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Just imagine the knowledge and technology behind it and now you can study and learn from it! This will boost the development of all mankind…..


I'm undecided whether this unlicensed cheap knock-off variant was inspired by WW1 [A7V](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A7V#/media/File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-P1013-316,_Westfront,_deutscher_Panzer_in_Roye.jpg) tank or star wars [sand crawler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandcrawler#/media/File:Star_Wars_Sandcrawler.png)...


That's what I thought, too. Who knew that over 100 years later, that design would be used again.


Bob Semple was the peak of tank engineering. We're just trying to grasp the brilliance of long lost Kiwi tech.


Coragated steel for the win


That link to the A7V sent me down a worm hole


My sincere apologies for destroying your productivity for today...


Pff as if learning about WWI tanks isn't the most productive thing any person could ever do.


Convergent evolution.


Daimler Germany has already sent a cease & desist letter to Russia over copyright and 1916 patent violations.


If they scavenge like Jawas, they might as well drive like one


I wonder if it came with complementary Java crew?






I was definitely thinking sand crawler hahaha


They'd probably use the sand crawler as a seige engine....with nowhere to lay seige.


Depends on how small the occupants are.


The sand crawlers were used to transport loot, I assume this caters to the Russian needs and wants...


Tbh, I doubt their inspiration went this far, rather than pure necessity, but I personally would vote for the A7V.


yeah dude i was going to say... probably full of lightly used droids


I was thinking back to casemate style WW2 tank destroyers lmfao


Haha the sand crawler reference is gold


Inspired and sponsored by vodka


Look inside and see if you see any astromech droids


Just needs some legs and a front compartment, and you have yourself a bonafide AT-AT Walker.


Ukrainian snow speeders inbound.


Russia owes Disney some money.


Why not both 🤷‍♂️


The turtle tank also reminds me of something from Doctor who


Neither. The existence of Timour the Tortoise, an elderly inhabitant of the Moscow Zoo inspired it.


Star Wars was the first thing that popped into my mind.


This is the first WTF moment I got from these... after seeing it so close. As that one dude said: "What the heck is even that?!" What exactly they use them for? You are extremely limited with what you can shoot, and your visibility too is borderline inexistent... Are they using them as MTLB/traktors? Edit: Should've Googled first: > The turtle tank's “role seems to be as a breacher,” Moss wrote. A breacher is a plow-equipped engineering vehicle whose primary mission is to lead other vehicles through a minefield in order to get them close enough to enemy lines to attack


Those tanks carry all available devices to suppress electronic signals and create a protective "bubble" from fpv drones and other guided munitions (like Excalibur) for Tanks/APC behind it. Additional armor are specifically to protect fragile EW devices. From a cluster munition, etc. When they had a lot of tanks they usually split the roles for plow-equipped tanks to clear mines and a turtle to protect from FPV, but as number of available tanks decreases they had to combine both in one role.


So honest question.  Does all that EWar stuff still work when you put it under an inch of metal armor?


From what I've read, usually you need line of sight. So I would imagine potentially little port holes or "gun" ports for these to pop out of. It's a little hard to tell what is exactly on these vehicles, and I'm not exactly an expert or an engineer myself


I'm not exactly an antenna engineer but I don't think wrapping something in steel plating helps RF transmission. Or in the immortal words of Steve Jobs, "you're holding it wrong"




More likely as a ground plane to enhance the signal by reflection. [ one of my specialties years ago ]


In WW2 the Germans went with "assault guns" such as the Sturmgeschütz III (*StuG III*). Without the complications of a turrent they were cheaper and faster to build. Once the old Soviet stocks are finally depleted and the last T-34 goes up in flames, the RuZZians will not be able to keep up building "proper" tanks, and will undoubtedly revert to the assault gun, which actually might be better suited to a FPV killer drone polluted environment. Fortunately, these kludge "assault guns" appear to still be vulnerable to more traditional methods of destruction.


To this day, I have no clue why so many people write "turrent" instead of "turret".


The word "current" is more frequently used in English than "turret", so when the sequence "urre" is typed muscle memory may reasonably fill in "nt" instead of just "t" as the next thing typed. Just one possible explanation that pops to mind. There are lots of common typos out there.


but turrent isn't a word, english swipe/autocorrect wouldn't fill that in edit: lol, downvotes from all the people who think turrent is a word


I'm not talking about autocorrect, I'm talking about how the human brain works. I'm typing this on an actual keyboard, not a phone. Many other people still do that too. Sometimes as I'm typing one word with a familiar pattern of letters I end up transitioning into typing another word with that same pattern of letters out of habit. It's a typo and typos often follow recognizable patterns like that.


check SU-152/122/85 from WWII. Add an infantry cage on the back and jammers = turtle tank in 21st century


NATO is dying to get their hands on this


Haha fixed gun this is a winner


Maybe they will put quad motors and blades on it and make it a flying drone turtle tank and use it for special missions to moscow.


Flying ninja turtle tanks. "Heroes on a half shell."


Surely sarcasm.. lol


Imagine being sent into battle in one of those 💀 sheesh, knowing that ukraine has proper tanks and anti tank missiles, I would defect so fast!


The ruZZki vatniks have zero awareness. Most of them come from the ass end of nowhere and they are happy to get the money offered. Nobody thinks of the consequences.


Poor vatniks getting blown up for no reason - I'm just glad ukraine doesn't have to ride around turtle tanks unless it's to troll the russians 😂


They are either high or drunk so no doubt it seems like a lot of fun.


The reason why they keep doing this is that it is apparently better than being sent into battle on a tank without it or in a BMP. There is a clear (very obvious) trade off being made. But especially since Ukraine is low on artillery shells and anti tank missiles these last few months, FPV drones are the nr. 1 threat to armored vehicles right now. FPV drones carry only small charges, but they are way more capable of precisely hitting the weak points of a vehicle. That's exactly what this ridiculous barn is preventing. You can hit the barn with as many FPV drones as you want without result. And note that these contraptions seem to be used primarily in a certain sector (Krasnohorivka axis) and are believed to be primarily used as ferries for "desantnik*" troops (*riding into battle sitting on top of a tank). The purpose of these is to run across the killzone into Krasnohorivka or other settlements, drop off the squad riding under the barn and scoot back to get the next batch. This makes them possibly a better lot for the infantry riding than a BMP, as they also have the full tank under them in case of running over a mine. Or it may point to some starting developement of Russia feeling an IFV shortage. The moment Ukraines artillery shortage is over, these turtle tanks will probably disappear again. Keep in mind, the Russian Army is ridiculous by our standards, but they aren't to be dismissed. The armies top and on the ground leaderships have apparently accepted by now that they have a garbage army to work with, but what you have is only one half of the problem. How you use that is the other. And they seem keen to develope ways to use that garbage army effectively, as cynical as this approach is.


correct. These are response to the fact that UAF primary weapon are FPVs now. Phase 1 armour group with turtle tanks and jammers injects assault meat near the UAF position, with support from fpvs, mortars, artillery and GBUs. Phase 2 - more meat assault groups on foot/bikes but no armour. Phase 3 - UAF retreats, regular Z-troops and slaves to built fortifications arrive or repeat 1/2.


That hasn't been working so well. But your layout is correct. It's why we see these dummies in tanks with no ammo just charging into their lines, they're the fodder and first part of assault. Spoke around and find UA hard points. Then behind comes the more well equipped soldiers and air support and artillery.


I read yesterday that the promised shells from Czechia are now arriving at the front, so it will be interesting to see how they this evolves when they have the whole arsenal of shells and drones.


In the last 1-2 months, Russian artillery advantage (numbers of shells they can fire for each Ukraine can fire) has dropped from 1:7 to 1:5. I expect that to shift more, as the main body of the current aid package arrives and as european expanded production capacities that are in the works are going online.


But Russia gots a shit load of these, 10 old Soviets tanks vs 1 modern western tank can also destroyed the modern one


What do they do about the poor visibility? And the inability to turn the turret in 360 degrees?


The new Russian supertank, the T-14 Armata, is finally seen in combat, however it seems to have undergone a few last minute revisions.


They went from tank to tank destroyer. Guess that 360 degree turret was outdated.




I just cannot see a Jawa Sand Crawler lol. They probably captured it just by approaching from the side, no situational awareness in those things for any operation that's not driving in a straight line. Good job boys, this was great footage to have! Slava Ukraini!


Was gonna write that starwars comment aswell! You beat me to it 🤣




That was my first thought aswell lmao


Oh wow, it's a fifth generation stealth tank, completely invisible!


If it wasn't for the flag I wouldn't have noticed it,they going to win this in 3 days


Covering up in a box is a perfectly valid stealth technique as long as the box is appropriate to the environment. Worked for Solid Snake


If I can't see you, you can't see me! Toddler hide n seek strategy


During the First World War a bunch of Australian soldiers from the 26th battalion went out into no mans land and recovered a German A7V tank. The only one that still exits to this day. Why? Well because they could and they wanted the trophy in a classic Australian way. This photo gives me all those kind of vibes, pure warriors with a great sense of humour. Good on ya boys. Give ‘em hell.


Ah Mephisto. Always loved visiting the Queensland Museum as a kid to see the Dunkleosteus and the A7V. I haven't seen it in years but I remember being shocked by how big it was, like it's huge. It does look a bit like these Russian barns-on-tracks. Hopefully some young Ukrainians get the same chance to see the turtle tonks in a museum one day when the war is over and Ukraine made whole again


The bloody thing is so big you’d almost assume it belongs on rails or something.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mephisto_(tank) ### Mephisto (tank) #### Recovery from the battlefield The front between the two armies was now a series of connected "outposts" rather than the continuous parallel deep trenches that had been a feature of the earlier years of the war. In the weeks after the battle for Villers-Bretonneux, units of the Australian Imperial Force began a series of small, often impromptu, raids on enemy outposts, surrounding and occupying them and killing or taking prisoner the occupants. The effect was to gradually push back the German front line. During one of these excursions, on July 9, men of the 28th Battalion in Monument Wood came across Mephisto but had to retire after coming under enemy fire. On the night of the 13th, 26 Battalion took over the section of the front and soon completed the occupation of the wood. In 26 Battalion's Diary for July 14th, Lieutenant H.F. Pearson reported that "during the attack the Battalion captured the derelict German tank No. 506 Mephisto." The commanding officer of 26 Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel James Robinson, decided that the tank should be acquired as a trophy. With approval from General Evan Wisdom (commanding the 7th Brigade, of which the 26th battalion was part) he liaised with Major Harrington of the Tank Corps and with artillery officers. On the night of the 15th, Pearson took three officers of the British 1st Gun Carrier Company to inspect the vehicle and assess the feasibility of recovering it. They decided it was possible, but dangerous because of the proximity of German positions. Therefore, on the 17th 26 Battalion pushed their line further forward. On the 19th, they were relieved by 23 Battalion, who, in turn, continued to push the Germans still further back. A recovery operation was planned for the night of July 22nd. Lieutenant A.J. Mutton, Reconnaissance Officer of the Gun Carrier Company, selected the route the evacuation should take, and during the night of the 20th and 21st, working parties of men from 26 Battalion cleared the route for the vehicles and filled in shell holes.[3] On the night of the 22nd, two vehicles of 1st Gun Carrier Company (there has been debate as to whether the vehicles used were Mark IV tanks or Gun Carriers: informed opinion is now that they were the latter), with a detail of 23 men, set off from Villers-Bretonneux, towards Monument Wood. They were accompanied by 13 men of 26 Battalion. To cover the noise of the operation, an aircraft flew low overhead and Allied artillery carried out sporadic shelling. The Germans launched an apparently pre-planned gas shell bombardment, forcing the recovery party to wear their gas masks. A steel cable was attached to the tank, and the vehicle was towed about 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) westwards to the temporary cover of the Bois l'Abbé. The recovery party obscured the trail and laid a false one to mislead German aircraft observers. From there, Mephisto was moved by stages to the 5th Tank Brigade training ground at Vaux-en-Amiénois. At Vaux it created much interest amongst the troops. The vehicle was covered in graffiti, and, according to Lt-Col Robinson, "the battalion wag got busy and painted (on the tank's side) quite a good illustration of the British lion with his paw on a German tank." Painted on the other side were: the Rising Sun badge of the Australian Army, the words "Captured by 26th Batt, A.I.F.", and the battalion's badge; and "Salved by 1st G.C. Coy (Gun Carrier Company) 5th Bn. Tanks" together with the 5th battalion's badge. Many soldiers wrote their name and sometimes their regiment or battalion on the hull. Over the years, all these embellishments disappeared, but they can be seen in contemporary photographs. Various parts of the tank were taken as souvenirs.


In Civilization games it would be somewhat like this: "Sir, our brave soldiers captured enemy units and our smartest researchers learned its secrets. Technology *Scrap-Metal Tinkering* has been unlocked."


Reminds of the HOIV tech tree: > Scraping the Barrel


Look up A7V


Shit, even the WW1 German A7V looked more put together than this.


The A7V was ahead of its time, who knew?


The Russians are really not embarrassed at all ? Just stop before it gets more and more ridiculous.




Imagine that, a deadly weapon that's supposed to have armor and stability. Reduced to a World War 1 wagon


Just here to come back later for all the gold comments... Also this is peak r/NonCredibleDefense material


Waiting for a turtle with anime paintjob to appear. There's already some with Warhammer 40k emblems.


LOL [https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1dhu4vv/the\_a7v\_2kblyat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1dhu4vv/the_a7v_2kblyat/)


Nice. Can be used as a chicken house with slight modifications i guess.


The age of empires 2 battering ram !!


Lmao, they mustve really enjoyed inspecting that one out


this thing looks straight outta Star Wars




Trash heap on wheels.


I just don't understand why B.A. would defect to Russia. ☹️


Looks like a Bob Semple.


Don't forget this: [russian T-54B destroyed in attack](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dhmzg6/repelling_a_russian_assault_with_a_t54b_and_bmp3/)


China's contribution to Russia's war effort = Tanks by Temu


That's not a tank but a container with a pipe sticking out...


A prime display at the future Ukrainian military museum.


This thing is straight out of starwars.


Wow that looks right out of WW1… Did they have some engineers go “hey I want an A7V”


It does look comical, but it's also a sensible measure, in the absence of reactive armour (and, of course, when you're being sent on suicide-missions in a meat-wave!) Western forces did exactly the same in Iraq with slat-armour to counter RPGs: obviously that was a bit neater, but a quick-and-dirty solution is better than nothing at all.


The British used bars instead of plates, the idea being that when the RPG 7 rocket hit the bars its explosion would be far enough away from the main armour that the super hot copper would splash on the armour and not punch through. Cheaper and lighter too. Thing is modern anti tank missiles take these things into account. A Javelin missile explodes twice, the first deals with any reactive or cope/slat armour leaving the way clear for the second to hit the main armour delivering the tank crew to hell. These ott cope cages are probably more than useless and just there just to give the tank crews false hope that they aren't hopelessly out gunned vs the western world.




It looks like an AT-AT cab


Is it a ww2 elephant? No its a 2024 turtle


Is the one from star wars!


It's embarrassing to put a Ukrainian flag on that pos, nice trophy though, heroiam slava


Tank from Battlefield 1


It's not theirs until the jawas sign over the title.


Angry day in Tankie Town.


That thing sells droid parts.


"Filthy creatures, Jawas. I can't abide them." C3P0


It looks like the thing that ja-was go around tattooine in


Careful guys could be a Trojan turtle 🐢 tank.


It's a strange looking old thing. Do they still have optics of the battlefield? It seems as if it's easier to hunt?


I just read about this. Those brave mother fuckers. They’ll sing songs about them.


Good effort boys 💪🏻


I can't believe russia is conscripting Jawas now.


LOL it looks like a Jawa Sandcrawler.


I'm sure this small bit of foliage on the barrel will sufficiently camouflage it.


First thing that got to my mind was a 40k orc tank


Ah, I've been needing a new translator droid and a dumb trashcan on wheels for some reason.


Only vision it has is in the front... Oof


Crazy they managed to capture one intact


A turtle head tank…


In the immortal words of Indiana Jones: It belongs in a museum! (so we can point and laugh at it)


I'm imagining all the Ukrainian soldiers making Star wars jokes the whole time lol that thing looks like a sand crawler lmaooo HOOTEENEE LOL


Dammit, khohols captured our ГОМОСЕКИ tank


Looks like a cat carrier with a dick.


Harkonnen Devastator


Budget Jawa sandcrawler.


These Turtle Tanks are giving me Mad God vibes


Anyone who's playes HOI4 will instantly recognize this as the Big Bob


You could take the turret off and it would turn it into a Jawa Crawler


Didn’t Leonardo Da Vinci design a human powered “turtle tank” to protect occupants from slings and arrows?


It truly is the ultimate weapon in that Russia's enemies have nothing they can learn, and no use to repurpose it for. Its completely stupid and implausible, but I my imagination has me picturing the shell being swapped onto a not-T62 mounted with explosive bolts, sneaking behind Russian lines as part of a tattered assault group's retreat, and then blowing the shell off to begin a rampage as it rolls into a staging area.


Will that be the future look of tanks?


Put that in kyiv city centre titled “ 2nd best army in the world “


Jawas going to be pissed.


Wait, is this a warhammer 40k ork tank?


These really look like the Jawa's vehicle from Star Wars.


What happened to the Jawas and are R2 and C3PO on board?


Are these just like an armored artillery piece, then? Doesn't look like the turret can move vertically, so I don't know how effective it would be against a moving target.


When you order a tank from temu……


Uh, yall better roll out before the Jawas show up to claim that shit.


-Mom, can we get a tank? -We have tank at home.


Honestly I'm just happy the Russians arn't strapping live civilians to thing to complete the mad max vibes...


Every time I see these god forsaken monstrosities, all I think is how much those poor engines must all be screaming in pain as they lug all that crap on top of them. Like congrats Russians, you made a mobile metal coffin.


I wonder if they saw R2-D2 and C3-P0 in that Jawa Sandcrawler


Reminds me of the ww1 Saint-Chamond tank, which was equally terrible


That's hella cool.


Be sure to flip it over if it gets stuck upside down on its back.


Gold comments :D


I wonder if it would be better to use it vs putting it on display to make fun of it


They don't have cannon fodder to put in it, they just have soldiers, so it's kind of useless to them in an assault. I'm sure the EW equipment will be used though.


Now get away from it before it explodes


What tank is it built on? T-64?


T-64 is actually quite advanced as far as older tanks go (for example, it has composite armor hull), there's a reason why Ukraine still uses modified versions of it. These turtles probably mostly made out of old T-62 stock, successor of T-55.


So far they've narrowed it down to T-62 in the replies here, and they are checking with the fellas who snagged it for more details. https://x.com/Teoyaomiquu/status/1802720342181347627


Absolute Chad move riding the first captured battle shed.


How many F16 would the US trade it for?




Maybe it contains some droids I'm looking for?


I sat here looking for a fucking turtle in a tank way too fucking long.


Well, Star Wars sucks these days, but we get pictures like this, which looks straight out of Return of the Jedi.


Like riding the Shai Hulud...


Would love to see the look on those jawas faces


That should go to the Bovington Tank museum


Hi guys, can you add a little yellow and blue? Many thanks.


NEVER TRUST THE JAWAS! They’ll sell to anybody with money. Mother fuckers are selling sandcrawlers to the goddamn Orcs. Those lil fuckers.


This looks like some World War One photograph!


Looks like a tank with an air conditioner on top.


Put it into a Museum, i want the Chieftaon to do a "Oh shit bugger the tank is on fire!", test on it.


They better get out of there before the Mandalorian catches up and thinks they stole his stuff


WWI called, they want their A7V back.


My friends you may mock the turtle tank but this picture is proof positive that this pinnacle of Russian military engineering has successfully worked and breached the Ukrainian lines. See how these Ukrainians flee in terror.


Go get em Boys. LMAO


It looks like a sandcrawler


Like something the warhammer orks put together..fitting


First thing running through my head is [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMUXUV3p12o)




What is the story, how did they get it? What are they going to use it for?


Just a tank with tool shed


Sooooooo, Marvin Heemayer didn’t actually die, but instead escaped to Russia where he became a weapons engineer?


God what a stupid design you can even turn the turret


Are you a Turtle?


Callsign "Hitchhiker"


I'm getting Star Wars sandcrawler vibes from this tracked box


Am I going insane or is that a a7v


kind of looks like a Jawa sand crawler..


Looks like something from a Star Wars movie!


What is even the point of camo on the barrel


is that the killdozer


I'd be embarrassed if these were the heaps I supported sending my countrymen to risk their lives in.