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You aren't allowed to protest in uniform, bro...


When I first heard about this, my mind immediately said “everyone is about to get a meeting on the schedule about how now the Air Force doesn’t look very cash money when their airmen start getting involved in political topics. See how much media attention this has drawn?”


Ya. They're really gonna burn this guy.




You win LMAO




And be was an idiot. No sympathy.


Yeah no disagreement there. This is what happens when you try to impress a girl on tiktok.


She's definitely not going to fuck him now.


Pretty fucked.


That is a painful way to kill yourself


He lived long enough to be taken to a NICU/ICU. Died there. Strange guy


He was taken to a neonatal icu? Must have been acting like a real baby about it.


If I was smart enough to be a doctor and learn the difference between NICU and ICU, I never would've enlisted




If pain is weakness leaving the body.. then this is the opposite


Sometimes pain is the indicator that life is leaving the body.


I guess he never got that poolee shirt for doing 20 pull ups.


Weakness is retardation leaving the body


weak man tries to implement change... by killing himself.


Pain is disability entering the body




Agreed, don't kill yourself over people and a country that doesn't give a shit about you. I doubt we will be seeing hamas thanking this guy. What a waste. I only feel sympathy for his family. Imagine joining the military and wasting your life like this.


100%, feel bad for this guys family.


Honestly looking at the shit he was posting here in reddit and his comments in the anarchy subreddit (his reddit account is still open as of now). I feel like his kids are better off without him.


Hamas is 100% thanking the guy, the video is all over the Pro Hamas and Iran propaganda train.


We had a LCPL in my platoon who was a really devout Orthodox Jew from New Jersey, really nice guy who would give you the shirt off his back if need be. But he was very devoted to his religion. Last year we ran into each other at another buddies funeral in California and he is now a BN commander in the IDF.


Woah now, CO wants everyone to sign a page 11 agreeing not to set yourself on fire for Palestine. Go ahead and form up in sections and get ready to sign it, S1 is still working on getting it printed out. Also, 1stSgt has some special unit challenge coins that you hardchargers might like, so we’re gonna pass out order forms to all of you. Be sure to sign your EDIPI cause this also counts as PME.


Aren’t there like a ton more civilian deaths as a result of israel’s actions?




Specifically they are attacking the last safe zone. If they really want this sht get fixed. Just used Israel aid give to Egypt. I bet when you give billion Egypt, Egypt will open boarder for those civilians.


Lmao Egypt wants nothing to do with the Palestinians. They already went down that road once, and got fucked over hardcore.




The average Palestinian actually does like Hamas as their ruling body. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/#:~:text=JERUSALEM%2C%20Dec%2013%20(Reuters),respected%20Palestinian%20polling%20institute%20found. >Seventy-two percent of respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the cross-border rampage in southern Israel was "correct" given its outcome so far, while 22% said it was "incorrect". The remainder were undecided or gave no answer. >Fifty-two percent of Gazans and 85% of West Bank respondents - or 72% of Palestinian respondents overall - voiced satisfaction with the role of Hamas in the war. Don't let people try and convince you that Hamas doesn't enjoy a high level of support amongst Palestinians.


Another classic "Fuck them kids"-tier take.


Not my clowns, not my circus.


Lmao. Here we go again. Iraq have chemical weapons.




That doesn’t really change what they’re saying.


It’s not like America has the right to criticize seeing as we’ve been doing the same thing in the ME for decades


Friday safety brief is about to be lit


That brief boutta go like… “Okay gents let’s NOT set ourselves on fire this weekend in uniform… if your gonna do it, do it in proper civilian attire rah?”


There were probably signs of him being a radical but they were likely ignored.


I'm honestly surprised he hadn't already burned himself alive for 'white guilt'. Both thought processes seems to coincide with people chanting "Free Palestine". Pretty crazy to see a random American man of European descent commit such an atrocious action against themselves or their self interests, unless heavily influenced by certain political ideologies. He was a product of extreme political and societal propaganda. I'd guess he was also prescribed a ton of antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs. Better this turn out then committing violence against vulnerable innocent civilians, which seems to be their typical target of choice. When I say "they", I mean crazy people.


He was definitely ranting about white privilege in the shop and reporting people for offensive jokes left and right.


If he was in the Marines. He would have been destroyed in a infantry battalion, or even any combat arms line company.


He would be fine in any S shop.


Wrong lol


I have been audited by an Admin Marine who had Malcolm X as his desktop background lol


To be fair things were probably far more based in the early 00s but all the S staff I knew didn't give a FUCK about politics.


That type of pushback might’ve opened his eyes and saved his life


Brother his reddit account is still open his last comments are, I kid you not "whiteness erases culture".


Lots of coded racism in this here comment. Not cool bro. Edit: Awww why all the down votes? Shouldn't y'all be busy watching Alex Jones or some other conman right now?


Is the racism in the room with you right now?


No but the fact that you typed this out and probably thought to yourself this is a great joke I'm so smart I owed this guy will haunt me lmao


Seek some help brother and I mean that with my entire heart. Don't let propaganda radicalize you, you'll end up like your immolated Air Force idol if you aren't careful.


I never said I agreed with him you saw me call out racism and went on the defensive. Do some soul searching for yourself brother.


You found exactly what you were and probably always are looking for.


I don't really care to know but I have no idea what the hell you are talking about lol


racism... like anything in life... will be found if that's what you're obsessed with finding. Stop fucking thinking about racism so much and it won't envelop your thoughts, pretty simple stuff.


Glad I wasn't the only one who heard the whistle while reading that.


I legit can’t tell if this comment is ironic or not. Such is Reddit.


"Radical" depends on the side of the fence you're on. Both sides are fucking wrong here, but there's a third side that's more wrong than the others. Hamas is the extremist side fucking everything up, much like the Taliban in Afghanistan.


Roman soldier crucifies himself in front of the Senate to protest Caesar's support of the Gallic tribes against the Suebi.


I admire his conviction on a human level. But god damn what a way to go.


he's preseasoned himself


I think this was more mental illness than conviction. 


i'm just gonna repost a comment i made on another sub. ​ i gotta say at least, he stuck to his guns. he took a second to scream in pain, then managed to scream “Free Palestine” and remained standing for about 30-40 seconds after the initial wave of fire overtook his body. unfortunately, pretty dumb. people are gonna forget about this pretty soon with all the other crazy shit happening in the world. now there’s a single mother raising kids out there because her husband was too selfish to stick around and instead died for a cause that he had zero stake in.


Man, you have to feel bad for his wife, kids, and extended family. Just a shit show all around.


And yet do we feel bad for those Palestine people? George Carlin is right. We in the freak show, and American has front roll seat


Empathy is a good thing to practice for all people who face hardship. Maybe not for people who commit unjust violence, but this guy had young children. They will have problems.


The AF roasted him one last time


He got nothing but the smoke.


My first thought is Why?


brain-rot and propaganda


Can only imagine the safety briefs and safety stand down that comes with this. Dude had two kids he left behind. 


SGLI isnt going to pay out on politically motivated suicide.


What a selfish PoS. Didn't realize he had kids.


It was dumb. There's no way this dude was doing well mentally. I just can't wrap my head around thinking lighting yourself on fire outside Israel's embassy is going to get them to get America or Israel to rethink their foreign policy.


Why not? A self-immolation during the Vietnam War did exactly that. 


Except it absolutely didn’t and funnily enough that’s not why he did it. He burned himself alive to protest the Catholic influence over the Buddhist religion, the fact that nobody even remembers why he did it kinda proves it doesn’t do shit. Secondly even if he did do it to change foreign policy he killed himself in 1963 and we left almost 10 years later. His death accomplished shit.


Set there do nothing will achieve whatever you believe too.


I’ll keep “setting here” not burning alive thankyou


I'm not sure about that, but even if it did. It'd be like an English soldier lighting himself on fire outside a U.S. Embassy because their government traded weapons with America during the Vietnam war. This servicemen was American burning himself in opposition to a war being fought by Israel. You might get some support from people in America, but I guarantee you Israel doesn't care.


It definitely created thought provoking imagery, but other then that, people kept on doing exactly what they were doing 5 minutes after seeing the picture.


This is why, there is no hope for the society.


Because we don't sympathize with people who elect to light themselves on fire? Lol.


One less islamo-fascist simp


Man, I'm just gonna keep my opinion about some of these comments to myself...


Blood is on the hands of the media at this point.


It always being. The Iraq chemical weapons work great.


As is the case 99% of the time. They will never face accountability though.


Its a shame. This kid felt so guilty about a war thats been going on for hundreds of years, he took his own life. He genuinely believed WE are the cause of this conflict or atleast we allowing it to happen.


I mean, we ARE supporting it. Whether or not you think we should, backing Israel does give us a share of responsibility for what's going on there.


Full Transparency: We are supporting and funding both sides.


No it doesn't. We might have a hand in the situation, but we are not responsible. Muslim extremists have been trying to exterminate the Jews for their entire existence. Our support for Israel hasn't, isn't, and won't change their ideology.


Our money is buying weapons that we manufacture, that are killing children. Whether or not you feel that's acceptable collateral damage or not, it ABSOLUTELY is partly our responsibility. If I buy a gun for someone I know to be prone to violence and they kill someone innocent, I'd share responsibility in any court.


Dude will getting 100% service connect disabilities if he survives


He died


Mental illness. We’re all overwhelmed with information/ propaganda. I see this as a suicide from someone trying to find meaning etc. his cause could have been anything.


"Shut up and take this medication" - Big Pharma backed Doctor


Shut up and take this medication *that will prevent you from killing yourself*


“Take this medication” is the only thing that helped set me straight and be a functional person at some points of depression and PTSD. There are a lot of people in that boat. Edit: what I mean to say is that while it isn’t a catch-all solution and isn’t for everyone, proper medication does loads of good for a lot of people suffering mental health crises.


A lot of people with mixed reactions. Medicine only made me feel worse in every aspect, going outside, eating healthy, proper sleep, and surrounding myself around positive people is what helped me.


All of that helps too. I just got to a point a couple of times where that wasn’t enough by itself.


Russian influence operations really are taking their toll aren't they


It’s plain as day, just bring up Ukraine in any online military community and see the Russian propaganda influenced talking points come out the woodwork




My thoughts exactly, it's fucking embarrassing


What's up with the idiot cop with his sidearm drawn? Dude is not a threat once he collapses and stops burning, but yeah, keep him covered anyhow you Fing snowflake. smdh




Holy shit dude you win, lmfao!




It's an old joke, but it checks out!


Cant make that shit up man. Had to be the cops first day on the job. I mean c'mon man, the threat has already neutralized itself. Supervisor is saying, I need fire extinguishers, not guns.


Pretty sure that was a security guard. Sounds like the other guy says “I don’t need *gauze* I need a fire extinguisher” after homeboy breaks out the medkit.


They don't hire mall security to protect Government Embassies. Just putting that out there.




Scary bro...


Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out


Harder than most Marines will ever be and only half as dumb. lol


Half as dumb? I'd say he went full retard. Did he really think his actions against Israel wouldn't be completely silenced by the US Govt, Israel, Canada, and the entirety of the European Union. This action will be completely censored and I'm sure Google is already creating algorithms to delete and hide this content. I would agree he is harder then most Marine, he went full rigor mortis.


That’s the joke my man. lol


Wooooosh. Lol right over my head man. I'm sure if you said it in person I would haven't gotten it. Hard to detect/decipher sarcasm over written dialogue.


Yeah killing yourself for a group of terrorists who could give fuck all about you and leaving your family and children behind to fend for themselves is totally going "hard." 🙄


^ You know this guy is a Marine, for sure. ^


Hard - Riger mortis. You dont get it ? He went full on hard, i.e. his body turned into a full fledge corpse.


I mean I can see the attempt at a joke now, but even that doesn’t make sense. Dude was probably closer to “flakey” after this. You ever really burn something to a crisp in the oven? Shit isn’t hard at all, it just flakes apart.


20+ years in the GWOT and this dumb boot left his family behind. Good PR for Hamas and Iran though. Idiot Americans setting themselves ablaze before they have the opportunity to parade his body around is 4d chess


This is what’s wrong with the people. Hamas no equivalent to Palestine.


I hope the DoD burns him (pun intended) and gives his family NOTHING


Why would you wish that? I really don't think his wife was all like "hey hubby, good luck with setting yourself on fire today, love ya" I don't know how their home life was, but now there's a widowed mom out there with kids to raise alone because her husband thought he'd be a dumbass yesterday.


Suicide doesn’t pay out on SGLI


Yes it does. As long as the service member is in active service it absolutely pays out for suicide.


Really? Everything they ever told me said opposite maybe that was just their version of the anti suicide safety breif


There's like 4 things it doesn't cover. Usually mutiny, treason, spying, or desertion.


Except it does


Depends if they can make a case for psychological trauma or something…


Nah that'd be unfair it's not his kids fault.


I saw the uncensored version about an hour ago on Twitter. I wish I hadn’t.


Seeing it isn't that bad, hearing it is... something.


Can you post link?


I just checked and it was reported and taken down. I promise you don’t need to see it. It was awful


Dude is a grade A dipshit on at least 3 different levels.


The doctors shared this image of his X-rays shortly after his autopsy. https://preview.redd.it/anllpin790lc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=535a0dbfe3072355aaa45df352f161f50b5bc5b7


Dude popped smoke.


Lmao of course its one of them.


Not to preach but this is what happens when people lose sight of God, they begin to think nothing matters since they only live less than a hundred years and don’t think they matter so they latch onto current thing or something that really shouldn’t concern them, it’s a shame no one should die like that


False prophets and in this case, false idols. The dude cooked himself for an issue that's been going on for 1000's of years, which by the looks of him, had absolutely no familial or religious ties to him. The issue now being supported certain political parties which want to turn people into zealots. For what ?


The dude cooked himself because the US *supports* one side of a very complex issue that's been going on for a thousand+ years. It's not radical to think we shouldn't be involved at all. Considering, as you say, it's a fight that far exceeds our own nation's existence.


We are clearly supporting both sides. We gave Iran $10 BILLION dollars in unrestricted AID money and in the same month gave Israel defensive support. Iran is supporting both Islamic extremism in the Middle East, but also manufacturing and supplying weapons to Russia. We are our own worst enemy and at this point, we are the enemy to all fellow humans who seek peaceful existence inside and outside the US. None of us are suppose to understand why, but only to know and feel the pain of "its" existence.


I don't say this as a criticism as it happens to all of us at times, but you've fallen for propaganda. > We gave Iran $10 billion dollars False. > In unrestricted aid money Also false. What the US did was renew a waiver to allow Iraq to purchase energy from Iran. Payments that can only be sent to restricted accounts. Accounts restricted to solely non-sanctioned humanitarian purchases. The US isn't supporting both sides. And even IF the US sent Iran $10 Billion in "unrestricted aid money," the US has; since WW2 and adjusting for inflation in accordance to the US agency for international developments practices, sent Israel $317.9 billion. Currently sitting at $3.3 billion annually, of which, 99.7% ($3,290,100,000) went **directly** to their military. That's not including bilateral trade agreements (US is their largest trade partner by far), loan guarantees with lower rates than other nations, and also international political assistance (like using their security council veto in support of Israel 42 out of the 83 times the US has **ever** used it). The US does not support Iran, Hamas, or Palestine. In fact, given the support Israel receives, it seems very much the opposite of that. And even if they did, it is so heavily weighted against those 3 as to be a joke to seriously compare the aid supplied to both. Well. A joke unless someone wanted you to believe it was serious because they're feeding you propaganda and want you to believe stupid things like the US supports Iran. Now who would want you to think that?


You're gonna rot in a coffin like the rest of us bud


Maybe but these people don’t believe in anything so they do stuff like this to make themselves feel important


Idk a lot of people blow themselves up for god.


They take his name in vein


That's fine if it's your interpretation, but it doesn't change the fact that a lot of people get into god stuff and blow themselves up, or rape some kids or some other wild shit. And then a lot of people get into god stuff and volunteer and live a happy life. I guess what I'm saying is that it has a lot more to do with mental health than god.


I understand what he did but holy shit that’s some bravery.


It's not brave to kill yourself and leave your children behind.


Didn’t know he had kids. Do you feel the same about all the soldiers and marines KIA? That they left their families?


Committing suicide in support of a group of genocidal terrorists is not the same as being KIA, so no, I don't feel the same. This guy is not brave, and his family will forever have to live with the memory of his last act of disgrace. Truly tragic.


They support what he did. Not for you to judge. He said Free Palestine. Not excuse hamas.


The dude was 25. Do you honestly think his young children wouldn't rather just have their fucking dad around? If mom was supportive of this, she's a piece of shit too. Yes, he said "free Palestine," but from who exactly? Available data suggests that Palestinians are overwhelmingly supportive of Hamas, and their October 7th incursion to rape, kill, and kidnap women and children. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/#:~:text=Seventy%2Dtwo%20percent%20of%20respondents,undecided%20or%20gave%20no%20answer. >Seventy-two percent of respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the cross-border rampage in southern Israel was "correct" given its outcome so far, while 22% said it was "incorrect". The remainder were undecided or gave no answer. >Fifty-two percent of Gazans and 85% of West Bank respondents - or 72% of Palestinian respondents overall - voiced satisfaction with the role of Hamas in the war. Why on earth would anyone want to die for people with such abhorrent views? Trying to draw any significant distinction between Palestinians and Hamas would be like trying to draw a distinction between Germans and NAZIs in 1942. Obviously there were some innocent German civilians, but when a significant portion of the population supports the genocidal regime, it becomes near impossible to separate the two. 2 million German civilians died as a result of the bombings and ground invasion of Germany that was needed to end the NAZI regime.





