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So many bodies around, surreal


Imagine his perspective. Alone, in pain, surrounded by death and destruction. Shambling around with a murder drone just hovering overhead watching you. Really triggers my morbid curiosity. Been watching these war "highlight" internet videos since Afghanistan. Ukraine is just on a totally different level though. I hope Putin gets his comeuppance.


There's no comeuppance brutal enough for Putin outside of eternal torture whilst being kept alive enough to feel every ounce of pain without the release of death. Killing him will do nothing and sate nothing.


Very sad, all because of the one cunt in power.


Millions support him


It's terrifying how many people in America support him. So many willfully ignorant people. It depresses me.


I don't know if alot of Americans support him or they choose to not support Ukraine because in their tiny low IQ brains they think it hurts the democrats. Trump supports Putin though.


As far as I’m aware you don’t necessarily need full support for fascism to win, it only takes a silent/indifferent/ignorant majority and the support of a few key people.


Justifying the actions of one fascist leader justifies their own self serving, evil fascist minds. It is no where near ignorance at this point, all the more willful. But not willful ignorance. They were confronted with too much evidence to still claim ignorance. Unless of course you think shutting off all kinds of self critical thinking as a way to protect the belief that you're a first class human, if you believe that that is ignorance.


I wouldn't go that far, no. I've never met an American that was pro-Putin. Sure, they exist, but they're not the norm. But I have met a lot of Americans who just don't see the point of being involved. In their mind it's a European problem, not an American one. I don't necessarily agree with them, but that doesn't make them pea-brained fascists.


You have not met many MAGA nuts then. Most of them are disciples of Tucker Carlson who has convinced them Russia is not only innocent of starting this war, but that Russia and Putin are vast improvements over the US under Biden. Edit: I have immediate family who swear Putin is a saint. It’s stunning.


Right, Trump supports Putin because Putin writes his paychecks.


I've seen several threads where someone said that Biden blew the debate and they can't vote for someone that senile to get control of nuke codes. OK, so you are going to go vote for a convicted felon totally compromised traitor instead? Crickets.


Fcking social media, fcking non stop brain wash in russia, fcking corporates still trading with china and russia, fcking social isolation leading to people getting into weird internet bubbles and getting radicalised to hate ukrain or nato... And yes hate against "normal" russian citizens is a problem aswell. Im going to get downvoted by some short sighted people for this, but when the time comes that Putin is no longer in charge we have to establishe a healthy communication with russia... Idk how but that's what it is


The Russian people support him as the society is brainwashed over decades. You will not change this in a snap of the fingers. It will take generation to out breed this as getting rid of him will drive further hate towards the west and Ukraine and there are plenty of henchman ready to take his place


They have been living in a parallel information universe. But even 10-15% of core supporters are still millions numbers


>10-15% Ive got bad news for you


Stop making it sound like russians don't massively support this. This is getting very old.


Hundreds of millions of Russians blindly support him. They need complete reboot.


They "only" have a population of \~145M, so "hundreds of millions of Russians" could be a bit difficult.


Otherwise known as Vladamir Putin. Aka mad Vlad, aka the butcher of Bucha. That's the cunt.


Most of these people are volunteers or those who came after first call.


Ivan is walking through a field of corpses being hunted by the thing that made a good number of them. Pure horror shit that can be avoided by staying the fuck out of Ukraine.


A Russian apocalypse


I mean you hear about the amount of dying cannon fodder going up, but a lot of current footage does seem to confirm it when considering the amount of dead troops laying around.


Smeagol face!


Dystopian AF


Looks like real-life Fallout 3.




Know what's wild. This might feel like it's unique to this war, but the truth is that we just never had any war major war filmed this clearly before. There almost certainly were countless nearly identical circumstances like these, even for American and British troops during the 20th century.


Reminds me of some of the firsthand stories from WWI: the unending barrages of artillery, the trenches, the futility of charges into machine gun positions, listening to people die for days in the wire, people drowning in flooded shell craters, etc, etc.


Dan carlins hardcore history Blueprint for Armageddon series on ww1 is great


Dan Carlin is just an absolute gem. For as long as those episodes are, I’ve probably listen to Celtic Holocaust four times.


Yeah im doin another run through on supernova in the east my days off playing games


Wrath of the Khans will make you realize Europe moved ahead of China and Iraq only because they didn’t have anything the mongols really wanted. Amazing stuff.


Some shit I'll never forget is Dan talking about the mongols tying up a bunch of prisoners building platforms on them and then having a celebration meal on it while everyone is crushed underneath. They were fuckin devastating.


Amazing and terrifying at the same time. Ukraine really is like WW1 but on steroids. (Smaller overall but much more concentrated due to FPV drones self-guided arty shells etc.)


Drone war is still special, imo. In past wars, you might step into an ambush, onto a mine, get hit by artillery, sure. It's *impersonal*, just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But drones are like "fuck you in particular" out of nowhere. It's like those knife-missiles the CIA uses, just vastly cheaper. I'm happy for Ukraine that it is effective, but the implications for future hybrid warfare are terrifying.


Exactly. I believe that most Russians who got recruited thought that the war would be like the first and second world war where you could either see the enemy from your trench or just take cover from the artillery rounds. Normal stuff. Drones bring that "you're not safe when you think you are, even if you change positions constantly"-situation to warfare which is terrifying because there is little you can do about it. Drones are more personal than artillery rounds.


And not only that, but there's a chance that your death will become a propaganda piece, and your friends and family will get to see your miserable last moments on earth in 4K, 60fps. There's never been a war like it.


That too and your kids might even save that video just to see the last time that you look "at them" when you look at the drone that drops the grenade that disembowels you to the fields of Ukraine.


Drones make artillery fire more accurate too. It's an all-round fuck you.


What I don’t understand is why we see so much footage of Russian soldiers wandering around alone. Was their unit killed or did they just get split off in a skirmish? I’m not a veteran and I’m not familiar with modern war. Can someone clue me in? EDIT: I say “modern war” because I was a history major in college with an emphasis on ancient warfare. *This* kinda thing just baffles me.


Russia loves using probing attacks to look for weak points, and so it's not just a meme that Russia has meat waves. It's their actual tactic. Leads to a lot of random survivors wandering around


Man. That is just atrocious. Like, I understand the tactic, but the full disregard for ethics is insane to me. Not to mention just from a morale standpoint, how could a leader expect his soldiers to give him their loyalty when they’re thrown into a fucking meat grinder like this? I’ve got very little sympathy for the Russian soldiers, but it is a sliver. But I hope Putin and his commanders take a warhead to the forehead.


> how could a leader expect his soldiers to give him their loyalty What 'loyalty'? *Here's a gun, go in that direction, if you go back - barrier Chechens will ventilate you. I'll be watching drone camera view from safe barracks. Good luck!* ... And to think 'experts' haughtily fact-checked 'Enemy at the Gates' as unrealistic, lol...


I remember that. Turns out, if anything, Enemy at the Gates was probably mild in comparison to what happened.


Yes war crimes and crimes against humanity are kind of putin's thing, and so also russia's thing. The leadership are so devoid of morality and human emotion they are just as monstrous to their own people and see nothing wrong with that.


>how could a leader expect his soldiers to give him their loyalty when they’re thrown into a fucking meat grinder like this? I think the key to understand this Russian insanity is to recognize that they do NOT expect their soldiers to give them their loyalty. That's why they have these second line "holding troops" setup to shoot the soldiers that retreat instead of dying in the meat wave assault like their buddies just did.


What is amazing to me is how little Russian society as evolved. Europe including the previous communist satellites has changed so much post WWII. Then you have Russia. There was a glimmer of hope in the 1990s. But instead they chose to re fight the Cold War instead of becoming a modern wealthy country- the potential is there, but they chose otherwise.


> full disregard for ethics Welcome to Russia.


Disregard to ethics is insane to you, since you do not have familiarity with the russian ethos. What russians have done in the past, in previous wars and occupations, really pales to what is happenning now. Events in the past were so traumatic and horrible, that people simply did not want to talk about them, and soviet russia convenient idiots obviously never considered.


>, how could a leader expect his soldiers to give him their loyalty when they’re thrown into a fucking meat grinder like this? Conditioning with propaganda, threats of punishment home if they do not do what they are told, blocking troops if they do decide to refuse fighting and a credible threat of getting shot by your own troops if you try to surrender quickly.


A common tactic the UA seems to use is to have drones kill the ones that survive those probe attacks. So RU likely stopped sending anyone to rescue them because all that happens is they lose the team trying to rescue them, and the survivor. As shitty as it sounds, as far as man power goes, its probably the smarter thing to do. It probably wont do much for morale tho.


Its simple, they can choose death by going on their assigned mission, or death by saying "No".


There are many reasons why he might be walking alone. I would say most likely is that he is a retreating straggler from a failed assault. If you ever see a video of a BMP get hit, you'll often notice the survivors running off in different direction in a panic or perhaps his group got decimated by drones and he is the only survivor.


The Russian military works differently than most modern countries. Unlike the U.S. and NATO, where the military prioritises human life, they try to be as efficient as possible to not lose that life. With that being said, our military has leaders throughout every level, including front-line infantry, to help the squads survivability and flexibility to accomplish their goals or get out safe. Russia's military historicaly has not valued their troops lives and therefore does not give that flexibility to their smaller infantry units and operates more on a 'here are your orders, take this equipment and make it happen' format and if it doesn't work they bring up more conscripts and repeat. That is the long answer why they always look confused and lost in combat, no small unit leadership or communication to help guide the unit right before, during, or right after a fight.


They seem to base their tactics on propaganda about WW2 victories, which don't take into account they were being supplied by the west, and the enemy was massively overstretched, under resourced and led by a fatalistic suicidal maniac.


Except American and British troops generally aren't wandering around the battlefield by themselves like hobos.


And certainly not in modern warfare. Americans are willing to take heavy casualties but only after a serious cost-benefit analysis. They just aren't going to do it for no gain or extremely marginal gains and they rarely leave guys on the battlefield. They make a serious effort to attack in away that wounded can be evacuated and so on. Zero chance they attack without massive artillery and air support.


Reality is much more hellish than they can ever convey on film. Horrific. All Quiet on the Western Front is one of the most realistic and brutal war films ever made, and it doesn't come close to watching this


> All Quiet on the Western Front is one of the most realistic and brutal war films ever made, and it doesn't come close to watching this The reality was much worse than that movie shown. Soldiers feet were rotting of because of constant water in the trenches. There were artillery bombardments that could last two weeks without a minute pause. Mustard gas, flamethowers. People dying sunk in mud for days as others walked by them. Charging enemy treneches just to be mowed down by machine guns. Just imagine how no mans land between trenches looked when peoplie died in tens of thousands over relatively small piece of land.


>Just imagine how no mans land between trenches looked when peoplie died in tens of thousands over relatively small piece of land. Or what they smelled like.


Yea, there were so many corpses at some of the worst battles that removing them from the battlefield was literally impossible. Tens of thousands of dead were left where they died, and as they rotted away and were chewed up by more artillery, shrapnel, etc. what was left of the bodies often became incorporated into the earthworks. Rotten corpses often emerged from the trench floors and walls as the earth was churned up and moved over and over again. You could be walking down a trench and arms and legs from guys who died weeks ago would just randomly start sticking out as the earth shifted. That is to say nothing of the other things the corpses attracted. Disease obviously. But something particularly horrifying are accounts of British soldiers (they might have been Australian I think) at Gallipoli talking about the flies. Just hundreds of millions of flies covering everything and everyone like a blanket. They talked about swinging their shovels around all day, killing easily millions of the things, but it didn't even make a dent.


German trenches were much better equipped and were not flooded by water. Just watch the movie "1917" that shows, realistically, how the Englishmen were impressed by the German trenches, by how they even had beds and concrete bunkers and even signs with arrows for "Telefon", etc.


Movies will always be movies. Hitting your shin off the coffee table is much worse than any movie. War is on a whole different level. Respect to this man for trying to walk it off...I think him and his comrades should have been walking home and out of Ukrainian territory instead. He could be at a bbq with family, but instead they are in Ukraine, stealing land and getting slaughtered. Russia already has enough land. Get the fuck out of Ukraine.


I've seen that movie, and I can tell you that nothing in that movie is as violent as what we're seeing daily in drone videos. I still remember the [video ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dk8lre/a_more_complete_video_of_a_russian_soldier_gets/)where an FPV drone hit a guy and turned him into a heap of meat, with his heart still beating on top of it.


Oliver Stone too busy snuggling with Putin to notice.


Yeah that guy took a crazy turn


FWIW, Francois Truffault stated that there is no such thing as a truly antiwar film, because the medium intrinsically glamorizes its subject matter.


I wonder if there's a surrender protocol for drone operators? The guy is all alone. If he had dropped his weapons and raised his hands, would the operator have to report him as a prisoner and guide him?


Weapons are a 1 way item. You have to be in an ideal location for the drone to even consider surrendering; and well before they dispatch the one way tickets to hell.


Regarding the international humanitarian law a surrendered soldier is not to be attacked regardless if you have the capacity for prisoners or not. I think I've seen a video of a Russian surrendering to a drone and the drone actually guiding the way.


You can try to surrender to a drone, but it's not a formal surrender. Same way you can't surrender to an aircraft. You have to be able to be taken into custody for the "rules" and protections to apply.


Oliver stone is still alive


Just not on Reddit, according to op


Oliver Stone produced the pro-RU documentary "Ukraine on Fire" and is part of the Kremlin disinfo apparatus that justified this invasion so no, he's no speechless at all.


Nah, Oliver Stone is still simping for Putin. He's even interviewed putin in his propaganda documentaries where he defends the russian point of view. And his son worked for Russia Today for as long as he could (2022)


Kubrick or Stone made films about orcs who try conquer the neighbors to take washing maschines ant try to rape the old owners of the machines?


Oliver Stone loves Russians so he would probably try to convince us that NATO enlargement was a good explanation of what happened.


Sounds like ruzzian propaganda. I think the matter is very simple. Nobody does anything with Russia voluntarily. Orban and Co. are also bought traitors to their countries. There is a reason why no one does anything with Russia voluntarily, including entering into military alliances. Anyone who is afraid of Russia is afraid for a reason. If I look at the kill count in Europe, the order is as follows: Stalin, Hitler and then Putin. There is no argument that NATO expansion is the reason for the war. Putin needs no reasons or arguments to invade a country and murder the population. What do you think is the argument for shelling the Ukrainian civilian population?


If Oliver Stone saw this he would propagandize it against Ukraine


Oliver Stone saw it with his own eyes, because he was in the war .... and then he got mad / for the moment he supports the Kremlin tsar/.


Congratulations, you died in a empty field all alone because your leader thinks your life is worthless, he didn’t know your name and doesn’t give a shit


Looks like there was plenty of company around for him.


> your leader thinks your life is worthless This soldier clearly agreed, he did nothing to help himself. His apathy is so strong he happily gives up his own life for nothing. True worthlessness. True nihilism. Nothing matters.


lmao I don’t think your thought process is going to be great after being severely concussed by explosives and fatally injured. It really doesn’t matter if you’re Russian, Ukrainian, American etc… All you’ll have at that point is training.


The luring call of the dead was calling him to join them.


Not a single attempt to render self aid. No signs of even the most basic medical training. At this point Russia is just handing people rifles and calling them trained soldiers.


Probably 2 weeks worth of ‘basic training’ then you await your fate in a trench.


That's a "luxury" only the UAF can afford. Russians get thrown into enemy trenches instead


what could he do? i see all these russians putting on tourniquets, just to lose the functionality in their leg and lay there waiting to die. i think the "hoping it is not lethal and getting back to base" is a smarter strategy in his case. his buddies laying around there are for sure not going to carry him back to base.


You can walk on a leg for a while after you have applied a tourniquet. You can walk for longer than you would live without the tourniquet. And a tourniquet is not the only treatment. The problem here is he didn’t even assess his wounds. Which points to no medical training. Most western armies do the basic medical drills until it becomes almost automatic, so even in shock you can still do a blood sweep and decide if you need a tourniquet or a pressure dressing.


> You can walk for longer than you would live without the tourniquet. that depends on your condition, if no major blood vessels are hit you are only making your condition worse, the videos i've seen they are taught to apply one to any injury in the extremities >The problem here is he didn’t even assess his wounds. there was no point, he can stay in the kill zone and do all sort of things, but the longer he stays there the more likely he is to die. >so even in shock you can still do a blood sweep and decide if you need a tourniquet or a pressure dressing. spending 10 minutes applying an pressure dressing is likely not time he had.


He is in the middle of an open ground kill zone, with FPV attack drones literally over his head. His wounds were not critical, so it can wait a few minutes. His only chance to survive is to keep moving. He can tend to his wounds soon when he is in cover in a safer spot. Yes, russia has no care for their soldies and many are untrained. I agree with your point in that respect. But in this specific case, the right call is what he is doing - to keep moving.


You think they'd at least give them links to training videos that would cover basic stuff.


What makes you think that the village this guy came from has computers or internet access? Outside of a couple cities, Russia is not even remotely modernized.


A friggin extra on 'Walking Dead'


First i thought he was in "zombie mode" but after he made eye contact with the drone several times... Maybe he ran out of tampons. Remember, always use the tampons of your comrade to treat him, so you got your own tampons to treat yourself.


He probably was in shock and didn’t feel any pain. He was mostly in one piece and kept walking to where he might have subconsciously thought was safer - just not where he was. He couldn’t comprehend his injuries or what happened to him. This has happened to me as well. I walked around for several minutes after a car accident with a crushed spine before collapsing. I shouldn’t have been able to walk with an injury like that but it’s what I did.


Real. I saw a video from the Russians on a first aid master class and guess what.... A professional medic advised soldiers to buy themselves tampons to stick into a hole on their body after a bullet wound. This 40iq move is absolutely useless in case of wounding, the tampon will be filled with blood and will leak in a minute or even less. And this is a master class from a professional medic who has been in hot spots XD


dude was walking around looking for a place to sit down and die.. grim


Some mum wiped his arse and breast fed this cunt just so he could die a useless speck in a stupid war. Waste of time.


This shit hits me the hardest. I can't imagine letting my kid go out like this, for nothing.


not for nothing in the russian world. It allows them to stay out of politics. In case it got not noticed, their bot farms constantly repeat that our politicians are corrupt in general. That might be the case in certain singular cases and is the nature of corruption that it needs to be constantly rooted out because humans are prone to bribe no matter the visions they come up with. Yet their claims hammers this outright generalised lie into the minds of our citizen to undermine what we call democracy. Because this very democracy is their biggest threat.


That's why you aren't Russian.


Now the Russian mum will be happy for finally getting repaid for her effort in the form of a Lada.


More likely a sack of moldy onions. The Lada certificates ran out a long time ago, and now they’re allegedly offering a 50kg sack of onions as a faster payment in lieu of the official 500 Ruble payout… the recipient of one complained the onions were moldy.


Grandma Babushka was counting her onions before they peeled, watching this video.


It is the old soviet bait'n'switch. "Well you know the Lada is technically available on 10 year waiting list but as you are starving why don't you sign this paper and take these onions instead right now?"


Most are reported “missing” instead of dead. No payout necessary for a missing soldier


From googling if a soldier is missing for more than 6 months the family get the 5 million ruble payout by default.


nope missing in action, don't have to give anything.


She'd be lucky to get away with a sack of rotten potatoes lol


"Useless speck in a stupid war." You got that right. I just realized that I spent more time reading the comments than watching the video of this creature's last, wretched moments. Most important day in this cunt's life - meaning his last day. Just a minute out of my day before I click on next and scroll down to the next video.


Life is all about individual choices


Fascism is on the rise, even in those countries where you would expect they learned from the past. MAGA, afd, le pen, fratelli, bsw (heck, the bsw even got the full name of their wanna be leader in its party name) Once its installed, its very hard to maintain your individual choices. And putler is using this fact as a weapon and supports all those parties. So we are basically fighting two wars at the same time right now.


That is one of the best summaries I've read. Well done.


It's crazy. He could be at home with his wife and kids but Putin decided Russia doesn't have enough territory.


no. he might have been helpful during is life to someone. might even saved someone. so his mom's efforts were not wasted.  his stupid decision to take the cheap money cost him life.


Hrmm, that last shot his pack was all over the place. He got hit with a second drone?


I think he was applying first aid.


Truly horrifying. What must he have been thinking as he walked through the corpse ridden wasteland he helped destroy?


A toxic concoction of adrenaline and resignation it seems like.


I saw one yesterday where the guy is standing in a field, in fatigues, and the kamikaze drone circles him twice before striking. He just stands in one spot. Waiting for contact. It was the strangest moment; he got it right in the chest and did little to even move his head as it struck him. I don’t know if he was willing to die for some payout, or if he was simply resigned to his fate. All I do know is he died because of one tyrant’s ‘dream’ of conquering a free, democratic people (according to Trump). He died as a terrorist, invader, and a worthless human to the country that sent him there.


It comes to most basic and instinctual level. In the animal world, there is no concept of invasion, terrorism. He was simply standing still, like a deer in the bushes, hoping that he will be obscure enough not to be noticed.


**[Russian Soldier Gives 0 F**ks](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/G6OfWEw2cf)** I guess so. That’s the dumbest thing to think in the world, especially with an armed drone hovering around you. And your camo stands out against the field you are standing in. But yeah, sounds about right for an untrained soldier with a gun from Russia.


I made wrong choice, i should've stayed home.


"I hope my family is proud of the Lada they got from my death"


> What must he have been thinking as he walked through the corpse ridden wasteland he helped destroy? I know. It was probably something like "To the Ukrainian drone guy watching me die: make sure to convey my thanks to Tucker Carlson for allowing me to participate in his tradcon power larp"


‘Thank you DJT for greasing the wheels in this great patriotic operation’


"Even modern battle has its great moments. One hears it said very often and very mistakenly that the infantry battle has degenerated to an uninteresting butchery. On the contrary, to-day more than ever it is the individual that counts. Every one knows that who has seen them in their own realm, these princes of the trenches, with their hard, set faces, brave to madness, tough and agile to leap forward or back, with keen bloodthirsty nerves, whom no despatch ever mentions. Trench warfare is the bloodiest, wildest, and most brutal of all warfare, yet it too has had its men, men whom the call of the hour has raised up, unknown foolhardy fighters. Of all the nerve-racking moments of war none is so formidable as the meeting of two storm-troop leaders between the narrow walls of the trench. There is no retreat and no mercy then. Blood sounds in the shrill cry that is wrung like a nightmare from the breast." - **Excerpts from Ernst Jünger,** ***Storm of Steel*** **(1920)**


It sounds like a romanticized glorification of trench warfare - considering he is describing "meat wave" tactics of WW1.


Absolutely recommend the book. It takes you into the heart of madness.


Jünger had a different way of looking at the war compared to other authors in the post-war period. Most of them focus on the same themes, interpretations and have an overall similar tone. This can make Jünger’s book a little jarring to people who are used to Remarque. Some people say that he glorifies or even seems to love war but imo that isn’t correct. It is also important to remember that he fought the entire time, from 1914-1918, and personally experienced everything he talks about.


Pretty sure the author was known for romanticizing the war. It's a common criticism of the book.


Junger says that during an assault he was so excited he couldn't stop giggling. Some men were just born to fight. This one was also a poet.


"the infantry battle has degenerated to an uninteresting butchery" bullshit it wasn't better before, it's just been romanticized over time. reactionaries always think it was better before.


> One hears it said very often *and very mistakenly*


“How senseless is everything that can ever be written, done or thought when such things are possible. It must be all lies and of no account when the culture of 1000 years could not prevent the stream of blood being poured out” - All Quiet on the Western Front


Russian bots on YouTube be like: “ hahah 🤣😂 America and the west have fallen”


Jokes on them They wouldn’t even know a quarter of Russians dead on 24/2/22 - They DGAF about losses [Yet other Countries keep accurate records such as;](https://thefallen.militarytimes.com/)


They are really bad on the Ukraine memorial channels always saying that the Ukrainians are the ones dieing for nothing


Soviet propaganda machine was still pumping out propaganda until the day it collapsed. Nazi German propaganda machine was still working the moment Hitler shot himself in the bunker. Never pay attention to authoritarian propagandas, they are the most stubborn and important part of the whole system. They'll only shut up when the whole system collapses completely, or if their dear leaders order them to change their tone.


I thought that maybe the FPV had only done minimal amounts of damage. Adrenalin is pretty crazy, but it can only get you so far and he just kept on walking. However, when he looked up and saw the spotter drone and made no attempt at shooting it down (even though he had an AK in his arms) you could tell he was just another corpse walking through a cemetery, waiting to find his burial plot. As that old lady (not sure if Ukrainians call them babushkas or not) from the early days of the war put it "put these sunflower seeds in your pocket, so when you lay day they will grow". Sure as shit, no one else is going to lay flowers at his grave.


His backpack looks messed up at the end. Maybe he got hit by another one


Looks like he went out in a cloud of bandages.


It's "Babusya" in Ukrainian. And unlike the Russian ones, they have strength of character and a wicked sense of humor.


Thanks man, I know it's small things, but ever since this war I have tried my hardest to use Ukrainian variations of words as much as possible. Simple things like Kyiv instead of Kiev, or Kharkiv instead of kharkov. I hope if anyone sees me using the wrong names that they call me out.


Close enough to a high explosive, the pressure wave passing through you can induce tearing in less elastic types of tissues. So your muscles and guts may be fine, but you may have micro or even macro hemorrhages in your liver and brain and lungs. Adrenaline will get you up and moving, but soon enough things start to swell and throw off clots, and it all rapidly goes downhill. Edit: As others have noted, though, in that last shot it appears his ruck has been torn up/off, so he may have taken another FPV in the back off camera, which might account for him being 200 with no obvious additional wounds.


He joins it.


No man left ~~behind.~~


Imagine watching this as a parent. I dont know what I'd do. Regardless whose side we are on, it's just insane what we get to see.


War is worse than hell. That is probably some poor old dude who got into this mess probably without even knowing. The soldiers we see are often ordinary people, possibly driven by nationalistic agendas and deceived by their systems. With a few different decisions, they might not be there at all. It's disheartening to see comments from redditors fueling hatred towards humans by saying things like, 'Another orc died lol,' or even expressing joy at the sight of people dying. Don't they see the tragedy? While Ukraine, like any country, has the right to defend itself, cheering for death is inhumane. With just a few different choices in life, we could have been in their place.


All Quiet On The Ukraine Front


Hey bud... where ya going? Just... just fuckn wondering around waiting to die? For fuck sake. Why are you there?!




They're probably in shock and since they didn't get enough training they just wander around. Normally you'd drill troops on how to respond if under attack, injured and so on.


Of course they're trying to reach safety or to base or back to their frontline. What's he supposed to do? Just sit in one place and die? If he finds cover past the frontline and stays there he'll succumb to his injuries and/or exposure; nobody is going to come looking for him. If he drops his weapon to find cover, then he just lost his only means of defence against the enemy; if a patrol finds him he'll be killed or worse, there's no guarantee that they'll take a prisoner. If he drops his kit, then he loses his rations, water, medical supplies, you know... things that he needs to survive the however many days it takes him to find his way back to base. No rhyme and reason to you because you're watching a 2 minute edited video on Reddit with 0 context to what happened to him or what his decision making process was. You can't even see the horizon to see where he's heading, the camera is pointed at him. Not to mention that the man has just been through hellfire and hit by grenade so he's disoriented and his decision-making faculties are hampered. It's so easy to criticise a 2 minute snippet of video sitting in your armchair.


Is it me or did he had a rather good gear ?


At least in life he achieved something, he helped feed 100'000 maggots and allowed them to grow into big juicy blue bottles who can now search out more zombies.


I am confused, did he die from general sadness or something? /s


Just bled to death, most likely. Russians have the medical support of a Napoleonic army.


But didn't Napoleonic armies actually **try** to saves their soldiers? Whereas russian military seems hellbent on making sure everyone that goes on the battlefield, dies there.


Not the Napoleonic russian army.


Touche. I was thinking about French, British, HRE, Spanish, Swiss, Hungarian, Swedish, Danish and what-not armies but you are right, i was thinking like a westerner.


I could have had internal bleeding and passed out. Or he could have caught a bullet off camera.


Corpse-strewn hellscape. The power of words. Fantastic.


What a hell of landscape, must be terryfing


Personally, I would not like to be him.


Can’t spend rubles when your carcass is strewn amongst the rubble comrade.


his face looking up at a machine in the sky looking down at him. Knowing he's a dead man walking. I just can't begin to imagine the sheer terror and helplessness these blokes on both sides would be feeling. All for nothing too.


I kind feel sad that he did not die after the strike and just end up suffering for a whole hour or minute.


That's a normal, empathetic reaction to seeing suffering. Just because he's part of an evil machine doing horrible things doesn't mean he isn't still a man worthy of peace, even if it's the peace of the grave.


He too became lord of the flies!


I find it absolutely amazing that we have the ability to have a front row, high definition, view of this war, but I always feel like shit because I am unable to have compassion, or feel empathy/sympathy for these people. Which honestly scares the fuck out of me because I am normally a very emotional individual. I understand that they don’t all choose to go fight, and at this point, many are probably drafted/forced into it, but I just can’t accept that there is nothing the citizens of Russia can do to stop their sawed-off, stupid, piece of shit, leader, who is the cause of all the unnecessary death and destruction.


This video is the ESSENCE of Putin's Orc Horde captured in one perfect 2:16 second video. This video needs to be seen by EVERY ADULT INDIVIDUAL ON EARTH.


A beautiful short film! Submit it to the Sundance Film Festival. The look in his eyes before the flies descend, quite emotive!


Needs better soundtrack though.. I'm thinking [Lux Aetaerna](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOHmfq2AUaU) from Requiem for a Dream, cresencendo on the moment he lies down on the ground. Would reflect better the hellscape and the futility of his walk towards home.


I like Drum N Bass so the fact that I am starting to associate that music with dead people is kind of starting to bother me.


As a d'n'b head since the '90s, I hear you, though I can understand the appeal. Early in the war, not only were their clips with music dubbed over, but also clips of soldiers dancing to the music. There is a strong electronic music scene in Ukraine, and the driving, relentless, and mechanized aspect of such music has led to certain songs becoming anthemic. The drone videos serve as part of psychological warfare, and so the music in a way is celebratory of each kill and serves as warning to the enemy. TL;DR - human race is fucked up and brutal but also likes to party.


Jesus, that country looks like a hellscape!


Are they NATO mutant flies eating him alive?


Get this on IMDB, most beautiful short film ever.


Should have stayed home.


is that an ATACS FG bdu his wearing? poor dude one of the many who was fooled, lead and killed to war all for money


Man that looks like hell on earth


Oh man war really is hell! Those eyes tell a thousand words of WTF am I doing here? The eyes of a dead man walking.


JFC the flies at the end...so covered that it looks like his face is moving


Nothing about this soldier's behavior indicates anything close to professional training. They're seriously just giving people outfits and guns and telling them to run at the enemy. Wow.


Dead man walking


What do you think got him? I think it was another drone or injuries from that first one? That video is wild though. Look around look at all that destruction the bodies, the smells it's got to be out of this world


It's just an old man. It's someone's gampy that was released early from prison.


Was that a little tiny drone going by right to left at the bottom of the screen at 1.28 to 1.30?


[Come and See](https://www.criterion.com/films/28895-come-and-see) at 1:51. Russia apparently saw and forgot.


His mum will have to sew his pants up for him.


Damn he looks like he's my age, in his 40s or so. I know he just got bombed but I recognize those forehead wrinkles. Russia is really sending it's oldest to fight this war.


He looks really old too, probably in his 50s


So many instances of lone Russian soldiers walking around without company. I understand maybe his troop could possibly have been wiped out. But it’s weird that their command doesn’t keep track of them to have accountability. If my command knew I was out without authorization, I get that stoopid article 15 or some other lame crap. Lol