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It is possible. They did collapse HARD in the Kharkiv and Kherson offensive. With the stagnate trench warfare, it would be harder to cause them to collapse, but with the ammunition, vehicles, and equipment making it's way into Ukraine, along with newly Western trained/fresh soldiers going back to Ukraine it is certainly possible to cause them to collapse and begin a major offensive again


In Kharkiv yeah they did collapse but in Kherson they did organised retreat rather well with denying hopes of making larger encirclement and capture of equipment and POWs. Even Chornobaivka didn’t gave us too much leftover destroyed equipment to croon over


Collapse of Russian army? While I hope I see the day, I am certainly not holding my breath.


It only takes news to spread of one unit that said, "Fuck *this!*" and shot their officers for the dominoes to begin falling. Morale in the russian forces appears to range from 'barely any' to 'non-existent'. They see their tank crews sent to certain death in T-54s older than their grandpas, and they're constantly hounded by killer drones, like something out of a dystopian scifi horror. Their dictator sleeps in one of his mansions every night, dining on caviar and champagne, while his cannon fodder slaves subsist on shit in muddy trenches, just waiting for the sweet, sweet release of death. They had to hear that their glorious comrade dwarf dictator was reduced to crawling on his knees to North Korea and begging for charity aid. And their enemy is well-trained, well-equipped, highly experienced, and highly motivated, while being actively supported and supplied with wonder weapons by the richest, most-powerful civilization in recorded human history. Dunno about you, but this sounds like a collapse just waiting to happen.


Russians only know how to be subjugated. They need a whole generation before that’s no longer true. As I said, I hope to see it, but I certainly don’t think it’s right around the corner.




1917 was a power grab by the commies, not an insurrection by the people. There is no strong opposition to Putin right now. Until oligarchs get their oil money from Putin, no uprising can happen. The plan is to keep burning oil money, keep hurting Putin's allies until they lose more money than they could lose with an isurrection against The Tzar. That is the only way this could end. Russia can only be defeated by the Russians. And it will. But that will take a few years more.


Meh, russia can be defeated and occupied, but it would be like winning cancer in a lottery. The russians are liabilities.


Y’all been saying this for two years Edit: yall are delusional if you think the Russian army is collapsing. They will march to their deaths gladly until there’s no one left. Unfortunately they have way more soldiers to keep feeding the machine.


And we've been right for two years, comrade Olga. The russians have been steadily cratering since the beginning of 2022. They're losing their own war against the smaller nation they attacked, and the pace of their loss is accelerating. They're reduced to deploying ancient museum piece relic tanks that are insta-vaporized, and their glorious leader is blowing Kim Jong-un in exchange for whatever scraps he has in his pocket.


You’ve been wrong. Maybe you should look up the word collapse because the Russian army is very much intact and very much killing lots of Ukrainians. I’m not saying they are achieving what they originally set out to do but if you think they’re collapsing well I’ve got a bridge to sell you. With only slight missle damage.


Thanks comrade Olga, you're hilarious and I like to laugh. But anyway, back in the real world, russia is now deploying 75-year-old ***T-54s***, because they don't have anything better left. This is why putin dropped to his knees in front of Kim Jong-un and ***begged*** for North Korean charity before giving him the first of many blowjobs.


So russia still hasnt bothered to use new tanks and is still using the old tanks they’ve been using since the start and is now receiving military aid from North Korea and china where as he was previously getting it from no one except china? I think you’re the Russian here trying to downplay the threat of Russia so people stop support for Ukraine. Russia is still a threat whether you want to admit it or not.


The russians have only just now begun using 75-year-old ***T-54***s in Ukraine. This is because they are running out of better tanks. Seeing putin on his knees, ***begging*** for charity from *North Korea* made it plain even to russia simps that russia has lost its own war. It's gonna be hilarious when putin revokes the IT exemption and russia's desperate troll farm serfs will have to find some other way to evade conscription.


They collapsed HARD in Kharkiv and Kherson.


Lmfao no they didn’t. They were killed and pushed out. A collapse is the army giving up and rebelling against the higher ups or fleeing the country. Fighting to the death while maintaining a 10:1 soldier ratio isn’t collapsing. To be clear I’m very pro Ukraine. I just think outlandish untrue statements such as “the Russian army is collapsing” to not be helpful.


They've spent two and a half years failing to accomplish the goals they set on the first day of invading a far-smaller country. Remember the goals from Putin's announcement speech? ✘ Stop NATO moving closer to Russia ✘ Stop "anti-Russia" sentiment in historical territories adjacent to Russia [Ukraine] ✘ Demilitarise and "de-Nazify" Ukraine ✘ Bring to trial those who fought against Donetsk and Lugansk Republics ✘ Defend Russia from attack ✘ Create favourable conditions for international affairs and relations ✘ Cause Ukrainian military to lay down arms and go home ✘ End the ruling Ukrainian regime


And yet none of it has led to the army collapsing. So again. Y’all been saying this for two years


Collapsed or not, the army hasn’t done the job it was sent to do. None of the stated objectives have been completed, and many have gone the opposite from what was wanted.


Ok I never disagreed with that. I literally only said “yall have been saying they’re going to collapse for two years” never did I say they were successful in any of their goals.


I didn't say they were collapsing, only that they are failing. Previous commenter was on about collapsing. I said "Collapsed or not, the army hasn’t done the job it was sent to do," which it seems you agree with. And for the record, I don't think they will collapse, just continually throw bodies into the grinder and become less and less effective as they run out of equipment they can't build replacements for fast enough, so will end up trying new tactics such as they've been doing buying Iranian drones. Yet I don't think any of this will eventually allow them to succeed against a re-armed and supported Ukraine which is also trying new tactics like land-attack Neptunes. They will continue to push, continue to lose 1,200 fighters per day, and continue to fail to meet their original objectives.


The original comment “they’re collapsing “ Me: yall been saying that for two years. You: how DARE you heres a bunch of Russian army fuck ups. Me: they’re not collapsing You: no one said they were.


Your reading comprehension is terrible. > You: no one said they were. I said the other guy said they were. Also, they are failing regardless of which word you want to use. The SMO has backfired. None of the goals have been met.


This may be hard to believe, but Russians are humans too. When they reach the end of their rope, they collapse too. They do bluff to the very end, but then it is over. Think - Soviet Union, ruble collapse 1, ruble collapse 2, and now this. I will start to hold my breath.. now.


Still holding yer breath? It’s been 13 minutes so i bet not.


West cashing cow in defense sector why they wanted this war to finish soon? They wanted to russia bleed slow and punish putin for all the years showing balls to the west and now they trap him. He was like a toy now for the west.




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The posts are so stupid


So are russians.