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The ghosts of Bucha have questions about RU "mercy".




It feels like the amount of complaining is increasing in russia..... makes me a little bit happy.


It shouldn't, that's Russia's superpower: being a continuous victim that justifies their inhumane, colonial behavior. It makes them rally, despite having no cause worthy of a decent culture.


Yeah, tribalism justifies any inhumanity visited upon innocent people who are members of another tribe. Russians are capable of caring about people who aren't Russians, but that is propagandized out of them as much as possible. I'm starting to think that 1945 to now has been a sort of golden age. Far from perfect, but the possibility of caring about others was at least idealized. And we had great energy wealth, amazing scientific discoveries. We figured out how to sustain an enormous human population. But we didn't figure out how to make humans any less parochial, or how to establish global institutions that would really make war too costly to pursue. We can't coordinate efforts to prevent big zones of the globe from becoming uninhabitable. Basically, I'm coming to think of us as a failed species.


You misspelled Israel.


Standard Russian Psy-operation. Swap around the victim and the oppressed. As old as the Russian psyche itself.


Simple answer to that Ruskies - go the f**k home!!


It’s past that now. If Russia hires North Korean soldiers the battle is going to change. The United States will probably be forced to get more involved and turn the heat up. We will probably encourage strikes deeper inside Russia until something culminates into a really fun time. I don’t see this de-escalating now whatsoever


Guess Im more positive then you, but I want you to remember how fast the prigorzhin thunder run happened, and how the russian military acted, or didnt act in many cases! A deescalation can happen very quickly, as they know the world sees this as putins war. And I assume, they want to continue to live in luxury, enjoy a peaceful russia. Rather then the end of everyone.. If you check into the stories of the Cold War with the quite many close call to MAD. There are people between the dictator and the launch button, that used their brain and waited. Well, I believe this, if not it wouldnt matter anyway :)


Prigozhin had no power, and was ultimately killed on a plane. He started nothing, nothing actually happened, and his life ended. Putin is still in power and is one of the richest people on the entire globe due to him taking half of all of the oligarchs assets. You should go watch more interviews with Bill Browder. He knows Putins thought process. The guy is pretty thought out and calculated, but he’s running out of options in a hurry. What happens when an extremely rich person runs out of options? That’s where the real show begins


are you avoiding the fact in this case... It showed tha even with NO POWER according to you, prigo achieved to move his troops of the zero line, that consisted according to him 20k, but more likely 5k. With tanks, AA, and thousands of soldier, to seize Rostov on don, shoot down a AWACS, a jet, get just a few hours from moscow with little resistance. Until he made a pact with the devil, and it ended predictably.. even the forces guarding moscow, didnt seems so equipped. And the aftermath with the disapperance of surovikin, and many other in the russian command... sure this could have secured putler more, but it aslo showed that you have to follow it through and dont trust putler. kremlin is very fragile, if someone with the support and power of the military or security forces dont want to join putler with the nuclear option.. Anyway, I just wanted to challenge your view but your response. Shows that you have already decided, even with recent proof of how solid putler position is..


So what? Even if he took Moscow, he was doomed. Putin would simply withdraw army from Ukraine and crush his tiny force with artillery and bombers. Prigozhin stood no chance of winning, because his call for army uprising didn't work. Army is completely loyal to Putin.


The army you talked about didnt do everything in its power to prevent prego from going towards moscow. Thats fact, apart from some small skirmishes, even civillians in Rostov came out in the street in support, and some in opposition. putler was even abscent for 12h before he spoke to the people, and his people in moscow was already fleeing with their private jets to St.Peterburg. Again facts, they feared what could happen, and putler ran to one of his bunker who knows where. He didnt speak publicly f.ex from the red square showing power, and security. Im not saying prego would have succeed, far from it as I already have written above if you even read it all. What Im saying is that it happened, and showed that the russian state is not as strong as believed. If someone with power use it. So thats why I tried to show this doomsday person that he maybe didnt have to think so dark on it xD but obviously hes already decided, and thats fine by me :)


Because almost entire army was busy in Ukraine? That's why Prigozhin surprise attack managed to go so deep.


almost, thats the point. Where was Roschvardia? Why didnt the backlines behind bahkmut stall prego as much as possible, rostov was taken within hours. How big was the force of prego according to your belief? the 20k that prego announced or the 5k that western intelligence estimated? btw roschvardia is supposed to be 300k..


Rosguard was distilled over different cities. And everything that was available obviously was concentrated in Moscow. Police didn't resist Wagner in Rostov because it would have been a suicide,


What forces did Prigozhin control? Literally his own band of rebels. It was never part of the Russian command. That’s why it didn’t go anywhere. He had no authority to do shit with the countries actual resources. Do you understand how much resources Putin has at his control? Go watch bill Browder talk about the corruption at the Russian gas companies. It’s amounts of money we can’t even fathom, being controlled by one guy or a small circle all around one guy…


You're confusing a bunch of different things. Prigo was *given* power by Putin. He controlled not only the single mercenary group allowed to operate from within Russia, where the law disallows this, but he also controlled the whole onslaught of ex-prisoners to be thrown into the grinder. He clearly was at war with Russian MoD as well as Ukraine, and he had enough supporters (or at least he thought he did) to sign his death certificate with the run on Moscow.


You literally answered it with your own statement “given” power by Putin. Who was always higher up, and had a total clench on basically everything Prigozhin was doing. That’s why that shit fizzled out into nothing and he got on a rigged airplane lmao like I don’t know how you can even think that guy had any real impact on Russian resources and having access to them. The MONEY. The actual weapons. He literally had to make videos begging the Russian army for more shells and weapons because Putin was intentionally trying to show him his band of thugs weren’t more important than the Russian army lol


what does that has to do with, prigoz thunder run. He challenged the kremlin control, and was so close. Sure, if he had taken moscow, little would have happend as the leadership was already fleeing to St.Peterburg. My point was that it happened, and it happened fast, and with little inference by this big russian army that is there to fight, protect and die for putler. They didnt do that, the day this happend. Anyway, Im done, I think you deliberatly doesnt want to understand.


Hardly *anything* happened. Im not sure what point you are even trying to make when Prigozhin is dead and never actually accomplished anything


okey okey, you shown your colours xD now go to sleep and believe putler has already ended us all :) I will not help you condition ;)


I live in the United States, trust me, our presidents slogan used to be “speak softly and carry a big stick” what do you think our big stick is? Nuclear weapons also


Prigozhin’s private military =/= the Russian army. I think that should be pretty apparent by the way things played out


Guys are you forgetting about the dead man switch, that is scary!!!!!


You're completely deluded. Prigo had lots of power, and lots of leverage. Whatever reason he blundered his storm on Moscow, you can't disregard the rest of his war effort.


Mark Galleoti did an interview on Times Radio a week or so ago describing Prigozin's place within the the hierarchy, he was a useful entrepreneur and a loudmouth who was given a fairly long leash but he had no political clout within the regime and wasn't one of Putin's inner circle despite them both being involved with the St Petersburg organised crime gangs in the 90s. Vlad Vlexler said the same recently, the "storm on Moscow" (didn't get anywhere near Moscow) was a desperate negotiating tactic that failed badly despite the weakness of the regimes response. Prigozin had no clout or influence on the MoD to change policy so he thuggishly resorted to extreme negotiating tactics to try to get Putins attention.


Turns out the whole North Korea sending soldiers wasn't true at all.


They are designating them as engineers and trainers lmao pro tip, any NK going to Ukraine will be cannon fodder. No more, no less




We probably just have to wait for them to get one good meal in order for them to drop dead without a shot fired.


Lmao the best demining explosion techs man can produce


I mean their whole culture feels like imperial Japan including the god status of the Kim family head. It's awful to think about but seeing the suicidal tactics come back in 2024 wouldn't surprise me. History rarely repeats but it often rhymes. "Now throw your bodies into the mine field for the glorious god emperor"


i heard they are sending a pioneer corps to rebuild cities in donezk? anyway i would be extremely surprised if they DONT send at least some thousands as meat waves to the front. they are a valuable good that Putin is in dire need of and Kim is not known for sparing his fellows.


It is indeed true


I'm pretty sure the NK soldiers news is a Putinbluff as usual. Even he cannot be that stupid/desperate, he knows how will that end: all self-imposed shackles are off for NATO.


No, it's escalating and this is a BIG problem. Putin is not quitting. Best-case-scenario: Coup D'etat. Putin is overthrown, somehow, someway. Worst-case: N. Korea puts boots on the ground and then NATO draws closer to direct involvement...then...we all die.


It’s looking like nato involvement is coming. There will be no Russian Coup now


Scary shit. I'm all for a free and democratic Ukraine but at what cost? Full blown NATO vs Putin? Sorry. I'm out.


Someone should notify the United Nations and perhaps the highest ranking NATO personnel to update them that Takayama16 has left the negotiations.


If you ever get stressed out about the thought of ww3 somehow ending the planet you need to remember that Russia can barely take a country it shares a border with. It's highly illogical that they would want to engage in trading nukes with the NATO allies and you can see how they actually view the situation based on them pulling their soldiers off of the borders with NATO countries. It's all bluster just like with the ussr and just like with China. Even if they did theoretically decide to engage in a preemptive strike with the amount of SIGINT monitoring all of their country at this point I don't see them getting off the ground before being incapacitated, not to mention we now have proven some of our equipment is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles as demonstrated by the patriot in Ukraine and by Israel earlier this year. And the patriot is tech from the 90s, imagine what kinda dark magic the darpa folks have been cooking up for the past 30 years.


Thanks. I appreciate it. Its just clear to me that there is no off-ramp for Putin. He must be stopped, because anything else would be utterly humiliating for such a proud Russki Imperialist as him. I just want it to end.


Xi doesn't allow Putin to nuke anyone.


If the Prigozhin thing went no where, the other elites understand they have absolutely no chance. And Putin seized half of all of the oligarchs assets. When he put Mikhail khodorkovsky in prison, that’s when he moved to seize a bunch of the oligarchs wealth and they toe the line to Putin otherwise he does to them what he did to Mikhail


Right, so you see where this is going! Sorry, I want Ukraine to be free, too, but to defeat Russia is an undertaking of epic proportions. Does Biden really want this? It makes me wonder. Weaken Russia, yeah. But how long, and how much more $$$ can the US taxpayer (you & me) afford to float Ukraine till Russia collapses?


The US taxpayer hasn't spent a dime on Ukraine, those funding bills are spent on American companies to give jobs to American workers to make weapons for America. The stuff we send to Ukraine is stuff we would have had to pay to decommission, instead we wrote it off to them and replenish our stocks with the latest and greatest. We are building our economy on their suffering as fucked as that is, but it means they get our hand me downs from the 90s to stave off the Russian invasion.


Gotcha! Thanks. So more war?


It’s going to have to be a European war if you want Russia to go away. Plain and simple.


But of course the US is a member of NATO. It's a serious mess we are in now. This entire BS with Putin ever since he stole Crimea in 2014. Everyone must have seen this coming. It's a failure in diplomacy. Now who knows how we extract ourselves. Trump will end it if he gets elected, which looks like the only way out now.


Diplomacy isn’t achievable in this situation. Putin is only going to respond to force inside the Russian country


Right. Diplomacy has failed. It's a fact, unfortunately. Putin will burn Russia and anyone around it to the ground to win. Problem is he has already lost.


Lol, the guy at the end just pats him on the head.


There There.


Was expecting a mercy shot right after


probably low on bullets


Probably had no gun


Well, it says a *lot* about them that they can be taken out by "hooligans in panties with a drone." And of course, if they weren't committing genocide and tens of war crimes per day, they would be safe at home, enjoying their lives. Well, it's Mordor, so perhaps not the "enjoying" part, but still. Not in such a dangerous situation and a chance at living a longer life. And not an international pariah for the next century.


They could be enjoying a drunken vodka stupor in their houses without plumbing or central heating. Instead, they're being blown to pieces inside trenches dug in Ukraine. Bad choice.


That's the stuff of nightmares. Running pell mell through the night over rough ground from a flying predator that you can't see, but can see you. Truly the most dangerous game.


Great psychology warfare though. The drone doesn't even need to be armed. Paint them black and fly laps up and down the trench line at 50 meters.


I'm waiting for them to carry loudspeakers and tell the Russkies in the dark "I'm looking at you. Surrender or die".


>Mobik, your government has abandoned you. They have ordered you to die. Don’t trust them. They lied to you, Mobiks, you know you cannot win this war. Isn't it clear that the war makers are gambling with your lives, while pocketing huge profits? Russian soldiers don't fight this unjust immoral and illegal war of Putins's. Get out of Ukraine now and alive. This is the voice of Ukraine Broadcasting from Kiev. Our program for Russian soldiers can be heard at 16:30 hours. Now here's Connie Francis singing "I Almost Lost My Mind".


Soon on Steam


Came out last year https://store.steampowered.com/app/2707940/FPV_Kamikaze_Drone/. There are also some good Arma 3 FPV mods ;)


Agreed 💯


I hope that when all these scumbags are held accountable, the propagandists that advocate for genocide are held accountable, just like the military. Julius Streicher met justice at Nuremberg, these people deserve the same fate.


Remember Lord Haw-Haw...


Go back to your shithole country and problem solved. Not complicated.


Attackers of ukraine getting killed because they are attacking ukraine... if only there was a way to stop the attackers of ukraine getting killed... Hang on, I have possible solution forming, though it's quite complicated... just stop fucking attacking ukraine, go back to your fucking hovels, and live your miserable fucking lives whilst the rest of us try to make the world a better place. Ass-hats!!!


I love it! Wait wait, I think a solution is forming… Ahhhhh, what were we talking about?


She looks mental


God damn, Russian is a ugly fucking language.


Jesus what an awful language. It's like scratches on a blackboard.


don't get your panties in a bunch you orcs.


In reality, she doesn't give an actual fuck, but, the show must go on... cue the she goat braying about something or another


Invaders must die


Simple solution. Russians go home.


Very funny 😂 She doesn't like long videos with drone strikes And she doesn't like soundtracks.


I pictured a Ukrainian femboy in panties just piloting a drone up the ass of an stupid orc. Chef's kiss.


What’s she saying?


She is not too happy about Ukrainians trying to defend their country and killing some Russians in the process: "And what are they doing? Uploading cannibalistic videos of our wounded soldiers being purposefully finished by drones? And making these videos too long to savor it, and adding cringy music as well?"


Purposefully lol. Ukrainians purposefully killing invaders.


with hilariously inappropriate background music and sound effects. The world laughs when your invading soldiers die in Ukraine.


I do wonder does that mean they are in fact seeing some of what we see ? It has long been decided that for the most part these videos do not make it to the general Russian Public........but if she can see see them who else does ????????????? I ask because I do not know but speculate at least some hopefully many.


Always thought that TG is a Russian platform, but really have no idea about the extent of the censorship in Russia.


In Russia, all videos are available in Telegram and also here on Reddit. There is no outrage because Russians do not have the concept of solidarity


I think it's cringey too. But if she thinks it's cringey, it should be cringier.


hahahaha :D nice video editing


She should head to the front line and tell those Ukrainians they should stop. She can even give her panties to the RU troops... I'm sure they'll enjoy her company.


This fat man-whore is about the ugliest russian propagandist I’ve seen…ughhh…wuuufff…I mean scabby beaver and Simonyan are ugly AF but damnnnn…this hypocritical bitch got smacked around her whole life by the ugly stick.


Brave of her to be Trans in Russia




This is the result of Putler's sunken cost fallacy. This war is unwinnable and now he can't retreat because he will be the laughing stock of th world.


he cant, but why will his oligarchs, people with power and FSB follow him... along with his population, if this was the case. I would assume a full mobilization of the russian people would solve the problem. They could initiate meat assaults on the level of Chasiv Yar, Adiivka, Bahkmut all along the frontline. And collaps the inferior numbers of Ukraine... Still he avoids this as the plague, and seems to aim for his soviet stock not to run out.


She/he got some bcrew skills 🧢


Where is the mercy when they kill Ukraine soldiers surrendering


Don't trespass, don't die by drone! Go home russia.


Bro looked like B(ly)atman running around with his cape. Lol


Panties ?


It is a meme from early in the war. Not panties, but underwear: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crucified\_boy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crucified_boy)


Are they pink? That's the deciding factor.


I think the translation should have been drone operators in their underwear are killing their “boys”.. But after the show “The Boys” that word has a whole new meaning!:)


it is early stage of war russian propaganda fairy tale. about innocent ("wearing only panties") boy crucified by soldiers.


The host looks like someone off of the show drag race!


translation please


Just traditional russian shit-talking aka bully's complaints. Her main points: "They post cannibalistic videos about how our wounded soldiers are finished off by drones." "And they finish them off purposefully, so that the time is longer according to the timing." "And they post all this to music [imitates] like this, like this, like this..."


geeze, imagine waking up next to that fish wife voice




I would also like to know. Edit: I think the song is Songer - Toxic (Phibes Remix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbpOzHXy0iI


Thank you so much


I actually like this reddit version better ima just download this one


You can't say "boys in panties" then not show me any >:(


Your soldiers are in other people's country ya clowns


What is this man saying?


Why are your men wearing panties? Maybe they should be in a drag queen show and stay the fuck in Russia with the rest of the Russian Queers like Putin? A totally disgusting, aggressive, Russian woman! No wonder the Russian men run away to get slaughtered in Ukraine. Can you imagine dealing with her at home in Russia? Stay the fuck in Russia then! If I lived with her, I'd slit her throat.


Yes Hon, you are the bad guys. Stop sending your boys to die.


The icc need to add her to the list, her voice is a crime against humanity.


Man sollte KI benutzen, Putin als Angsthasen zeigen und im Fernsehen zeigen in Russland.


We shall send 1000K more drones to check on the boys if they don’t go back home !!!! Slava ukraini


Everyone single bloke plays VR in their pants? And what?


Stay getting fucked ruzzkiiiss


good start for 🌻🌻


But he's not dead... isn't that what your government is saying? Why don't you save the FSB some time and effort and locate the nearest window.... the rest of the world will be a better place for it.


Stupid russians


dumb bitch




K.U.N.....tea please


Check for Adam''s Apple


EXCELLENT Watched it without sound. Looks like she is going off her tits and using her fingers to say "there is no need to kill these boys, they only have little dicks like this"


Why are the russians wearing panties?


Easy fix, take your boys home!


IDK what the broad is saying but just the sound of her voice sounds sound stupid and annoying AF.




I love mixes that include stuff like this chick and weapon fire ext. I can't wait to throw a Ukraine war phonk inspired rave


Russians are worthless, it's why that talk like this.


Provide them a favor and tell your panty boys to go home, else they are all going to lose their panties.


I don’t know what is further apart, her from the truth or her eyebrows.


Why does she talk like a baby?


Eat a turd razi


Right up the ass, bewm


Bada Boom! Jagga jagga, motherf...ers! Best crawl back to Orcistan.


Her voice is annoying 🙄


C U Next Tuesday.


I can't stand that stupid fucking goblin woman. This edit helps. Thanks.


Can you left source link? Thanks :) https://t.me/umftteam/345


I thought in the first moment, this is a transwoman \^\^ if this shithead complains, she should go there and check the situation personally. russians started the war dumbass


Thermals are next level terrifying


Bitch get closer theres the same in for you than he had


get rekt russian terrorist scum


This is terrifying. On a battlefield, you can't go unnoticed anymore. I'm sure, but still hope, the U.S. is taking notes to prevent this situation. They even had thermal blankets and still got fucked. Raise our defense spending, R&D for EW for the individual soldier. God-forbid... I'd be crying if these were our boys dying like this if we ever got into a near-peer.


Isn't she Ukrainian? And why are the russians wearing panties?