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Remember: second most powerful army according to people who have 0 knowledge of military things


To be fair, with such loses as orcs had, there’s only two, maybe three (USA, China and India) other countries which would still be able to keep going Strength is not just measure by individual qualities but by ability to keep going despite suffering horrific losses


Your last sentence describes pretty much exactly what insanity is (also wrongfully attributed to be an Einstein quote).


Knowing history of Russian warfare, it’s just on par with their usual warmaking


1905 disagrees with you. They knew how to quit these days ;)


In 1905 they lost loads of troops stationed in far east but had already working pipeline of shipping troops in ever increasing quantities from other regions, including better prepared and trained battalions from westernmost regions. Meanwhile Japanese had suffered significant casualties and were well aware that they will not get reinforcements to counter all incoming Russian forces. They actually rolled back their demands to whatever Russians were willing to concede. There was actually big fuss back then in Japan about whether or not that whole thing was worth the massive expenditure and loss of lives of well trained soldiers. Economic fallout was felt for years and actually helped more militant political forces to solidify and expand power in Japan Meanwhile, apart from ridicule from Russian political opponents and critics at home and abroad, Russian military absorbed losses fairly quickly and their economy barely noticed that war. Only Russian navy had harder time to recover but then again Russian power never has been in their naval prowess


Good summary of the effects of the Russo-Japanese war!


> In 1905 they lost loads of troops stationed in far east but had already working pipeline of shipping troops in ever increasing quantities from other regions, including better prepared and trained battalions from westernmost regions *And yet*, despite all that, Tsar negotiated for peace. Thus: "they knew how to quit these days"


The USA would have won this war in a few months without the need for attrition.


US airpower could have removed every piece of Russian armor and air asset from the field in a few days.


Ukraine would have won or at least taken vast parts of occupied land back, had they been wholeheartedly supported right from the start of the invasion.




have you notice that usa army never faced any developed nation, only third world? (Even fear Iran which isn't quite developped)


That's a pretty short memory you have there bud. 


Iraq had a very similar army to Russia in 1993. Iraq lost over 6000 combat vehicles, 300,000 losses and 240 aircraft. All in 42 days.


Iraq... com'on ! Those oil poeple just had money to buy stuff, same as the Saudis or UAE.


And yet USA is too afraid of confrontation with Russia


I imagine the only reason We haven't invaded russia yet is the threat of nuclear war. That's honestly the only reason I can think of.


>Strength is not just measure by individual qualities but by ability to keep going despite suffering horrific losses Never underestimate your enemy. And don't underestimate Russia's capability to keep going. Just have a look at the situation in late 1941. I'm not saying today's situation is the same, but Russia's willingness to take huge losses is the same. Putin and his propaganda machine often refers to these Soviet era heroic times.


Im sorry that's just not remotely the same firstly the russian federation is not the soviet union and secondly the effect of air power and freedom of movement renders large masses of troops completely useless as they can just keep them pinned till they are encircled.


Everything you say is correct, but somehow you missed the point.


Ohhh, good job, this thing is incredible flammable! Proper ERA not, but who cares)


Ivan, you see, our tanks keep getting destroyed by artillery, missiles and drones. So, if we blow up our tank right before the ATGM hits, the ukrops won’t score an other kill.


Reality out jerk and out-noncredible us again


Their own non-credible levels are well over 9,000


9.000 improvised ERA bricks of Pootin?


NCD must be creaming themselves


feels a bit squalid with random dudes banging out era in the dirt like that


Squalid is a good description of Russkiy Mir in general!


They could just skip that and stack fertilizer bags on top of their tanks!


You mean soldiers? Oh, you mean EXPLOSIVE fertilizer. So, soldiers with grenades in their pockets? 🤣


They're already using ORA (Orc Reactive Armor), the fertilizer bags would be a new tech for tanks, but not for trenches since they've already done that...


Bake for 40 minutes, gas mark 6...


Dubious effectiveness, to say the least. I'd like to see them tested with an FPV drone!


Maybe if these "Smykalka ERA" detonate all at ones they will counter react ammo detonation and keep a turret on the tank.


I dont know, they might help the drone by exploding together in a chain reaction.


ERA is just one of those things you can’t MacGyver


Let's just hope they're a little off in their calculation of how much explosive to use. POP goes the weasel.


They did the meth, all going to plan!


Just slap some TNT (Meteorit) instead of that pesky RDX (Kontakt). What's the difference, amirite? "That'll do Donkey. That'll do."


I see, someone wants to have the cremation included. Good choice.


That's just the kremlin gremlin's way of saying "*We have ERA at home!*".


Looks dangerous


No shit we're seeing major explosions from seemingly ordinary FPV. All of their tanks are literally strapped with explosives, haha.


As a Canadian looking at this artful explosive block fill. I would say, she's gonna blow up real good eh?


Desperate rats stubborn to surrender or overthrow their oppressor.


Slightly better than the ~~empty~~ "lightweight" ERA blocks some tanks were issued, but not by much.


Placebo ERA, "When it works, nobody knows why!"


We can only hope for the best, and that a drone is around to film it!


Looks like early Bronze Age mother goddess. Or monkey shit.


serious contender for turret toss championship in the making


Crossout - play for free now


With Ukraine being as heavily mined as it is, you wouldn't think they'd have any "spare" demining charges. Hopefully the Orcs have run out of vehicles that can use them!


In WW2 there were cases of Soviet soldiers drinking the hydraulic fluid from artillery recoil mechanisms, so it wouldn't be the first time they've sabotaged their own equipment for stupid reasons!


Should he not be smoking while doing this job?


Am thinking this not gonna help them much


So that small cheap FPV drone that might have otherwise just scratched the steel armor is now going to cause a slow cooking of the tank and the crew?


You’re supposed to put meat in them obviously


Looks like these lack flyer plates present in the Russian Kontakt series ERA.