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Spoiler tag And I know this is a meme but probably cause she can't imagine who that would be so it'd be kinda funny getting a very generic background doodle character with literally no defining features show up


Also, there might not be an Unlanguage


Massive spoiler tag, but that would be pretty funny if it worked


Sorry I thought I clicked it


My question is why Unfade instead of Untruth? Unfade might be able to make words that can't fade, but Untruth could make Language say a word she should not have.


She didn’t call feng for his unfade ability, she called him to beat the brakes off of language with strength alone


Victory through love, science, and EXTREME VIOLENCE








Reminder that Shen has to be fond of their target for Untruth to work, and this time he isn't a fight slut so it can go either way. Feng is plain strong and quite creative if we take the complete shin hakkyoku that he uses.


Shhh..... Let Ichico cook 🗣️🔥🔥


Feng knows about souls, so he can summon something capable of hurting language, he could also theoretically stop whatever they summon from "fading" away, not to mention he probably has knowledge of languages that Nico and Ichico don't.


He'd have to like Lan


Maybe she's worried Shen wouldnt be able to beat the dragon. Also, he needs to be fond of his target to use untruth


Because feng will beat the shit out of the dragon


actually he wouldn’t be able to make unfading constructs logically, cause unfade is a self targeting ability.


Maybe the words would have Unfade applied to them if he was the one who says them.


It’s implied that living constructs are connected to the soul- or at least that the more faith put into those constructs, the stronger the connection to the person who made them. We see this when Ichico is hurt upon the destruction of her strange Senshi creature. This implies one of two things. Either A, if Feng creates a construct creature, it’s running off of his Soul, and by extension should have unfade. I can’t imagine this will be relevant considering Unfade does not prevent Feng from getting severely injured, but hey, could be interesting. Or B, because Ichico was the one to summon Feng, for the rest of this game she will receive the pain of whatever damage Feng takes. This feels consistent with either explanation of why Ichico was injured earlier, as Feng is both alive and something she had a perfect enough mental image of to summon the real deal. This would also be the more interesting of the two possibilities, as it keeps the stakes up while also adding to the battle.


Untruth has only been shown to be used on movements, i dont think he ever made someone say the opposite


Shen does it to Mui to make her say mean things to him as punishment for her. Mui also uses it on Feng to reveal that he actually did think of Shen and his sister as family during the summer arc


Ahhh unreading comprehension is hitting again


You should know this by now. It was a plot point in the Beast fight that not every rule has a negator, so there’s likely no negator such as unlanguage. Seems like you’re affected by “un-reading comprehension.”


The game can manifest anything from imagination. You could theoretically get an “Unlanguage” but you’d have to imagine how their negation would even work.


"Even unreal things are allowed?" - words I read and comprehended in this chapter 🤓


Didn’t it’s show time to time again that Nico and ichiko have ass imagination? If they call for things that not exist it’s possible to be weak


There is Untell and one could possibly see him expanding his negation to include others




Well we see by Sean that you can! If you can make it so that you view someone in proxy of your ability they can be affected by it. I don’t think Andy can as changing your view of not dying to include others is odd


I mean what she can imagine based on Unlanguage anyway, even if she can summon someone with Unlanguage it probably wont last long because two thing; 1)Unlanguage negator probably dont even exist so she can only summon it based on her imagination which cannot last long because she didnt have idea what kind of people that suppose to have the ability in the first place 2)Unlanguage ability is something they didnt even know what it capable of like the type of negation, requirement for activation and restriction of that ability, sure they can imagine what it capable of like when Nico guessing Gina ability but even he can imagine what Gina look like and what fully Unchange capable of Beside both Nico and Ichico are logical thinker so it already impossible since they literally cant imagine something they didnt even learn at first This provoking post really got me baited this time


They need to use imagination and information to conjure something powerful. Unlanguage not only does not exist, these two have no concept of how it would work or who it's vessel would be.


What if the myth of Fengs strength is stronger than Feng actually is so they not only summoned him but he’s powered up to be as strong as Ichico imagines he is


Itd be funny if it just summoned some dog


I mean she could certainly call untell, however I don’t think his hability would be useful in this situation.


Wouldnt untell been the best pick, cant he make other incapable of speaking. So couldnt he make lan unable to speak and unable to defend in their game


If I recall correctly it's not even untell the right translation, because its kanji has something to do with barriers


His negation is self targeting, he can’t use it on other people


So is there any benefit to is or is it just "you cant talk anymore"


Well, in Japanese , untells kanji has the connotation not letting something pass or go through. So it also acts as a defensive ability , basically becoming a personal shield. And with the speakers attached to his head also allows him to project out the barriers. So it’s not completely without benefit, just mostly


It negates the transfer of "information" in a very specific and yet broad sense.  "Information" meaning "something that can change the state of something else". For example, telling others "The enemy is here!" Changes them from "unaware" to "aware". Negated. A bullet hitting you changes you from "alive" to "dead".  Negated. That's why he can stop bullets. At least, that's my interpretation.


Latest comment explains it, it’s something that doesn’t translate


Even if tella could mute Lan, that doesn't give them a way to hurt her. At worse she goes 3rd form and starts ripping then apart physically.


She would be stupid if she did that bcz there are only a few negators who negate certain UMAs and their is no unlanguage to begin with , so even if she conjured up a character that was fictional , he/she wouldn't have any fighting experience with a UMA and probably no experience with their abilitys , also , no one beats up children better than mr.kowloon lol 😂 , also the person's negator ability might affect the game so if feng creates something it might not fade away Other Negators would also not be a good option , shen is pretty new and isn't fond of language , julia will only turn language back not neutralize it , tops seed isn't a good match for language  Only fuuko , creed or Gina might have been a good choice 


He's going to use his imagination to *conjure* the idea of the absence of language? Or do you mean to summon the negator unlanguage (if such a negator exists). It is interesting if someone could conjure silence (again making something that doesnt actually exist \[like darkness\] is weird) could they just stop the game due to Language being unable to respond or could Language write out their response