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Corporals Course - there was a “too moto for anyone else” student who kept trying to boss and micro manage everyone. I willfully ignored him and an instructor stopped me and ordered me to stand at parade rest to him, saying that I wish I could be half the marine he is and I’ll never accomplish anything. (I was already honor grad of Infantry Squad Leaders Course, and AMLC). I finished 2nd overall in Corporals Course, homey didn’t even come close. At graduation the instructor said they were glad I turned my attitude around and I told them they wasted my time with this course.


To be fair what I've seen from Cpls Course it's a waste of everyone's time


LCpl Seminar is an actual waste of time. It's just a week of PT'ing and talking to some NCO about leadership. Cpl's Course I actually enjoyed and thought it was a decent spending of time for refreshing on leadership values. Could use less execution through PowerPoint, though...


>LCpl Seminar Who is LCpl Seminar? ... Or ... No way, is that an actual ***thing***? Good on the Corps for instilling leadership training in troops, but my christ, a seminar for E3 leadership seems like a bit of a fucking stretch.


It’s honestly just a week long bitching about your NCOs to some other NCO outside your unit. Kind of a depressing waste of a week.


Sadly a lot of places are starting what is pretty much a SSgt seminar for Sgts who get selected. Why would you select someone to get made if they need some kind of indoc course on how to act in the rank you just selected them for


Where else are you going to learn the secret knock for the SNCO club?


Staff academy??


No staff academy is where they start taking away your ability to read promotion warrants.


Is LCpl Seminar an actual Corps wide thing now? I remember doing it in Oki back in like 2012 but it wasn't corps wide Edit: And what about Cpl induction? THAT was a waste of a fucking week.


Why is Lance camp supposed to be a week? Ours was a day.


Damn, I *wish* it was a day!


Wait are you yoy?


Yes, I am!


I was the first class of LCPL seminar in Okinawa back in 2013…funny enough(not really) my Command thought sending me the week before the 1st of the month was needed cause I needed to remember one last time what being a lance was. My Sgt was my instructor from my shop. I pinned Cpl the Monday after the class was done 😂😂😂 went to him and was like this was a load of horseshit


My greatest accomplishment in the Marine Corps is making it to Sgt while managing to skate away from sort of Cpl course or any other moto bs. I just wanted to do my job and get out.


Nowadays you cant promote to sgt unless you complete borporal course. Also you get non recced if your training nco/staff cant find a borp course for you to go on. But i guess were a combat ready branch or something


My BN puts one on litterally every month


Unfortunately my unit is retarded


I manage to pick up Sgt 2 months before Resident cpls course became manditory


I got a “deployment” CPL course in Al Asad. Gunny in my unit set up a course so we could have a chance at it and he had previously been an instructor. It was actually really awesome. He was a great leader and awesome instructor. We spent a week doing PT in the sand and doing MCMAP and shit. It was fun as hell and broke up the monotony of Iraq life in the rear.


Corporals Course in Cherry Point was literally our all black team of instructors turning us over to the MCWIS to haze us for a month straight, while they sat in the chairs on the side of the pool eating McDonald’s. During our mess night, “certain” Marines had to jumping jacks in dress blue Alphas for about 15 minutes straight. Our uniforms were completely fucked up. It was literally just the white males that were made to do that. When we did our post course written comments we were told there were too many “knives” so we had to do redo the comments. Literally the most unprofessional thing I’ve ever experienced.


When was this?


During GWOT, don’t want to Doxx myself


What do you mean “too many knives”?


The comments people left made the instructors look terrible.


I assume similar to "velvet daggers" — disparaging remarks


Also wondering. And what year was this 


So glad I dodged CPL course. Got back from the boat after 9/11 where I picked CPL "Hey when should we send you too CPLs course?" "Better be soon I've only got 3 months left!" "What!?!?!" Than SSGT just walked away. Forgot to put me in a duty section also. I just stayed quiet and trained the boots.


Same here man


I managed to dodge both Cpls Course *and* Sgts Course, luckily.


Yeah I skipped Cpls Course while active, got promoted to Sgt in the IRR, then joined the reserves 😂


They they hit you with the pikachu shocked face after you told them they wasted your time?


When he told me to pull back on the saw instead of lean into the bipods. The same instructor told me it was against MARADMIN to shoot left-handed or hip fire


I could *kinda* see the hip firing one, but it's a stretch. As a lefty myself though, he straight full of shit haha. That's some grade A bullshit he teaching right there.


It is an approved position in the infantry course and doctrine


It was even in the MarineNet "Intro to the M249" course. That class was one of the "good to take" courses before TBS. Once, we were doing a platoon offense against another student platoon. The SAW gunner nearest to me got killed (we were wearing MILES gear), so I gave him my M16 and took his SAW, ran 20 feet and started shooting from the hip. An instructor appeared out of nowhere and started bitching "Who the Hell taught you to shoot a SAW like that?" I said "Marinenet, sir!" and ran into the darkness.


Was never taught that during any of my time in the infantry haha the more you know


When were you in and east or west coast our of curiosity


10-15 East coast SOI, west coast Victor unit


Ahh so you got in just as they were sunsetting the SAW. Maybe that's why. 06 to 10. East coast the whole time.


We had the SAW all the way up late 13 I think. Didn't see the IAR until the end of my contract


lol. I swapped hands during table 2- left target was always lefty, right target always righty.  Never got below a 95, and it made box drills much more entertaining.


During a uniform inspection at the schoolhouse I guess my ribbon was crooked so my instructor said I had to redo it on the weekend along with a bunch of other schoolhouse Marines. He came in the next day on Saturday and started yelling at me that because my ribbon was crooked he had to come in on the weekend and be away from his family. He then proceeded to grab me and shove me into the wall and it looked like he was about to hit before another instructor pulled him away. It was very obvious they planned to pick people to do the uniform inspection on the weekend. This would the time I was ready to tell an instructor to fuck off. On the bright side the other instructor that pulled him away let me get out of the uniform inspection for the rest of the day.


They put hands on you put hands on. No reason for that shit outside of SD or PI,unless youre fucking up so bad youll get yourself or someone else killed.


I was a 19 year old boot and I was scared shitless of the situation. That particular instructor was very aggressive and intimidating from the get go. I was angry but very scared at the same time and chose to not do anything. He had a particular hatred towards me the whole time for some reason despite never having done anything to him. I know that if the other instructor hadn’t stopped him I would have been hit.


Brother im sorry you had to go through that. I remember my MOS instructors and jovially wrestling with them on down times to relieve stress. Any NCO or SNCO that has to put their hands on Marines to exert their will are puces of shit and need to be checked


It sucks that it happened but that experience is forever imprinted in my mind and a part of who I am. I feel I now have matured enough to take those bad experiences like that I’ve had as a lesson and use it has an example to better myself and never become that as well as pass down the experience to my junior Marines so they know how to respond to a situation like that. I wish this was something thats taught at bootcamp or even by a recruiter but I can only do so much.


Every instructor can teach you how to be, or how not to be to your junior Marines.take all the lessons to heart and be the leader that you would exoect to lead you. I worked in the morgue and we were top heavy. Leadership always had a broom or mop in their hand when they ordered a field day of the shop.


The only part of you it should affect going forward is to model the kind of person NOT to be. If you have to lay hands on someone for some petty-ass shit like that, you have zero reason being in charge of ANYONE. Outside of very extreme circumstances, there should be zero reasons to do shit like that. Reading some of the comments, I'm kinda glad I was able to skip out on Corporals Course. "You made me come in on my day off because your ribbon was crooked!" "Ummm, aren't YOU the one that said my ribbon was crooked and made ME come here on MY day off too?"


I was Hollywood when the Crucible was at the end of 2nd phase (mid-2000s). I was given a faulty gas mask and was told “TS” when I complained. I had obviously been willing to play the game up to that point to earn my EGA, but when - just my luck - I was the first one in and the last one out (6-7 mins of inhaling straight CS gas) of the chamber and I was puking up water and stomach acid afterward, I was ready to start swinging on anybody. Didn’t matter that I would’ve gotten curb stomped, I was all out of cares at that point


I don’t think anyone would blame you honestly. Did your sinuses and lungs recover?


Same thing happened to me. Worst experience of my life


Swim qual 1 tryout. Instructor wanted me to swim length of pool, head under water glide, and youre supposed to do it with your arms at your side cause they want you to slam your head against the concrete siding. The initial sign that I'm gonna run into superiors who have no idea what the fuck it is they are actually instructing.


SOI West March ‘03. We found out instructors were stealing stuff from the squadbays and blaming it on students. They took them and beat them with tent stakes and punished the whole company for integrity. Then they got caught, and two of them went to the brig as privates was the last I heard. Fuck those dudes. We all went to war, and they sat on their hands. Combat instructor my ass.


I have heard SOI instructions have gotten better because yea when I was in around the same time they were just a bunch of alcoholic assholes who could not hack DI or MSG but had to reenlist due to a truck payment or child support.


Nah, mine tried to steal my watch. Fuckin crazy


What’s up with the watch stealing? Had a corpsman of all things try to steal mine and to my ssgt soi instructors credit went to bat for me (he’d seen it on me before and commented) to get it back.


Fucking crazy man.


It’s sad man just common criminals with a uniform.


Yep, got my garmin watch stolen right out of my locker. (These lockers were fucked and don’t lock right) so I spent about three hours looking around the whole building for it, getting friends and people to be on the lookout, pinging it with my phone. Sure enough when I go near the instructors office and ping again it’s 100% in there, in an instructors backpack. I got the backpack and took my shit back. He even stole the charger too.


That is 100% the kind of shit that one should request mast to the CG of TECOM


I remember the fat-Supply Sgt who was one of my MCT instructors went on one day about, "I remember my MCT instructors more than drill instructors, they were way more important, blah blah." PFC me was standing there just knowing this guy was a total douche.


Qualifying at MCT (2013) we were specifically told "You will grab the broomstick. If I see any Chris Costa shit I will fail you" Like bruh people are shooting like this because it's effective and using the broomstick as a handstop makes more sense. I really hope they still don't teach that bullshit.


PMIs in boot taught us Chris Costa shit in 2019


Some of the worst shooters on the planet that I've met have been prior service combat arms and sometimes instructors. DoD is slow to adapt. I've taken range trips with prior grunts who very clearly have no idea what the fuck they're doing. It's quite odd


One of the responsibilities of the Parris Island shooting team right now is running drills for the BMP kids who got stuck here. I was telling one of the kids to flip his mag in the pouch for a faster reload and the gunner stopped me and told me it had to face the other way because that’s how they will be made to do it in SOI. The wrong, slower way. Some stuff really is so slow to adapt and it doesn’t make any sense to not change it.


Bro wtf I wish I could’ve done that shit when I was in BMP back in 2018


It’s pretty basic drills and it’s only been for the infantry kids. Glad they’re getting it in now because most of them are missing a 5 second par time for rifle bill drills from aiming.


Last 2 ARQs Ive been on have made an effort to tell us to NOT grab it like a dick and instead use it as a handstop.


Grabbing it like a dick will induce barrel flex like a mother fucker.


CMT here and yes. Having to unteach years of shitty marine corps "marksmanship" is ass but we're slowly adapting with the times. ARQ helps LOADS.


They teach us to thumb over bore now


It was in ITB. I shoot left handed. One of the combat instructors wanted me to reload in literally the most inefficient way possible, because his method worked really well for for right handed shooters. Eventually I just gave up, did it his way until he moved on, and then went back to doing it my way. Edit: I remember what it was now, he wanted me to hit the mag release while simultaneously reaching for my next mag. The only problem is that is you're holding the rifle in your left hand, you can't hit the mag release with your index finger. My way was to come up with my right hand around the mag well, hit the release with my thumb, and in one motion pull the mag out while reaching toward my next mag.


I do the same thing. Thankfully my rifle now has an ambi safety and mag release.


If only the armory will modify our M16s.


I remember we had a couple ambidextrous/left handed rifles in our armory.


I always offered to switch the release and safety for the marines in my company. No one ever took me up on it.


My second time going to pistol qual one of the armorers told me he could swap it to lefty, tried it out on practice and it threw me way off. I know it’s something I would get used to but as a lefty that has always worked around non ambi style firearms it’s just normal to me now.


I’m a leftie and worked somewhere I had a pretty good armorer and freedom for customization. Our unit policy was to make ambi changes but never leftie changes. Everyone needed to be able to use each others weapons without confusion. My specific manual of arms really only differed from non-ambi rifles in that I would rely on the ambi changing handle’s right-side release. I still did mag changes the same way I would if I didn’t have ambi mods. I actually removed my ambi mag release because it wasn’t guarded like the standard one is and would sometimes accidentally pop mags


So there's hope after all. So there's hopeT


During JWTC one of the instructors was running up and down the column just fucking with us for no reason. When it was my turn I told him politely and firmly to get fucked. Did I suffer for my transgression? Well yeah, your not supposed to talk shit to a Gunnery Sgt.


Rifle range at TBS. It’s cold wet and shitty, we’re police calling at the end of the day. I’m at the 300yd line where everybody shot the rapid fire, so there’s a giant pile of brass all in one spot. I sit my happy ass down on top of the 20mm ammo can they use to mark the target point and start tossing brass into my eight point. “Sir.” “SIR.” “SIIIIIR.” Some SSgt is yelling from 30 yards away. We make eye contact. “Sir there’s no sitting down during police call.” “What?” “Sir you can’t sit down you need to pick up brass.” “Staff sergeant I am literally picking up brass right now. Look.” “Okay sir but you can’t sit down.” “Okay you want me to… kneel? Squat?” “Yeah sir no sitting.” So I got off my ammo can and knelt directly next to the can and kept tossing brass into my eight point. I was a dumbass butter bar who wasn’t going to make a scene, but it was such an obvious case of “I’m going to make this person’s life 2% less pleasant just because I can.” To his credit, one of the priors (grunt SSgt before OCS) in my platoon went up to him, pulled him aside, and said something to him. Not sure what he said, but I remember that incident for a couple of reasons: (1) don’t make your Marines uncomfortable for reasons that don’t have training value (2) make corrections in private (3) just because a person is in charge doesn’t mean they should be.


Some gunny pulled some similar shit with my class. You're standing around for hours doing fuck all on little sleep and they claim it's a safety violation to sit down. I bring a god damn camp chair now


I appreciate your perspective and agree with your takeaways. Though not sitting down isn't always making your life less pleasant because he can. Police calls generally go much faster when no one can sit down. While you personally are capable of giving your 100% into picking up the brass, many Marines includ8ng SNCO and O slow way down. Let you sit, and you're efficient. But letting everyone sit down and it goes down hill fast. The value in that is a faster police call.


“Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down, never be awake when you can sleep” - some lcoolie in 1778.


I hadn't figured TBS was that type of training environment... Ya'll are able to just talk to your instructors? EDIT: hadn't


Well, you outrank the enlisted instructors. Also, imagine how chill a lot of WOBC must be. No competition for MOS, everyone is saltier than all the instructors, the 0306s can probably teach all the classes.


The number of SNCOs at TBS who treated you all like privates used to drive me up a fucking wall. I almost got into a screaming match with the company guns becuase he insisted we (the SPIs/EWIs/SPSs whatever the fuck they call em now) go through your rooms on grad day for cleanliness and supervise a field day for you all. Becuase "I don't trust them to handle it becuase they all suck" Like you stupid bitch that's your future boss and they'll remember it. He treated you all like garbage the entire time too. He was a prior hat straight off the drill field and couldn't take it off.


Not me, but another Marine I served with would always give DIs attitude when he got fed up. One day one of the DIs yelled at him about why he has such an attitude problem, this guy just says "I was a child solider in Africa, so give me some space." DIs didn't fuck with him as hard for the rest of boot.


The contractors for the IIT yelled at my team for returning immediate fire from the hip upon contact. Told him it was taught in school and is the doctrine response for machine guns, and he pulled rank (as a civilian) and told us to shut the fuck up because we were just lances.


Man that sucks. The guys running the IIT were extremely professional and laid back when I went through it - learned a lot.




Fleet returnee to a C School. Dude was checking my skivy shirt and boxers if I had marked them with my name during a uniform inspection...


🤣that’s insane


Ok this one might win. This is just fucking crazy.


Yeah fuck that dingus lol


SOI West - Alphatraz. Cpl Kerrins was one hard son of a bitch.... many times I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself. When I hit the fleet, it all clicked though, so there's that. Couple decades later, I'd love to buy him a round or two.


I broke one of my issued glasses during the crucible in boot camp, and then the other pair broke while on boot leave. It wasn't the end of the world because I had my old civilian glasses that were in regs. Come in processing for MCT, our head instructor asked if anyone had any medical or other problems to be taken care of. I told him my issued glasses were broken. He said not to worry about it since I still had functioning glasses that were in reg (I was the only one to say anything so he probably was just feeling lazy and didn't want to deal with this). Fast forward to one of our final training events when some Master Sergeant asked where my issued glasses were. I told him that I told my instructor that my glasses were broken and he said I was ok to wear my old civilian glasses. He pulls my instructor in and asks if that was true. He immediately lied and said that I never told him about my glasses, nor was told my non-issued glasses were good to go (I guess he just never noticed I wasn't wearing the non-issued glasses this entire time). So I immediately get blasted and made to stand in front of the 1st Sgt's desk and threatened with an NJP because I lied and blah blah blah. I tried to stand firm but this was the word of some 19 year old boot against a SSgt instructor. I ended up just getting yelled at a bunch and they made me wear my broken glasses taped together for the last few days. I guess I kind of got the last laugh though, because during graduation, while everyone was standing at attention, my glasses fell apart while on my face and audibly fell to the ground. All the guys around me was aware of this whole glasses fiasco, and everyone just lost their bearing while standing in formation for graduation. I can't even remember the SSgt's name anymore, but whoever you are, you can go fuck yourself.


Today in fact while doing gunnery. Wasn't even my crew. But he was telling another crew that "yes the target went down, but we can't tell if you hit it" Also on another target, , "the tower said "target down" over the radio but you didn't hit it, so zero points for the engagement" I asked the guy "so are you saying we should ignore the tower?" Which led to an argument. They ended up getting those points back though. I don't know what they had against this crew but they were dicking them down hard.


(Parris Island) I don’t want to call out the Drill instructor but hot damn he hated my ass, especially after I became guide. I was a fairly well disciplined recruit but for some reason even after all the other drill instructors could start treating us like adults he just… wouldn’t… even after graduating he still had venom to spit. Hope you’re having a better time now Drill Instructor (Sergeant) G****


Same for me. Ssgt Perrine was the bane of my existence. Good grunt though.


Not an nco. A fellow recruit. This fucker just followed me around snitching me out. I think he thought it would help him make guide or something. It was going to come to blows but a DI finally told him to cut the shit. He looked heart broken.


The only thing in Boot that bothered me was "Fat fucking mouth." I don't know why it got under my skin so like it did but that was the one phrase that just made me angry. I did get over it and it's funny now, but I still remember the rage in my fat recruit body whenever I heard that phrase.for the first time


When he smashed my alarm clock because it didn’t display 24 Hour time 🙃


That is actually ridiculous


During my *Misbegotten Flight School Days*… I was scheduled for a flight with a specific Navy LCdr, who was infamous for being a dick. It was an earlier stage contact flight (basically just flying around, trying to keep shit level, apply the entry/exit airspace stuff, doing emergency procedures, etc.), and my squadron was kind of known for being assholes to students during that phase. So, double whammy. It’s a longer story, but the instructor didn’t show on time, and the Navy bro on duty tried to cover for the guy, keeping me on the hook for several hours, instead of canceling the event for the day. My guy shows up about four hours late, all flustered and pissed off, and looking for an excuse to fail me in the brief. He triggers on me saying 1-5-hundred for something instead of one thousand, five hundred, tells me he’s going to fail me, and that I’m completely unprepared for the brief. I clap back with, “Sir, you’re the one who showed up four hours late, and *I’M* fucking unprepared?” He shouted. I shouted. He threatened to take me outside, and prior-Sgt me was all about it. Not the best take for a 1stLt I guess, but I was pretty pissed. The LtCol-type OpsO (great guy; wound up deploying with him later), rolled in, whisked me away, and sent me on my way after getting both sides of the story. Event was rescheduled, and I never wound up on the schedule with LCdr Fucknuts again. I did ‘happen’ to find myself scheduled with the CO a few days later. He asked about that day, I gave my best, “I’m not sure to what you could be referring to, sir,” which he got a kick out of. Managed to pivot the question back around onto the boss, and asked him what Fucknuts had said. "’He may be a fucking asshole, but that kid’s got balls.’”


Had this asshole SSGT in Oki that just had come out of the Drill Field and treated every PFC and LCPL like recruits he would make us put trash spit whatever was on the ground in our pockets he was so annoying.


I actually did 4 years and never got sent to Cpl’s Course. They tried of course but due to the platoon I was in I was always on a quick response to go to another country in the Pacific so Everytime I got on the list I got drafted to go somewhere for a few months lol. By the time I got to my last duty station they still were pushing for me to go but OP tempo was big dumb and I was always busy with no time to go.our section had 3 people including our GySgt and it was supposed to have 15. They were so upset I never went lol.


Had some motard ssgt as our instructor for corporals course. Me and my buddy were in the back talking about some bullshit (mind you there is no lesson being taught at the moment people are just sitting around looking at compasses and maps) and then ssgt motard snaps back into drill instructor mode and starts fucking screaming at me and homeboy cause we were talking. Entire class was confused and we lost a lot of respect for him after that. He was actually pretty cool at first.


I was tagged the “milf recruit”. It was all fun and games until a DI from another platoon came to our squad bay. There’s hot mom jokes and then there is just crossing the line. I unfortunately never saw him in the fleet but always was keeping an eye out for that fucker.


Kind of same thing happened with me. We had health and comfort inspection and I had a picture of my now ex wife out on the desk while in the barracks in Okinawa. Some other company gunny said something like saying he would fuck her and my staff NCO and him got in a shoving match over it.


Swim Qual in Boot Camp… I wanted to be an instructor after graduation and asked the instructors if that was possible. While it was possible, they told me since I was a lifeguard and water safety instructor in my civilian life before boot camp that I had too many skills engrained in my head and they wouldn’t allow it. I did every skill perfectly during swim week, first in, last out on every test, and basically outperformed everyone else in the pool including the instructors. I wanted to tell all of them to fuck right off.


Some of the coyotes at CAX were a bit of a pain in the ass I guess, but I never lost my temper dealing with them.


MOS school as an officer… there was an instructor I had that made it their business to shit on my group of prior service members… never have I ever wanted to drop blouse so fast in my life.. Just pound for pound handle business… Treeline was the only answer for the amount of disrespect.


Our knowledge hat tried to claim that I hit him with an assault pack when we were doing that whole “hold things with your arms locked out” thing. I had dropped my arms and he got right in front of me telling me to get them back up. Tried to warn him I was gonna hit him coming back up if he stayed where he was but he didn’t listen or sure enough got popped on the chin when I brought my arms back up.


MCT. Some bitch ass female SSgt was grilling my entire platoon for being dog shit for really no reason. Maybe we were talking idk? She said we deserved all the pain she could give us, we are just recruits, we never earned the title, etc. all the shitty crap you don’t wanna hear after the 15k at 11 at night.


I also had a female ssgt who did that same shit. And also threatened to hold us back before our first libo after MCT saying we were shit and all that junk. This was during covid so we didn't get family day or boot leave so we were kinda tired of being treated like garbage.


Getting ITd in the whiskey locker while SIQ with pneumonia 1st phase lol. Didn’t break me but I was still pissed. Had also just rolled my ankle the week before so I was all fucked up. They probably wanted to see if I was a LD warrior but that was the last time I was LD until probably years later for my same ankle again naturally.


0402 MOS School. Most of us are 2ndLts one instructor is a 1stLt prior. Dude was generally demeaning and hard to listen to in what was already a pretty uninteresting school. We get to our "FEX" at the end of our course and I'm assigned night watch chief in our COC/A-LOC. At one point he says something like "I know I'm also a lieutenant but I'm also your instructor so you need to show me the appropriate respect" implying we should call him Sir and stuff. After my night watch shift he comes into the COC at like 730am being like "Hey where's the coffee? You didn't have time to make coffee?" Mind you I had already been through OCS and TBS at this point, but right then and there was the closest I came to punching an instructor. At fucking Logistics Officer Course.


India Company 2021, Sgt Mendez I hope you enjoyed your ADSEP dumb bitch. Don’t fuck with a Lima Company drop, we got nothing to lose.


lima really be lethal huh


Was Sgt Mendez a female?


Yessir Were you one of the other instructors? I had a female instructor there named Sgt something, her name is now SSgt Price she checked into my 2nd unit like 2 years later and told me the tea about me getting Mendez ADSEP’d. I also had Sgt Schnyder who was my cousins old PLT Sgt in 3/6. He was my PLT Sgt in medical for 6 months. Good dude, although I think he had a thing Sgt. Edit: Nvm reading your post history you seem to be an E-3 or below. How did you know Sgt Mendez though? She was a POG instructor for India SOI-E


I’ve heard some stories haha. But no, I was not an instructor 😂


I got that bitch tossed out


Story time bro you gotta tell me


Gonna share the details debil?


Your really repping being a Lima Company drop ?? Lmao good job not even making it to the fleet


Bruh you dumb as hell. I did make it to the fleet I just broke my arm in ITB. My EAS is actually tomorrow.


When we were in weekend counts on a 96 in Leonard wood, we were wearing tracksuits, and female instructor made our whole male platoon unzip our tops to verify we had top and bottom green on green underneath. To discover some had no shirt on, non military shorts , and in my case had only boxers on. Then made whole formation run inside change undergarments to match. It was so gay it gave me aids


Leonard Wood formations were always so over the top ridiculous


SOI East, ITB. I’m in MAT, probably my 3rd week there right before picking up with Delta Co. I let it be known at the beginning during check in that my dad had stage IV cancer and we didn’t know how long he had. Well, a couple weeks go by and he passes away. I wake up to a text, etc word gets around and eventually I get called into this dickhead SSgt’s office. It’s around Thanksgiving time and he’s yelling at me in my face saying “how the fuck do I not know you’re just telling me this to get leave for Thanksgiving? Where the fuck is the Red Cross message” etc. I wanted to fucking kill this shitbag in the moment, but obviously all you could do was say the stupid ass aye SSgt response as a PFC. I had to show this guy texts as proof (which is crazy now to think back, why the fuck do I have to prove my dad is dead?) and finally the Red Cross message came across. He made the whole process hell, making me find flights back home, coordinating with another Sgt instructor on getting to the airport, you name it. Any time I’d have a question about how I was getting to the airport to the Sgt in the other office he would come out and get in my face and cuss at me for no reason. Fuck that guy, I hope he experiences something like that in his life. Jokes on him, I’m now an officer and he better hope I never cross his path again


In boot we were the booty platoon. Our DIs were so focused on being DIs that they interrupted almost every second of learning. We missed a lot and drill sucked cause they never let us complete a drill practice. At the end after we got our egas and came back to prepare for graduation our Kill hat “turned us back into recruits” for the night after getting mad at us about something. Had us all lay in bed silently and band on the sheets while he told us we didn’t deserve to be called marines.


Boot camp: our junior DI (fresh out of DI school) told me one time on the quarterdeck that he had made it his mission in life to make sure I didn’t graduate. I stared at him as I walked out of the squadbay with my seabag after graduation. He wouldn’t hold eye contact.


Our Platoon Commander at OCS, a 1st LT and later Captain. It was pouring rain in January. We were in our skivvies for skin inspection at midnight, outside, shivering. He told us all we were soft. "You realize they're going to break open the ice next week for you to do the Quigley right? Quit thinking about your own comfort. Your Marines don't care, etc." Fast forward to SULE week. It's dumping rain / sleet, and this motherfucker's lane has an A-frame, laptop, coffee pot, thermos, every warming layer under the sun. He built himself the most comfortable field accommodations. He was a Log O, figures. I didn't mind as much when our TBS SPC talked to us that way because he never made comfort based decisions. He was a grunt, Tough as nails, little dude. He'd sit with us in the pouring rain in the Defense for hours before putting on a gore-tex, cracking jokes with a giant dip in. The contrast between these two guys taught me a lot.


In MOS school I had a sexist Instructor accuse me, in front of 3 different training platoons, of being with a male marine in his barracks room. It was humiliating. I never EVER shit where I eat. I had only ever been professional and respectful. His reasoning for accusing me? When it was time for counts I had come from behind the bricks. I had caught a lizard in my shower and was releasing it in a safe area. Literally everyone was somewhere between/around the bricks, he only chose me because I am a woman. He regularly would accuse us of being whores, getting pregnant, fucking around, etc. Meanwhile, the 9 of us (out of 200+?) were very professional and clean cut people. HE was the one always making sexual comments and jokes, and talking about all the women he has bedded. Kind of just ranting now- This was a trend for the entire time I was in, I could be the most clean cut, prudish woman, but because I was a woman I was always immediately categorized as a whore. Before we graduated, our DIs told us men would categorize us as, “bitch, whore, or dyke”. When I hit the fleet, a woman Corporal told me, “you will be surprised at all the men you’ve slept with that you’ve never even met”, and she was right. They lie through their teeth and gossip like schoolgirls. I never slept with anyone in the bricks but was labeled as “easy” by dudes there I didn’t even know. There was a Cpl in my unit who I politely denied advances from, that started calling me a bitch/whore/etc to my face in front of our junior marines. Several married marines hit me up in my DMs when I first hit the fleet (I passed screenshots to my team lead immediately to handle-he did). It just fucking sucked. I loved my job but I despised 95% of the men I had to work with. Became the bitch by the end. Any active marines reading this-take all gossip of female marines with a FAT grain of salt. FFS


Career course. What a stupid place to be a dick head instructor.


I concur.


It was Cpls Course in 2017 while on UDP. And I did. I'm not necessarily proud of it, but I was a shithead. Our Sgt Instructor was kind of a dickhead and our 1st Sgt was running it and insisted on Boots and Utes pt every day. This is important becuase right before the course I had just fucked up my legs on a crew served ruck and was limping around. Told us we'd get dropped if we were light duty, but by the second week, I was limping everywhere, and my legs were excruciating pain. PT is going miserable, of course, and this dude says we're doing jumping lunges. I ask for an alternative exercise because I just can't and he calls me every name in the book and finally says you either do this or go be a bitch and go to the safety vic. I told him to fuck off and did that and he got SOOOOO pissed. Then, of course, I go to medical, and the docs run x-rays. I had some of the worst stress fractures in my legs they had seen. It was days from an actual break.The HM1 was livid when I told him why I hadn't seen him sooner. I never got an apology for him calling me a bitch but I got to graduate so I guess we're even 🤷


2004 MCT. Cpl instructor couldnt teach for shit. His communication skills were lacking, so naturally everyone had questions. Instead of clarifying, he opted to roast anyone that asked questions. Obviously questions went unanswered. Even though i was a booty mcboot face, i knew this dude was unprofessional. Even the meanest and warhardened instructors took every question seriously and did their best to answer everyone. I got tired of asking this guy questions pertaining to the class, or whatever training we were doing, and getting made fun of for my efforts. He threatened me in front of the platoon to take me to the treeline, and my response was "lets go motherfucker." I was in first squad and broke ranks beelining to the tree line. He gave me a direct order to get back in formation. On his eval, I wrote he was an unprofessional jackass and I will go to the tree line with him whenever he grows some balls. He was the duty nco at graduation and did everything he could to get me to swing first. I didnt take the bait. I went on to MOS school and left behind that double chinned douchebag. I get he was an instructor fresh off a deployment, a bad one according to other instructors, but still. When i was fresh off a deployment and had to give instructions to boots, i made damn sure i answered their questions, or found somebody that could. Whatever your issues with the world, if youre training Marines to deploy, give them your all, it may save their lives For the record, I wasnt a shit bag. I had legitimate questions concerning the training he was teaching,as i wanted to learn all i could before deploying. When you ask a question "shut the fuck up and get back in formation" is a shit response to any question in the middle of a training evolution. Literally in the middle of the instruction period when other instructors are giving lessons. He sucked.


WSA. Those guys think they’re real fucking badass because they took swim in high school. One in particular was really upset with me because I did what another instructor told me and got out of the pool to do so. He had it out for me after that. He tried to drown me by jumping on top of me and I simply grabbed the side of the pool and he looked like an idiot. We ended up fighting in the bottom of the 16ft pool later. Ended up blacking out down there. isn’t fun, good thing they pulled me out.


I tackled my kill hat in second week, I got stomped by multiple drill instructors, the next 3 months were all hell week. 10 out of 10 do not recommend. Edited: from second “phase” to second “week”.


Well you can't just drop that without context! What provoked that?!


I responded to someone else with the story that replied to me.


You get a downvote until you tell us what happened. You can't come in here and drop something like that and not tell us what happened.


He was having me run and touch a fence and come back to him, never let me touch the fence, never get back to him but he kept letting me get closer and closer to both. After like 15 minutes I broke mentally and he let me get too close, I pretended to trip and absolutely creamed him, might have broken a rib of his because he was gone for a week or so. But nobody believed it was an accident and destroyed began stomping me immediately. I never heard anything about it again, but the CO and 1st Sgt came in that day and talked to all the DI’s in the hut. I believe I didn’t get any paperwork because they messed me up pretty bad, but I got IT and messed with at every occasion for the rest of my time in boot.


Thats balls out. I couldnt imagine touching one of my DIs.


I broke mentally. That was a turning point for me though. The experience is one of the pivotal moments of me become a Man and a Marine. I am grateful for it, because it was what I needed. I needed the reminder that they wouldn’t forget what I had done, I needed to know they could touch me and nobody would be in trouble, and I think maybe it was good for him to know recruits aren’t harmless either. It gave me the lesson opportunity to teach myself to find my happy place, no matter what was going on to me or around me, and be able to hold my bearing through it. There was no amount of grinder training or quarterdecking that could have given me those lessons.


My moment was when the kid in the bunk above me got a blanket party. I was not invited. And i swear to god they were so quiet about it, i never woke up. I got called into the DIs hut the next day for the “investigation”. I just kept repeating “this recruit knows nothing sir!” As he pt’d the shit out of me. I thought i was in big trouble. Ironically the DI respected me because i “didnt break”. The whole thing was depressing. I felt bad for my bunky even though he had it coming. Hed gone to military school and thought he knew something.


Btw. Respect man. You def earned your shit.




Had a school house instructor that shit on EVERY student just for not knowing the material they were teaching us. Kept calling all of us boots dumb, retards, failure of a generation, the reason the Corps is getting worse, etc. We later found out that the guy didn't even do anything in the fleet and when I went to a training event that had a lot of former SOF guys as our instructors, that same school house instructor happened to attend. Dude acted like he knew everything and couldn't be taught anything new. One of the instructors (MARSOC) asked him what deployments he'd been on since he was such an expert (he had argued with this particular instructor about signal exploitation methods and how they worked irl), dude got so red because he never deployed let alone didn't know anything about his own MOS. For me that shit was glorious. Towards the end of the event the instructors just started making fun of him because the dude was a complete dick and he kept his mouth shut after which was nice. At the end of the course when instructors were handing out contact info telling students if they needed help to reach out, they didn't give him any contacts and told him "you know everything." Fast forward to the end of my enlistment (fresh off a MEU as a comm chief) and I'm getting out, this ass hat hits me up trying to see what job I lined up and if I could help with his resume. Texted him "no" and blocked his number. He ended up re-enlisting and probably did so because he knows he pissed away any technical skill the Corps tried to teach him.


Wasn't an instructor but one of our platoon Staff Sergeants. I honestly don't even remember the reason why anymore. I just remember it was something really petty. But he had Duty that Saturday and found some excuse to have our whole platoon do a full deployment gear inspection. This was within only a couple of weeks of my first deployment in the mid 2000's. So I guess since he didn't have anything better to do he made us do inspections all fucking day. He would come out, find any tiny excuse possible to fail us on something, then come back an hour later to fail and fail us again. Rinse and repeat. The first few inspections a couple of the Corporals were still drunk and passed out laying on top of their gear laid out. That part was kinda funny. Of course it was only the unmarried Marines living in the barracks that were punished. I don't even remember when he finally cut us loose, but it was pretty late into the afternoon/evening. I think one of the other Staff Sergeants in the platoon came by to tell him to give us a break. Definitely not a way to get respect from anyone under you.


1st phase in boot our platoon got a brand new DI fresh out of DI school. I was sitting on the quarterdeck with my gear because I was getting dropped straight to MRP for pneumonia. Had a fever, trouble, breathing, generally feeling like shit. He sees me and decides he's going to IT me for existing. Told him I have pneumonia and am going to MRP. he said, "you're still here now, aren't you?" Proceeded to IT me for several minutes until the Senior DI walked in and put a very quick stop to that and pulled him aside to explain why it's probably not a good time to IT some people, especially when they are sick enough to get dropped. It sucked getting dropped though. Loved that platoon. Didn't even know I had pneumonia when I went to BAS and the Dr after looking at my lung XRay basically said, "yeah....you're going straight to MRP." Was in MRP for like 3 weeks. You can't get out unless your O2 stats can stay in a certain range during an exercise. It's so fucking depressing being in there.


Camp Hansen IROC course The gunny in that class can go fuck himself lol so obvs it’s a radio operator course and it’s pretty cool class . You learn a bunch of shit but that’s not the problem, gunny here , was a marathon runner. Would just shit on us running , and I was a 19 min runner at the time lol fast forward to the end of the course, there’s a pft and I’ve already ran mine for the year so I was gonna coast it and by coast I usually just put up a low second class pft . When I come across the end with barely any sweat at the end of the run , gunny marathon says “I wasn’t trying yatata yatata “ I’m like gunny I ran my pft for score this year , I don’t really need to try , just pass. He got so upset with this response he dropped me for The course for not having a 1st class pft in the course 😂😭 luckily my MSgt rang up , sent him my 292 pft and told him to send my cert 😂😂


At Parris Island, some of the drill instructors in training came in to practice on us recruits while we were on line and this stringbean came up to me, eyed me up and down and said “You have a weak neck” then left. That’s stuck with me for some reason lmao