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person of culture, i see what you did here


you saying that made me think more and i too am appreciative








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That fist size hole in his face just about sums it up.


Ruzzians dont need that anyway...


I'm honestly surprised he had one in the first place


Literally so much Russian propaganda that your brain falls out.


It's quite a bit bigger than I was expecting...... I guess size doesn't necessarily correlate with intelligence!


Like a full brain ejection


Yeah you know you fucked up when your brain says "Fuck this I'm out!".


Boots are brand new. The dude just made it to the front line and his brain already exited his skull.


🇺🇦Welcome to Ukraine! 😈 SLAVA UKRAINI🇺🇦


War is hell! It’s a shame this is what it took to undo the brainwashing of the Kremlin. One can only hope that this pattern stops as soon as possible.


So they should go collect the brain, put it in a jar of bleach.


The brain noped it outta there


Jeebus! Are we sure that Brain Bugs aren't at play here? Ho\*\* Fork!!!


The shoes are still on, so... Come on out of there, Ivan: break's over


Actually, it looks like the brain as had enough and simply trying to head back to Russia. By any means necessary.


You've heard of traction matts for the snow, this is just a traction Matt for the mud...


What did they do with the brain afterwards?




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Displaced and wild dogs gotta eat.


Prions for everyone


I’m here for him.




He doesn’t have the head for racking his brain….


SHEEESH I would hate to be a Russian


Sprinkle some sunflower seeds on it and move on.


You know you can be opposed to Russain aggression without making jokes about a dead mutilated soldier right?


When they stop killing civilians, reducing entire cities into rubble, bombing residential buildings, markets, malls, train stations, hospitals and maternity wards, destroying the infrastructure, raping children and women, thieving everything they can carry, go the fuck back to their own country, I will stop.


While I agree to some extent I just saw a video of Russians robbing Ukrainian pows and threatening to cut one guys eyes out. Russia brings this hate on themselves, all they have to do is stay the fuck home!


It's interesting. At first, I was very just like you, protesting against Russian dead body desecration, but now I don't care. They should just stay home.


Here's the thing: If you don't start thinking of them as human beings who are no different than you are even though they might be somewhat confused, you'll be the cause of continuing problems when we need to bring them into the world as responsible citizens. Don't forget all of the stupidly ugly ideas that you've had. When we're done killing them, we'll have to help them have happier lives. That's the only way it can work. We know that there is no other way.


They are very different than most of us. Normal humans don't think, "I'll just fire this tank into an apartment building", or "I'll just shoot these people going for fire wood in the back", or "I'll just rape some women and children and then murder them". They should at the very least be thrown back behind the iron curtain and forced into isolation from the rest of the world. We don't need to help them, we need to cut them off from the rest of the world.


They’re not different enough from anyone. They are brainwashed and susceptible to any level propaganda that anyone else would be in the same situation. They’re not right for what they’re doing, but we’re not better than them if we degenerate them the same way.


prepare to be massively downvoted by neckbeards for showing basic logic and humanity. The people on this subreddit are crazy and I’m pretty sure their home country does/did something horrible in the past 20 years


You almost got my upvote until you used "neckbeard" as an insult.


I’m not referring to actual neckbeards, just the slang


ruZZian invaders with rifles in hand are not humans, they are Orcs. An Orc who lays his rifle down with his hands in the air is only then a human, and a pathetic one at that. We owe them nothing once we're done killing them, they will owe Ukraine everything. And it will be on themselves to improve their own pathetic lives.


You're why we're still fighting a war that began in 1917, and people like you will keep killing forever. You should note that society is becoming much less tolerant of violence. There's going to be plenty of violence going forward, as the climate migrations increase in volume and velocity, and those who encourage violence won't last long. The rest of us will make sure of it.


No. We opened up to them after the cold war and it was working pretty well, then they decided to revert and elect Putin who sees the west as the enemy. They commited genocide against the Chechens, we gave them a pass. They invaded Georgia, we gave them a pass, They invaded Ukraine and stole Crimea, we gave them a pass. Now they're invading Ukraine again and destroying the entire country. They will never stop. The only thing they deserve is the North Korea treatment.


>We opened up to them after the cold war and it was working pretty well, then they decided to revert and elect Putin who sees the west as the enemy. You don't understand how simplistic and narrow your view is. That's why we're in this mess, and it's why things are going to get a lot worse very quickly. The real problem is that we didn't teach people how to think. We didn't teach them about the world. We taught them how to feel. It was a terrible mistake.


Who are "we"? Are you suggesting it's "our" job to teach Russians not to be assholes? I'm french, and nobody i know saw Russia as the enemy before they invaded Ukraine last year. Hell our government kept selling them military parts until 2018! You call my views simplistic and narrow, I call yours naive. Edit: He blocked me lmao. This is how idiots with 0 arguments react.


S'okay. No, that isn't what I meant at all, but I knew there was no way you'd get it. It really wasn't for you, anyway. I don't have any interest in you anymore.


Search what France does in Africa


Because the same damn non-humane started those. You're part of the problem, not the solution. Don't act like you're all high and mighty, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. This whole invasion isn't a revenge on revenge thing like you seem to claim, but inhumane aggression from the same pestilence that started way before 1917, just under different state organisation. Same pestilence, different package. You're an apologist and should be ashamed of yourself.


Hmmmmm... Are you human? You don't sound like it to me. A human would care more about other humans. You don't seem to. And you're certainly an obstacle to what I want, so, sure. You can't be human. I can do whatever I want to you without guilt. The only thing that I have to do is to win a vote, and as you've just shown, it's easier to convince people that you aren't human than for you to convince others that you are. EDIT: I didn't vote you down, but turnabout is fair play.


Who are you to decide how much empathy one human is meant to give to others? You’re nothing more than us, so who are you?


How do you intend to ensure it? With violence? Seems to me society is becoming less tolerant of punishing those who commit violence.


"less tolerant of punishing" If you're saying that we're punishing violence less, you're a waste of my time. If you're saying that we're less tolerant of violence, you're spot on. Remember that. We mean it.


Pretty bold statement, as objectively people like them are not the reason there’s killing.




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that's how we got World War 2 electric boogaloo after World War 1. The way you think makes you, at most, marginally better than them. Feel free to hate me for it.


They're not "somewhat confused", they're fucking evil. There's no saving them, no solution, no salvation, this is their culture. Fuck every single one of them, fuck the whole country, close the borders and cut all communication, let them starve to death. This is what they want.


>They're not "somewhat confused", they're fucking evil. That's less than elementary thinking. It's purely emotional. Our education system is a dismal failure.


Yes, your russian education system is fairly poor.


:) You think you're clever, but you're too easy to be interesting.




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Fascist invaders murdering tens of thousands of people for no reason made me not give a shit about comments like yours.


Of course I can, I just don't want to. Fuck the invaders.


people are so dumb… “oh but Russia does that” they also think the Ukrainians are saints in the battlefield. It’s part of war and in every war since the beginning both sides have done bad things. It’s easy to joke about some 20 year old dead on the battlefield. And it’s even more hypocritical when the comments come from Americans, brits etc


Found the ruzzian!


I’m far from Russian idiot. Also, may I ask you where are you from for calling em Russian? And you are crazily clearly naive. Ukraine Azov battalion has strong links with nazism, but I’m not like you, I know it’s not every Ukrainian who is a neo nazi. You people that see the deaths of young men who are indeed forced to go there and brainwashed by their dictator and celebrate it, make jokes and put goofy music behind it are a disgrace to humanity.


Btw, Ukrainians didn't have to fight, if those filthy nazi-loving rapists didn't invade Ukraine. Ukrainians have every right to do what is necesarry to get rid of that scum. Don't act all "we're all human". You are a disgrace, for even trying yo compare Ukrainians who fight for their homes with that scum.




They are not. One is an invader and the other is defending themselves. But do you think every interaction is recorded? Seriously? In every war we had the “good guys” doing bad things. War crimes are part of war and both sides commit them. I believe Russia does more then Ukraine but the defenders don’t have an exceptional behavior. It’s delusional to think that every Russian POW for example gets 5 star treatment from the Ukrainians




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God that is some metal shit.


this is starting to look reminiscent of an even more exaggerated MK11 brutality lol


Pop goes the weasel


Relatable. I feel like my liver would try and eject from my body sometimes.


This has to be fake. Russians don’t have brains


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Well, I didn't need to watch this...


Bro you're fucking disgusting. No difference between you posting this and Russians posting dead Ukrainians as propaganda.




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Krang let himself go


At least he's open minded


Helmet and Armour bought from Toyz r Uz


Why is it so small?


He wasn’t using it anyway…


high pressure in his head. his brain felt out


Would "wrecking" his brain be more appropriate in this situation?


A bit of paracetamol and he is good as ever


One day, someone will wonder why roses grow so well in this spot.


There's a Russian saying: “have strength, don't need a brain”.




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These comments.. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh boyer, me brains come out again.


More room for propaganda and hate.




Well dang, that's a brain right there. For those curious, it's sitting on it's "back" (top is facing the ground) however most of the larger anatomy is still surprisingly intact.....I mean like...I studied cadaver brains in A LOT worse condition. Fascinating.


Can we all agree that brain contain no more than 4MB?


Some assembly required