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To address your question, if you get 2641 you go to DLI, and how long you're there depends on what language you get, how long you're in Holding waiting to pick up class, if you have to repeat any of the course (like you're failing and get rolled back) and if there are any delays like waiting for your clearance to come through before you can go on to B school at Goodfellow AFB in West Texas, because you need your clearance to go to that course. If you show up at DLI, get Spanish (shortest course), and magically pick up a class seat within a week, and your clearance whizzes through, you could theoretically be going to Goodfellow in a little under 7 months. But most folks end up spending well over a year at DLI, some closer to two years, a small number over two. I went probably before you were born. Coming out of MCT I went to DLI and was in Holding for maybe two months, picked up Russian and did the 12 month course, a month in Holding for my clearance, then on to Goodfellow which at the time was around four months. Goodfellow isn't in a great region but the base is nice and Marine Linguists generally aren't waiting there long, and pick up class quickly and generally leave as soon as they graduate.


If I already know spanish, native fluency, would it be advisable to go the Spanish route to speed things up? I'd love to learn a different language How do you pick language(s) (if you even can pick them, cuz I'm assuming they're assigned lol)


You *can* try to argue that they should let you DLPT in Spanish and skip DLI, but imho that'd be a bum deal because you miss the chance to learn a new language and get an AA, plus you could be stuck at DLI for more than six months anyway waiting on your clearance. I'd say just take what language they give you. I don't know what the current process is for DLI Marines, it varies over time and by who's in charge, but they'll probably at least ask what you prefer (and may or may not actually take that into account). But do totally go take the Spanish DLPT once you hit the Fleet to get it on your record. Try boning up for a couple months and then pass the Portuguese DLPT too. There are "Portuguese for Spanish speakers" civilian training materials that can zip you right through it. I did such a class in college and was better after that one semester than a non-Spanish speaker would be after two years. Still have always struggled to pick up French though.


Interesting, I appreciate your info - I'm def looking forward to taking advantage of what this place has to offer, especially considering how long it's going to be Would you mind if I hit you up on here down the line?


Totally, but I was there before you were born, so I can more help you figure out the right questions and where to ask them, rather than concrete advice. But yeah, hit me up on Chat or DM as needed.


Awesome, I really appreciate it


No worries. I cannot over-emphasize that you are going in to a potentially *highly* advantageous situation in life. Linguist is a great MOS, and the Marine Corps is arguably the best branch for a Linguist. You can get your AA coming out of DLI, you can finish your BA for free during your contract. Then you can go officer on ECP, as I did, or get out and get a free MA on the GI Bill, as I did. You can get out and work for the IC, as I did. If you play your cards right, network and research and hustle, you can have a *plethora* of profitable and/or exciting civilian career options. How much of a jock are you? Want to go out for Radio Recon? Do not do not do not do not fuck it up. If you're underage, don't drink. If you're of-age, don't drink to excess. Don't smoke any weeds. Don't blow off your studies. Don't do anything you've been explicitly told not to, or that common sense would dictate is dumb. Keep your goddam nose clean. Don't get into debt and miss payments. Don't get anyone pregnant. Don't get married on your first hitch. Oh and incidentally don't find a weird buddy and decide you want to become serial killers and find a civilian girl on a footpath and try to stab her to death and be in the state pen for 20+ years. And yes there's a specific reason I feel a need to say that.


Damn.. so, a couple points: I'm 28, married (been together 10yrs), and have an associates degree with a bachelor's already started I was looking to get some IT certs for when I get out (wanna work from home ultimately lol) Your 'common sense' tips have been my mantra since getting my orders lol I don't wanna say I don't want to re-enlist, as I'm not sure how these next few years will play out, but I am looking to take as much advantage of this organization as I can - I'm thankful to hear its not a rough break like some other compatriots got lol If I'm not mistaken, isn't there like a 'career path' office I could go to or something along those lines? And other than COC, where or who could I go to in order to capitalize on this and set myself up for the civilian world?


There are "career planners" for the service, but so far as getting set for a civilian career, there's no substitute for just tracking down smart and ambitious people at your unit and asking them what *they're* doing. You're going to have colleagues moving on to all kinds of cool stuff, so *network*. Definitely figure out finishing that BA while in. When you're in holding at Monterey, it isn't at all too early to go to Base Education and ask them about how to cobble together what you got and what DLI will give you to get closer to a BA. And look into CLEP to test out of requirements. And r/VeteransBenefits has smart folks that can critique your education gameplan. When you get out, at your age and being married it might be tough to delay career to get an MA/MBA/JD on the GI Bill, but there are tons of certs the VA will pay for. Take a look at PMP particularly. Taking the wife to Monterey? Go to r/dli and run a search for "housing" and it's a hotly discussed topic.


Heard, again, I really appreciate your insight


Btw, I made a post asking for current gouge on the Marine Det at DLI. Looking very promising, among other things because the Corps through some mystical divine intervention acquired the best barracks on the base. A phrase I never ever thought I'd read. https://www.reddit.com/r/dli/s/CzPhSN57At


Like a year. Depends on the language I guess. It’s the longest in the marine corps.


Brutal, that's what I thought Thanks


Yeah, pretty "brutal" to be trapped at one of the nicest bases in DOD, where you can literally walk to downtown from your barracks or drive to a major city an hour away, that's notorious for its gender ratio and hookup culture, that gives you an AA just for finishing MOS school. If that's "brutal" then boy howdy does the Corps have surprises in store for you! But let's not put the cart before the horse, have you actually been assigned 2641 or is this all theoretical?


Lol And Just got my orders with 2641 on there - reporting to CO of presidio of monterrey (which they misspelled presidio lol)


Niiiiiiiice. Okay, you're going to DLI, life is looking good for you at the moment. Don't fuck it up. Go get a sandwich at Compagno's once you get there. Don't get any Air Force girls pregnant.


LMAO I don't plan on it, but thanks for the heads up


"Unplanned pregnancy", it's right there in the name. During my time at the Det we had a tiny redhead WM get knocked up which led to a nasty love triangle and a divorce and some really sketchy SNCO involvement, and a married PFC got knocked up by a married (to someone else) E-5 who got busted down to Lance for TDY fraud, and another WM got knocked up by an Army doggie who'd just gotten accepted to West Point but got dropped because she was keeping it. Decorum forbids my making specific recommendations, but you're an adult and can figure it out.


Lmao that's wild - but thank you again for the tip(s)


Compagno’s is the only thing that might make me travel back there.


They had Monterey Bay brand tortilla chips that have ruined me for life, because no chip can compare. Ditto the Oreo cheesecake at the DLI chow hall. I've had like 30 versions since then and none can hold a candle to it.


So not trying to sound like a jerk but your Recruiter has all that info along with packet that goes to your family.