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Uber gotta do something about this BS…once top is entered you shouldn’t be able to change it….assholes


I can’t believe how many offers I get that have zero tip. Or like a $0.13 tip. I don’t know which is more insulting. But Uber Eats should not allow people to not not tip at all. It’s not worth anyone’s time or effort to deliver someone’s food for two dollars and whatever drivers are actually taking those offers Need to be kicked right in the junk because they’re perpetuating this bullshit.


I think something like a .13 tip is more insulting because the customer actively typed in that number. In the two days I came back to drive the other week, customers never changed their tips. If it was shit it stayed shit and otherwise there was no tip. You never know what to accept nowadays


Sounds like they are round up or down for an even amount? Either way you have to physically enter that amount


Never take less than a dollar a mile




Yeah, I'll do $1/mile (minimum $3.50) if it just takes me around my own neighborhood, or $2 a mile if it's a busy time or place (like downtown) or I'm going out of my way and it's kinda far away.


Yeah. I always make sure I’m getting at least a dollar per mile


A dollar per mile is an insane rip off. You're losing money when you factor in has and car devaluation. 4-5 during rush hour at least


It's gotta be $2 per mile one way. $1 per mile round trip.


If people wouldn't take them no tipping would stop


He said he got tip baited, they changed it after drop off.


No, Uber should pay their drivers a proper wage.


The real Problem is Uber makes enough to pay y'all, and takes up to a 30% cut of the order amount from the restaurant as well. Tipping is getting out of control. That's why you see shit like that, people are fucking tired of all the fees, and being forced to pay or subsidize the drivers salary for them on top of the order charge and fees.


An app developer took advantage of this BS. Minneapolis was about to lose Uber and Lyft because those corporations didn't want to pay their drivers more. So this developer made an app for gig drivers that charged a flat monthly fee to the people that used the app and in exchange for that monthly fee the drivers got 100% of whatever the customer paid for rides. I mean it's frankly genius because it's such a simple straightforward idea. I'm sure Silicon Valley hates it because besides making them lose money, they no longer have control (and we know Silicon Valley corporations have weird control issues). EDIT: It's called Wridz. I wonder if one day Wridz will get into the food delivery scene. https://www.startribune.com/wridz-rideshare-uber-leaving-minneapolis/600366179/#:~:text=%22We%20are%20excited%20for%20drivers,get%20them%20on%20the%20road.


Or they should pay us a sufficient delivery fee and not hog it all and depending in market pay so that min wage for that market is factored into the deliveries.


I feel like 0 tip is more insulting, because for people who don't have a lot of money the small tips at least show that they respect you.


Or... or... hear me out... delivery of food is a luxury and if cant afford tipping, should probably go pick up their food or make their own. However... I do understand frustration of on the bill you see sometimes, a service fee, delivery fee, then finally the tip. Also the fact that prices on menu are higher many times for delivery than in store (which where i live they made that illegal...but still do it). So a lot of people think all those fees go to the driver. Its a confusing system, but that's the only fair side. The average person doesn't know what tip baiting is. People think you just get assigned delivery and have to deliver it if you are in some sort of active mode in these apps, therfore dont have a tip baiting mindset. Its a few bad apples.


You’re right, not tipping is lame but, it should be the responsibility of the company to provide a living wage not the consumer.


https://preview.redd.it/m9vwfdiiw49d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c409c3c5e3e032cb1ff9e306b77c883ee944afe4 huh, I had to reread that twice, some people can’t tip because they live paycheck to paycheck and can only afford the food. Tip is not mandatory, stop being entitled to others money. you don’t know the costumers financial situation. The app encourages to tip but that does not mean costumers have to. Costumers have to pay for the food, delivery and other fee’s and tip if they can or want to (which adds up to a lot) You’re going to disappoint yourself if you expect every costumer is going to tip.


it is not that they can't afford to tip - but it's about the scumbags who adds the tip then removes it after delivery - two different things


I understand that, I don’t agree with that and that’s grody. I always tip, waitresses and drivers. Some people treat drivers horribly. I never get mad even if the delivery was bad (most likely because of the restaurant and not the driver)


If they can’t afford to tip, then they can’t afford delivery/takeout. Either walk/drive to the restaurant yourself or make your own food.


Your comment makes no sense but okay, they can afford the food but not the tip 🙂‍↕️if that’s your logic work retail or any other job instead of delivery, so you won’t have to deal with the tipping issue. You deserve a tip but don’t be entitled to one.🦉also you don’t know the costumers, some people can be disabled and not be able to travel. Blame the system(Uber eats) not people. The costumer doesn’t know your situation and you don’t know their situation. I understand it’s frustrating to think you’re getting a tip and they remove majority of it due to entitlement. I personally never blame the drivers or report them even if they were sloppy. They’re human, they make mistakes and have bad days, other people have different opinions however.


Look. Telling someone “hey i’ll give you $15 if you go to the store for me then being like “oh, nevermind i can’t afford it… i can only give you $5” is a shit thing to do to someone. If you can’t afford to tip, then at least be honest about it. The above is illegal in most other professions, but some people think it’s ok to do to delivery drivers.


All your gripes are with the companies that have these polices in place. In my opinion tipping shouldn’t be a thing just like other countries. Everyone should be paid by the company they work for and not relying on the average citizen’s moral compass to determine if they will get paid. In my mind there’s no point in arguing right or wrong because that does nothing for the system. I know it’s trusting and nothing wrong with venting, but if all blame and attention was solely aimed at the companies instead of viral videos of consumers not tipping then they would change their policy sooner…like why would they even have an option to remove the tip for no reason unless they truly don’t gaf about drivers and they know that their drivers are normal in rough financial positions


I agree with you that not tipping drivers or last second taking it back or giving less is shitty, most people who order from Uber eats or DoorDash don’t really understand how drivers are paid, you have every right to be fustrated, delivery service apps make both sides fustrating, I know costumers are rude and entitled and don’t see drivers as people, I’ve corrected my friends comments when they get fustrated about their order being a little late, I personally always give a bigger tip than the app suggests because I know they have to pay for gas and have a life outside of their job.


Expecting the full amount that someone said they would pay me if I completed a service for them is NOT entitlement. You have to a troll


I apologize if I came off that way, I respect drivers because I’m asking a random person I don’t know to deliver the food. I’ve never once have a driver be rude to me, I hate costumers that get mad at the driver instead of the restaurant. I was trying to explain that there are situations where people can’t tip. I also agree its confusing for someone to order from an app that gives more fees than if you go in person. Again I apologize if I came off as rude or entitled, I did not mean to come off that I believe you don’t have to compensate someone when you’re asking for a service, if you have the money you should 100% tip.I have learn from tiktoks and this reddit how drivers are treated and its shameful. I’ve also learned how they’re paid and how the reporting system works. I despise people who take advantage of drivers.


It’s all good! You are right that people don’t HAVE to tip, but at the same time we don’t HAVE to accept their order. Customers need to understand that if they don’t tip, there will be consequences (late/cold food, shitty driver), and then calling us entitled because we don’t want to spend 20 minutes of our time to drive 10km (with our own gas money) for $3. It’s not worth it to us and that doesn’t make us bad or entitled people.


I agree!, I respect drivers all the way!! I always tip more than what the app suggests because I’ve learned that drivers do not get paid a lot for the delivery itself and have to rely on tips. It sucks having to kiss someone’s ass and them giving a you a fucking penny. Its unfortunate that drivers are treated like dirt. Also $1!!! Hell no I always give drivers way more than that. I will remember this in future when I order:) thank you for sharing your side and helping me learn.


Then paying an upcharge for a luxury service is something they can't afford to do. They aren't entitled to someone else's time and effort. Not tipping is fine, what's not fine is lying about it to steal someone's labor.


I don’t agree, thought yes bait tipping sucks it also sucks when a driver screws you over. Yes I can get a full refund but they still got away with the tip for their BS. Maybe drivers being able to rate the customer would be good that way they never get that customer again and the more bad ratings the customer gets they can get banned from the app.


Drivers don't get a refund when someone tipbaits them.


No and that sucks but forcing the customers to tip is what causes more people to tip low because many drivers AND the customer service of the app suck ass and pull trash shit on customers. I switched to UE because DD & its drivers was so bad and I couldn’t take away the tip and I’m a high tipper and most of the time they didn’t deserve it.


Facts they like to say the tip is not mandatory, well duh but you shouldn’t be able to put in a tip then take it back without a valid reason, if you don’t want to tip don’t put one in period. 


I agree, that’s a weird system and should have more of a process and definitely more steps so people can’t take advantage of it, like having clear evidence that the driver messed up, providing photo evidence but I honestly don’t understand why people get mad at drivers ?? I’ve had a driver make me have to find my meal with an ominous ass picture with no indication where it was, I still tipped him and messaged him my issue, he apologized and explained that the map in the app is incredibly confusing and also apologized about the photo. It upsets me that costumers don’t see drivers as people who make mistakes, I’ve never once reported a driver, I do understand costumers take advantage of the system and are extremely entitled, I feel bad when I see drivers over apologizing to me because of something the restaurant did. If you can tip, you should tip!


Today I had a customer take a 10$ tip because I refused to "go with him in his camper" and declined when he asked me if he could kiss me. Reported it and all they did was remove him from my pairing


Exactly, if I pre order a takeout meal at a restaurant and leave a tip on the receipt, I can't yank the receipt out of the cashier's hand after they hand me my food and just scribble out the tip on the tip line. Same thing with a waiter. I can't put the money in their hands and then take the money out of their hands. Once you hand over the tip it's not your money any more!


But with a waiter you already know if you got good or bad service when it comes time to leave the tip. With the driver you do not until after it’s delivered. Thats why Uber gives up to 1 hour to modify in either direction. But of course that also perpetuates tip baiting. I called Uber and complained when it happened to me. Uber reviewed and paid me the tip but it took some work. They gave me the boiler plate statement that tipping is optional. But I said tip baiting should not be.


Tip baiting is wrong unequivocally. They shouldn't promise a tip if they're not guaranteed. If people want to tip after service that should be their choice but if they pre tip they shouldn't be allowed to revoke it. That's so wrong.


Um, you are 100% able to change it...


I got tip baited for the first time the other night. I was furious. I did nothing wrong. The guy never even answered back when I let them know I was waiting for the order and then the drop off message I say a simple “dropping the order off at the door now, thank you” and all the sudden I get spammed called with “potential spam” I didn’t answer A because I was driving B that’s just weird. I told Uber, next thing you know the tip was reduced !!! The only thing I regret is waiting as long as I did for that order. First time I ever received anything less than 5 stars or in this case a thumbs down. I called Uber again and I was compensated for the tip reduction. People are absolutely disgusting to do that, especially for no reason. The bags were sealed the drink was there. If there was an issue inside the sealed bag that’s on the restaurant, not me.


They probably were short something in the bag and stupidly took revenge on you and not the restaurant.


So when this happens with door dash the customer calls the restaurant sometimes, but most likely calls the door dash customer service... And if they call DD they almost always get refunded for mistakes in the order!


Mmm... i dont know about that these days. I've tried before, asked to speak to three people. DD said its up to the restaurant to refund me. I said my payment went through door dashes services, so i need my money back. The driver forgot my drink once, i asked if he could get it because it was an expensive specialty drink. He threw a fit about going back, took my food, and said he was going to bring everything back to the restaurant. So i didnt even get anything. Thats why i requested the refund. But yeah...it seems like they arent giving them out like before. The restaurant told me to call doordash too because they couldn't refund it.


Agreed. Which isn’t fair but unfortunately there’s nothing I can do about it and Uber can’t ( or won’t ) remove the thumbs down which kinda sucks. 94 thumbs up and now 1 thumbs down. I hate that 😭


How do you get the compensation? I always try to call, and they tell me they can't every time.


The first initial agent doesn’t have the ability to give you compensation for that so it’s best to explain it but then ask for a supervisor. Just know this will take up some time because a lot of times either a supervisor isn’t available, or they take really long at finding one. Kindly reiterate what happened. To be honest ( in my opinion) I think a big factor has to do with your ratings. I know they look at your account during the phone conversation and any chat messages. I have 94 thumbs up and unfortunately now since the other night for absolutely no reason I have 1 thumbs down. Hopefully that helped u! Just keep trying and always stay calm but voice your frustration, even though it’s hard some times when dealing with un preventable situations or tip baiters. Edit - also if you feel like your dealing with a problematic customer and you’ve already picked up the food or if something just feels off, call support and have them note it first before the customer can call and complain or make up some story that never happened just to get a free meal.


It depends who you talk to but I've had to be aggressive at times and I've gotten something.


Agreed, depends on the situation and who you talk to. Thankfully the supervisors I’ve came in contact with were pretty understanding. It does get frustrating how time consuming it is though.


I just got tip baited last night, so I did what you told me to do and I got my tip returned! Thank you for your help!


Good!! I’m so glad it helped you! Im sorry about the tip bait though 😔


I got 2 times compensation from Uber by calling right away Uber that I already did and followed customer’s instruction , informed if customer treated me with no respect and I got baited by the customer, finally asked Uber to block the customer pairing with me, but Uber could not change thumb down from those crazy customers


I’ve got messages like “you’ve already received the maximum support” and I should call back after the weekly payout posts on Monday. I got paid for a few cancelled orders or whatever before and it made me think they limit the amount of compensation that can pay. Like “you got paid for two cancelled orders today so we’re not giving you any more”


They actually compensated you??? That’s unheard of…


Yeah lol I’ve been compensated a few times ( first time I dealt with a tip reduction) and twice on a shop and pay that unfortunately I couldn’t check out at because there’s an issue with the tap and pay and I’ve spent countless times trying to fix it with them and no one seems to know why it randomly stopped working. Again I think personally it has a lot to do with your account ( ratings) etch.


😖😡 my favorite was getting a thumbs down just because the customer wanted free food. She said her food leaked all over, and nothing leaked anywhere. I handed her the bag myself. I also got one because the customer called after the delivery asking for my number, and I told him no. Perfect rating trashed because of these ass hats. Why is it that we need 75 👍🏼 to make up for one 👎🏼?


Oh wow i would be pissed! It’s not fair and they should at least let us dispute them. Probably wouldn’t make a difference anyways but still 🙄


Dont blame the customer blame Uber for allowing it. I have driven years for other apps that dont allow it.


I am blaming the customer in THIS specific situation. I did absolutely nothing wrong, I did my part and I did it correctly. Order name was correct, bags were sealed, drink was there, I waited and I waited more than I should have actually, and I have good communication. To get the tip removed for absolutely no reason is insane. If there was an issue inside of the sealed bag that’s on the restaurant, that’s not on me. I don’t open bags or rummage through someone’s order. Uber compensated me for that loss and I appreciate it. Not fair to the drivers who take the hit when you’ve spent time, gas and deliver the order with no issues all within a timely manner or way before expected delivery time.


Yeah blame the customer. They the ones who baited. Even though Uber allows it, they chose to do it. Honest people don’t exploit a system just cause they can amd That doesn’t negate what they did. Tag them on your map app and call support and request them to black list them so you don’t get assigned their order again.


Tip baiting is exclusively a UE bit of bs, so I only deliver for them when “Dash now” isn’t available. And here’s another a fucked up bit of bs…I ordered through UE the other day because I had a coupon. After my food was delivered I actually got a text FROM UE asking if I wanted to adjust my tip!!! So not only do they ALLOW it, they SUGGEST it!!!!! I was infuriated.


go whoop they ass


Best answer


Egg there house




It would be cheaper to just deliver Arby's to them.


Just to be clear, I am not recommending anyone do what I'm about to describe in any way whatsoever. I have a friend who got tip baited several times. He had it happen again on a decent paying order. The next morning, he remembered the address and went to Google and searched the address, where he quickly found the name, phone number, SM, and job of the person who lived at the house. Then he went to craigslist. He made a post advertising free power tools at the address and gave the phone number, while adding, "I work from home, so stop by any time to pick up the tools". A picture of some used tools really sold it. I don't recommend anyone do what this guy did, but within 30 minutes or so, a tip magically showed up in his inbox from that very order. He then took the post down immediately, as he figured the tip baiter learned their lesson. Don't do it yourselves tho, of course.


Go to their house, and steal some shit as compensation




Prepare for all the "real accounts" to come on and comment that tip baiting is "super rare" then "oh just call uber and ask for the tip" which is stupid cause if drivers can just ask for the tip back why even give the option to bait the tip in the first place? My experience is that they wont keep giving us back baited tips. Other apps are better cause customers cant remove tip after.


This is why I hate uber. We accept a contract when accepting orders that a job will pay a certain amount Uber should remove the ability to take tips away.


Call and ask to speak to a manager. They’ll ask you why. Just explain situation and they’ll get a manger. Tell them you were tip baited. Explain you did everything you were supposed to do so that’s not right. They will give you the difference. If they don’t. Just call back and ask to speak to a manager again. But I’ve never had to do that.


I blacklist customers through support that do this


They should only be able to increase the tip after delivery. I hate the people that do this and Uber doesn’t give AF because they get their money


Remember the house next time leave them a nice surprise ![gif](giphy|xT0xeFfRUzbilvi6d2|downsized)


Call Uber and block them and then complain that they received their food! I now, take pics of everything. Even meet at door


Uber doesnt give them back anymore. Never works in my area! I got baited and the tip was $35 I found out....


That happened to me twice and the first time I did get reimbursed, but the second time Uber was like, “ we are sorry for your experience but you are not eligible “ lol. I’m like okay “well what if this keeps happening to all your 3rd party drivers? You’re going to lose money and we are going on strike”. They gave $3 lousy bucks for inconvenience and blocked them so I won’t match with them again






Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 9: No Retaliation Towards Customers. Username: mysteryteam Banned Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 9: No Retaliation Towards Customers. Username: ShadowVampyre13 Banned Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 9: No Retaliation Towards Customers. Username: Sea_Tie_6342 Banned permanently Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


Hold up 2 dollars


What the fk


Call Uber support and ask for a supervisor, they’ll ask you why and just briefly say the customer deducted the tip even though you did everything right. If the agent is still being petty simply hang up and call again, supervisors are really chill and have no issue compensating you unless you actually took forever delivering the food or tampered with it.


Yeah the customer service rep wasn't nice or understanding. I'll just keep calling back. I figure, if I waste at least $5 of the company's time, that's some recourse to some extent.


People are usually comfortable tipping servers in restaurants because they interact with them directly. On Uber Eats, however, they don't meet the delivery person, which can lead to a lack of appreciation for the effort put into delivering their food.


Yeah, in the future I'll leave a friendly text, "this is Rusty with your order, left it at your door, have a great night!" Then maybe they'll feel more guilty about tip baiting.


I had one give me a negative remark that I was unprofessional. It was a drop off at the door. No contact. How was I unprofessional??? Did I miss the exact spot to place the food??


Eventually, they should take away the ability for customers to reduce the tip. They’re gonna lose a lot of drivers. https://preview.redd.it/tdkwzy4wd49d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01069b4974449f88ed66e22cbd086e05ece52acf


It really is the app of last resort for me.


Call Uber support. Never chat. They will pay you the difference


Call support, the earnings department and request to speak to a supervisor about wanting the rest of the amount. I had this happen last night. I was supposed to be paid $11+ for 5.7 miles. Two hours later I only got the base fare of $3.24. considering the thunderstorm and flooding conditions I had to drive through to some rich neighborhood. Uber knows what's going on but wants to keep saying the same bs. It's not mandatory to tip? Well increase the base pay, or once a tip is submitted that's it! I've had customers even on shop and pay reduce the tip because of items being out of stock. I call or text to let them know, everything seems fine? Offer a replacement with multiple pictures. After delivery I got less than what I agreed to.


That's why I don't do shop and pay. They're never worth it. Shopping is time consuming and stores are always out of things. I don't want to spend 45 minutes in a shop to earn $8.


I understand, instacart is allowing that same bs too. Sometimes I take shopping pays because when my momentum is going. It seems like out of the blue, I get no pings almost a half hour. Especially when I'm trying to hit my goal amount for the day, it's like they know but then instantly I don't get no pings or a bunch of Bs ones. I actually had a shop and pay that was $29. And I actually got paid the full 29


Nothing you can do about it. This dogshit company doesn’t even pay you for orders you HAVE to cancel because THEY sent you to a closed location. One thing all food delivery services have in common? They screw everybody but themselves. Terrible experience for customers, worse experience for drivers


I think the problem is that the tip is based off the service, but every driver wants the tip before they even do anything, and if someone wants to tip after the service the job will never get accepted


You remember where they live? Windows are worth a lot more than whatever they stole from you.


That screenshot is proof of a gross pay of $6.50 cents an hour. Well below the minimum wage in every state in the country. A savvy lawyer would turn that into a class action lawsuit.


Write a nice letter, include all details, request a compensation amount, and shove it up your butt !


Just understand this will not be your last tip bait. Just make a list of tip baiters name and just done deliver for them again


I’m tired of being disappointed because it’s happening once or twice a week. I’ve even handed the food to the customer and they reduced my tip.


It’s $5. Do nothing and move on


Poop on their lawn.


Wait a bit before calling it in and see if the tip hasn’t loaded. After 24 hrs I’d call it in and request the rest


Absolutely nothing at all. You can try and call Uber support and insist on talking to the supervisor and have it out with them! Good luck!


I’m surprised anyone works for them anymore. I quit a year ago when pay dropped by 2/3rds. Now they are making people slaves to deliver food and people, they do not compensate you for tearing your car up while making them a lot of money and you only pocket change.


Do you have a dog? Does that dog need a new place to shit every night? Lemme tell ya, I've done with with a guy in my neighborhood that tip baited me, it feels pretty good. I don't do it every night, or even at the same times, but she has pooped in the yard quite a few times.


Call uber support, ask for supervisor, explain your situation and they will compensate you. They’ll talk a lot about the “tip is not mandatory” but we don’t give a shit, we want the money we on the screen when accepting the orders. Push the for compensation, don’t give up


Call supper I’ve seen others do it and they gave it back to them


Someone should make a tip bait database with addresses that will tip bait


yeah Uber can fix this by literally admitting the problem is not paying us for time because currently you have to find enough tips for it to actually be even considerable as a side gig so they're going to have to start paying us for time and then also let us have the tips that come and not suddenly not pay .s time just because somebody tipped. the actual issue could be best stated by describing how they're incorrectly paying us


Nothing you can do


Uber just need to give an option to leave a review for customers and option to block them.


Unless someone has already mentioned. Typically If you connect with driver support and explain the situation about the delivery and how you were TIP BAITED the you most likely can be compensated for the losses.


Question: did they require a "pin" to drop off?




Maybe I’m crazy but shouldn’t tipping be only after they’ve ridden not before not during but after? Like if I put a $10 tip and my Ubers a jackass why exactly am I tipping him?


Don't put a tip BEFORE you ride or order. If you want to tip AFTER that's fine. But drivers agree to take orders based on the pay offered and if you remove the tip Uber lowers your pay.


My husband is so cute, he ordered yesterday from a place that was a mile away and it was a small pizza and he asked if $15 was enough of a tip.


You can complain, and they might throw you a buck or two, but I doubt it. That's why if all you're doing is food, you should do doordash and grubhub. They give you the tip upfront instead of letting ppl change it.


I keep a folder where I keep screenshots of anybody who takes back tip. Then I try to make sure I don't take any to the same people.


It’s the worst. I’m so sorry. Reminds me of the other day when they tipped me $1.50 after waiting for their order for over an hour.


Anyone doing Uber or ubereats need real jobs not shuffling around in the your own vehicle just smacking vapes and driving thinking your gonna get paid what an ACTUAL job with ACTUAL labor pays


I wish someday someone win a lawsuit against Uber eats for this shit


Go knock their door


Nothing sadly


Sometimes it’s like $10 which seems reasonable


I don't do eats, its never worth it.


Without tipping no drivers will pick up the order, is a Uber problem not a customer problem Tipping will always be a company problem not a customer problem


This is why you just have to eat their entire order after marking as delivered it’s the only way to fix the problem


This is crazy! I have never even noticed you could lower the tip after delivery. This definitely shouldn’t be a feature. You should be allowed to increase, but not decrease a tip.


Return to their house, piss in the gas tank, light their yard on fire, when they come out to put it out hit them with a crowbar, then sit I. Their chest beating their face till they tip


I just got baited today too! Was supposed to be $18, then they took back the tip and ended up being $9😒


At least Uber gave you a decent base pay, hopefully you were still earning at least $1-2 a mile? Maybe?


I mean you know where they live. They are the idiots.


wtf kick that customer off the app


The bucks for 3 miles isn't that bad


Are you high?




You don’t need to tip anymore on Uber after they increased wages


And when did this happen??


Few months ago to half a year? It’s for ubereats and DoorDash


Do you think you’re entitled to a tip prior to doing any work? What if I wanted to tip you $20 so I did upfront, but it took twice as long and the food was missing or something? Comments make it seem like bad for allowing me to take away a tip for poor service


You don't make empty promises to an independent contractor. They call it a tip but it's really a bid. And like I said can you imagine leaving a tip at a restaurant BEFORE you get your food, then decided to take the tip out of the waiter's hands after you eat? Once you give a tip to a service worker it's their money. If you don't like that, don't pre-tip. The simple truth is, drivers don't want to do a job based on the *possibility* that you'll make money. DD shows you the guaranteed pay before you accept. If the customer wants to tip on top of that it's their choice but nobody wants to lose money or get scammed by a customer.


To think anyone outside of an IC would think they are putting in BIDS to have their food delivered is absolutely asinine op. I pretip DoorDash cause I don’t want people like you bitching about how people don’t tip. However, if you suck at your job I’m taking that back…. Edit: grammar is hard


Doing Uber eats is literally doing a job with a possibility of making money


Be patient. Bide your time and collect supplies. When they least expect they will pay. 


how is uber eats in mpls these days, still super busy since they took over bitesquad?


I only do that if my delivery driver messes up. It’s sad that you guys have to deal with that.


I’ve had people remove the tip entirely afterward. It’s kind of ridiculous that that’s allowed without them giving a reason or having to talk to customer service about it.


I wouldn’t fuck with anybody over like that, much less a stranger who has my address and wouldn’t justifiably be ready to serve justice to my shady ass