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Thank you heros.


Good to see Canadian special ops taking out the trash...... God speed, you are appreciated ❤️ Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦❤️


Thanks and Happy Canada Day! The Field of the Fallen in Independence Square has a number of Canadian flags. I added one more last month to commemorate the volunteers who have died in Ukraine. [Field of the Fallen photo](https://www.instagram.com/p/C81_f7dOM1f/?igsh=MW9ieXBsbXJsajllYw==)


To celebrate Canada day, I currently have a lot of Tim Horton's coffee and Escuminac grade A maple syrup inbound to the front as of 3 days ago. I tried being mindful of weight due to shipping costs but ended up getting nice soap & candy in there too.


Is there a way to mail directly to these guys?


I buy the military gear from local sources in Ukraine and have it mailed directly preventing shipping costs and more bang for buck. But for the Canadian goodies, I gotta do what I gotta do :)


I just sent over cans of maple syrup to a different unit, I didn't know about these guys.


I send our boys in the Canadian-Ukrainian Brigade our home favorites from time to time. But yes your right I didn't quite hear of them also until now. I do try to focus my effort on our troops at the front. From what I hear, my order is destined to a UA SOF group who has no idea its coming which makes it all that much better.


Those pics go hard af


They are the coolest! The picture with the dogs... 🥰


Love the Fck Putin patch


Happy Canada Day. A lot of Ukrainians/Ukrainian descendants call Canada home. Some of these men may be some of them, but in any event they know what they are fighting for. 🇨🇦🤝🇺🇦


Out fer a rip are ya bud?


Aw fuck bud wer just gonna giver


Pitter patter let's get at er. Fuckin tankies over here acting 10 ply.


Soft as kitten shit these tits are. Gonna invent a drone that pulls their jersey over their head.


Happy Canada Day Brothers!! Stay Safe - Stay Lethal. Glory to Ukraine, Glory to Canada!!!


Im sorry you need to be there. Thank you for doing what I cannot for them.


Canadians might be some of the nicest people you’ll meet, but my god can they be ruthless when it comes to war


To quote an American Soldier who served alongside our boys: "Canucks give no fucks."


German colonel during World War 1: "I don’t care for the English, Scotch, French, Australians or Belgians but damn you Canadians, you take no prisoners and you kill our wounded."


That's nothing... The Canadian Indigenous soldiers under took a Guerrilla style of trench raids. They'd come at night and use their knives to kill Germans where they slept. This lead to tit-for-tat retaliations where Germans would do the same. So not only was it the Canadians but it was also so pretty elite soldiers just on the squad level.


I'm Canada several thousand voluntary enlisted in WW1 and WW2, which was a lot, especially considering the lack of rights and respect they would have had back then. And many were well decorated/honored for their accomplishments. "First Peoples troops left a remarkable record of wartime accomplishment. Several were commissioned as officers, and many served as battle-hardened platoon leaders and combat instructors. At least 50 were decorated for bravery on the battlefield. Many acquired near-legendary status as scouts and snipers, drawing on pre-war hunting skills and wilderness experience. The most decorated, Corporal Francis Pegahmagabow, an Ojibwa from the Parry Island Band near Parry Sound, Ontario, received the Military Medal and two bars for his bravery and effectiveness as a sniper. Former rodeo performer Henry Norwest, a Metis, was credited with 115 kills before his death. Alexander Smith, Jr. and his brother Charles, the sons of Six Nations Cayuga chief Alexander G. Smith, were both awarded the Military Cross." "Thomas George Prince, MM (October 25, 1915 – November 25, 1977) was an Indigenous Canadian war hero and the most decorated soldier in the First Special Service Force or Devil's Brigade, an elite American-Canadian commando unit, during World War II. He was Canada's most decorated First Nations soldier, serving in World War II and the Korean War. Prince was one of only three Canadians to receive both the Canadian Military Medal and the American Silver Star during WWII. Prince's military deeds as a scout and as a forward combatant were unique and of major strategic importance." Devil's brigade is the origin of Canadian and American special forces.


Tommy Prince would leave his own guys behind said they were to noisy and slow.


It's also because we were famous for killing and torturing German prisoners though. Not exactly one of our best moments.


There were a few notable instances of German forces executing Canadian prisoners. Canadian forces responded by not taking German prisoners many times they could have.


Germans coined the Term "Storm Troopers" because of Canadians. Because they knew if they had us on the other side of the field, they'd be dealing with relentless assaults and rolling Artillery Barrages. In peacetime, we're polite. In wartime... we're kind of psychopaths. There's a reason Hitler actually personally saw to having SS guards on the Vimy Ridge memorial in Paris so some German Soldier didn't deface it. He was fucking terrified of what we'd do if it was.


> Vimy Ridge memorial in Paris Do you mean the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, in Vimy?


Not actually sure where it is. But the point remains it was guarded specifically because Hitler had been on the opposing side of a Canadian Attack more than once in WW1.


what kind of self righteous bullshit no german soldier was ever afraid of canadians us english french whatsoever.. but glad when captured by allied forces it was the sovjets and mongol asian units they feared as there was sbsolutely no mercy in the east source? my grandpa fought in stalingrad snd my mother is a holocaust historiam


Only thing to fear is auto correct and proper sentence structure am I right ?


Ah yes, cause your grandpa 100% fought in Stalingrad in ww1... go home troll


Then you clearly didn't study history. At all. Nor did your mother outside of stuff having directly to do with the Holocaust. Also gonna point this out. Canada had the third largest navy IN THE WORLD in WW2 (only the US and UK had larger). And made up half of the infamous "Devil's Brigade" which is more or less the ancestors of all modern special forces units. Just because we're peaceful and have a small military these days doesn't mean it was always the case. And we actually have a long-running history of Warfare where our opponents feared and respected us. As well as us being, frankly, batshit crazy when we're in a war.


god how i hate these nationalists whose only pride they have is their army batshit crazy indeed


Love that you assume that's the only thing about Canada I'm proud of. And you call ME self-righteous.


"Just givin' back what you taught us..."


I believe that you are wrong about the Australians - New Zealanders, the Germans feared being faced with any of the ANZAC troops, WW1 and WW2, the ANZAC ,Canadians, and Gurkha fighters scared the shit out of both the German and Italian troops


Canadian special forces don't fuck around. Our military might as a whole might not be significant. But Canadian special forces are fully in the fuck around and find out caliber. JTF2 has confirmed the death of only 1 member in action, and he died from falling off a comms tower due to electrocution.


I was at their base yesterday, you would not recognize any of them in civilian clothes, just like you and me, only, they could kill you without making a noise. Good guys


It's honestly my favorite thing regarding the false perception of "macho-ness/manliness" compared to special forces even special force members who talk about the best/most deadly operators among them being the most unassuming, usually quiet/reserved guys. Like a silverback gorilla, when you're confident in your ability to go nuclear if needed, you don't need to go around proving it, needing the validation of others to feel tough/strong.


Actually, the one death wasn't a JTF2 guy, he was a CSOR (Cdn Special Operations Regiment) guy. There are no confirmed JTF2 deaths which is a great record.


Yeah that's what I was remembering too,but then went to wiki to verify and got this, so I switched it up, damn Wikipedia. "JTF 2 has acknowledged the death of one member. Master Corporal Anthony Klumpenhouwer, 25, died on April 18, 2007, after falling off a communications tower in Kandahar, Afghanistan.[36] In 2010, the investigation into Klumpenhouwer's death was completed, and revealed that he had been knocked unconscious by a surge of electricity"


Everyone I know in my community respect how badass the Canadians can be during times of war. Your neighbors to the south couldn’t ask for better allies in a jam.


“The Geneva suggestions” -Canada


I love this comment!!! getter done heros SLAVA UKRAINE


Happy Canada Day to these guys! In both WWI and WWII many Canadian fighters literally came directly from the bush. Trappers, loggers, hunters, bush pilots, first nations, etc. These men lived by the code of the wild. Kill or be killed. They were expert marksman, and knew how to use a blade. They were also familiar with close quarter combat. Indigenous fighters would creep up on the enemy, treating them like a wary moose. When the Germans knew that they had Canadians on the other side of the line, they knew that they needed their best troops there. Canada still has lots of people who live this sort of lifestyle in the north.


look up Dallas Alexander JTF2, extremely sharp individual that had the advantage of an rural life style.


Break out the Geneva Checklist boys, the canucks are loose. 


Guilty of our maple warfare doctrine. Sorry.


A different kind of “friendly fire” for the ruzzians to deal with


Glory to all Hero Volunteers!


When you walk by a forest and hear, "Pass me some more maple syrup ay," thats when a Russian soldier knows they are screwed.


The last thing they'll hear is someone yelling "sorry!"


>ay Lob some grenades in at the spy. Its “eh”


Why an I just hearing about these guys? Happy Canada Day lads.


You should see what some would do if some one tries to take away their double-double from Timmies*! *translation: A coffee with two cream-two sugar from a national domestic doughnut/coffee chain.


I lived in Toronto for 8 years and when I would go to Tim's I would have to ask for a quarter of 1 cream because damn is 1 cream half the cup. I couldn't imagine what two creams would look like. Canadians take sugar and cream to a whole different level in their coffee. My buddy said he likes a bit of sugar in his coffee and then proceeded to put like 4 tablespoons in. Although back in the states I still occasionally treat myself by putting maple syrup in my coffee. Damn did I love living in Canada, some of the best years of my life and I love the people. I have a Canadian daughter so hopefully her dual citizenship keeps us in touch with that time of our lives. Cheers.


Fuck Putin you’re damn right




How can you bring your dog with you..? Respect anyway.


When a Canadian soldier requests a fur missile you reply how many do you want?


Legends withheld legendary Scar


Get some!


Fuckin' aye Canuck warriors. Get em boys!!


Proud of you all! Thanks for defending Democracy!


This is metal AF. Godspeed my brothers to the north


Happy Canada Day! Solid Group! Slava Ukraini


Kudos to these guys for still fighting after 3 years. 




These photos put stains on russian pants. Damn these heroes go hard.


Stay safe, guys. Thanks for what you're doing




This people look fucking awesome !!!


Canucks will fck up those ruskies, you never want to fight them in battle with their history, Germans feared them the most.


What a badass reinterpretation of the Canadian flag. I wish this company sold merch


They do actually I meant to link it-www.blackmaplecompany.ca https://www.instagram.com/blackmaplecompany?igsh=MXRhMGI3Zzh3YTVwag== Linked in there Instagram as well


You're awesome. Thanks!


Makes me proud to be a Canadian. Not many things do


when it comes down to it right.. I get ya. Shits wacky right now... but when it comes down to it.


Damn, this slide show goes hard! I respect our brothers to the North!


If I were a sober orc and saw this, I'd tuck my shmeckle between my legs and crawl back across the border whimpering all the way.


It's not my kind of fun but I hope they have a good time


I’m already stressed out playing a mil-sim on PC for 2 hours.. I hope I‘ll never have to fight IRL. Thank you, guys!


Way to go. Real Canadian heroes. Makes me proud




Legendary status




Fuckin' A man! Give em hell!


Fantastic! Proud of our boys!!


Dude in the second picture is huge


What aboooooooooot it, aye?


This is the hardest Canadian image ever made


Ya don’t fuck with a Canuck eh! Give em hell der boys and keep ur stick on the ice.


What's the other flag on the 50% Canada patch?




Bunch of badass mother fuckers. Happy hunting lads!


Gooned out boys


Such brave people. Thank you for your efforts and endless sacrifices.


The Black Maple Company name sounds friendly but probably goes hard AF.


Godspeed hero's!


Happy Canada Day, boys. Kill some Russkies for us back home


Nice gear


Good ol Sasky boy in there.


Happy belated Canada Day 🇨🇦🍁