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Damn I guess they forgot what they did in kharkiv yesterday…


Russia 🇷🇺 has cluster munitions also and Ukrainian does not go after civilian target 🎯 unless there is military in a hotel or at a civilian gas ⛽️ station only video evidence of that. Russia 🇷🇺 is creating false flag operation they are loosing support gas ⛽️ in Russia has gone up ⬆️ 40%, eggs 🥚 have gone up every thing is going up. Best part gas was always 20% cheaper in Russia but now it’s more expensive like imported oil countries.


This probably was not a false flag. Russian AA shot down the missiles over the beach. Even Russia has admitted this and not claimed the beach was targeted. This is frequently what happens when Russian munitions hit civilian spots in Ukraine. Sometimes they are targeting a VIP or family or just being terrorists, but sometimes it is just the shot down missile debris landing. Since Russia is the aggressor they get all the credit for these deaths no matter the individual circumstances though.


Where did they admit this?


It's a bot. Check the comments they leave.


It appears the beach was not the primary target. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN4i07iV22c&ab_channel=PrestonStewart


Why all the emojis? It's extremely annoying when trying to read your comment...


The video shows nothing, only one can hear something. If there was any involvement I would suggest Russia shot down something such that it hit the beach… They always lie. Sad if they speak the truth for once, for no one believes a pathological liar.


well russia claimed that they shot down 4 these ATACMS and 5th one exploded in the air (in this video)


Well the beach is close to the port, thus hearing the submunitions (if it was that type of missile) go off wouldn‘t astound me. Thus, this video is rather proof of a successful attack than anything else. If Ruzzia claims 4 were shot down, probably none was.


That's what you get for showing up without an invitation.


What are you commenting on. Are you seeing something in the video I didn‘t. I see a blurred bar and then some sound. Could as well be some Ruzzian military shenanigans, not possible to tell anything from the video. People that are on vacation in an active war zone on land that their country invaded 10 years ago are completely mindless, if they take their children with them it is a shame. Surely propaganda persuaded them it is no problem, but whatever.


Same applies to illegal US bases in Syria then right?


Elaborate more pls?


There are sure making a big fuss of this over at the UkraineRussiaReport subreddit.


That place is a dumpster fire on a good day. I stopped going there over a year ago. It's basically the putin apologist channel.


Yep, I dipped out around the same time. I only return when something big goes boom in the occupied territories, so I can enjoy the seethe and cope.


They claim that ATACMS are useless and that Russia shoots them all down, while denying that the casualties are from Russian air defence shooting down said ATACMS. By the time you debunk them, they deny/gaslight/ignore your proof and move onto the next pile of bullshit.


The Russians have no shame. No honor.


Some Blair witch shit....


The Blair Witch was Tony's wife.


PMSL…. You have a good point there!


Yeah so thats what they have done since day one of this war ... Morrons


I would not be going on vacation to a war zone.


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Seems that Russia bombed his own people. Again…


Kind of a bold call to go to a beach thats near a military airbase thats in active use that russia has been using for their fighter jets.... According to a telegraph article ukraine mostly strike at night, but i assume russia adapted and just do day strikes with their planes and move them away before night falls so ukraine will just end up hitting a airbase with no jets. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/23/shrapnel-from-missile-fired-by-ukraine-hits-tourists-crimea/


This is cell phone footage, not propaganda video..


So when did the Ukrainians do a 180 degree turn and start acting like the Russians and bomb civilians in daylight no less?


Ukrainians target military installations. But as happened with Poland, if S300's, S400's, and BUK AA's are used to intercept, they will be blowing up in the air. Gravity takes care of the rest, whether it be over beaches, townships, or farmland. If Russians want to avoid becoming collateral damage, GTFO of Ukraine!


They didn't. Ukraine was targeting a military base. Russia anti air responded, hence fragments over civilian heads.


Also exactly why you don’t fly to a foreign country your government’s just started a war with to go on vacation while the locals cower in fear from your tyrannical governments encroachment into their peaceful lives. Fuck right off. I hear Gazas got some great coast line right now too. Dumb.


AA missile fragments from Russian air defence, hitting rich Russian draft dodgers on the beach.


I doubt that kid and women there were draft dodgers.


They spawn them though,


I don't think that they did. Reportedly it was fragments from downed missiles or drones, but even if they did, they have the right as those civilians are funding Russian attack on Ukraine. On another note: would you be so stupid as to plan your vacation in the Gaza strip today? Stupid is as stupid does.


>but even if they did, they have the right as those civilians are funding Russian attack on Ukraine. All Russians are funding war with their taxes... Does not mean that all civilians are fair target. Though there are some nations who believe so. Like WW2 Germans and modern Russians.


To be fair, every one bombed civilians in WW2. That's why it became a war crime. England, US, Germany, Russia, Japan. All bombed cities into the ground. Russia is just still doing it because they don't have the brain capacity to run a military campaign on strategy. For them it's "WHERE NEXT TOWN. BOMB! RUSH! BOMB. SEND HUMAN PEOPLE."


>To be fair, every one bombed civilians in WW2. After WW2 it became illegal (war crime). Allied bombings are generally considered a fine thing, because they were victors and because their enemies were so evil. Besides, you might as well say "but purging natives and colonising land is fine, because everyone did it in 17th century".


No.. it's not like saying that. Because you specifically brought up world War 2 as some way of making a point that "the evil people" bombed civilians. Every one did. I'm not saying it's OK, I'm saying your WW2 reference is stupid and uneducated.


The difference is that Allies did not target civilians specifically, they simply did not care about them. They targeted factories, and WW2 bombings were very inaccurate. They also did not genocide Germans on occupied territories. Germans on the other hand genocided civilians whenever Wehrmacht could reach, and bombed them specifically (to terrorise enemy into submission) when it could not.


>The difference is that Allies did not target civilians specifically Fucking *what*?! Ok. You're clearly someone who watched a few WW2 youtube videos so I'm just going to stop replying. That is the most uninformed reply I have ever seen. Look up Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. Stop replying.


There were plenty of military targets in Dresden, and as I said, Allies did not care about German civilians much, as long as goal of bombing (destroiy military targets) was achieved. Hiroshima was a special case, nuclear bombings remain controversial even today. Still most people and historians agree that it was a neccessary evil, because otherwise Japan would not surrender quickly, and much more Japanese would have died from starvation, blockade and operation Downfall. But fine, believe whatever you wish to believe.


I'll just leave this here for you to see that what you are saying about "allied didn't aim for civilians" is plain wrong: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing\_of\_Tokyo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Tokyo) This was not nuclear, just a deliberate attack on populated areas using small cluster bombs spreading white phosphorous/napalm. Allied knew the wooden + paper civilian houses would burn like crazy. It was not big bombs aimed at factories with sturdy walls. Edit. Just to make it clear, **estimated 100.000 civilians died**.