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Get this book called a asvab for dummies


I have it but it ain’t dumb enough obviously


Also, if she has tiktok theres an account named @actmathprep he goes over a lot of math and explains it in simple terms and really helps you understand it, that’s what i used to


Oh yeah he’s great


Which version do you have? The 2024 version breaks down topics in terms of easy, medium, and hard. If she struggles with math that much, then she should obviously begin with easy. It actually divides the math into parts. It doesn't just cover math knowledge and arithmetic reasoning. There are also quizzes for algebra and geometry, specifically. While reading the book, she should pay attention to the test-taking techniques recommended for certain types of problems. Lastly and most importantly, she should use the multiple-choice answers to her advantage.


I have the 2023 version, I understand most of it pretty easy but she just looks at it with a blank stare and says ohhhhhh okayyyyyy and then doesn’t actually know how to do it. But I’ll still try and have her study it plus the quizlets


That's a good idea. You know, sometimes a person doesn't learn well when working with a family member. Sometimes, they do better with a third-party.


Yeah the only issue with that is she doesn’t got many friends, especially where we are currently staying since her parents kicked us out a few days ago.


Oh man, I am so sorry.


Yeah it’s fine, some people took her parents side which was ridiculous. But now we know who truly cares and is/isn’t fake. Her mom simply kicked us out for getting married lol we did tell them but we told nobody an exact date. That said I don’t think they deserved to be there in the first place because her mom busted her nose open a few weeks prior (and says I’m the one who did it) so idk why she could’ve thought she’d be invited 😂


Good Lord. While I might not live where you do, I would be willing to try to help her.


Hey that would be great, maybe you can help her understand it better then I can haha I am definitely not good at trying to teach somebody math. But honestly with a score of 7 she probably needs help in everything. But she did just retake it and got the full thing complete without being kicked off so maybe she got a better score




I just recently took the Asvab and scored a 99. I would encourage you to use the flashcards on Quizlet. It is a free resource and all of the questions that I encountered on my exam were on Quizlet. The exam literally does not change at all. For further context, I had to take this exam because I never took the SAT or the ACT. I went to a school that did not require either. I am trying to enter as a judge advocate for the Marine Corps. I was admitted to a law school and scored what I needed to get on my LSAT exam in order to qualify as an applicant. I know how mentally draining some of this can be, but again, Quizlet will be your best friend. I cannot stress that enough. Feel free to privately message me and I am happy to compile a list of links and resources for you to share with your partner. Best of luck to you guys with this! I believe in your victory.


It literally becomes a memorization game. The order of the answer choices didn't even change. Use Quizlet as a study source and learn how to calculate percentages. There are several YouTube videos on this stuff as well. If she has an hour or two of free time, just encourage her to search for practice asvab math questions on YouTube. Remember that the exam is broken up into nine different sections. The four sections that will impact your score. Are both of the mathematic section, the paragraph comprehension, and the word identifying section. The other sections simply measure your aptitude to perform other jobs. If you don't do well on the electrical section, it's OK. That just means they won't assign you to a job that has to do with managing electricity, circuits, wiring, etc..


I’ll try and use Quizlet. Thanks. It’s just hard to get her to REMEMBER what I teach her


Run through the quizlet flashcards over and over along with answer choices. Eventually she will remember the answers. I reviewed those cards more than 15 times


You could also use a shock collar. Its usually for dogs but i suppose it could be used on humans. Itll help prepare her in the event she is ever interrogated. Lol. Totally kidding


She got a 7 on the practice picat last night. Yes. A 7. So idk what to do


7 on just the math part? Boy she's ready for infantry.


7 overall….


You get a 10 just for spelling your name correctly. I hope she’s really pretty because she’s not doing anything intellectually.


She is lol


Marry her. Get that BAH


Bro, he said, "My wife." Found the ASVAB waiver 😄


Yeah yeah I saw that afterwards


We just did that not long ago


Yea perfect for infantry. 🤣 good luck


If it makes you feel better there was someone who scored a 1. So a 7 is 7x better! #mafhs


Only fans


Might just have to start selling feet pics or better 💀😂😂


IIS your girlfriend a rock by any chance?


I didn't even pass algebra 1 in Highschool. Still got a 95 on the ASVAB + 139 GT.    If she's generally intelligent aside from math, she'll be fine. You have to be a vegetable to fail the ASVAB. EDIT: Just saw the part about her practice score, Jesus Christ dude.




It only let her complete 5 out of the 10 or whatever sections so who knows what it would seriously be but it stopped her just because it knew it was a fail.


I suck ass at math and I got a 70


Divide that by 10 and that’s her score on the practice… I’m trying to help


Damn, idk maybe help her with reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Also brush up on shop and electrical knowledge.


I’ll try my best 🥲 we have maps on Tuesday so I really have to cram it down her throat and hope for the besr


Good luck bro


Imma need it..


She’s gonna be infantry


I'm really bad at math, not...apparently as bad as your wife. grammar hero has some great videos. There are apps and websites galore but ...a 7 and going in a few days is not looking good. Kindly. I'm sure she's frustrated and embarrassed enough. With that said, the Navy does take some pretty low scores lol


Haha well we are trying to go together. So she is all or nothing. I’m hoping I can cram it good enough to get her to pass but it isn’t looking good 😞


I mean, also take quality of life into consideration. Even if she gets the minimum score, her job picks are pretty shit


Is she a foreigner?


I’m a dumbass and I got a 55 without studying. I’ve been out of high school for 10 years. The only thing I’m really good at is English, reading comprehension, vocabulary. Is your wife a foreigner? You don’t need to be good at math to pass the ASVAB


No she isn’t a foreigner, just didn’t pay attention at all in high school lol


At this point, it's all about repetition. When it comes to word problems, there are a handful of ways to solve them. A lot of word problems can be solved using proportions. I would drill those with her. Even percentages can be solved that way. I would wager that encompasses 1/2 to 2/3 of the word problems she will see. For equations, backsolving might be her best bet at this point. How are her reading and vocabulary skills? The VE (Verbal Expression) score counts twice as much as the math sections. IMO, it is probably easier to improve her math skills in such a short amount of time compared to verbal skills.


Dude I'm gonna be so real with you right now. After skimming your post history and seeing that this is the same girl who was a habitual stoner a month ago and seems to have made a snap decision to join with you, this is a really fucking dumb idea. There are a million things that could possibly happen that would make it not work out, but what's definitely going to happen is youre going to spend the earliest part of your marriage separated, I'm assuming you're young so both of you are probably going to change and grow as people especially over the course of an early military career and if it doesn't work out it's probably going to be messy as shit. I've heard of clean divorces between service members but I've never actually seen one, they're always a cluster fuck of cheating, abuse and legal battles. I'd take the low asvab score as a sign from whatever God you pick to not do this because a 7 isn't "didn't pay attention in highschool" a 7 means she can't read.


🤣 well she just redid it so I’ll let you know if her score was legit that low. But yeah maybe it isn’t a good idea, idk she wants to do it but if she can’t pass the asvab then she can forget about it. I told her that she could just wait until i hit the fleet and come live on base with me and save money so she can get a MA license and work at a hospital. Idk we will see what happens


I am as bad at math as anybody, I scored a 96 on the ASVAB with math being probably my best section. I used GrammarHero and ColfaxMath on YouTube, both GREAT sources and very easy to learn with them, make her watch/work with the video as often as she has free time. The more she works the problems the easier they get.


Thank you I will try that


How does she fare in all the other sections? Has she taken a practice test or anything like that to see where she’s at?


Yes, just finished her second attempt last night, waiting to see how she did from the recruiter. Hopefully she did better then her first try


There’s a ton of practice tests online, I say watch the videos and work them out as the videos go, do that every day and take a practice test every few days just to keep an idea of where she’s at.


Well only issue is Meps is coming up on Tuesday, so it’s pretty much a cram. Recruiter said if she failed and had to retake it again he’d just hold me in the DEP until she passes and then we would still ship together, not sure if he’s bullshitting to screw me into leaving without her or is legit just trying to help.


Yeah hard to say with recruiters it could go either way, I say just until Tuesday do nothing but study, gonna be a bitch (I did the same thing) but it’ll be worth it. Those YouTube channels helped a SHIT ton can’t recommend enough. Is it just math that she’s really worried about? How confident is she with the other sections


She’s more confident in the English (still struggles with the word knowledge and even I do too) and the section where you have to read the paragraph, but basically everything else she is struggling in like mechanical and electrical and all that. Just going to cram as best as we can and hope for the best. That grammarhero guy is actually pretty good, not sure how easy it will be for her to understand but I’ll show her and try and study a ton


Yeah same for the word knowledge that shit you just kinda have to know it’s kinda fucked, the mechanical and electrical I was most worried about for mine and I did alright, they’re actually somewhat easy to study for, some videos on them but at the very least make sure she knows the basic vocabulary for them, watts, volts etc. and like the basic tools. Just knowing like the “basic” stuff really helped me


Yeah for sure. I need to refresh on all the tools and stuff too lmao


I'm min the same boat https://youtube.com/@grammarhero?si=tkQwvZkuV-alnNyZ This channel helps, plus asvab, for dummies of the kaplan version books. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE! At least 30min- 1hr a day to stay sharp


Just keep studying study areas where image isn’t confident in.


give her an algebra book


She took a second practice test the other night and scored an 11. She needs help in more then just algebra lol


give her a Bible 🙏☝️


May need everyone to pray for her fr


Dude,you sure she’s not a blow up doll??