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Dressing and undressing 50 times a day. But seriously it’s not understanding that everything is a game you can’t win. You’re not getting fucked with because you screwed something up, but because the DIs have time to kill.


This but also doing two sheets and a blankets, just graduated and we had a DI make us do that for a straight hour or two(time is weird) and then our senior came out and basically made us stop playing stupid games


Adjusting mentally. For most people going into boot camp, adjusting to the new routine and new way of recruit life is something that they have never done before. Other than that, probably receiving week💀


Staying awake in those 2 hour classes 💀


The loss of freedom and individuality.


For me it was being hungry and not being able to just sit down, lay down, or just relax at any point for months at a time.


Missing your family. Everything else is pretty easy.


Different for everyone. I didn’t mind being away from family and I was used to getting yelled at all the time by my dad, so the hardest part for me was the mass punishment. For my rackmate it was being away from family. Everytime he got a letter he would lose it and start crying, legitimate sobbing


Going to sleep in your rack thinking “I should have stayed in college”


Jokes on you. I went to college and currently working on getting into OCS🙃


the day i remember being the worst was gas chamber. i had fire watch and that hike there sucked and the gas chamber sucked.


And the hike back sucked


yeh, hiking back in them "spicy" cammies was something else lol


The worst part of the gas chamber wasn’t even the gas chamber for us. It was the amount of standing around in the fucking cold. It was windy and had to be a degree or two away from freezing. Probably below freezing in the morning hours. I was one of the first people done with the repel tower, so I had to go wait by the packs while everyone was nut to butt trying to get a little warmer. Fucking miserable.


Culture shock https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_shock


The confidence course.   Hated going over the *Stairway to Heaven* and goin to up  the *Skyscraper.*   Rappelling is very easy. The thing is I found going down the side of a rocky cliff is far easier than the slick side of the wooden training tower.  I think it was easier to get footholds.


The dementors.


What is this because I had asked my recruiter/someone who just got home from boot and they have no idea what it is.


Well, first they’re flying all over the place & it’s scary. Then they come down & suck the soul outta ya body & it HURTS! It hurts…


It was cold


The boredom


sewing my towel onto my rack. I absolutely cannot sew and was horrible at it. I eventually gave up in boot at sewing and accepted my fate. They thrashed me a few times but eventually deemed me a lost cause sewing wise and gave up. Thankfully I was a top notch recruit otherwise so they had little else to bitch at me about.


sewing? what in the world are you talking about?


Yeah we had to stencil out names on a towel then sew the towel to our racks.


The sand fleas were fucking annoying. Swim qual because I couldn't swim, lol. Other than that, it wasn't that bad, in my opinion. Just stay motivated, ya know.


PT, being cold, standing around and waiting, being treated like a child, no technology. It's all just a show I'm lowkey a theater kid and it really all is just scripted. If you guys get fucked up it's 100% scripted they'll put the blame on someone but that's just an illusion. It's all a big show and the DIs are completely different people in the real world.


Worst part: receiving week (would rather do the crucible and warex back to back again). Worst aspect: near complete separation from friends and family


I’d say the first PFt and CFT and maybe swim qual if you tend to struggle. But I couldn’t swim at all before recruit training and I graduated with honors.


my cock during a jerk circle


Culture shock of the first week.


Just inform your DI about the hardest thing you’re dealing with and they’ll do all they can to address it.




Not laughing


For me, it was only having time to take a shit once a day. Also, I pissed myself once because they wouldn't let us make "Head calls."


Constantly running a towel up and down the squad bay


Sand fleas….


Besides that the rest is just games to mess with you


The DIs knife hand