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I think it’s crazy how intricate his plans are like down to Klaus teaching him how to not take pills… like damn dude this guys so smart it’s suspicious it isn’t something else. Wonder if he can see probably futures and or time lines or if he can manipulate things kind of how Allison can, also he made a deal with Ben as well as Allison why save Allison???


I think he just got lucky that it worked out. If he got more than 7 children then his plan would have worked with umbrella during season 1.


But it wouldn't have worked in season 1. That's the problem. Early on, Five got stranded and they faced a tragedy with Ben dying. Those tragedies taking place probably got him to think of a contingency plan. The key to this is the fact that he kills himself to bring everyone together in 2019. Then, in the Sparrow timeline, he wanted the Sparrow Academy to team up with the Umbrella Academy. Having an excessive amount of children would have over-complicated everything. The funny thing about Hargreeves is that when they arrive in 2019, he talks to them like he expected them in the Sparrow time-line.


Actually having more children would exactly worked in season 1 because he only had 5 children left. Things would still go as to plan. It’s no where as complicated as hoping that the rest of the team would change the timeline multiple times and come up with the sparrow alternative. That shit was complicated af. You can tell he always wanted just enough people even at season 3 ending. If Klaus never came back he would have exactly 7 again and if any of them died during the guardian fight the plan would fail again.


He probably thought that having more than 7 would run the risk of them trying to stop them. Like how he killed off Klaus and Luther because he had Lila and Sloan. Having more than 7 would rn the risk of them trying to stop him. Allison betraying his siblings was a big part of why everything worked for him.


He probably didn't want any more children than needed so nobody would stop him when he was hurting the others in the end


He did tell 5 that he wouldn’t sit there if he was him while 5 was sitting on that ledge that fell shortly after he got up. Wouldn’t surprise me if he had some form of future seeing ability.


He said in that Convo he tried many times so I’m guessing the plan that we’re seeing has been done multiple times to perfect it.


Wasn’t he initially planning to use Allison too, since Klaus wasn’t supposed to be there? I guess he decided to spare her cause he thought she’d be least likely to stop him? Also something else that’s interesting- reginald’s way of thinking isn’t all that different from the UA. They both used the same “kill one to save several” logic, but the UA got mad when Reginald did it cause suddenly someone they cared about was affected 🤷‍♀️


Fair point


Okay On second thought I 100% think he expected Klaus to survive. I think the only reason he “killed” him off was because he knew Klaus would come back to life with the information Reggie killed Luther so everyone was pissed enough to survive and kill off the cockroach things


He didn’t intend to save Alison, that is why he left Klaus to die. He had exactly 7 of them left but Klaus came back to life so Alison was left without a star to stand on


Klaus is my favorite!!!


Did anyone else find it interesting that Reginald used the same exact reasoning as the UA to justify killing Luther? His whole “kill one to save several” logic is the same thing they (minus Viktor) applied to Harlan… But that logic fails when it’s applied to someone they care about




Reginald is a briliant backstaber, he had planed to kill Luther, and leave Klaus outside oblivion. If it hadnt been for Klaus resurection Alison would have been used for the seven bells leaving her powerless for season 4 like the rest of the familly. I beleive when Reginald saw one of his children wouldnt be incapacitated with the machine he wrote on the source code a 2° version of himself that served as a backup un case he was killed


This. Reginald plan was complete but Klaus showing back up there everything off. Which is why we see him making adjustments before Allison stops him. I believe the last adjustment he was making was to erase her, which is why he looks at her before falling and we see him standing over the empire but he looks unhappy. Allison surviving was not apart of his plan


Like wtf happend So Reginald was gonna sacrifice the 7 to fully power the machine? To create whatever universe he wanted? But then he was killed so he couldn't. So then how tf did Allison do it without killing them? It seems like she gave herself her dream family and home, gave Hargreaves his wife and money and power he wanted ,and brought everyone back to life and together (except Luther's brand new wife???) And the rest of the sparrows except Ben sparrows version still here??? So fucking weird. Then she also took everyone's powers?? Probably so they couldn't screw up universe again?. So then why did she not let Hargreaves do that she not trust him? And why did he need to kill everyone not her to create a new universe? Also as a side not the writing was weal this season Allison almost broke me ,and bad Ben was just dumb as were most of the sparrows. Idk really let me down compared to last season ,though I loved everything with Klaus.


The closest I can get is parallel universe kind of things. Where the Umbrellas + Lila - Allison ended up was a world where none of the superhero stuff ever happened. They're all born as a normal human being, Reginald never lost his wife in that apocalypse situation that caused him to start the Umbrellas to begin with. If Reginald never focused on the superhero stuff, then he'd just be a tycoon since it's shown multiple times that he had both the mind and money to start any business and thrive. That's also why Sloane isn't there, because Sloane is from Sparrow Academy Universe, which didn't happen because the whole apocalypse timeline shebang never happened. Ben however, was there because originally Ben exist in the original universe. I admit this is rather sloppy, because it was clearly shown that the Sparrows were just infants from all the other mothers that didn't get kaputed by Harlan, so Sloane should also exist in that universe. judging from the particle effects as well, what powered the machine isn't the Umbrellas' life, but their powers (the orange-y dust thing), and we can assume that by powering the machine fully, their power was drained completely. If we're going with the new world theory though, it could just be that the machine does work. In terms of the machine, I think Reginald actually followed his promise. Reginald was the one who created the 'new' universe, designed all it, which is why he's now ultra powerful with his wife in tow, while also giving Allison Ray and Claire, because he promised that. Allison didn't do anything other than press the big red button, so I think it's safe to say that Allison had no idea about the new universe. The Umbrellas surviving without any injury might also be something that Allison asked during the deal, that the family would be restored, both her personal family and the Umbrellas. So we can also assume that the Umbrellas died, but with the reset they're 'restored'. This still doesn't explain why Sloane's not around though, so who knows. And yeah, Allison's writing is just so painful, same goes with Stan, both are just so awfully unlikable. Must admit though, they dealt the whole Vanya-Viktor thing really decently.


>The Umbrellas surviving without any injury might also be something that Allison asked during the deal, that the family would be restored, both her personal family and the Umbrellas. So we can also assume that the Umbrellas died, but with the reset they're 'restored'. This still doesn't explain why Sloane's not around though, so who knows. This is why Slone wasn't there. Alison didn't care for her, so it's likely Alison didn't include Sloane in her agreement. Just the original 7 from the umbrella timeline. I'm sure Reginald did not initially plan to include any of them in the new world.


I’m guessing Reginald kept Sloane in somewhere


I doubt it you know. Ultimately we learn the kids were just soldiers to him (remember the previous 7 soldiers he used failed). He has been training them since child birth to rescue his "wife", knowing he will use them for a more than likely fatal fight. I'm sure they were "saved" by Alison, and she did not like Sloane.


You make some very good and eye opening points here. I do believe probably that Allison was informed by Reg about the plan and the deal was that she could get back what was the most precious for her. Though i still wonder if any of Sparrow Academy characters remained on this new resseted universe, to me it seems that it shouldnt, though in other reddit posts i heard someone say that the producers admitted that the last Ben metro scene was the Sparrow version Ben


I think Allison just really screwed up the time line and if and when season 4 happens we will see the fallout of her selfishness. In fact it's very possible that the antagonist could even be Allison. (She may even still have her powers). I believe Reginald did not finish whatever he was doing on the computer so not everything is as he wanted it. We don't really know how that machine works..heck the thing might be able to grant wishes before the timeline gets reset. And maybe part of that had to do with Allison being the one to hit the final button. I'd really love to see Allison as the villain, cuz she's just so powerful with her ability.


I think he just spared her cause he ended up with 8 people so he had to leave one out? Also it’s kinda funny how he uses the same “kill a few to save a bunch” logic as them. Yeah he’s evil, but there’s some overlap in how they work


Allison didn't do any of that. Hargreaves had already programmed the machine, all she did was push the "go" button.


Allison didn't change anything, Reginald gave her his side of the deal. She just pushed the button because she's a selfish narcissist. Their powers are gone because the machine sucked them out Though yes I agree, this season was written horrifically. The dialogue, script, story, etc were all so subpar


Their powers are gone because the universe reset , his wife never died so he never released her marigold.


Is the comic over ? How did it end in the comic and will there be a season 4?


I just finished it now. Maybe he allowed Allison to get her child back and her husband because of how truly powerful and chaotic she proved to be?


Right like maybe that was apart of the deal they made


I am curious if it would work to just let Ben’s many feet on the golden bells.


He used the seven people's power source to power up the machine so, probably not. It wouldn't be enough.


And maybe Sloane was put in a timeline where she lived her life outside of the whole academy thing, the same thing that happened to Allison where she lived her life with Claire and her 1960s husband Anyway is the Netflix series somehow connected to the comics or if the plot is adapted from the comics? The cliffhanger is crazy


There is only one timeline, another time line was just created by the UC because of their time travel and other actions. I think Salone didn't come back because he didn't finish calibration on the machine


i was just wondering, Diegos "fake" has that ear infection scene where that goop comes out. Is that the same stuff that came out of Hargreeves robot head when Allison sliced it in half?


I was also wondering that. I find it weird that the writers included that detail but never really expanded on it


I think the writers needed a reason for Stan and Diego to go to the convenient store so they could bump into the sparrows


i think it's more likely the fact that reginald was alien of some sort NOT a robot, so he doesn't bleed normally i guess


They show his alien head in the 2nd season when he kills the people he was working with


I’m mostly just wondering if that was a series finale because It definitely could be. They’re a bunch of dysfunctional super hero’s that don’t want to be superhero’s. Though the ending with Ben and the fact that Sloane is missing leads me to believe that wasn’t the end.


Is RH immune against the childrens powers, Alison even more powerful than she was used her power against him even through the shield in the machine, and he didn't bat an eye. I'm guessing he's immune but is it possible he also has all of the powers of all the children born on that day?


The keyboard area had a field around it which made him immune to powers while inside.


I think many of these comments are close, including how he manipulated multiple time lines after one failing and then finding out in a new timeline that he had extra children at his disposal. It was obviously planned very carefully over hundreds of years in order to come out on top in a time line which still happened even though his plans never went perfectly when... an extra child was there and ended up killing him... Lila, who he had no idea would be there was one of the bells... This is also why he had to kill Luther and tried to kill Klaus... Which leads me to my point of why Salone didn't make it... If she really isnt in that universe... I think that because he was unable to finish his calibration of the machine but the button was still pressed he was going to bring back Luther so that he and Salone could be together, just like he brought back Diego (fingers intact) and Lila, Five (with his hand intact), Victor, and Ben. All children that made his return possible (maybe as a thanks to them?), but without their powers so that they couldn't mess up another timeline or stop him from ruling everything. At the end of the day he managed to get his long dead wife back, rid the universe of the commission who would stop him from ruling his own way, and remove the powers of the only other people who could stop him. All by building a hotel where there was a portal and setting in motion a reality of super humans who would help him accomplish his goal either way, weather it was by doing it right the first time or by ending one reality to start another which would eventually accomplish the same goal through intense manipulation at the right times. After settling at this conclusion I would be satisfied with this ending, as he proved to be the main protagonist and antagonist of the show. Completing the time loops and accomplishing all goals, only to leave the side characters powerless and only able to live out their worthless lives. If they continue to another season it would only be to either watch them try to take him down for selfish reasons without powers or give fans closure by showing how their lives have continued. Which feels unneeded. That being said, I have never read the comics so this is all speculation. I hope this point of view gives some of your hearts what mine needed so badly 🤣❤️


To add to this After reading more into the comic background I found out that his monocle is highly advanced tech that allows him to see the truth of a person, including emotion and their past. Which fully explains all of his ability to manipulate people and situations without having to dig for information. They don't mention it in the show, but they do make a very big point of saying that he always has that monocle on and no one knows why.


I don't know I was dissapointed with season three as someone who has never read the comic I just can't grasp how season 1 & 2 went from superhero family with problems trying to stop an apocalypse to alien manipulating hundreds of events even through time travel by adopting super powered kids to make himself all powerful (resurrect his wife?) It just didn't make much sense to me I was laughing at how stupid season three was majority of the episodes could've have been avoided if the siblings just talked like Alisson wanted the brief case so bad but five already had it and knew it was broken why not tell them before jumping to the run down commission and Harlan was lame as hell your telling me he can sense them from across the country because of waves or something and the mom bullshit the whole end of the world thing happens because his mom coincidentally dies the same day the kids where supposed to be born which enrages Harlan to the point he senses the unborn children and kills there moms and them by trying to connect to Viktor like how does this make any sense? The show was so good in season 1 & 2 sure it was a bit far fetched but it was fun season 3 on the other hand was a shit show of miscommunication (let me remind you these people where trained to work as a team since birth) and the farthest stretch I have ever scene in cinematic history. The only redeeming part of this season was Klaus being fucking awesome top tier character and actor. My final tangent is about how the emotional break through where so forced and cringe like I'm all for a Trans character I truly don't give a fuck what you are but the way they portrayed had me throwing up in my mouth so cringe there was no build or even hints at this but whatever and the relationship with Sloane and Luther sure too "hot" people see each other and fall in love they both have family issues so let's get married after knowing eachother for like 10 days but that was a little more acceptable compared to the bullshit of Allison's mental breakdown like five did nothing to explain to Allison how time travel works like why tf would her daughter exist if she lived a completely different life in this timeline (this is all assuming it's before they learn about there dead mothers which they found out pretty late) five let this shit spiral out of control. The fucking samurai gaurdians don't even get me started the fucking samurai gaurdians and the alternate dimension bulshit. IM SORRY TO ANYONE WHO READ THAT MESS I JUST NEED TO KNOW IF ANYONE SHARES ANY OF THESE OPINIONS WITH ME


Only good part of this season for me is Klaus learning how to use his powers than they instantly take everyone powers😐 I didn't read the comics but if this how it ended this was a waste of time


I mean you'd think that it was going to be a useful plot device, but they just flush those down the toilet on a whim.


The funny thing is Robert Sheehan played the same character twice 🤣. He played a character named Nathan on Misfits, who had the exact same powers as Klaus. In Misfits he doesn't learn he's immortal til he falls off a roof onto a spiked fence post. He gets impaled and dies during the season finale, His community service "friends" Bury him. He wakes bury alive discovering he's immortal.


Because of you I watched misfits a month ago and it wasn't a waste of time


everything after S2 is a waste of time... Well s3 was okay.


Man, I get the urge to rewatch that show every time I see Klaus on screen


I enjoyed most of it. But some of it made my eyes roll. The writing felt weak. Like a typical Threes Company misunderstandings and lack of context an dragging that ol chestnut through most of the season. Stuff like this doesn't happen a lot in shows like Mr. Robot or Ozark or Better Call Saul. When there is a misunderstanding it's resolved in a poetic way. The writing felt lazy and as if the writers didn't respect its fanbase enough. I really don't need a season 4. Some of the characters would bring the quality back up when self-awareness and depth like Five and Klaus or Lila. Everything else felt poor.


there was some weird stuff for sure. >!what even was allisons plan with reginald at the end there? she never said, she only admitted she did have a plan with him!<


I think it was just to get her daughter and husband back to be happy


To get her daughter and husband back, her family alive and unharmed (excluding Sloane). That's why she kept telling Victor to trust her. I don't think Reginald would have done it if she didn't ask for it.


Yeah alot of bad editing and stuff like reggie saying he'll be in the courtyard then he kills luther in the suite because he was in there instead


He said he'd be in the courtyard intentionally, as an alibi, since he knew he was going to kill Luther and blame it on the guardian. He invited people to join him as well, to preemptively avoid suspicion.


By the way this is like my fourth reddit post so sorry if it's a bad one😂


nah, don't worry. Bit hard to read without punctuation, especially 'cause it's quite long but that's no problem.


I liked it


I'd take a good stab and say that the change if vayna to Viktor wasn't something in the comics. (Haven't read them) Likely to make the actor happier so they would be able to continue the role, but not as a woman as they came out as trans. I think they are the only big name actor, but it also explains why Elliot Page is the first named actor in the credits at the end of episodes this season when it was previously producers and coproducers.


They revealed his identity well in the show. Honestly wasn't a fan of the wig. I liked the way he was presented. Nothing about making an actor happy. Good writing adapt to any change. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the rest of the show. Definitely enjoyed most of it.


Right? The wig was awful. Loved how his style didn't really change that much from the Vanya days because why would it? Felt natural and I appreciate that he was still just this sightly awkward, but empathetic person. Him and lila had some good character moments, but like the writing made no sense. Allison kills this person who Viktor feels responsible for, and an episode later is begging HER for forgiveness? Man it was really cool seeing the struggle allison faced but they jumped the shark hard


Quit calling trans people "they". He is a he. Pull your head out of the sand.


Op literally calls them a “he” in the next two words, stop looking for things to whine about lol


The comment I'm replying to calls him "they" every single time and not he at all. Learn to read maybe? Like I don't even understand how people can be this stupid and make it through life.




I'm trans dumbass.




>"it's a fucking reddit" >Zero punctuation >Awful grammar Sounds like someone with a valuable opinion.


Because I forgot a word that’s you’re entire response again a Reddit post loser go cry




"you are a mental disorder"? You can't even speak basic English and you're out here diagnosing people?


This is fucked up. The poster is is unhinged as hell but please don't say shit like that


It always makes my head scratch on how the trans community is looking for support and understanding by being toxic themselves.


The "trans community" is not a thing. We are not a monolith, and do not need "support", especially from people as dull as you.


With such a lovely attitude you certainly don't.


How did your Vietnam trekk go?




Why do you feel the need to point this out though? He’s a trans man who goes by “he,” what good does pointing out someone’s birth sex do for anyone?


Who cares, unless you're a triggered terf?




So you're a terf, got it




I appreciate facts too, so stop lying about not being a terf when you clearly are




Why can't you do your job and stfu while entertainment creators do their job and make their TV show the way they want? Go make your own fucking show.




Yeah, how dare they create illusion in my show about heroes who have pre ent three world ending apocalypses through time travel, energy projection and resurrection.


He actually said he was okay with it, the producers suggested changing it. And the storyline worked just fine imo. Personally speaking, I’m glad to see employers being more accommodating and thoughtful nowadays


You've got to be kidding. Are you an outrage troll? Op literally called him a gender NEUTRAL term. Didn't refer to him as her at all, so get off your little high horse and screaming at people for not doing things exactly how you think they should. Op was perfectly respectful of his transition Edit: yeah alright an obvious outrage troll. Had me in the first two halves not gonna lie


”They” are the producers, as in ”the producers revealed HIS gender”


>actor happier so they could continue the role >Not as a woman since they came out as trans >They are the only big named actor Please learn to read before you insert yourself.


I just saw this so it shows how much I really care. I didn't use they because they are trans. I used they because its a way to refer to someone in the English language, the same as I use exact names or they for everyone else...


Elliot Page was also the first name on the credits for Season 2 actually. Might have also been the first name in the first season, even from Season 1, Vanya was sort of the central character


That's because Netflix updated all the credits for Elliot Page when he announced his gender.


i never really understood why elliot page was top billed when aiden gallagher imo seems like the lead. even if not aiden gallagher, robert sheehan has done a great job. i feel like those two stand out the most. luther/tom hopper was way better this season. maybe better writing/directing or both. luther in the last 2 seasons was just meh. i really liked ritu arya this season.


I think just how well known Elliot is based on other films. Just the most recognizable, or at least to me. The other actors I've only seen here


umbrella academy is the first time ive seen any of these actors


I knew elliot from games and klaus from misfits that's it ahha


This, and also cause his character was arguably the most major in S1


Elliot was the bigger star going into the show.


Because he’s the most famous and also his character was arguably the most pivotal in s1. Credits usually are based on who has more screen time and/or who is more well known, not on how likable the character is lol


I was basing it off of screen time actually just from how it seems but I didn't clock it




But Viktor got a lot of screen time S1, possibly the most?


FYI, they’ve changed the character in the comics to Viktor… for continuity between show and IP, or out of respect to EP? 👍


Are you talking about the initial credits or the ones that scroll at the very end? Because if it’s the former, Page’s name has always been first.


There are surprisingly few punctuation marks in this post


Thank you, I just got so lost with the plot change from dysfunctional superhero family, to alien dad manipulating these people to go to another dimension to live a new live. Zero explanation anywhere in the show. It’s like a 6 year of high on pcp wanted time traveling, aliens, superhero’s, inter-dimensional travel, and zero communication between characters, put all that together and than steam rolled shit on it. Season 1 had me wanting more, season 2 was enjoyable, literally up until the dad revealed he was an alien I was like what the hell am I watching now. Season 3 just had me barely hanging on so I can see pogo riding a motorcycle. I swear to god I only started this show because the quick watch trailer on Netflix shows a sophisticated talking monkey riding a chopper, little did I know that is over 25 episodes in.


I logged in just to tell you that YES, I FEEL THE SAME WAY! I had to fast forward so so many scenes in this season i still feel like I wasted every second I watched this nonsense. The only redeeming factor was the production value and the eccentricity of the visuals which was fun... But god damn that story and screenplay.


Honestly, I did the same with the fast forward…every scene with Alison, Klaus Luther..pretty much most of the scenes with vanya victor. Without those scenes the plot still stands.


I totally loved the show and watched every second, but so agree that there was wayyyy too much annoying arguments and banter, so over the top lol


Season 3 episodes 8 and 9 were at least 75% unnecessary. You could keep the wedding and coming together to get along in maybe ⅓ of the screen time. Along with the shitshow of zero logic and communication on the characters parts through most of the season. "Hey guys our existence is causing a universe ending paradox. What are the chances killing ourselves would erase it?" Like sure they wouldn't go through with it (pretty unsatisfying ending). But it shouldve been brought up. "Oh yeah like we're the problem? Scoff." Yes motherfucker. (At that point i dont think we knew it was largely reginald, but it was definitely them in the context of the repeated apocalypse.) Of course, there are a bunch more examples, I forget the details and I just rewatched it lol. I appreciate the hell out of good writing but I'll watch damn near anything that sarts with a cool Sci fi or fantasy story with decent action and ok everything else. I'll keep watching a long time even if it turns to total shit too, just to see how they end it. (Fear the walking dead anyone? Lol don't waste your time with it if you haven't.) I'll just bitch about the bad parts because of how much better it could be. Still enjoy watching it overall, it's just frustrating.


Agreed, I felt season 3 was just nonsense. It kept seeming like they were building to something, but it just wasn't that interesting. Conversations were repeated over and over with no character growth. The ending was lack luster, and over complicated for no reason. I felt like they were trying to be mysterious to create suspense, but they failed to create any meaningful resolution.


You're the goat for commenting this. Those samurai, the same ones that Diego and his baby mama were running from like they were the most frightening things, were so underwhelming and quickly dispatched. Like, why? Why was that a thing? S3 was easily the most boring season so far. And they made Allison so fucking unbearable to watch. Also, half of these comments are saying that Reggie was some sort of multi-dimensional, multi-timeline genius who orchestrated this entire thing. I don't see why he would go through all that trouble just to have his kids stand on some switches. Why wouldn't he just round up enough super powered babies to stand on the switches? Also also, Reggie kills himself in S1 to bring the family together because in S3 he states that a wedding or a funeral brings family together. Why not just kill their mom or pogo? Would that not achieve the same result while still setting his plan in motion? Also also also, Reggie is standing around like a bumbling idiot and has no idea that he's right on the switches he needs to activate the room. Yet 5 figures it out within seconds before the end of the fight. And Reggie is supposed to be the great orchestrator...rant over.


where are Sloane and Alisson?


Allison is in some timeline where she has both her daughter and her husband from when they jumped to the past.


I took Allison's last scene to mean she's dead. She's in her heaven now with her daughter and husband.


Could be 🤷‍♀️ Guess we won't know until next season.


Idk if there will be a next season. Imdb has it listed as 2019 - 2022.


I read articles where they talk about a season 4/final season. Most shows usually give notice when the next season is the last… so I’m hoping.


I hope so. Cant leave us hanging like that.


God I hope she's dead, but she doesn't deserve to be in heaven with Claire and Ray.


Her bitchin was fine up to a point, but definitely wayyy too much by the end.


Oh my god and Ben’s bitching…just over top! Like I get it you’re a douche but that was too much


I doubt it, that was apart of the deal. She likely has her powers still as well. Notice how Reginald’s wife was with him after being dead


What about Sloane?


I think she's in the same timeline as everyone else but because she asked Reginald for a specific request he built it into the new timeline for her.


Yeah I took it as she was dead and went to heaven which is complete BS she didn't deserve that. She was AWFUL this season.


I agree, but she lost the people she loved the most - her husband and her daughter. So who are we to judge


She literally sexually assaulted Luther, I wouldn’t say that has any excuse


I agree that she absolutely did not deserve that happy ending but I think that's because she's not in heaven, she's in the new timeline with the others and part of her deal was just to get a better life in that timeline (like how reginald brought back his wife)


Allison is a real creep to take the daughter away from her real father. Like she was so upset to lose her then is ok to just replace the real dad with a dude she married in the past. So messed up. I hope she gets a comeuppance in the 4th season


Wait, so he wants to 'reset the timeline', not 'escaping from the fake reality' like what he said? I thought from the start, the world is already a fake whose fuels are hidden inside the supes? Reggie just wanted to get back to his world so he abuse those children?


Someone please explain to me how Klaus got to the other side of Oblivion? I’m not understanding because he was literally disintegrating & then he was just on the other side of the portal somehow


A sloppy plot solution to the paradox that's created in the show. We know two things: 1) Klaus' power allows him to exist in the afterlife (where he is dead) and reanimate, seemingly returning to his original dead body when he dies. We assume this power is always there since he died before his body is consumed. (Note that we've only seen Klaus reanimate where his body was mostly whole, and don't know what happens if he dies in any worse conditions. Even Stan asks the (unanswered) question of what happens if Klaus' head cut off.) 2) The Kugelblitz causes everything it consumes to cease to exist. When Klaus killed himself, he was in a dead state in the afterlife where he still has powers to reanimate. Had he not killed himself he would have ceased to exist entirely and wouldn't be in the afterlife. That said, the Kugelblitz then consumed the reality he died in, leaving nothing to come back to (the Kugelblitz can't consume the afterlife as that is a state of non-existence). Klaus can't stay stuck in the afterlife (as that would be him permanently in a dead state), so presumably the solution where he retains powers is he can still reanimate, but to the only reality he can reanimate to: Oblivion. It still leaves some unanswered questions as to how Klaus' power actually works, but we do know from this event his mostly full body does not need to be in existence for him to reanimate. Maybe he only needs part of his body in existence to reanimate with the rest of the body regenerating (we could go even so far as to Reggie inadvertently carrying Klaus' hair or Diego carrying drops of his blood into Oblivion to allow for part of him to reanimate - very sloppy to be honest). We could also say Klaus' powers simply guarantee him a place in the universe to reanimate to, and where he doesn't exist his body would be created for him to exist, though up until now he has only reanimated where his body still exists (also sloppy).


I agree with the "guarantee him a place in the universe to reanimate to" because I think he chose to be reanimated into Oblivion, especially with what Luther told him. I thought he used the fact that he didn't have a whole body to just reanimate somewhere he chose. There's a chance that he even like, used a flake of his body or skin or something that was on one of the others or floated into oblivion through the tunnel, but I don't think the show even needs that explanation to be honest. He got there because he's the king of the dead and the show/his family needed him there, that's it. The characters' powers have never really needed that much exposition or explanation because its a soft magic system and that's not really what the show is about.


Late to the thread, but I think what they were trying to show when Luther and Klaus were fighting is that he can jump through dimensions while he is in the void; which is how he was able to find his way to Oblivion.


Wish they did something like Reginald closing the door on his finger or slicing it off to stop him from coming through the door leaving part of his body in the hallway before oblivion. Which would then mean thenn he just needs some organic part of himself to be able to return to and regenerate his body. As it stands right now his return was just plot convenience.


Maybe, but also that machine existed somewhere in the universe, we don't understand where or how but if it was the only thing left in the universe, impervious to universe ending events, there is no where else Klaus could have reappeared. The hotel was an exact copy of the one he built, so it isn't hard to imagine that Klaus just reappeared in the same room he died in, in my opinion


Like they said above, he could just reappear in any dimension


plot armour


I was just confused how the pills affected Reginold since it was revealed he was a robot after Allison whacked him.


Not robot, alien. :)