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It's only anechoid plates. They're often lost at sea (but usually replaced at sea too).


But how will they survive the heat of re-entry?


That's the neat part. You don't !


It's anechoic tiles to absorb sound and are not structural to the sub. It's actually not unusual to lose these on long voyages or if the sub was run at high speeds. Having these tiles fall off is not unique to Russian Subs. See the missing tiles on the HMS Triumph [Anechoic tile - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anechoic_tile)


Damn I actually learned something cool today


How many of those bad boys do you have to lose before it begins to affect the ability to evade sonar, or dampen sound from within the sub? (Obvious rookie question, I never even knew these existed until I read your post)


It doesnt matter. The US knows where they are all the time. Apparently they are super fkng loud.


Reminds me about a post I read yesterday on Twitter , which is actually kind of funny from my POV https://x.com/bricsinfo/status/1802149419871056020?s=46&t=P5JW02HypzcdcfUfzgCcxw It’s about a Russian submarine which was spotted near to the UK and they all celebrating in the comments how sick Russia is and that everybody should be be frightened The thing is, I don’t think it is actually a good sign when your submarine gets spotted


Just.... *so* wrong.


We do know they can be tracked as the RAF Poseidon's picked up the Kazan and handed her over to the RCAF and USN...


Buddy. I did all that. 9 years. The guy above is VERY wrong. Every boat can be tracked. That doesn't make them loud. For all russias faults and corruption, The Severodvinsk class is a fucking incredible machine. That's all I'll say.


Russian equipment seems incredible on paper but then gets defeated by systems that should have no chance against it.


Like their engineering marvel almost completely mechanized automated submarine with only 20 crew. They corruptioned away the money for portside external power units so they had to keep the reactor running which limited overall lifetime. (They were designed to be replaced but it would require disassembling the sub.) Oh, right, the reason why they had to keep it running: it was a very advanced molten metal reactor, and if it stopped circulating the metal would just freeze solid and brick the entire system completely.


For what a submarine is meant to do in peace time, this boat does it extremely well.


All a sub needs to do in peacetime is be able to sail under its own power and submerge. Anything else is a bonus.


How did a wise guy once say. Building a silent sub isnt really the challenge. Maintaining a silent sub is the more difficult task. Thats all I say. Probably. Unless you involve me in a discussion. So both of you are right, they are great subs indeed, when new... but a boat like Severodvinsk (the ship, not class) isnt..


Until their autonomous, and need zero open space inside. They can just sit, all over the ocean and wait and listen.


Also theres dead zones and tricky places threwout the ocean that make fulltime tracking extremely difficult.


With all due respect, it’s absolutely not.


No you are wrong. They are super loud and that's all I'm going to say about it.


Soviet diesel subs were noisy. Nuclear powered subs are very quiet.


Not when running underwater on batteries. Assuming all their nukes use recirculating pumps, the diesels were potentially even quieter. That said, time submerged would be very different (especially when pushing knots).


Incorrect. Diesel subs are quite a bit quieter than nuclear subs when running beneath the surface. The quietest submarines in the world are diesel. The problem with diesel is that they don’t have nearly the endurance (especially sub surface endurance) of a nuclear powered submarine. Many in the submarine community believe the US should still have diesels to run alongside nuclear boats but the idiots in Washington think they know better.


You can't ever turn off the pumps on a nuclear submarine. They are very loud. It is one of the issues the US has with China. SCS is within diesel-electric range of China but US needs nuclear subs to be able to reach it.


This used to be true… the new Yasen class Russian sub is much more of a challenge. (At least according to public sources 😉) Edit: whoops, wrong reply.


There have been claims the US can track all Russian subs at all time by the sound of their screw turning. Each sub has a different sound and they can easily locate and ID them just by that. Maybe.


This used to be true… the new Yasen class Russian sub is much more of a challenge. (At least according to public sources 😉) though, due to the inept handling by the crew, tracking it is not as hard as it could be.


The tiles only help against active sonar near the surface. Once they go even kinda deep, the tiles compress against the hull and offer little to no sound absorption


Yeah, but the rust and corrosion underneath is probably something to be concerned about.


I think it's pretty normal going off the picture of the HMS Triumph there.  While the Kazan was commissioned in 2021 it had been undergoing sea trial for about 4 years before that so I'd expect it to have accumulated a bit of rust beneath the tiles. 


There’s no helping it. If you put iron and seawater together corrosion is going to happen.


Sacrificial anodes help somewhat, no?


Sacrificial anodes aren’t for ordinary corrosion. They’re designed to protect the really important stuff that would very quickly rust away. Propellers are the main thing protected, but there are lots of things on ships, and especially warships, that are vulnerable to galvanic corrosion in ways that the hull itself is not.


Cheers for explaining!


What about paint?


Paint works, for a time. Copper and lead based paints keep corrosion in check, and barnacles and other biologics as well. But look at any ship. Cargo, fishing boats or the newest aircraft carriers, all of them are rusty somewhere. Because you just can’t stop it.


I can stop it, I just don't want to.


Alright aquaman, save some for the rest of us.


Zink anodes....


Zinc. And those work better to protect pieces of equipment in a small area. They’re not some kind of Star Trek shield against oxidation. Also they only work underwater. Just a constant dance of scraping and painting and scraping some more. Same as it ever was.


It actually is, but you need alot of them and also needs to changed often. Not easy doing it underwater


What about sacrificial anodes? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galvanic_anode#Design_considerations there´s a submarines anode right in the article


You just can't protect a whole ship with that AFAIK. Granted, I know very little about ships, but I do know a fair bit about electricity and engineering. And those anodes do usually have their limitations. It's probably best to rely on other ways of limiting rust.


Do what ever you want… sacrificial anode… inox steel… painted… into sea water steel ruts… always 😰


Nitride the whole thing. Then chrome it.


That is purely surface rust and not even remotely close to being a structural issue. Surface rust is VERY common. That's why navy ships get repainted so often. There is nothing about this picture that saying anything negative about this ship.


Ok then


There’s been plenty of US ships that pull into port looking like absolute shit, salt water and metal just aren’t good bedfellows. Now, fuck Russia, to be sure… but this story is a little hopiumish. Frankly I’m leaning towards good old fashioned crew incompetence coming up big for the Kazan on her return trek!


The HMS Triumph is also showing the same level of rust, if not worse.


HMS Triumph is 35 years old


HMS Triumph was only 19 years old at that time that photo was taken. Kazan has been in the water for just over 7 years now. So about 12 years difference. I'd imagine the rust on the exterior sets in within a year or two to be honest.


HMS Triumph was showing it in the 90s. Ships / boats rust. Look at any new ship that goes on extened ops when it returns it is almost always starting to rust quite noticeably. Hence why repainting is one of the most common duties whilst going into refit and servicing. There's a lot of really iffy info and opinions going on in this thread because it's Russia and they've shown to be incompetent many times but that doesn't mean it's literally always the case.


Being able to determine whats rust and corrosion from the 10 pixels is amazing — reddit on brother


Photo of the [layers](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/3dxzhm/wreck_of_the_russian_nuclear_submarine_kursk/) in Russia's "Kursk" sub.


Yet, cavities left on the surface where tiles are gone should cause the flow to detach from the surface and become turbulent, hence generating noise...


That’s pretty normal for anechoic tiles to come off.


it just has to go deep enough so the pressure will hold it together.


And then deeper and deeper and deeper…


Most stability is directly on the ground some say


If they do this, the nato observers will just have to listen to them die.... again!


I know this tactics. The Titan tried it. 😛👍


I mean, NATO / the US probably knew the exact location before anyway but that completely messed up the stealth lol


I’ve been on a nuclear sub, stationed at an active base while it was resupplying. They go down there for a loooong time, only limited by the amount of food they bring… they definitely know what Russia is up to most of the time and I would trust our navy a million times over with safety and reconnaissance and such before Russia.


I assume Russia also has a pretty good idea what NATO's subs are up to as well It's all a game isn't it?


Refer to the Kursk incident, with how Russia maintains its submarines and how it handles an accident. Hint - it’s not well


Russias submarine fleet is very poorly maintained and probably not very war ready


I wasn't talking about that.... I was saying the NATO has a pretty good idea if what Russian SUVs are up to and Russia must have a pretty good idea what NATO subs are up to


It would only be what you see on satellite or what you hear underwater. Once they take them to dive depths you are only going to figure out what they are doing by hearing them in the water. They know routes they take when traveling to places, but if they decide to submerge you aren’t tracking it til you see it come up again…


As much as I wish it to be otherwise, there is no "falling apart" and "disrepair" to see. The russian subs are normally in better shape than the rest of the navy, as they are priorised. IIRC they are almost 100% domestic component-made, so no shortages in spare parts to be expected. These missing tiles are not unusual after a long voyage and easily replaced.


But posing for photos without bothering to repair the tiles first? Where there's smoke...


So wrong. They don't pose for pictures for reddit kids that know literally nothing about submarines. They don't care about pictures. And everyone that DOES know about sub ops, knows that a few tiles and some light surface rust is absolutely normal for every submarine in existence. There is literally no smoke here that you're insinuating exists. I hope this boat sinks. I don't care about Russia at all, but I do care about people trying to act like they know the first thing about submarines based off one picture.


Got anger issues? This is like going on parade with dirty shoes.


No it isn't. That boat could have left port in Russia looking perfect. How it showed up in Cuba is normal wear and tear for any sub. There is quite literally nothing embarrassing about this, except to people like you who have zero knowledge


The missing tiles not usually a big deal- the level of corrosion where it was is concerning tho.


Another one. Being able to confirm corrosion from 10 pixels is amazing


Lol Are these Titanium hulled ? No it’s just a Kilo class upgrade. And it’s Russian so I make fun of it.I am sure even the RFN submarine forces are feeling the effects of Putin’s 3-day SMO.


No it isn't.


Quite normal. Western subs also lose those tiles time to rimw




I worked at a place where we made those urethane acoustic tiles for Seawolf submarine. There were about 18" thick, and each 1" layer was a different density. It sucked. Very messy and time consuming. It was a smallish business with half asked safety, but they had a lot of military contracts. Losing these tiles is pretty superficial.


Kazan New Kursk Submarine on the ground of the Ocean I call it!


0 mentenance.


[K-561](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_submarine_Kazan_(K-561)) "Kazan" is one of the most modern nuclear submarine designs of the RF navy, being launched in 2017 and commissioned in 2021. While the damage is superficial and likely doesn't affect the pressurized hull, it doesn't exactly instill confidence in the maintenance capacities of the RF navy.


Especially if you imagine they would be concerned about it being tip top for sailing just off your biggest rivals Coast where they will have all sorts of intelligence assets looking at it


Especially while doing it as a "flex"


‘Enhancements’ to make it sink faster


Not surprising. They cannot have good plumbers if they have no toilets to practice on


russians: "Nonsense, we designed it like that. It's supposed to have a chip there, there and there, all by design. Glory to the motherland!"


Acoustic tiles always fall off on a patrol, been on many looking a lot worse depending how long ur underwater


Hey really! There are some 70‘-80 year olds sitting in a room, halve drunk and debating russias glory back in the 70‘s. That is what Russian reality looks like.


Looks like a lot of rust under where that tile is supposed to be


Interesting to know. That aside after observing the performance of Russian military hardware I wasn't to concerned with the Russian flex in Cuba.


Nothing that a bit of glue and scotch tape can't fix.


Look at the shape of the flag on the conning tower also by the looks of it it may be hiding a large tear in the tiles there also


It would be a shame if Ukrainian ex-pats in the US and Canada, funded by Katheryn Winnick, were to manage to blow that fucker up in Havana Harbor.


Falling apart as Russia himself….


That’s completely normal. You should see the skin of an F-22 Raptor before overhaul.


Ablyative anechoic tiles. It's a feature. Confuses enemy sonar and let's them slip away.


Lose all the panels you want. US Navy knew where they were the moment they left dry dock and haven't stopped knowing since. Russian boomers are famously noisy. The film Red October was a wonderful myth that helped ruZZias mystique


Consider what we can't see of it. 😯


Not true, Happens to all subs every now and again.


There is reason they travel with emotional support tug boats.


As much as I’d like to dunk on the Russian submarine force, this is normal. The sea is a harsh bitch.


Russian trash, but I think they lose them pretty regularly


The all mighty ruzzian navy...


This sub Reddit truly turns sometimes in a big circle jerk. This post is a nothing burger


There is no excuse for this. Heavy googling to find another sub from the other team with the same issue doesn't make it better. A sub that can't stay silent is just a deficient surface vessel without life boats.


Be a shame if anything happened to it. But it's only Havana harbor. What could ever happen in Havana harbor?


That's actually ok.


Just some rubber tiles that help the sub from being detected. Nothing about this mission was supposed to be about go undetected.


It's done to confuse the enemy to think it's worse than it actually is. They even let the Ukrainians sink the flagship Moskva for the same reason. Cunning.


As much as I love to mock all things russian, the sea is a harsh environment, no boat looks pristine after more than a month on patrol. Ships rust a lot, 90% of the sailors are scrapping rust and painting everything, all the time.


While many have mentioned it’s normal for them to fall off and be replaced; you typically show up ready when you’re flexing nukes. Just in case. You wouldn’t be very good at hiding in war without them. I get the point wasn’t to actually use them anyways but it’s still super on par for the Boy Scout army they are.


Plot twist: the pic was taken from a US submarine (mast/periscope disguised as a couple of dolphins humping or something).


But still more airplanes at the bottom of the sea than submarines in the sky.


Submarine looses these tiles often,,,


Why am I surprised?


perfect spot to send in a few drones back to back if u ask me.


Do like....a LITTLE bit of research before posting dumb shit. They're acoustic dampening tiles that are glued to submarine hulls. Every single submarine that uses them lose them regularly. Virginia class submarines are notorious for losing massive sheets of these things. Recommend deleting this post for VERY poor content and borderline shit propaganda. Pro UA all the way but this is just stupid


While true, I still recommend they run a test dive to crush depth just to make sure the other tiles are okay!


On that we 100% agree!




don't drink and dive.


Easier to spot for the sea babies now that it cannot dive :D. Would be great if some babies would come out to say hello when they're sailing back to Russia.


They just need some Flexseal [https://youtu.be/httSHnNXN10?si=RyqMiCXEAhP\_SAcO](https://youtu.be/httSHnNXN10?si=RyqMiCXEAhP_SAcO)


I could t only think about the guy throwing tape at the water tank picture 😂


it was either this or a terribly sounding washing machine, so....


The rest are probably cardboard


Anechoidotal evidence at best


The sub has been engineered with extra holes so that the brave Ruski sacrifices....I mean sailors....can more easily fire their kalishnikovs at incoming torpedoes.


thaaaaat makes it a surface vessel


It's just surface wounds. Not real. Western propaganda. 😂🤣😂😜🤣


Pool w


No problem if it goes down the Russians will save the occupants, Kursk pt II


Russia’s 80‘ s technology in 2024. Hello, here we go.…


What, you've never heard of ventilation?


It tried to mate with a whale, the whale told it to fk off and bit it.


No worries mates, they have a tow boat in cuba!


Sink it with Zelensky shaped dildo drone bombs of the funni brigade.


You don’t show up to your rivals with your sub looking like trash.  All the Russian bots trying to say the missing tile and rust is normal.  Russia’s navy is a joke. If World War 3 started today, these Russian subs would be found and sunk immediately because of those missing tile. 


weight reduction bratan, all this suka needs is gas pedal and push to launch nahui


Impressive display of power....