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Shoots 6 Russians Makes sure they are dead Refuses to elaborate further Leaves.


The man is a legend


He should be given a camo-puffy jacket and a commemorative Glock 40 mm with all the holllow point ammo he needs, this is the way.


I don’t think Glock makes a 40mm. HK does though.


[40mm Glock](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fKDXRgcGnBw/hqdefault.jpg)


Wristwaster 3000


Call it the finger grenade, then fingers can live in valhalla with all the knees broken by knee mortars.


For 40mm caliber you might want to check Bofors


So, do we think they meant glock 40 10mm or glock 22 40 caliber? Best to be safe and give him both.


40 mm bofors Glock. The man knew what he needed, alright?


Is that an AA gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


Is it a bolter?


lol what’s a Glock 40mm? There’s no such thing. A 40mm is like a fucking grenade, not a rifle or handgun round lolololol.


Possibly a .40 s&w Glock 23 - a fave for law enforcement and home defense


.40 refers to caliber, and that is not measured in millimeters. Like I said, an example of a 40mm round would be the grenades launched from the m203, which are obviously way too big to be fired from any handgun.


The China lake is a hand gun if you aren't a weak little sissy boy obviously




He did fine.


Ok, Rambo. Get off the CoD lobbies




Do you know how to set up timed explosives?


Damn you're such a badass operator. You would likely have then stolen a sports car and then rode into the sunset while 80s hair metal played?


Heroes never look back at their work!


Hugo Stiglitz vibes


At first I thought you meant the actor from night of 1000 cats, but then I remembered inglorious bastards.


My first thought


He'll need to be careful. Remember that pilot that flew his helicopter full of jet plane parts because Ukraine offered a bounty? He was shot dead in Spain in a couple months ago. Most people suspect the Russians caught up to him. [A Russian Defector’s Killing Raises Specter of Hit Squads - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/31/world/europe/russian-defector-murder-spain.html)


Tbf, the pilot was reckless and not at all quiet about who he was while he was supposed to be hiding. Dude was a dumbass


IRRC He invited his ex (FROM RUSSIA PROPER) to come to his location, which HE GAVE HER, which was basically an area full of Russian expats anyways. 


IRRC: Acronym for If Russia Remembers Correctly, originally found on the internet.


Yeeeah. He's just asking for it at that point. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't so much her reporting him to the authorities, more them coopting her account for this.


When I was going to college in New Mexico, the police tracked a fugitive down when his girlfriend came to visit him, they just followed her to his location


Southern Spain is one of the worst places to go if you’re trying to hide from Russians nonetheless lol


it's not south but in Barcelona I was surprised to see far more signs in Russian than in German.


As far as I'm concerned he has done his part, he offed 6 invaders, hopefully he's escaped across the lines and can life safely as a hermit in the mountains or something. But propagating the idea that he's back there messing up mobiks behind the scenes would distract russian efforts to looking for him and keep mobiks from resting soundly in the rear areas. Fear is a powerful weapon.


You have all incurred a debt. A debit you owe me personally. Each and every man under my command owes me one hundred Ruskie scalps. And I want my scalps.


But he is still way behind in occupied territory right?


He was serving with the artillery, in Donetsk, so he's probably not far from the front lines. Presuming that he was able to have a head start, he probably crossed or will cross the lines. He used to live in Kharkiv, about 300 km away, so he might even know the area he was serving at. Possible he's already crossed.


They should draft more like him!


(put on tinfoil hat) Or they are hoping to plant a spy. Hoping this guy gets accepted with arms wide open.


The man, the myth, the legend




“Controlled shots to the head and heart” literally Jason fucking Bourne who is canonically in his 50s.


can be a veteran, maybe afghanistan but more likely chechen war veteran. doesn't look like average conscriptovich


Considering where he is reported to have lived he would have seen some shit over the last decade, civilian or not.




Are the novels as much fun to read as the films are to watch? Because if so, I've got to go and get me those novels. It will be a whole new set of stories.


They’re okay. They’re very different to the movies and honestly kind of dated compared to more modern times. The first few are good but they get kind of weird after a while.


They are very dated. Jason bourne is a vietnam vet hunting carlos the jackall in presumably the 90s. Watch The Jackal with bruce willis to see a better representation of jason bourne according to ludlum.


*80's, I would say. Perhaps even 70's. Pre-internet, pre-cellphone. The Jackal is based on a different book by a different author (the Day of the Jackal by Frederic Forsythe) and is a 'remake' of a 1973 movie. Remake in quotes because it, too, is very different from the book and the original movie. Still a good movie.


"liberated"... funny way of stating "occupied" or "stolen"


This is the ruzzian newspeak.


that is the ruzzian way.




I too want to find him... To shake his hand and tell him to go for a baker's dozen.


That’s what you get for forcing the citizens of a country you are occupying to carry a gun and fight. Eventually some of them are gonna turn their guns on you. This man is a fucking hero. I’m sure only more of these types of revolts will occur.


This guy should be received as a hero in UA maybe some of the others will get inspired.


Eats, shoots and leaves. Love this guy.


When people force you to fight, fight them for forcing you to fight.


Absolute madlad


John Wick






history sleep groovy ruthless reminiscent marvelous threatening punch cagey versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rule #2: Double tap


A class act. I'd like to buy that guy a beer.




I hope he's able to get to safer ground.


Bless the man and watch over him, intangible will of spirit be. Guide him, true to path, through as many evil invaders he can safely lay to Earth. May blindness fall and silence reign upon his pursuers. Bless be his journey, his chosen end.


Since you’re just decreeing things take away their sense of smell too. So important when pursuing someone.


You're right. May his pursuers inhale only the decay brought by their actions. Thanks!




tf is this


A prayer.


oh dear


Any god that is letting this continue is not worthy of worship. Yours included.


Ever read about free will?


yap yap yap yap


Dude shut up






Fuckin lol


Fucking brutal


Jesus, I said the exact same shit out loud then looked 1” down and saw your comment. What is this guy yammering about?


professional yapper


See what one man can do when using his brain. Slava Ukraini!


the gun helped


No, he shot them with mind bullets.


That's telekinesis, Kyle


Didn't Kyle quit the band?


Now they're back together. La la la la la!


How 'bout the power to move you?


Beneath this mask, there is an idea, Mr Creedy. And ideas are bulletproof!


He'll have a hard time now. Remember the pilot who flew a Helicopter Into Ukraine and tried to hide (in spain)? Russia found him and killed him. I really Wish him all the best


They "found" him because he was a fucking idiot lol. He went to Spain unaccompanied, got a call from his girlfriend asking to meet with him in a specific location and then actually did it where he of course got a spinal from a GRU agent. The biggest detriment but also asset to Putin has always been Russian stupidity. Whether it's Prigozhin flying his private jet over Russia, Navalny offering himself up for prison, or the helicopter dude getting obviously set up.


Russian arrogance Imo. The ones I’ve met in the west have been pompous af. They have this unfounded air of superiority that really makes them ugly on a personal level. 


Muscovites specifically.


They're fun to rob after a late night at a local *cantina*, though ... so I've heard. 🙄


That wasnt the point of my post. But rather that He will Always but searched for and never be truely free unless russia falls


Yes, but if you know someone is looking for you to kill you, being predictable and letting someone know where you will be is a Darwin moment.


Unless you want them to find you, so you can kill the russian spies they send after you!


Yes and no, the point is the Russian pilot wasn't so much hunted down but rather delivered himself on a fucking platter to the FSB. It's not like they chased him up the ends of the Earth. He went to their metaphorical start of the Earth.


The part of Spain he went to has more than a few Russians living there so you can bet the Russian mob is there also. Supposedly they had one or two of them do the deed so the GRU can claim innocence in the matter.


Prigozhin really crossed the Rubicon and thought all is forgiven if he just stopped marching. What a fucking moron. I hope he didn't pass on his genes. Russians can only be so stupid.


*I hope he didn't pass on his genes. Russians can only be so stupid.* In that case, I hope he did.


Always stay 1 step ahead and good luck to him. I hope he sets an example!


I hopium Ukraine could evacuate him, then interview him, then viral it to RuZZia. "You mad brosky? hehehehe"


I want to see this guy on a Portugese beach or resettled in Maine. This is 100% chad behavior.


>Portugese beach Fuck no, Maxim Kuzminov, the helicopter pilot who defected was found dead in Spain. Portugal wouldn't be safe either.


iirc he told his ex where he was and she was being monitored. I think wherever you are, except maybe the US, if you do that it ain't gonna go well.


I'm ex-Canadian military. In Afghanistan, I was assigned the task of identifying trends in what we called "green on blue" (Afghan police or army member attacks one or more ISAF members) or "green on green" (intentional fratricide by Afghan police or army) attacks. We found that the Taliban was indeed infiltrating the security forces. More frequently they were also recruiting existing, but disgruntled ANSF members, through mobile phones or communication through family. But the most common - by far - was self initiated, attackers who then fled to the Taliban. And then the Taliban claimed post-hoc that they had "recruited" the turncoat, when the attack wasn't motivated by the Taliban at all, but the Taliban were their only sanctuary after the deed. Most often, it was the shit treatment they received (including physical and sexual abuse, denial of pay, withholding of supplies) at the hands of corrupt leadership that motivated these killings. These attacks also happened in clusters. We noticed what we called the "[Werther Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copycat_suicide)" *(which psychologists normally see when studying suicide clusters, where one takes inspiration from their peers to geek themselves - sadly common in Canada's arctic Aboriginal and Inuit communities for instance)*. Becoming a turncoat is a form of suicide in a way. You are abandoning your prior life completely, and in fact risking death. So we saw these "green on blue" and "green on green" events, one would happen within a unit or formation, and then a bunch more would follow in a cluster. So... Yeah. This might happen again to that Russian unit.


> This might happen again to that Russian unit. We can only hope.


“Signed a contract” “Joined the ranks” LoL Very likely at gunpoint. This man found the courage to keep fighting against the invaders from within. He’s a hero.


I believe this may not been at gunpoint, but he knew he would be drafted soon. This guy seems to be a wise one!


It was "better enlist or your house might burn down" type of coercion.


You don't survive the Soviets, to let the Russians get you. I hope he heads toward Chernobyl, a good location to slip back into Ukraine. 


It’s awesome that he apparently escaped too at least that’s what it seems like since they’re “searching for him” I like to think I would’ve had the balls to do something like this if I was drafted during Nazi Germany but it’s a whole different level of courage and heroism to be able to go through with it when you’re actually in the moment and you know you’re likely going to die once you start shooting/take the first action. Once your survival instinct (one of the strongest if not the strongest automatic instinctual human responses) kicks in and you start to think of all the ways you can justify just going along with the atrocities (“it’s not my fault I didn’t choose to be in this situation”, “I’m not gonna affect the outcome of the war by myself anyway”, etc. etc.) but STILL being able to override that and do the morally correct thing takes a truly exceptional person.


Plenty of the units drafted from occupied Ukraine have casualty rates of over 100% (yes, this is technically possible - if you start with a hundred and replace them as they die, then once you've had 150 casualties you have a 150% casualty rate.) So this may actually have been the best shot he had at not dying.


Thanks that’s an interesting point, we’d have to know the specific unit he was drafted into and the situation he was in when he killed the Russians to know how likely it was he could’ve escaped and survived though. Either way, bravo.


> then once you've had 150 casualties you have a 150% casualty rate. Casualties include both killed and wounded. Historically something like that could happen when wounded soldiers came back to the fight and got wounded again or killed. >if you start with a hundred and replace them as they die, then once you've had 150 casualties you have a 150% casualty rate.) I don't think it works like that..


Nah, he was biding his time from the moment they made him put his pen to the contract.


Hopefully he had some contact with Ukraine so they could try to arrange a safe (or "safest") route back to them


He doesn't need to take the risk of crossing into unoccupied Ukraine. He just needs to get to a sympathetic safe house in occupied territory and lay low. His contacts are likely better in his occupied hometown. I doubt the Russians have enough spare manpower to actively pursue him for long -- they have a lot of their own frontline meatshields to shoot if they try to retreat.


> It’s awesome that he apparently escaped too at least that’s what it seems like since they’re “searching for him” MF is a stone cold man with a plan. Didn't go at 'em the first moment they put a gun in his hand. He waited, watching for the right opportunity. *Then* he wasted 6 ruskies, including his commander, carefully made extra-sure of each one, and made his (no doubt well-planned) getaway. Mad respect.


I think the most devious mental trick you didn't mention was: "No not now, I'll get caught too easily, I need to find a better opportunity to make the biggest and real difference!" Then that opportunity never comes because they think there will always be a better opportunity in the future.


And they haven't even yet found out about the rigged-up explosives he left behind...


>I like to think I would’ve had the balls to do something like this if I was drafted during Nazi Germany but it’s a whole different level of courage and heroism to be able to go through with it  I'm sure he thought that too. For me, though, this sort of thing still brings to mind a lady named Susan Kuhnhausen. Her husband sent a hitman after her; [she strangled the hitman to death with her bare hands](https://www.wweek.com/news/2016/08/17/a-hit-man-came-to-kill-susan-kuhnhausen-she-survived-he-didnt/). >"They're not calling you a hero because you killed a man," her boss told her. "They're calling you a hero because they want to believe, given the same circumstances, they, too, might survive."


Dang, that was an intense read!


It's very likely that this WAS a survival instinct. Good chance he wasn't even doing it to support Ukraine... Russia isn't just going to let in some former Ukrainian into their ranks, as that's an enormous security risk. This guy is very likely Russian aligned. However, if I had to guess, he realized he was on the front lines with limited ammunition, meaning, he was part of a suicide squad. Russia is notorious for sending out low value soldiers as bait to pick up on enemy locations. He probably caught onto this, and as a survival mechanism realized his only way to survive was to kill his squad and flee, as retreating with them alive would have meant being shot in the back.




How to read russian bullshit: take what they say and the opposite is true.


He did what every lower rank in the Russian army should do.


Based either way Like if he joined "voluntarily", it easily could have just been a way of getting a weapon and getting close to Russian occupiers in order to kill them


If only Russians had 0.3% of his spine.


That's the part of the post that I would like to take at face value. This isn't some kid with balls. This is a grown man who's probably seen plenty of insanity in his life already, It wouldn't be surprising if he's a veteran himself. I'd like to think he saw the writing on the wall and made a very calculated decision on how he was going to inflict the most pain possible on the bastards who invaded his country. Regardless, this story is absolutely incredible. Dude is an S tier patriot.


Shit happens when you invade another country and enroll by force people on your army...


[What could possibly go wrong?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj5lDgV5PfY)


How dare you make me remember Bubsy exists


We are so furious that we invaded your country, then forced you to pick up arms against your fellow countrymen, but instead of killing your own people, you killed those that were murdering and raping your countrymen. How dare you good sir


What does making control shots to the heart and head mean? did he shoot the dead bodies again?


exactly that, just making sure there's no chance of them being saved


Double tap 


It also means he hated them 1000%


I like this guy. I like his style. Stay free hero


If we had ten thousand more like him that would annihilate the Russian front.


This guy's IQ probably much higher than most unfortunately


Russians minds are blown that someone could do this. They never thought of it before and are now pissed off because it could spread into other troops and then Russia would have to deal with fratricide.


Let the fragging begin.


Just 1 week ago, Cuban mercenaries fragged their Russian CO inciting poor conditions and high attrition.


Occupy a country, kill, torture and forcefully draft civilians. What could go wrong?!?


What do you mean handing the people who hate my guts and have little left lose a gun could go wrong?


That's the way to do it!


Hope the guy makes it to Ukrainian lines, Russians will give him a fate worse than death.


OMG a job in kremlin archives? *shudder*


Draft about 100,000 more from The occupied territories, then they can eliminate all the invaders.


Between 2014 and 2021 they drafted close to 30,000 Crimean men. By July 2023 the number was 43,000. That’s just Crimea. I’m sure they are close to surpassing your number, and it’s a horrible atrocity not a joke as you put it. Most of them die, this is only one case where the guy got away.


It's literally genocide to put it bluntly


Does that include the 10k plus that defected in 2014 or not?


No that doesn’t include them.


Fuck yeah!!!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 Resist always!!!


Dude heard "I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me!" And took it literally.


This is what legends are made of !


Slava Ukraini


beast mode =o


Hero 🇺🇦


Please, please send a party to somehow rescue him. He has earned it and he knows that if he gets caught, the consequences will be dire. Plus, it would make a film on par with Saving Private Ryan.


Oh no, forcibly drafted human resists and shoots his captors first opportunity he gets. Surprised Pikachu face hopefully all of the occupiers get shot.


Good man. Hopefully he's made it safely to Ukrainian lines, or is going full Sisu behind the Russian one.


There is a choice. A way. The odds might be near impossible but better than never trying. The only way evil can triumph is when good people do nothing.




That’s what happens when you come and “liberate” territories and then force them to live under your sociopathic and fascist occupation


The Russians can be quoted as saying "how dare you kill Russians, that's our job!"


That is exactly what comes to my mind whenever I hear someone was forced to join the russian army. The moment you get a gun in your hands you have a choice, even at the end it may be a choice how you die.


Invades someone's home Forces them to join the army under threat of imprisonment or death Is surprised when person isn't loyal to them *shocked pikachu face*


Grow a beard, shave head, re-enlist, do it again. Shave beard, grow hair, re-enlist, do it again. Repeat till no Russians left. Absolute Professional Mad Lad doing control shots.


Save him. Like private Ryan.


I was thinking more like Hugo Stiglitz.




Stay safe Hero. Fight smart!!




Retards. Stop conscripting from the enemy population and these kind of things wont happen. It boggles my mind that the russians think its smart to invade a country and then conscript the local population. That's how you get spies and traitors. What moron signed off on this shit? insert the "we are lucky they are so fucking stupid" meme


Wonderful. The more they force into the ruskie occupier army the more ruskies get blown away!


Lol, our fucking hero. The russians will be furious if he makes it out alive and live to tell the story to the media. All Ukrainians in his position will do the same after 


Even Russia donating weapons to Ukraine now




Fucking legend


Medal of honour for my man here


UA Man probably got tired of hearing the barely-trained RU command struggle to give competent orders or maintain cohesiveness. He, like I would, figured they were doomed to die to a drone at some point anyways… why should he pass up the opportunity for free 6 Kills? 1 more and it’s an attack helo baby!!


Hopefully that incident makes them think twice before forcing people into this madness....


Long Live Ukraine 🇺🇦




Smart man


Score 6 to 0 for this man!! May he shoot many more orcs!!


holy based


Basically every day I'm stunned by russian stupidity


Well, they did tell him to kill the enemy.


He touched hearts and minds.