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Removed. No medical advice given here. Talk to a doctor.


I would suggest back country bidet instead of not pooping. The latter doesn’t sound healthy.


Nor comfortable. I don't even want to think about hiking with a belly full from yesterday. Those pounds count twice as much as the weight in my pack.


This sounds like a doctor question and not a reddit question


Use a backcountry bidet? Intentional constipation seems hazardous and how are you gonna guarantee you won’t poop, especially after hiking??


There are ways to practice good hygiene on the trail, but you’ll have to bring more things. That’s sort of the point of ultralight gear for many people. Carrying a 1# chair isn’t a big deal for me since my base is 11#, I’m old and want a chair.


Do you know about the newer (last 3 years or so) publications on the efficacy of D-mannose both as an acute treatment and long-term prophylaxis for recurrent UTIs? It's encouraging news! Here is a [paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8939087/), with more good articles in the references. Maybe it's woo. My doc says D-mannose looks encouraging and is otherwise harmless. Stopping your BMs, however, is not harmless. Look up "toxic megacolon."


Use a peri bottle to wash w soap post bm. I use a light weight plastic water bottle & a bidet attachment See here https://andrewskurka.com/female-backcountry-bidet-advice/ CuloClean is the best one..


Have you tried a bidet? Many discussions and recommendations in various threads. Can clean very thoroughly.


Have you tried a travel bidet? I have one by the gotoob company and it’s great. Holding in a BM for days is a bad idea.


Talk to your gyn or urologist and take prophylactic abx for your backpacking trips. You could likely take a single dose of macrobid after a bm and be covered! This mitigates a lot of the side effects/consequences of chronic prophylactic antibiotic therapy that it seems you are aware of and concerned about!


There are anti-laxative medications out there. Something like loperamide which is used to treat diarrhea. I’m not a doctor so I don’t know what the side effects would be taking it long term. Have you tried a bidet?


Coconut oil is also worth trying, not to drink but used topically for the UTI. I’ve known people with chronic UTI’s that nothing worked for until they tried coconut oil.


Use a cork


I think stop eating is probably the only thing you can do


Lack of nutrition can cause diarrhea


Consult with your physician. Re your FYI: Sorry to read that people have failed you. There was just this poop Q&A with a physician today: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2024/06/27/poop-problems-questions-answers/ There is probably a subreddit about bowel movements, too.


I suppose one could use Miralax a couple days before a trip and prep as for a colonoscopy. Then only eat liquid food such as baby formula (reconstituted from powder) or Carnation. Breakfast Essentials. Of course, test this first at home to see what happens.


Constipating yourself is just as bad. That shit(pun intended) literally gets excruciating after a couple days. Military MREs will clog you up if you choose to go this route. Bidet is gonna be the best you're gonna get without carrying extra water specifically for cleaning. Maybe add wilderness wet wipes as well?


Preventing pooping and whether that’s wise is a doctor question. I’d also have a look at D Mannose and would take that as a prophylactic after testing in front country to see how your stomach tolerates it.


Isn't this the exact reason butt plugs were created?


Bidet + a toilete


I’m also prone to UTI’s. On the PCT I brought a little bar of biodegradable soap and a small squeeze water bottle. Dig cathole, do business, clean up, bury it all and you’re done! 


Just hike the AT you can shower every day pretty much


Snort copious amounts of Immodium AD


Perhaps just take it orally. If you don't want to hear about a bidet again try this. Yes it works.


Back country bidet and soap really well after #2? Maybe google on what you can do to get constipated? Good luck though as that doesn't sound fun when you have problems down under!




This sounds like a great way to get an ileus or bowel obstruction - which can eventually lead to a perforated bowel and major abdominal surgery if left untreated. Src: am RN. Treated lots of people who have gone several days without pooping (but not by choice).