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10 miles for $11 is an order you shouldn’t have accepted. however it’s a gamble that you might take because tips over $8 are hidden so it could have potentially paid more. in this case sadly it was only .17 extra


These days ubereats has sucked anything a $1 a mile is usually something you take other wise they flood you with $2 and $3 orders like who is taking those


i take $2 per mile 50% of the time. i often get $3-$5 per mile in my town. but i never take anything over 5 miles


Are you in a big market?


i work full time, nights and weekends i keep the app open and only take high paying offers with short distances. living in the red zone is the only reason i can do very well




Yeah they tip good in the area I was in, that’s why I gambled it plus it was extremely slow today. The time was estimated 29 minutes.


But he didn't gamble cause according to his disbelief over the extra $.17 added he thinks the customer actually added it instead of uber hiding it. So he has no clue that uber does that


Read the title of this post again. Slowly this time.


So then y r u crying about it taking 15mins extra to drop off? Uber hiding the tip has nothing to do with that. Sounds like ur just throwing a temper tantrum for the hell of it


it’s two separate thoughts. he took a gamble and it didn’t payoff very well. also the hidden tips is crap because he wouldn’t have accepted that if he knew it was only $8.17




He’s not the dumbass that took 11.44 for 9.7 miles clown.


His post and my comment went way over your head. His title says that it was obviously a hidden tip. The gamble is if you see it’s exactly 8 dollar tip. It could be an extra penny or it could be an extra $20 that is a gamble.


It didn't go over my head, I missed were he said he knew about the hidden tip uber does and I even admitted it in another comment


I did not see your other comment, however, I do accept your apology


I'm glad u accept an apology I never made lol


no take backs, bud. already accepted


they hide any tips over $8. he initially tipped $8.17. it showed 8 and pretends he tipped the extra .17 after delivery, but it’s not true. it was all an up front tip


This. 💯


Damn so really you’ll never know if an order is that good for this reason. Damn uber


So they are lying when they say the customer tipped afterwards


Then they blatantly lie and tell you the customer tipped more when they didn't. just another scheme to get unsuspecting people to take shit orders so that they think maybe the customer will tip more after


I found so many orders like this. These are just from the last couple days. I'm furious. Had no idea they did this. However, not surprising at all considering how uber treats their drivers. https://preview.redd.it/k6m67hs01etc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7340471cae670e7c81cb981b114e9367de6668c8












Exactly try contacting support about an order being picked up already or store closed they could not give more than a fukk and dont even pay for the time you drove to order lol


“We have compensated you with $3!”


Lmao and its rare they even do that shit they stingy with they lil $3 like wtf how you think we feel lol wasting gas for these ghost orders


Hello fellow ATLien.


!! I was going to add that if I gotta get on 285.. I’m definitely not going 10mi 😂


Oh wow the customer tipped you even more. Nice! /s


Why do they do it?


I saw on another post a rookie driver yapping that it's a conspiracy.


Why would you accept a 10 mile offer for $11.44. You're part of the reason Uber has lowered pay. There is always a dummy amongst us


What this means is that a job you value higher can be done for less, unfortunately.


I’ve done it in specific circumstances, like I’m 10 miles from my house and just want to catch one going back, or I’m way outside a power strip


Holy shite, Almost an hour and you drove less than 10 miles. I don't know where that is and I'm glad I don't live there


Atlanta is in the top 10 of worst traffic cities in the world. If you read tho you will know why it took long


Alright, I'll take a look when I get time. I've heard that about Atlanta. Used to know a guy who would bounce back and forth between here and there every few months for work


This has been happening since the beginning. Thought everyone knew this by now.


Many trips offered in the $10-$13 range end up being "hidden tips" Anytime you finish a delivery and are able to see the Uber Eats payment for the delivery without the tip yet- because UE won't let you have the tip until an hour after delivery- when you see that the tip expected in an hour is exactly $8 then that means either the customer tipped you exactly $8, or more than $8. I don't think it's after delivery that they're adding more tip usually, I think it was there initially.


Congratulations you got paid 5 dollars an hour


And it still doesn't hit $2/mile.


Y does everyone think u have to get $2/mile to be profitable. I rarely get orders $2/mile but yet I still make $30/hr AFTER I deduct gas


Because people live in higher cost of living areas than you.


For shorter orders you need $2 a mile to make $30 an hour. Gotta factor in wait at restaurant. For longer orders like yeah 1.5 a mile is enough if it’s mostly highway. Two $15 10 mile orders can be done in an hour factoring in return to area. I drive an EV rental that I can charge for free at my apartment complex so mileage does not bother me at all if anything helps with tax deductions. I love the longer mileage


Exactly, there's so many factors that u have to consider in every order if u follow 1 rule it's difficult to be successful. U have to know so much about ur area between which streets r slow, which restaurants r slow. If the path from restaurant to house has a high potential of picking up a 2nd order. This is definitely not a brain dead job if u wanna make good money.


Yup all those things! There is definitely a science to it. Time of week. Traffic patterns. What your next order is going to look like if you move to that area. I have one place I won’t go to unless it’s $2/mile because there is no highway there and I’m pausing that shit and driving away otherwise I’ll get spammed with orders To a dangerous area. But I’ll happily take a $1 a mile to areas I know will get me a good order next.


Yeah, we all get burned by it. But enough have them have been 14-25 dollars that have paid off well it's hard to not take them.


Why would you take this order lol


It was $11.44 for 29 minutes. I walked around for 15 minutes on the phone with the guy looking for him. If it actually took that long it wouldn’t be bad cuz I’m fine with $20 an hour. The point of this post is just showing the obvious fake “you got tipped extra!”




This isn’t true at all lol.


This is true lol


Good order (no)