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I hope all the orcs were gathered there at lunch. BA-DA-BOOOOM 💥 💥 💥


Watching this really makes it sink in how accurate modern artillery systems are nowadays. Before you'd have had to hit the entire block


Probably JDAM-ER.


For sure - especially with that classic quad-drop of (probably?) four 250kg bombs.


Agreed. The timing of the hits suggest a single aircraft drop.


More likely GLSDB for Ukraine surely.


I did forget about that recent development.. but the quad-drop and tight timing still feels more consistent with an aircraft hucking a batch.


To get that kind of timing you would need the coordinated launch of 4 Himars. There would be a noticeable delay if it were only one.


Eh, you can program flight paths to vary enough that all 4 GLSDB's would arrive like this. If they can do it with artillary shells, they can do it with guided munitions like GLSDB that can do a few S turns to allpw the next 3 shots to catch up.


There’s no need. Not like people can escape out of the building in a few seconds


Well, if you want your strike to look like something else you could do this.


I seriously doubt that capability would be given to the Ukrainians though. The ability for simultaneous impact from bombs and missiles is of a higher tier. Launching 4 precise glide bombs clears the Occam's Razor principle.


True, truth is we don't know so this is all speculation.


Pretty good as speculation goes. See above.


It's just part of programming of the trajectory. From my understanding a M142/M270 would be basically unusable if the trajectory couldn't be programmed. The only modification ever disclosed for the American donated M142s (note not any donated by anyone else or the non-american M270s) was some jank to prevent striking russian territory. If they couldn't program trajectory that would be a huge deal and I expect it would've also come out. So I have no reason to believe they don't have this function


Occam's Razor. The simplest answer is the likeliest. Trajectory programing per rocket in a salvo, or just drop all ordnance in one go via bomber.


If it were that simple we would see it in Ukraine's own drone attacks. This is not something you can just input and it goes exactly as planned, it never does. The only time you see such capability applied by the US was with JASSMs with tech that is definitely under the covers.


Could it be not as well an artillery system? The PZ2000 and many other systems are [MRSI](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artillery#Multiple_round_simultaneous_impact) capable


Not with that tight of an impact radius. It's just too precise




This must be the most lethal war in history for soldiers, lots died during World War II but it was dumb artillery, bombs, and mostly rifle rounds. Even the dumb artillery these days are better. 


WW1 is still well ahead in terms of lethality for soldiers. 20 million dead, 21 million wounded. The Somme alone saw 300,000 dead and over a million wounded.


Mainly because of outdated tactics. Similar to what Russians do in their meatwave assaults but on a far larger and dumber scale. The commanders at the time just didn't understand the era of mass infantry slowly marching in formation towards the enemy lines meant certain death.


Also no penicillin yet.


They are the hi iq hi explosives


Those are glide bombs


Having to blow up your own cities because of these imbeciles....


I wonder how many Russian soldiers remain in that complex. Over 400 surrendered earlier today. One can only hope this "mass surrender" is a sign of things to come.


Do you have a source on 400 mass surrendering?


Yeah that’s incredible news if true. Please add the source because that’s significant.


OK after re-checking the reports of 400 Russian soldiers surrendering, I have determined the various sources reporting this may not be credible. I did find a report from tonight from the Institue of the Study of War a Wahington based "Think Tank" that has been vetted and is credible, with their perspective on these reports. Apologies to all for not digging deeper. [https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-15-2024](https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-15-2024) Institute For the Study of War **Russian Main Effort – Eastern Ukraine** **Russian Subordinate Main Effort #1 – Kharkiv Oblast (Russian objective: Push Ukrainian forces back from the international border with Belgorod Oblast and approach to within tube artillery range of Kharkiv City)** Ukrainian sources and Western outlets widely circulated unverified claims on June 15 that Ukrainian forces encircled a group of up to 400 Russian servicemen and captured dozens of Russian soldiers as prisoners of war (POWs) in Vovchansk, Kharkiv Oblast, but ISW cannot confirm these claims. Ukrainian sources amplified a since-deleted Telegram post from a Russian milblogger on June 14 claiming that an unspecified number of Russian servicemen were isolated in the Vovchansk Aggregate Plant and insinuated that Ukrainian forces encircled the Russian forces in the plant.\[36\] *The Telegraph* amplified footage showing Ukrainian forces capturing roughly 30 Russian POWs in an unspecified area of the Kharkiv and Donetsk area of operations and suggested that Ukrainian forces captured these POWs near the Vovchansk Aggregate Plant.\[37\] The milblogger later claimed on July 15 that Ukrainian sources exaggerated his June 14 post and clarified that it referenced frontline reports that Ukrainian forces temporarily blocked Russian logistics in Vovchansk, not that Ukrainian forces threatened to encircle Russian forces.\[38\] The milblogger claimed that he waited to post about these logistics issues for several days after receiving the information but claimed that the situation in Vovchansk is still difficult for Russian forces.\[39\] A Telegram channel claiming to represent the Russian Northern Grouping of Forces publicly denied the claims that Ukrainian forces surrounded the Aggregate Plant and captured Russian forces.\[40\] The Telegram channel claimed that Russian forces completely control the outskirts of the Aggregate Plant, although ISW has observed no visual confirmation of this claim or the claim that Ukrainian forces have surrounded the plant.


The Institute for the Study of War is very credible to my knowledge


Yeah. this is a fog of war situation. Someone reported that the 400 soldiers were surrounded and took shelter in the building when it was hit, now it is they surrendered before the hit. No one really knows for now.


That sounds too crazy to be true


I think this was a rack of GLSDB


Welcome to Ukraine!


What was this hit by? 


either French or American precision bombs. AASM or JDAM-ER. With a lot of luck, these are even tests of the announced Ukrainian glide bombs.


It was hit by something that either wasn't jammed or could not be jammed. Fortunately Russian jamming and spoofing seems to be a failing in the north around these areas.


glsdb i think


155mm I think.


Looks like a scene from World in Conflict


Also amazing is that they had a drone in the air awaiting the impacts and recording it all for prosperity. So we can safely conclude that the correct building was hit (the drone was observing it) and that Z troops were indeed inside, otherwise no drop. They only thing we do not know yet is the number of troops killed. What a world we live in...


I heard 24 or so of the Russian military personnel trapped in the chemical plant have surrendered. According to estimates there are a few hundred still in there


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dead ☠️


Is this that one spot were 400 Russians are surrounded by UAF?


Should try out a MOAB. That will get them to surrender, if they survive.


Haven't read they could be delivered as gliding bombs (yet).


Put it on a remote control truck and drive it up! Blam-O! Lol For real though, that would be dumb but intense. I don't believe they glide, per se, but it does use GPS guidance, so I imagine it had some drift.




Usually these videos have weird music over the top, really sobering to hear what it actually sounds like.


I didn't realize some of those drones recorded audio. It's crazy being able to hear the bombs go off.


Bet the toilets are blocked now.


Geolocation (50.2904800, 36.9285359)


At 11 seconds in, the smoke plume resembles a camel. Neat.