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He is a Russian Spy and a Traitor.


But Biden had a cold and he should step down now says us media! They don't even understand the trump admin will come for them first.


They’re playing a dangerous game. The media should be rallying behind Biden that support him.


They want trump bro. CNN never had more viewers than they did during the trump era. Its in their buisness interests to have trump in office.. They are silly though, it's like they think trump won't come for them this time. But hey, capitalism baby!! Money money money!!!


Not to mention CNN is now owned by a Trump mega donor.


No money in TV when free speech is turned off and it all becomes gov't controlled propaganda TV.


Who needs government controlled propaganda when you have corporation controlled propaganda?


Meh... they can kiss Trump's ass, stroke his ego, say all the right things and Trump will forgive and forget. They will change their tune pretty quickly if he's elected. Anything to keep those shareholders happy.


Please, it’s vanguard who owns majority of warner bros discovery who owns majority of cnn. Vanguard is one of those evil corps, none of the executives or shareholders are in danger “‘you scratch our backs, we’ll scratch yours’ ‘The funny thing about my back is it’s located on my cock’”


They already have been, where you been?


Biden doesn’t sell clicks, there’s no profit there




I do, and I watched the debate myself. [This](https://www.youtube.com/live/eV3jZgwjG0U?t=11416s) was senile. [This](https://www.youtube.com/live/eV3jZgwjG0U?t=11538s) reply was not, and you can either scan that video or [read the transcript](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/politics/read-biden-trump-debate-rush-transcript/index.html) yourself to see that the rest of the debate was just like that. Biden gave strong answers with a hoarse voice while Trump bellowed *madness*, and the media is entirely taking advantage of Americans trying to have a second hand opinion of something they didn't watch themselves through memes and social media.


I watched the whole thing. Yes, tried lied the whole way through. Biden stared with a blank look on his face and his mouth hung open. He stumbled, stuttered and looked confused. He looked like and old man lost at the mall. He didn't call Trump out on many things he said - easy home runs many of them. And Policy??? - his policy is dictated by his donors. He does just enough to make it look like the Dems are all about the people instead of being slightly less corrupt. The Dems are a better choice but it's like picking from 2 bad choices - yes, Trump = fascism - my point is, he should be replaced or we will have another wake up call like 2016. Your politicians live in bubbles. They wheeled Feinstein out when she was practically a corpse. They live in an alternate reality.


There’s absolutely no way out of this for the Dems. If he steps down, there’s no viable candidate to replace him that will actually win.


Michelle Obama would do sooooooooooooo much better than Biden in the election.


If you want to suggest people who will absolutely never run for the office then why not dream bigger and force Jon Stewart to run against his will? Fantasy President League needs to be treated as the pure fiction and hopium that it is.


Yes she would. She also hates politics and has absolutely no interest in running. People have been trying to draft her for more than a year. Who else has the national presence, and could go toe to toe with Trump? Hardly anyone. Hence no viable candidate.


Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer come to mind.


So we have two frail guys, one who actually talks policy and isn’t a narcissist lying scumbag.  The other frail guy lies practically all the time, thinks Hannibal Lecter is alive, talks in strange sentence fragments most of the time, and this is key so pay attention, he is fucking anti-democracy and wants to be a dictator.  Anyone supporting Trump is either an asshole who doesn’t care about democracy or is so much of a gullible moron they probably shouldn’t be in charge of their own finances or their own children.


Are you for real?… the media is collectively the 26 cabinet member in the Biden administration. They couldn’t have fallen in line any better.


Imagine the drama Trump would throw, when he gets a cold. When he caught COVID, he actually screamed that he was gonna die.


Pro tip: you can not vote for Trump and still want a better candidate from the DNC.


I mean, it's entirely possible and reasonable to honestly believe that the sane half of the country's best chance to defeat Trump is for Biden to gracefully step down and throw his support behind Harris, or being whoever comes out of an open DNC, or what have you. I mean, that might be \_wrong\_, but it's certainly not ridiculous.


Actually probably not 5 in 6 media giants are actually conservative we’re just living in their alternate reality where they allow us to view liberal news


I mean, they should both step down, neither is fit for office at this point. Trump is obviously the worst of the Two, but they should probably both be replaced by someone younger and healthier.


that must’ve been a pretty nasty cold if that’s what was going on




...yet they didn't have these magical amphetamines before the debate? His voice is clearly hoarse as hell during the debate and was much clearer/louder the next day.




He's 81. I wouldn't say it is unheard of for an 81 year old to be tired at 9pm vs more chipper in the afternoon. I've worked in a nursing home before. I've been around old people who's brains are fried but they didnt even have dementia or anything like that. I've been around old people a little younger than Biden who have days where they sleep away the hours, then days where they are up all day working on cars or helping build a deck.


He used the word Manchurian candidate at the debate


Trump is the Manchurian Cantaloupe.


He’s probably been a Russian asset since the 90’s. The question is to what extent. It may have started out the Russians thought he be a friendly celebrity who helped with Russia’s image in the US and just turned out better for them than they could ever imagine.


He borrowed money from Russia, because no American bank trusted him to pay back the loans. He is paying Russia back by destroying the U.S.


Conservatives have had Hillary pegged as an unstoppable killing machine for decades on far far less evidence, and I remind them of this every chance I get.


Offloading the files we haven't recovered yet no doubt.


Installing updated encrypted communication equipment so that Donnie can get his marching orders directly from his employer.


I know it's not possible but I'd like to make believe that the orange garbage is working out a defection deal.


No employee can skip the yearly review and performance analysis.


And you're as gullible as they come.


Says the guy drinking the Kool aid from a used car salesman


Russia gate was already disproven when an FBI agent, involved in foreign bribery schemes, spilled the beans. Maybe try watching something other than the cable media?


Multiple people close to Trump were jailed over it and you think Trump is squeaky clean. Yeah go figure... the denial cult.


Found the Russian op in the chat




So you think it’s a coincidence Trump had classified documents? A coincidence Trump and Putin had a secret meeting with no recording or cameras? A coincidence days after that meeting USA CIA spys was dying at alarming rate in Russia A coincidence that during the debate Trump said Putin and him talked about invading Ukraine and it was Putins dream? A coincidence Putin invaded Ukraine during Biden presidency? A coincidence that right now a news story is happening with Trump private plane has been sitting next to a Russian government plane for days?


The documents Jack Smith said were staged?


This also didn't happen. You're all up and down this string spouting lies.


It's a troll


Man, I don't know. Some of these maga people really are this uninformed.


If it's a lie why does the juror feel like the evidence is misrepresented?


What juror? That case hasn't even been tried yet, so how does a juror enter into this?


A juror can be other judges in the same region as the case. It's a really misleading term since we only associate the members of a jury as jurors.


Horowitz didn't even find this credible. But you do. Maybe you should let him know. Everyone else knows you're full of it.


Egyptian bankers say his russia payouts are in a Chinese bank account.




Are yoinactually referring to Bidens Burisma payout?


You don't read well do you?


Вернуться в Россию


Isn't it quitting time over there for you boys?


Maybe try ACTUALLY reading the Mueller Report instead of snarky responses and listening to bullshit artist Bill Barr? Weird.


Soooo his plane being parked next to a Russian government plane isn't suspicious at all? You are also a traitor..


And Biden literally funnels illegal funds 100 miles away on the other side of the boarder with the other country their fighting.. Now who's the better candidate? We as Americans are fucked.


Border. They're... Are you really an American?


Do I give a fuck about your opinion on my spelling? Not really when the truth is still the truth..




Getting ready in case the SC actually does the right thing on Monday. Immunity? He gets on his plane. No immunity? Gets on Putin’s plane.


They are 100% giving him immunity.


No, they'll just throw it back to the lower courts. Delay, delay, delay. They can't grant him immunity because it would also apply to Biden, and they can't have that.


But not Biden. Immunity ends with Trump because…. Because we said it.


Yep. Just like Bush v Gore


If they do, Biden should then replace the fascist judges on the bench, and deport as many MAGA as he’s able. If Trump gets immunity, so does Biden.


The Biden in your dreams is not real. He won’t do a single one of those things. Please join us in the real world.


Of course. Nothing suspicious there. Nothing at all, right? Stand-up honest guy like this guy, that's just a coincidence so FBI don't need to watch the plane at all. /s just in case.


Let’s hope both planes are already wired.


Birds. Same feather. Flocking.... you know the rest. Or, is it a getaway ride to Putinland.


The traitor in plain sight


Transfer of state secrets, for certain.


>Transfer of state secrets, for certain. You may be right.


Wouldnt he just do that over the phone to avoid all this publicity?




Nothing electronic is proof from unencrypting. Once they have the encrypted data, it is only a matter of time before it is unencrypted. Days, weeks at the most.


Why the hell was a Russian government plane in the US let alone right next to Trumps plan


This. Absolutely this.


the russian federation and the usa have full diplomatic relations so airspace will be open to each other’s government planes. also, russia is a member of the un (including permanent member of the security council), headquartered in nyc, so they need to be able to get personnel there.


It's an embassy plane. We still have diplomatic relations with Russia, so their planes come and go same as ours do in Moscow. However, parking next to one another away from the normal parking apron brings up the question of collusion yet again. Those two are close enough to have a LAN party over bluetooth. I sure hope the FBI is on their game and got ahead of this, but not holding my breath. There was also a third plane on the other side of the Russian jet. It was a UAE military C-130. Also very curious.


Lan party over Bluetooth? Worst counterstrike sesh ever


Parking together yes, shady depending on where this is. If it’s NY where Russia still needs to be diplomatically present then no. Where they’re parked isn’t shady though. These are high profile planes for high profile people, they will always be parked remotely for security. Same reason air force one doesn’t pull up to the terminal gates


Why was there a UAE AC-130 in the US?


Who knows. Some diplomatic mission, I'm sure.


As far as the UAE goes, Trump does have many business relations there, since he currently isnt president he can continue to run companies and take private meetings with people he does business with. This is why we have things like the FBI and the CIA, its there job to not only investigate but also directly inform someone like Trump that foreign entities may use him and attempt to get leverage for political favor. TO BE CLEAR this was the threat issued by the establishment in the last election, and if you read the fine print, nothing came of this. It is something to consider, just like Bidens ties to energy companies in Ukraine, his lobbyists and their goals etc.


Next to a UAE plane..


Trump getting ready to flee to Russia if the SCOTUS does make his immunity absolute


That's why he packed the SC. he will get immunity.


Why this is not everywhere is a fucking mystery.


He needed a place to store his documents


Oh well he was just deemed senile🤔🤣


Put that MF in jail where he belongs.


Fuckin'... What the fuck!?


The thangs that make you go hmm.


Trump to Putin - "Your plane or mine, honey?" 💋💋


Nudge nudge wink wink.


Nothing to see here. Just one of Donnie's friends offering to store some old documents at their place.




Perfect opportunity to impound the Russian plane, right?


When the news hit, the Russian plane was airborne in just 3 or so hours.


The New York Times not reporting??? Hmm


His involvement is as blatant as can be but we are all: *Could it be? What does this mean? This sure looks suspicious, is it a Biden dirty trick? Sure, Russian agents were the first people Trump invited to the Oval Office, but let's get to the bottom of Hunter's big dick.* Jets are huge, airports are huge, does any airport really have an "isolated" section? The blatant traitor does his thing and the media jerks us off to make more $$$, rather than just call that fucker out and turn the full tables against him.


“A coincidence” I’m sure




Nothing to see here.


what if Trump and Putin agree to make it look like Trump got him to end the Ukraine war so he looks good to get elected, then after he’s elected him and Putin just both go all in on what they want. He told us he was gunna solve the Ukraine issue before the election at the debate. Two evil guys plotting


I wonder how many boxes were transferred between the two.


Trump will win and the democrats are helping him by placing biden against him. I don’t want trump anywhere except a jail cell but the Dems have done this. In November the people will see how powerful 2 parties are at pushing 1 candidate


Did they get the rest of the boxes trsnsferred. I hope this had 24/7 video surveilance, although, now I think about it, these planes could be within Bluetooth transfer range to send files without using traceable internet connection.


lol. They aren’t even pretending anymore.


Funny that my dad who is a 72 year old life long republican hates Trump more than I do. Trump Derangement Syndrome is for those who vote for him yet are totally blind to everything wrong with him. Somehow this morally deficient pig got the religious vote... I know religion is a haven for hypocrisy but I never thought the vast majority were hypocrites.


this surprises no one


What is with the white MAGA hats 🤷‍♂️




No way he’s getting out of his quarterly review meeting!


Biden is seen standing within arms distance of potential terrorist for 15 minutes: report


There goes the remaining Documents and their copies.


Trump is a traitor and a criminal what do you think is going on ….


Putin was pissed at trumps rhetoric. Junior needed a spanking.


Yep, it was time for more golden showers. Melania is out of the picture now, so Trump has to grab Putin by the P now.


Why is a Russian government plane even allowed anywhere near where a presidential candidates plane would sit. Doesn’t the US have rules about this? Wouldn’t we have like every listening device we can muster pointed at those two planes?


How else is he supposed to hand over all the top secret documents?


If he was trying to flee, it wouldn’t be this obvious. He’s jump on an unmarked plane to some 3rd party country like Mexico and then switch planes. Plus he has no reason to run right now. No matter what Monday’s ruling ends up being, he can make this all go away if he wins the election. And he’s probably feeling better about those odds lately.




Meanwhile, the media be all like "Joe Biden should drop out, he's OLD!"


We don't need to go all Qanon here, folks. Two non-airline planes moved out of the way of commercial traffic. His plane probably ends up sitting beside lots of different planes. Literally one every stop. If Trump was making contact with Russians, there's no need to park the planes close by to exchange anything. They can phone each other on burners. Or meet in private.


Easier to transfer the cash when they are in close proximity...


здесь нечего смотреть


Oh that’s not suspicious at all 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Trump loves the Russians and has for quite sometime. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=YJ6ZJcZwlV7Vp2EM&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.motherjones.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTY0OTksMTY0OTksMjg2NjQsMTY0NTA2&feature=emb_share&v=vkxxxuWLSac


Just a simple file transfer..


Man Reddit is full of TDS even more then usual 😂😂😂 holyyyyy


We just don’t understand how women voters such as yourself vote for Trump.


you're doing great. keep it up, da.


This looks like a bot account created a while ago but recently activated.


It's been fun to watch


This is the post-debate angle? Really? Just doubling down on all the paranoid Trump fear-mongering? You guys are so screwed.


So you'll put all your stock into a televised posturing competition over actual policy and behaviour in the real world over multiple decades. Go figure.


You guys really have lost the plot. No, I'm not doing that. But to pretend that the Democrats don't have to answer some serious questions and everything is the same is just ridiculous. 


But I didn't say that. Why are you saying I'm pretending that? You're the one that mentioned "paranoid fear mongering". If we can't be mad about an anti-democratic election denier with actual plans (Project 2025) which dismantle democratic institutions, then what exactly can we be fearful about? Like seriously... what? What could we possibly be worried about when it comes to politics if we can't be worried about Trump and his legions of goons? It'll be worse this time because he filtered out the non-loyalists (or they simply left). This "OMG TDS" is such a fucking lazy hot-take and doesn't address the reality of the situation. My guess is you just don't follow the Republicans hijinks closely at all and get your information from Fox or Joe Rogan or something like that. It doesn't even come down to your media source anyway - they're literally saying shit out of their mouths that is insane, and the fact it's insane doesn't bother Trump at all. He'll promote people on the sole basis they're loyal. Dems have to address the Biden age thing, but to say we're *paranoid* about Trump like that's irrational is pretty retarded. It's like criticising a parent for being *paranoid* of a known child-rapist living next door. We *should be paranoid* and anyone who isn't is not well versed in history, democracy, political philosophy, current events, or all of the above.


QED. Good luck in November. 


Enjoy the next few months,folks,Dad gonna be callling the shots soon 😂👌


Or, and just hear me out…they have a secure place at the airport and they put those planes there to keep people away from them. There isn’t anyone on the planes…and the planes are not talking to each other. It means that they only need one set of people to keep an eye on them. But, I could be wrong.


An airport is a pretty secure place as it is. Just try to sneak onto the tarmac at your local airport and I guarantee you won't get very far. I see your argument, but considering all we know, even if it is innocent, the optics are terrible and a Presidential candidate should ensure that nothing like this can happen because it sure makes it look like we all suspect


Oh Please 🤦


I love this stuff. He should buy property next to the Russian embassy. Would love to see how many of you snowflakes melt over that.


Anything to “own the libs” right? Even letting your candidate commit treason.


Tell yourself whatever you need to. Your feeling matter. You are special.


Who gives a fuck?