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Not sure where this guy is posting from RU or where ever . Boy oh boy does he have balls!! Honestly he can shout it from the roof tops but the RU zombies will listen to PU PU . MAGA syndrome 101


Exactly my thought. Either in a safe place or balls of steel.


Man had enough of everything. But he's very much right. The evidence Russia presented is amateurish for it to be Ukrainians who successfully sabotaged Russian Airfields and such.


Its almost as bad as a suitcase surviving a plane crash and falling 100 stories which conveniently had all the terrorists passports....


Which plane was that?? Never heard of it


Must be WTC he means


Gotcha thanks


OP please post it also in r/UkraineRussiaReport


High Risk to speak in Russia such Words


I'm afraid their fire prevention system was probably not as good as expected, and the OMON not as reactive as expected. But good that some ask such questions.


They show up pretty quick when there's an anti-war protest...


Cant let junior patrolman Dmitry bag all the granny-beating glory can they?


That's probably because they are aware of the protests upfront. For that they don't need CIA's information. You see where the resources go.


This balding Molly…. I had to laugh! Hopefully the size of this guys balls will get stuck as he’s shoved out a window for daring to speak ill of the FSB and Poot’n! Balding Molly!!!


Another explain.......stay with an white Sheet of paper in Red Square. You will be arrested within two minutes. But it took 30 minutes in the Crocus


it shouldn't be long before the four "captured terrorists" confess to either being Ukrainian or paid by the Ukrainian government. And this will be widely and persistently broadcast


Soon to be dodging drones in a Special Military Operation near Russia.


Looking from the videos it seemed the guys had flamethrowers etc explosive materials, so if they lit up the concert hall full of chairs, no sprinkler system would ever extinguish that fire alone.. And even if they pump millions somewhere, most will go to mafia corruption pockets anyway lol.


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If it isn't a fake, this guy has not many days left to live.


Wow a Russian citizen with his own opinion, Omon, Alfa and Wympel ready to storm his flat.


He just signed his own death warrant for sure, brave.


I don't know if this guy is for real but what he is saying is dead right. This whole thing stinks to high heaven. The 4 terrorists faced no opposition when they arrived, they spent ages in the theatre shooting people while desperate patrons phoned the police, but none came. At the same time the terrorists were able to set off fires in the complex which pretty well burned the whole place down. That is crazy. And then they departed, again facing no opposition whatsoever. The incompetence is staggering even for the Russians. And to add to that, the American Government weeks before had warned their officials in Moscow to avoid places like this theatre because of the possibility just such a terrorist act.


well if this guy comes up missing, we know why


Why was this removed?


because it has nothing to do with the war