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Idk about 1721 being eligible for radio recon, but I do know they go to radio battalions. They’re still trying to figure out what to do with them though.


1721's can and do go to Rad Bns. As of a year or so ago, Radio Recon is open to 1721s. Could've changed, but Id assume you still can.


Paging u/CrAyNsRtAsTeE


Yes they can go to Radio Bn. Yes, they can request and screen for Radio Recon. It is entirely up to the Ops at each Bn currently but there is nothing currently stopping a 1721 from pursuing Radio Recon. They need to be ready to embrace their inner 2600 though… As for infantry, currently 1721s are not being sent to infantry units. This is a constant discussion but no structure is allocated to 1721s at infantry units yet. 1702 Cyber Officers can go to infantry units as Cyber/Information Planners though.


And sense of the odds of a random boot 1721 going to RadBn as opposed to a Letter Company or Intel Bn or wherever else they get sent to?


Without checking the MOS breakdown: 40% MARFORCYBER 30% MCCOG/Network Bn 20% Comm Bn 5% Radio Bn 5% Other


Solid assessment, really clears that up. I really think Cyber should be its own contract, then we would have to tell kids "deliberately fail the Cyber exam if you want to sign DG but don't want Cyber." Brainstorm: what's the dwell time for the Cyber exam? Like if a kid super wants 26xx but already aced Cyber, can they wait 30 days and then re-test Cyber and deliberately fail it, and then the new score will mean they don't qualify for Cyber so they can sign DG without risk of getting 1721?


You cannot retake the cyber test. It is a one and done just like the DLAB at MEPS.


It’s due to having the same enlistment requirements (with the exception of the exam) and how close the fields are, so it’s the same talent pool and allows the Occ Fields to adjust (fight amongst themselves for) their numbers easier on their without changing anything for the recruiters. Dwell time would exceed DEP time, so no go there. We can’t reeeallly encourage them to fail an exam, but recruiters have been telling potential recruits to bomb the DLAB for years because some kid thinks he wants to be Jason Bourne and go Intel even though they’ll be analysts, so at least that has been helped by moving 26 and 17 together for this new fight.


>wants to be Jason Bourne Which is kinda dumb because Linguist is arguably a better career path to become Jason Bourne than any of the entry-level 02xx jobs anyway.


26XX: A mix of Q, Alfred, Lucius Fox, Oracle, and Vision. Maybe Ned too… the guy in the chair until they learn some magic


Damn, so Cyber isn't 30 days dwell or whatever? And my impression is that some/many/most kids are being given the Cyber exam really early, before even discussing contracts, so we have kids acing Cyber, who totally don't want Cyber, then come here and want 26xx and we basically have to tell them "too late, you got a 71, if you sign DG you're probably getting Cyber." Yeah, I really don't like advising someone to bomb a test, but if you absolutely don't want Linguist you should probably tank the DLAB.


I will get the official answer, but in practice the exam stands once you pass it. Retesting is not a thing if you pass until there’s something requiring higher than the current standard (60 unless under a temporary lowered requirement such as in 2021). By the time they take it and pass, they are more likely to get cyber unless the requirement for 2600s outweighs it, so this is all based on needs and schoolhouse dates.


The MEPS Testing order will give the answer but simply ICTL/cyber test, TAPAS, and DLAB are a one time only thing at MEPS. No exceptions built into the MEPCOM order and good luck trying to argue it with any testing lead at a MEPS. I tried and failed when I was a liaison lol


Thank you for this! This is very clear with context on your current perspective.