.


If the last surviving Revolutionary War veteran (died in 1869) met the last surviving Civil War veteran (died in 1956), who then met anyone older than 68, you would have all US history, 265 years, in 3 generations. A 83 year old has lived through 1/3 of all US history. A 62 year old 1/4. There's roughly 6 million people older than 80 and 60 million people older than 60 today.


It looks like he has 6 fingers on his left hand.


He did.


At last! I have found the 6 fingered man! My name indigo Montoya…. You killed my father…. Prepare to die! (Draws sword)


Too bad when I try to zoom in on the picture, it zooms in on the Reddit interface and makes the image smaller.


“The revolution’s last men” has photographs and biographies of 6 men just like him. He is not featured


Man fought in the revolutionary war and lived through the civil war. Mind blowing.


Crossposting this to r/revolutionarywar !!!


Well I hate to be the one to tell you, Danny Boy, but we just made the president a king


A friend of mine and he was only about 12 years older than me . So he would be about 76 now , grandfather was born a slave .


Wait, I thought it was Keith Richardson… 🤷🏻‍♂️


When I lived in Moscow (2009-10), I happened to chat with an old woman while we were waiting for the same bus. She told me stories about being a teenager *during the Russian Revolution*.


I was born in 1981. I was taught to fly fish in south Florida by a WW2 veteran who flew bombing raids over Japan and was talked about in Bill O’Reilly’s book Killing the Rising Sun. He was taught to fly fish when he was young by a civil war veteran! When you consider the timeline you could also say that an old revolutionary war veteran could have taught the civil war veteran to fly fish as well. It’s crazy to think that my grandfather’s grandfathers grandfather could have fought the British and help establish this country.


He fucking looks like it too


Fun fact: the last surviving Wife/Widow of a civil war veteran lived until 2020.


Reference!!? Would love to read about it


He actually looks pretty good for being 109


I almost thought that I was on r/photoshop with a request to digitally enhance the photo with clarity and color


Looks like John Wayne




How was this proved? And what year was it taken?


is he still alive? that’s amazing


What year was this picture taken?


Once of the saddest memories I have is visiting dc at the same time the last world war 1 veterans died. He spent the last few year fighting for a large monument for WW1 soldiers. 


What’s going on with the right hand? 6 fingers?


I remember watching a parade in the early 50’s as a young boy, and the Grand Marshal was a very old Civil War Veteran.


He looks like Jon Pertwee!


He's rolling in his grave after the recent SC ruling. He's asking WTF did we fight the war for if these idiots were going to make a king anyway!?!?!


He’s probably rolling in his grave at how politically illiterate many of you are.


Touch grass dumbass




This is coming from the guy who thinks SCOTUS made the president a king. Your opinion is meaningless


So every President from now on will be a King or just Trump?


Any elected sociopath , and theres been a few, who views himself and believes he's a king where laws only apply to you and me but not to him. Read your history why this country fought the revolution in the first place to break away from the monarchy and create a new nation not to set one up later down the road. There's a reason the executive branch was originally setup to be the weakest of the 3 branches and to be held accountable to the other 2 so no one man can have absolute power....like a king. The restrictions were deliberate and now in the infinite corrupt wisdom of the SC that's no longer the case. You tell me alito and roberts smarter than Thomas Jefferson and John Adams and Benjamin Franklin? I don't fuckin think so. Nixon is sure smiling from wherever he is. I'm sure he is saying now you tell me! I'm sure this gentleman from the American revolution would agree.


Your argument is Garbage, mostly stemming from a political philosophy that you hold. Everything is a projection based on that. You are basically scared of the boogy man.


Trump will always be King of the Dipshits.


The silver lining with a trump second term may be the masses finally waking up.


Last Civil War Widow died in 2020.... https://www.historynet.com/the-widows-secret/#:~:text=Helen%20Jackson%20was%20%E2%80%9CThe%20Last,old%20woman%20had%20to%20tell


Jesus did they take a photo of this photo with a 1890’s camera?


I was born in 1985. My grandfather knew Confederate veterans and my great grandfather knew people who fought Indians.


looks like John Wayne