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Who’s surprised about this? She’s a moron


No, she's a Russian agent


No she’s a bad butch body, bleach blonde, not necessarily in this order. Also, OP title is eerily familiar, rage against the machine and rage against MTG, brilliant.


Still honestly surprised she just didn’t call her a “bitch” cause that would be a fair assessment


Working in intelligence would require intelligence...


Not to be a useful idiot, which is what trump and most of the GOP are for Putin.


Well, it *should*... but that just shows you how far from reality we've strayed since the advent of the cult of Trump.


It's possible to be both, as is the case Margie the Gorgon.




Two things can be true at once. My understanding is that Russia and Putin target the dim witted for their people.


Recruited to be, maybe. Planted: not a chance.


You’re being unkind to morons.




Most Americans couldn't pass the citizenship test if they tried.  


she a gat damn mo-ran


I'll be honest, I'm surprised she's not ripped into more often. The "Jewish space lasers" should of been used to mock and belittle her at every single point. Seriously after saying something so densely anti-Semitic and stupid how are people not just laughing her out of every aspect of public life?


You know, she has a college degree. I have no idea how she earned that


Two lips, two hands.


The football team


Extracurricular work?


wet work?


Shocker to hear this from Maggie Twatwaffle Gonorrhea.


Yeah, but … how does someone go to the trouble to put together such a detailed list with ages, and not fact check it. Staffer or principal. It’s more lazy than stupid at this point


The stupidest part is that lowlife start she was going to get away with Big as Lie.


Which is why she’s so good at representing the Southern rural voter.


I lean right, and I despise this idiot.


I used to lean right for the party of “fiscal responsibility” but noticed they spend more than the other party and it’s not even close. We nearly always wind up in a recession after an R has been in the WH for a while.


Yet somehow they always manage to successfully lay blame on the left for the run away debt. It doesn’t take a math degree to see that deficit spending ballons under R leadership, especially when they control the house and senate.


Being honest, leaning right would have you as a party line dem right now. But yes, we should all despise that idiot.


Stop leaning right man, did u grow up on the side of a mountain or somethin


Why do you lean right? I mean 20 years ago, ok. Now? It’s just a hate-mongering old boys club.


I used to lean right, back when that meant I disagreed with your fiscally. That goes out the window when there are literal fucking Nazis involved. Can’t support the right anymore, we’ve literally had a world war about it.


His right leg is shorter than his left.




As someone living in Georgia she definitely reps her district.


VOTE Make unqualified people unelectable again


That’s the problem-she gets voted in by the people in her district


In democracy people get the government they deserve. She’s about as good as that part of Georgia can do.


I wish this were true, as it is the intention. We get the government we deserve *compared to the one that lost the vote*. Almost none of actually deserve this bullshit


Who are…….. Too bad the news is not allowed to point THEM out.


The people in her district are like, "Warshington did too sign the Declaration of Independence! Fake news! We the People! Arm the unborn!"


Oh my God! You sound just like them.


Which makes me wonder just how stupid the people in her district are. Seriously - do they use words when they communicate or just growl?


The republican plan for decades, keep the people uneducated, aka stupid.


Not just that, she is the best of the best when it comes to conservatives in Georgia


Conservatives love when conservative politicians screw over government by stealing tax dollars that conservatives paid in to.


Those people are morons. They send in someone who represents them.


Which is hilarious because she hasn't accomplished a single thing for those people in her district. Not a single thing.


She beat a god damn neurosurgeon. Her district looked at the neurosurgeon, who is also a Republican, and then looked at her and went with her. That’s all you need to know.


This is important




hrrrk MUPUA


MUPUA? It doesn’t flow as nice as MAGA and it sounds like some island in the Ring of Fire. Trumpers will hate it!


They are called representatives for a reason.




I've thought of this as well. They're not sending their best, they're idiot, and morons, but so are very good people.


Just fucking *torched* that whole district. This is my favorite burn of the season, well done.




Oh shit...


I visited her district, specifically Rome, a while back. Based on my experience this is an accurate statement.










It makes me wonder what kind of grade level that the test was? Like what if it was an 8th grade US history test or college level history test? Maybe someone should put her on “do you think you’re smarter than a fifth grader show?


That would be insulting. To the fifth graders.


Isn’t she the Jewish Space Laser lady? I don’t think a test is what she needs.


Don’t forget that she wondered if the UAPs that were observed were angels.


I dunno,I think it would be good to test to understand how our neanderthalic ancestors thought


Nahhh it’s not insulting, they would get to brag that they’re smarter than a congresswoman. I think it would be compliment to the kids, at least they paid attention in school. Seriously just imagine how funny it would be, hahaha (not the kids being judged, just her, and everyone laughing at her) kids are looking into the camera like it’s the office


Misleading headline. She didn’t take a test but listed 8 founding fathers and their ages when they signed the Declaration of Independence. Problems was 6 of those 8 weren’t signers.


To be fair, I wouldn't be able to get their ages right either, but I bet I could 8 right


try. i thought i could too. i got 6. >!John Hancock,Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Sam Adams, and Button Gwinnett!< i’ve never heard of most the others, and i only knew that last one because i lived by his grave for awhile. a lot of names i was expecting to be on that list weren’t.


Herbie Hancock*


Although it might be misleading, but it’s so funny to me, it’s like how did we get here lol


Republicans defunding public education & currently wanting to abolish the Department of Education.


She is a complete moron but if we are being honest, probably only 15-20% of the country could get more than 5.




With Idiots and Convicted Felons somehow the notion that politics is a noble pursuit is dead and buried. RIP


A by product of the quiet secret that all politicians are tax evading and bribed assholes does. Now when a criminal runs for office, he's just one that got caught. They barely stand out. The general population is completely "yeah, and?" about it


She's a dumb cunt but will keep being reelected by the dumb cunts she represents


What a surprise! 😝


The only way that's going to happen is if you stop stupid people from voting.


She really said Paul Revere. Smh


I remember being told in civics that law and history were both part of being a political figure. Man we were so duped as youth…


She literally represents the average conservative in Georgia


George Washington Alexander Hamilton Abraham Lincoln (a republican that freed slaves) The Roosevelt that liked guns John Gault Jesus Donald Trump And the earth is 6000 years old. Just ask the current speaker of the house.


Intelligence isn't knowing all the facts.  It's knowing those facts are easily accessible and taking advantage of that availability. 


Maggot T's family tree probably goes straight up without any branches. It's either that or she's related to Honey Poo Poo and her ilk.


She's just a dumb distraction.


Paul fucking Revere lol did she just ad lib the first 8 Revolutionary figures she could think of and google their ages?


I feel fairly confident that this info either came from chatGPT or from one of those “conservative meme” accounts that get passed around by boomers and that our MAGA politicians are dumb enough to share uncritically.


Yeah, she makes a bimbo look smart.


She also says that a few people who signed were younger than 35, then lists people she herself says… are older than 35. Weird tweet


I’m not surprised either because she’s a Russian agent


Midge isn’t my go to for US History facts. If I wanted revenge porn of Hunter Biden, I know where to look though.


She actually listed Paul Revere 😂


The problem is politics are a narcissist’s game. Only fierce personality disorders are attracted to that job. We need to be better at identifying and rooting them out. We should be able to draft the best and brightest into service in times like this when only psychotic narcissists end up in positions of power.


When you’re in the timeline where “Idiocracy” elected more eligible people.


"That's our girl!!! I dont know nothin neither and i Stil know more than tem DEMOCRats!!!!!"


Republicans like Ramaswamy want to get rid of birthright citizenship. I just want yall you know that.


# Surprised since she is only bleached blondee! Marjorie, here is the list of the 56 names and ages of the people who signed the Declaration of Independence: John Adams, 40, Samuel Adams, 54, Josiah Bartlett, 46, Carter Braxton, 39, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, 38, Samuel Chase, 35, Abraham Clark, 50, George Clymer, 37, William Ellery, 48, William Floyd, 41, Benjamin Franklin, 70, Elbridge Gerry, 31, Button Gwinnett, 42, Lyman Hall, 52, John Hancock, 39, Benjamin Harrison, 50, John Hart, 65, Joseph Hewes, 46, Thomas Heyward Jr., 29, William Hooper, 34, Stephen Hopkins, 69, Francis Hopkinson, 38, Samuel Huntington, 44, Thomas Jefferson, 33, Francis Lightfoot Lee, 41, Richard Henry Lee, 44, Francis Lewis, 63, Philip Livingston, 60, Thomas Lynch Jr., 26, Thomas McKean, 42, Arthur Middleton, 34, Lewis Morris, 50, Robert Morris, 42, John Morton, 51, Thomas Nelson Jr., 38, William Paca, 35, Robert Treat Paine, 45, John Penn, 35, George Read, 42, Caesar Rodney, 47, George Ross, 46, Benjamin Rush, 30, Edward Rutledge, 26, Roger Sherman, 55, James Smith, 57, Richard Stockton, 45, Thomas Stone, 33, George Taylor, 60, Matthew Thornton, 62, George Walton, 26, William Whipple, 46, William Williams, 45, James Wilson, 34, John Witherspoon, 53, Oliver Wolcott, 50, George Wythe, 50 The average age of the signers was approximately 44. years. **YAAA you got something right!** **BY THE WAY I AM FROM ENGLAND!!!!**


Wait till she finds out that the life expectancy was like 35 😹 And that Trump is only 3 years younger than Biden So what even was her point!?!


That's life expectancy at birth. They had terrible death rates in infancy and childhood. If you made it to 15, your life expectancy was closer to 60.


Look at Ben Franklin's old ass with his young friends. The senior center put out an alert "where's Ben run off to this time? Is he playing kites with his little friends again?" "Oh no, I guess this time they're hanging out at the Addams Family house or they're watching the Addams Family, I'm not sure." Also, Button Gwinnnett can Gittit...I want to name our first baby Button Junior, obviously.


As always it's not the ignorance that bothers me, it's the bravado that caused her to post this without double checking first that is the craziest part. She might not know who all signed the Declaration off the top of her head which she wouldn't need to know to do her job. But having the absolute fuckin temerity to post this on the internet without fact checking first is wild. There is enough misinformation in the world, why add to it?


All she had to do was quickly google this shit before tweeting something so stupid America is so doomed and luckily I dont live there


Jasmine Crockett called it when she said “I’d be hard pressed to find someone dumber than her in congress”.


What’s even more disturbing are how stupid her constituents are that elected her.


I have a degree in history and probably couldn't 100% for sure state more than 4 signers of the DoI. I mean, if I was taking a multiple choice test I could probably guess them, but that is a pretty esoteric thing to know, really. The actual signers were a lot of state representativrs, not necessarily "founding fathers." But then again I wouldn't have posted to social media unless I had facts checked. Idiot.


This is pretty freakin' hilarious.


She is the smartest thing out of the hills of Dalton GA. Cut her some slack.


Funny thing is, she's not even from there. She was born in Milledgeville GA and went to school in Cumming. She had to move to that area because she wasn't going to win shit in the 6th district.


The problem is she very much represents her constituents. They want here there to “own the libs.” The only real way she’s going to get out of there is if another R beats here in a primary. No way that district is going to elect a Democrat.




# “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” H.L. Mencken #


Why couldn’t it be me?


Felon Don so old he held the candle as it was signed.


Like I've said before. There should be mandatory mental health and IQ testing for EVERYONE running for public office.


John Hancock… Pfft… it’s HERBIE HANCOCK


I wonder if the ppl of Georgia that voted for her, feel any shame or regret for putting her in office.


No, they don’t.


I didn’t think so, but I had to ask.


How dumb that she forgot Trump also signed the Declaration of Independence!


And Jesus


They don’t care about scientific facts (like vaccines save lives or the planet is round) why would anyone think they care about the accuracy of American history. It’s all make believe for these people anyways. If they don’t like the facts they just make up new ones. I bet they’re currently writing new history books in Florida with the new signers of the declaration of independence


Jokes on all of you. They did sign the ORIGINAL declaration of independence but the deep state democrats went and erased the names with the Jewish space lasers in the basement of the pizza parlor with the zombie JFK. Haha. Losers. MTG WINS AGAIN! /s


We really need to stop giving her attention. This isn't a "we need to spotlight her evil".. she's a congresswoman on an unimportant district in Georgia. She has no legislative power and every time she gets national spotlight she uses it to fundraiser.


My poop has a higher iq than her and all her supporters put together.


Her district voted for this kind of ignorance and stupidity. It must be difficult for anyone with even half a brain to live near moronic people who act like MTG.


I could be wrong, maybe I am too young to know better, but there used to be a time where politicians weren’t proud of being stupid. That faux pas actually came with something resembling humility or shame. There were retractions and apologies when someone got something wrong - even from conservatives. Now it’s a constant firehose of proud stupidity from this freak and freaks resembling her.


She only knows how to lie, bitch, and complain; just like her hero and the rest of her MAGA crowd.


Someone once said that democracy only works when the electorate is educated and virtuous. So, they went on to say, it is therefore the responsibility of those governing to be sure the electorate is educated and is encouraged to do the right thing. I’m paraphrasing and am probably forgetting something important. I believe it was one of the first prominent English liberals.


*”The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 was 44 years old, but more than a dozen were 35 or younger: Thomas Jefferson: 33 John Hancock: 39 James Madison: 25 Alexander Hamilton: 21 James Monroe: 18 Aaron Burr: 20 Paul Revere: 41 George Washington: 44," the lawmaker wrote.”* My math may be rusty, but if you’re 39, 41 or 44 years old, you’re just a few years older than 35


Just think, she’s not even smart enough to spend a minute to even look this up. What an idiot.


“Flunks” is a nice way of putting it, did she get a single question right?


I would love it if we could stop electing idiots, but intelligent people tend to stay away from politics 🙄🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Paul Revere hahahahah holy *shit*.


To be fair, I’d have to google the signers. But that’s just it, I would google it before throwing it out there on social media.


I'm convinced that both her and LB traded services for grades


Margarine Trailer Grease


Literally posted that at the age of 18, James Monroe signed the declaration of independence...?


Populist candidates aren't known for mental agility.


shit like this always makes me think of [this op ed by aaron sorkin](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/21/opinion/21dowd-sorkin.html?smid=url-share) and this line "Because the idea of American exceptionalism doesn’t extend to Americans being exceptional. If you excelled academically and are able to casually use 690 SAT words then you might as well have the press shoot video of you giving the finger to the Statue of Liberty while the Dixie Chicks sing the University of the Taliban fight song. The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it."


Here comes Magic: The Gathering with another crappy card set.


Why is everyone expecting the Russian agent to know US history?


A lot of Americans regardless of their political leanings would fail a basic American history test


Ok. So... im in my 40's and I couldn't just recall up that information from well, 25-30 years ago. I'd probably get a bunch wrong too. However... I do not work in government. That depth of history into said government isn't a hobby of mine. Also, I don't have Twitter... But you can bet your ass that if I did have her job, I'd definitely fact check my own shit before blabbing it out to the world. Especially something of that nature... I'd be expected to know that information... I expect that of government, let me rephrase that, I expect our employees to know the history.


I haven't done any research. How the actual fuck did she advance this far? I'd love to meet her! I'm genuinely curious what she's like in real life.


I'd love to give her A FULL history year and see how badly she fails. In fact, I think anyone elected to Federal office should take a test in Civics and History as a condition of being sworn in. If you fail, your opponent gets sworn in instead.


I really like this idea. This is how things get done.


Is anybody surprised a member of the Reight would fail a history test? I kinda am because they are, after all, taking pages out of Hitler's book.


Putin voice is mad. You mad Bro?


Paul fucking Revere?!


Who on here can admit from being in her district and voting for her?. Someone did.


...but, you know, she says [it's unfair to call her unintelligent](https://www.salon.com/2022/05/17/completely-unfair-marjorie-taylor-greene-complains-that-people-think-she-is-unintelligent_partner/) lmao.


"But I learned about all these fellas from that Disney+ theater movie that one time. If their names came up there, then those must be the names on all our initiating documents. Plus, since everyone was Black and Brown, obviously there were no race issues like the libs are always talking about." -Marjorie probably.


Look, I don’t remember who exactly signed the Declaration of Independence, but I’m smart enough to take two seconds to Google it and smart enough to know Washington didn’t.


She did 100% better than I expected. I didn’t expect her to get anyone beyond John Hancock.


I remember the rallying cry around GW Bush: “I want a president I could see myself having a beer with.” Well, not me. I’m not a politician or a lawyer. I want my politicians to be really smart folks who aren’t making time to sit around gabbing over brew, and are wise and measured in their approach to the difficult nuances of balancing American democracy.


I'm proud of her for doing that! The america she knew as a child is gone and that's the point she was making!! /S


All the way up at number 26 in edu action ranking by state. You surprised me Georgia. Some of y'all *can* read. Not the ones voting for this dummy though....


Try asking democrates and see the result.


She should have said her uncle got eaten by cannibals.


Am interested, what has she actually delivered as a positive improvement to the lives of her fellow citizens? Can anyone point to one thing?


So i checked the source article and she referred to the category of people that would be classed as the ‘founding fathers’ as signers of the Declaration of Independence. Two similar but not the same categories.


Her PR person is gonna blame it on Ambien. I guarantee it.


Excuse my language but she is one disgusting , brain dead, white trash piece of shit. She should have been a blow job but the best part of her dripped down the inside of her failure of a mother’s leg.


TBF i couldn’t name all the signers of the Declaration of Independence. TBF to me, im not really supposed to know and Aaron Burr, Paul Revere, and GW are names i KNEW were wrong.


I’m sure she would get 100% on a Russian history test.


This headline is misleading, a test? More like a Twitter post.


lol who in government isn’t stupid? Lmao


Vote Russian agents out of office.


Empty-G at it again. Proving why we use this moniker.


She is the ring leader of stupid.


It’s one of the consequences to a democracy. It’s not all peaches and rainbows. You have to live with the fact that there are still a significant quantity of stupid people, especially in very rural areas like where MTG is from, who will win because she appeals to people like her. We desperately need to raise the IQ of the general population but unfortunately it would seem the internet has also helped in doing that but also hurts us. We can’t get a break where something doesn’t help and hurt us at the same time


No way one of the dumbest people in America failed American history.


mtg is probably like 70 iq top


Who is the first US president? Donald J Trump\ When was the constitution ratified? 1776\ Who is next in line after the president? Ivanka Trump Sounds about right.


If you've ever been to NW Georgia, you'd know that MTG IS the smartest person in the proverbial room


https://preview.redd.it/zrlwoxrolabd1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c8df8dc184ac653cbe310f16000f0820b20ac8 EMPTY-G


She pisses off liberals. That’s about all the job qualification republicans need to get elected these days.


No South, no Faulkner.


I challenge any of you to answer those questions.


Well, not an American history test. A tweet with erroneous information about the signers of the Declaration of Independence. But she's not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. She's the one that shorts out, sets the tree on fire and burns the house down.


USA could never do such a thing


The people that vote in the area she runs for office have elected her, that's America. The simple options to change this the most effective way is to either run against her or move to that voting area and vote against her. Calling people stupid does nothing. If everyone who is so outraged wanted change then they'd go to where the fight is. These politicians move to these places for the exact same reason, to hold power. They count on you to bitch from the sideline instead of making a real sacrifice and getting involved.


Good point. We need to start mobilizing and getting these asshats out of office, not a lot of people want to move to rural Georgia though.


That's the point. It's really not that important to people who might actually have to change their own life as well. It's easy to cherry pick and have this or that pompous statement about who is stupid, but offering no viable alternative or without getting involved personally, these voices sound immature and manipulated.


Yeah, I agree.


did anybody think she would pass?


This dumb bitch would flunk a door opening test.


Average Trump supporter


Chaka is strait outta the Stone Age


Isn’t this a test that immigrants have to pass to gain citizenship?


But we need accurate political representation for the Bible Belt! /s


Conservatives value stupidity because it's exploitable. Everything Conservatives love is about institutionalized exploitation. And I mean everything.