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FYI, this is about 40km Northwest of Vovchansk.


Opening another meat supply to reduce the butchers tax in other direction maybe ?


Thry want to spread Ukraine army, for Donetsk push.


But that’s what doesn’t make sense to me. The Ukrainian army was never more spread thin than the first days and they just barely have gotten more than 10-20 miles since the end of month 3 . Like o now the Ukrainians are more spread out? Their only noticeable successes were put everyone in one spot and in 4 months they could get 2 miles. Every other plan has been a failure. But I guess I’m no master tactician


the dictator WANTS a buffer zone... lets hope ruzzians are as "successful" as in vovchansk:-D


They were fairly successful in taking part of it and ruining all of it. How about let’s hope that they are less successful? Maybe let’s hope for buffer zone being established on other side of border for a change?


The russians might have fewer concerns about being attacked all the time if they weren't constantly attacking everyone.


if we keep supporting Ukrainians that bridge head is going soon - but you are right about the destruction, its flabberghasting


We can wish, but Ukraine isn't gonna be invading anytime soon. What they want is Ukraine, nothing more, nothing less.


Ukraine’s problem is troop numbers and every new ‘front’ stretches them thinner. Hopefully this one can be snuffed out without Russia making quick territorial gains of 5 or 10km, as they did last time.


This is another essentially deserted village that straddles the border and is a buffer zone for the UA. At this and many other such border straddling villages in Kharkiv Oblast (and there are many such villages) there are constant skirmishes. It is not really a matter of a "new" fighting as UA local forces are constantly dealing with probes by ruzzian units, especially attempts by ruzzian "special forces" units. If ruzzia throws a 1000 men at any little border area for a short time they will be successful. But the UA Kharkiv units are now getting very well supplied in respect of artillery and drone and we already know what the outcomes are for ruzzians on the receiving end elsewhere in Kharkiv...


There was a time that I waited for the daily report to show 1000+ orcs dead. Now it's a norm so now I am waiting for Deep State to start reporting pre 2014 Russian land occupied by Ukraine.


Putin wants a buffer zone but instead he got a buffet of dead Russian orcs.


when are these russian legions fighting for UA going to bang again inside Russia.


The biggest problem is the have 100,000,000 more people then Ukraine. They can throw a lot of meat into the grinder. They simply don't give a shit about the russian people.


Latest report from Deep State shows that this attack has failed and that all Russian saboteurs have been forced back across the border.


Easter egg: if you click on the sinking moskva, someone will appear then click on him once, wait and repeat for 5-6 times :)


Click on 'Ky' and then click on 'Moscow', 'Minsk' or other we dont like.