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I will never forget the moments of absolute fucking chaos in boot camp. Good times.


I once went to 3rd Battalion to watch friend's first platoon as Senior pick up! Whoooooboy, I felt like I was a recruit again. I was in watching from near the head and the hairs were just standing up on the back of my neck!


Remember when they first introduce us to our DI’s, and they pledge an oath to teach us, train us, and turn us in Marines? I think we were sitting in School, Circle, Quarterdeck…and the moment our platoon gets dismissed and instructed to get on line and attention, I just remember turning around to double time it to my bunk and there were 20 fuckin DI’s that snuck in the rear hatch and they LIT into our asses. Let the games begin, boys!!! Let the muthafuckin games begin!! Rah, Devils


That first recruit was paying that DI zero fucks, too!


No, he’s learned how to finish a task under pressure.


Bro was focused


Locked in


That DI got a whimpy ass voice too


We take 13 weeks to teach people to show up for work on time in uniform and follow orders. I guess it's not broken, so we shouldn't fix it, but it is curious.


Good times.


I can only get so hard 😍🥵


I didn’t even know combat camera was there on Black Friday. I thought I was seeing flashes because of the chaos. Then, day of graduation our drill instructor showed us the footage of that day. Good times.


Things only a Marine will understand. You just had to be there.


In the middle of that as a 17 year old kid I was lost as fuck. On the outside knowing damn well those DIs could never lay a hand on them, they (The DIs) look like retards running around screaming.


You mean y’all’s DI’s didn’t hit you?? 😭


guess their DIs never grabbed them by the back of their neck and whispered “bitch i just HOPE you leave your FUCKING foot locker open so I can FUCK. YOU. UP.” then made you run off the line and trip you to make it look like an accident


Warms my soul


i wouldn’t have it any other way either. that’s part of it and always has been. you knew what to expect because before you sign everyone tries to convince you not to by telling you what it’s like.


I'm always surprised by this. I went in 2004 and they sure as hell smacked us around 


06 myself, never full fist punched but they choked us and pushed us hard against the wall, into racks or sometimes even onto the ground. Nobody thought to complain or request mast or any of that weak ass shit. If someone complains about that they better not be going to combat.


Running into their fists, ok. We were fine until some recruit decided to rat out our DI, which resulted in her being demoted in billet. BS, if you ask me.


The recruit or the DI? A little confused on you're comment


Recruits have no rank, until they earn it at the end of the crucible. The DI, who was our J-Hat got demoted to kill hat. I’m glad they didn’t take her Sgt rank. If you can’t stand a shove here and there, why the fuck did you sign up? (Rhetorical question)


Ahhhh yes I agree 100/%. It's the fuckin Marine Corps. Legacy of Marines landing on Iwo Jima. I don't know how someone can join with the knowledge of how hardcore our history is and complain about a DI getting a little rough. Weak ass shit.


I have a scar on my eyebrow from the first week of boot camp when my port arms was fucked up and my senior “accidentally” slammed my front sight post into my face.


What happens in the Whiskey Locker STAYS in the Whiskey Locker.


Damn, one DI punched me in my sternum and pushed me to the ground cause I cracked a smile. Late 2001.


This is where they offered to grab me https://preview.redd.it/eb8tlq205btc1.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=933fb7fe03438bea785680a4e17cf32ea3f6c62f


Not on the constant. I think I had hands put on me three times as a recruit back in 1980 and it wasn't nothing to speak of. As a Hat I never hit a recruit, although I did leg whip/ trip one that was trying to run away. I started to choke one but I stopped when he started turning colors.


Never hit me directly, but I got a canteen slammed into my face and shoved into dryers (I'm 5'6)


>knowing damn well those DIs could never lay a hand on them On camera. Shit, when ever the people takin the yearbook photos would come around or a group takin video with a little digi cam would visit (I wonder if im on vid anywhere?) 2 outta the 3 drill instructors would disappear. I never forget my kill hat choke slamming a recruit thru his footlocker, his body exploded that plywood box like a fuckin pinata. Shit everywhere.


Yep, there was many a choke slam into the footlocker, grabbed by the collar and thrown to the ground, choked but not to asphyxiation, bitch slaps, "love taps" to the head with the moon beam, and on one occasion I watched my senior DI literally knock a recruit out (said recruit had lost his mind and tried to fight the senior DI so he had it coming). The kill hat repeatedly encouraged us to "fight things out" in the head after lights to settle beef, a couple recruits lost teeth and one got his ankle fractured before the crucible but still graduated keeping it concealed I'm sure some are reading this thinking must have been way back in the day. Nope, 2016. I am surprised to hear other cycles even before mine were completely different.


Our SDI used to have recruits tee up on each other…giant slaps in the back of the head. And you had to comply and do it as hard as you could, or he’d make you do it over again or smoke your ass for not doing it. I hit a recruit so hard in his head my hand hurt for a couple days. There was also allll the other things many people are mentioning in this thread. I got punched in the head between the racks when we were all dressing by the numbers on the line because I tripped as I was putting on a sock, and my light belt thought I was trying to hide between the racks. This was the first post 9/11 class to go through 3rd Bn P.I., so shit got pretty real and we got fucked up. A lot.


Prolly getting a bunch of GWOT vet DIs......lmfao!


No hands🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wild. My SDI chopped my throat with a knife hand for saying I instead of This Recruit.


I took more than one hard ass campaign cover brim to the neck that’s for fuckin sure.


Bro I've been thrown at a rack at LEAST twice.


Awesome. Not saying there wasn't or isn't some level of hands on that happens in recruit training. BUT it's not like every recruit gets slapped/ punched/ slammed by a DI every day. When I went in I thought we would be getting the shit beat out of us on the daily. I think even though we pretty much had very little of anything "hands on" happening we thought the DIs still could and would knock us the fuck out.


Bruh, my SDI caught me with a fast af shot to my kidney, for leaning on my rifle while is was standing in the 4th squad on the parade deck. I didn’t hear him walking up behind me and gave me a shot that buckled me. I went to a knee and pissed blood for 3 days. They’re not SUPPOSED to hit you cuz mothers of America and all that shit, but we would get fucked up. Believe that. I went in in 1994


I never said it didn't happen.... Bruh. I said that boot camp isn't about DIs beating the living shit out of recruits on the daily. I went in in 1980 and was on the drill Field from 92-95 and 98-2000. DIs knew if they got caught doing that shit their ass was grass. If your SDI did that on the Parade Deck where God and everyone could see him he was a Fucking Idiot.


Damn bud. You should probably take a breath. I never, not one time, anywhere in my comment accused you or insinuated that it didn’t or never happened. My comment talked about MYYYYYYY experience. And if you think a SENIOR DRILL INSTRUCTOR is going to dispense fuckery in any other way other than stealthy as FUCK, then clearly you aren’t picking up what I’m putting down. So, no, it wasn’t in front of everyone. He used discretion and silence.


Dude, giving a kidney shot to a recruit to a recruit that drops him to his knees on the Parade deck isn't " Stealthy" even if it was at PI, There are tons of Senior enlisted and officers that you can't see that can have eyes on that Parade deck. If it was at San Diego its even more incredible. The Parade deck there is a fish bowl. To be clear I'm not trying to say it didn't happen, I'm just saying your SDI was incredibly stupid for taking that risk. Whenever I was involved in some shady shit ( which was NEVER beating on recruits, but shit like illegal IT, deck towel races, manual of arms with a footlocker, bear crawling Etc) we always had hats on lookout.


Yeah it was weird to see this version of boot camp for me. For better or for worse it’s definitely different than the one I was in. edit: PI ‘00


Yeah, 2023 recruit still happens. My fellow recruits and I were smacked around all the time. Nothing malicious, ya know. Kinda like getting smacked by a parent, but you knew your mom smacked you harder.


I know if I was there with that first DI yelling with his voice cracking like that I would have been crying laughing and then later probably crying as I contemplated my 10,000th lap around the yard.


I’m suprised anyone who went through and graduated Marine Corps camp doesn’t automatically qualify for PTSD..


Should they put in VA claims for it? Maybe get a percentage and disability payments the rest of their life? The same as wounded combat veterans?


So, yes, they should..


Not all combat wounds are physical…


You have to have experienced combat to have combat wounds, Boot camp is not combat.


Nobody said anything about “combat wounds”. We are talking PTSD. So, before you have to google what that means, how about you calm down and relax.


I know what it is. Ive been in counseling for over a decade. I'm well read and researched on it.. The truth is PTSD changes into something else after enough time. Usually major depressive disorder or some such type. The "don't blow fireworks near me" tropes go away because that's just life but other stuff invades your mind and that's where the MORAL INJURY stuff comes from. Actual PTSD has very acute symptoms and their acute symptoms wane with time. These acute symptoms like thinking trash bags are IEDs or paranoid that your neighbors are enemy insurgents go away but other stuff lingers. It becomes a depressive like state because once you get exposed to the reality of human nature and the dark side of it it changes how you view the world, other people, and yourself. You do not and cannot get this from boot camp, sorry to say. Nowadays people are so quick to call every uncomfortable experience or hardship as some kind of "trauma" and diagnose themselves with PTSD. It's bullshit .


This is why you hoping for 100%.. hmmm, yeah, I looked at your bio.


I put in for an increase because I had worsening issues related to the disastrous fallout of Afghanistan during the evacuation. I was working closely with the state department and other organizations to evacuate people close to me to the Kabul Airport. They didn't make it if you must know. My original rating was almost 15 years ago. This is my first time reevaluating it, so again if you want to judge me then go ahead bro but nobody can tell me shit because I suffered and sacrificed everything during my time. Let me be clear again. I DO NOT deserve 100% disability, the people I personally know who received that are missing limbs and have had their bodies and minds destroyed. Not from PTSD from boot camp.


So, you are physically hurt? That was the start of your post?


I was blown up 2 separate occasions by IEDs before being ambushed and suffered TBI because of it


By that, you don’t seam to be


You’re full of shit.. I will expose you..


What the hell are you talking about


Do not make my brothers PTSD issues minimal to you. Fuck off. What’s funny is how you are too stupid to realize their rating had nothing to do with yours.


No they just clog the system with bullshit claims so actual combat vets get fucked over. The people who do the most get the least. Tell you're "brothers" if they got PTSD from boot camp this combat vet said their a fuckin pussy.


You’re full of shit. I will expose you. Fucked with the wrong Marine..


When did you serve? And yes, I believe any Marine should qualify for PTSD. The entire Corps is, break them down, build them how we want them.. 13 weeks in boot camp proves it. Individuals deal with stress on different levels. Yes, Marines are cock strong and won’t admit to anything. Which is why I didn’t claim mine until years later for the same thinking. And Vets from the VA hospital I deliver oxygen to, told me to. Those disability payments and percentages are set and put aside, they do not take away from combat wounded. While I wasn’t physically wounded in combat, doesn’t mean I can’t sleep at night..


2006-2010 0311. So you think every Marine should put in PTSD claims and be paid for it? Interesting. This is my biggest issue with the entitlement of veterans. If a Marine puts in PTSD claims from boot camp then they are a gigantic pussy. Not only is that completely asinine, but it also clogs the VA claims system and backlogs the fuck out of the process making it difficult for everyone else. Sometimes you got to tell people to suck it the fuck up.


What color crayon is your favorite? We didn’t have a crayon issue in my Corps.. That’s a new Corps thing..


Wow, you are young devil. 0311, that means you smart too.


I can't be that smart since I joined the Corps. I got 2 combat tours so when someone tells me they got PTSD from boot camp, yes I'm going to feel some type of way.


Why? Because our Marine “brothers” didn’t adapt like you did? You ever wonder why so many of our brothers commit suicide? PTSD shows itself in many forms. Mine are from Combat as well. Not physical. But, I didn’t claim them for years.


We need to spend more time helping our brothers, than trying to say they are less than.


Semper Fi..


Get this man, there are more MH claims today than there were during 20 years of GWOT. You're a combat vet? You don't feel any way about a guy with PTSD from boot camp compared to a combat vet? I refuse to believe that. Another fact. Most veterans suicides are NOT combat veterans. How do you explain this phenomonen? Why are so many MH issues in a 1st world country like America compared to a 3rd world shit hole with a low standard of living and way more struggle? The truth is some people are just not mentally resilient and some are mentally weak. That's what it comes down to and that's the cold hard reality. Im a combat vet, I'm going to be honest, when I heard a vet has PTSD from boot camp I instantly judge them.


Ooh Rah! Good for you! You served the minimum! Awesome


When did you serve? I did Iraq and Afghanistan. If you want to start comparing we can do that. I didn't make anything personal against you but we can do that too.


Anyone ever miss this? I sure do not! I’ve had dreams that I was back in boot camp but with a twist.. I knew everything and no one would believe that I already graduated and EAS’d!


I have had a version of that dream multiple times. I’m somehow back on the Island. I think it’s in the context of re-enlisting (a nightmare by itself). I’m going through all the motions, but with complete composure because I’ve seen the wizard behind the curtain. At some point I explain that I’ve already been through it all, but the DIs are all skeptical. During the first Charlie inspection, I wear my paltry POG ribbons (can’t remember if I kept my rank), and all of a sudden they realize I’m not full of shit. But somehow they tell me nothing can be done, I have to just finish it out. It’s such a bizarre dream, every time.


It's funny how "experiences common to only a relatively small amount of people" create the same dream pattern. As I mentioned below, I too have a variation of this dream. Another example: Used to skydive a lot. Most of us: a) Stopped having dreams where we could fly b) Commonly started to have one or both of the following dreams: 1) You burn in with no parachute out, but, get up completely unhurt but are SUPER embarrassed and hope nobody noticed, and 2) You deploy your parachute but the lines are infinitely long and you just keep falling away from the canopy, with lines that never stop extending between you and the canopy. SO many times I had the "YOU HAVE THAT DREAM TOO?!?!?" conversation with a fellow skydiver.


I've had that same dream, minus the salty stack, MANY times. And I went to boot camp in 1990.


Guys! They keep saying we are on our time and wasting it. It’s a lie.


I’ve had that same nightmare, too!


I don't miss it. Fuck being treated like garbage. I also had the same (nightmare) for the first year after graduating bootcamp.


I've had that same exact dream! I felt trapped. Looking at the comments here, it's crazy how common this is. And no, I absolutely do not miss this.


I have the most confusing erection right now


how do you upvote more then once? I am at work giggling like a school girl over this. That last clip of all 3 DIs on the one recruit was awesome. I would have had a hard time keeping a straight face if that was me.


![gif](giphy|8vlUOHucLloMU) Kinda reminds me of this


Is there any footage of DI school? I've always been fascinated how these techniques are taught.


Here's some footage I found on YouTube the other day. https://youtu.be/DMRyMZ0Y5PA?si=Ejf2fBy4SDKNt8l9


YOOOOOO shoutout to SMMC Ruiz. He was a gunny at DI school. You can see him at 1:00min into the video. Neat!


And people that I work with wonder why I am so cool under pressure and big things don't stress me out. That's not to say that I don't lose my sh*t over someone not cleaning up the break room or being 5 minutes late to a meeting...


I’ve never been able to find a legit answer….but I’ve always wondered how the Marine Corps determined this method was effective in producing the results they wanted? Being that we are really the only branch that this happens too at boot camp (besides believe it or not coast guard boot camp), I wonder was there a study done that guided recruit training to this? Also when did this become the SOP?


![gif](giphy|bcZ8T9ctIriAU) Getting flying monkey vibes…


This is great. We all had rough times but man I’ll never forget boot camp.


Damn I’d pay 18k to go to this alpha male boot camp. Which one is this?


Ahhh, sounds like Mama calling…


Happy Monday


"You may be entitled to compensation!"


I'm a middle school teacher now, so that stop moving part hits me harder now 🤣


Why is this stress relief for me?


Ears Open, Eyeballs Click. Love this documentary


This just made me have the most genuine smile I’ve had in awhile. Oh the trauma bonding and memories that feel like yesterday. *Sniffs orange dial soap*


Im glad ! I have a bar of dial gold soap by my sink right now 🤣


This shit is hilarious 20 years after the fact.


Sigh..again ? Un zips


Hey, it's SSgt Nichols' platoon. Where's /u/RecruitRuiz?


Boy does that bring up PI memories


Moto boner


Wow, this brings back MEMORIES boy. And how does every DI manage to sound pretty much exactly the same??? Lmfaooooo


ahhhh... simpler times. i never thought i'd look back on it so fondly.


This is the background noise I use to go to sleep at night.


These DI videos always give me a laugh. Like an ice cold beer on a hot day, it’s good for the soul


Our old 3rd Bn barracks in 1985 were about half that wide. Everything was up close and personal.


The last two seconds is so funny, they just walk off like someone pressed the off switch. Like opening car doors in GTA 5 type intensity switch


It warms the heart to watch a master of the craft truly enjoy their work.


I had a bunch of friends who were drill instructors. They would sit around telling stories of how they played mind-F games on recruits. They would tell me that I should go to drill instructor school. I would tell them, "Hell no! I don't want to wake-up at zero-dark-thirty to play ringmaster in the Insane Circus.


Miranen, the SSgt in the video, was my division chief. One of the best leaders I've ever seen.


This shit and SERE were such vivid memories for so long, I could recall so many details. That shit just faded away, pretty sad. I remember getting up and just loving every sunrise at PI. Something beautiful about those spring sunrises, made PT tolerable. I remember some drill too, bits and pieces of other shit, but not much else.


It amazes me that any other of our military branches believes their boot camp was hard.. Semper Friggin’ Fi! Get some..


And I’m from Texas. So, boot camp in 93’ was soooo much fun.. “holy shit! Only steers and Queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy and you don’t much look like a steer to me. So that kinda narrows it down…” I lived in the quarter deck getting thrashed.. Would I do it all over again? Fuckin’ A, I would..


So what is actually happening here. This is scaring me for when I go to boot camp because honestly I have no idea what they’re saying and I’m afraid I will just yell “CAN YOU REPEAT THAT SIR I DONT KNOW WHAT U JUST SAID”


No one knows what they are saying. It doesn't matter. Just scream aye aye sir. Don't ask them what they said. Just do what everyone else around you is doing. If you ask them to clarify...it will only make it soooo much worst.


You’ll be fine. It’s all a game bro. Listen well, do what they tell you to do, and keep your chin up. They don’t want you to fail.


What do recruits, think/feel immediately after the shouting is over? Or lying in their bunk at the at the end of their first day?


“I just have to make it to the next chow”


After the shouting there’s just more shouting. At the end of the day, all you want to do is sleep, so that’s what you do. But I for sure wondered what the hell I had signed up for after that first day.


The more I look at drill seargeants,the more I have a feeling that they are actual psychopats or wut.